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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 089

Chapter 89 Luffy Takes Drugs Desperately! Luo Xiu knife chop the redhead! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Luo Xiu’s words echoed in Marin Fando, making everyone really understand what it means to be unsurprising and dead!

Just exposing the relationship between the Monchi family, as well as the three brothers Ace, Saab, and Luffy, was enough to shake the whole world.

Now Luo Xiu is even more direct to point out that Karp, a naval hero respected by the whole world, is actually false? What’s going on here?

Warring States, Zefa, Crane Staff Officer, Red Dog, Blue Pheasant, and Yellow Ape and other high-ranking naval officials who knew the news, all fell silent, their faces became extremely ugly, and their eyes stared at Luo Xiu’s back, wanting to know where this guy got the news from, why even such a secret was known!

With Luo Xiu’s age, whether it was the Valley of the Gods War back then, or the matter of One Piece Roger’s surrender, Luo Xiu this guy was not even born, why did he know so clearly?

The wisdom possessed by the Warring States was also completely confused at this point, and he even began to wonder if there was a special force behind Luo Xiu that he did not know?

But now is obviously not the time to think about this, Warring States picked up the amplified phone worm, stared at Luo Xiu with both eyes, and roared in a low voice.

“Luo Xiu! What the hell are you trying to do?! ”

In the face of the low roar of the Warring States, Luo Xiu waved his hand with a smile and said lightly.

“Marshal of the Warring States, didn’t I expose for those poor people who have been deceived, what kind of person is the real appearance of the naval hero Vice Admiral Karp they admire?”

“Then again, Marshal of the Warring States, you should be very clear about this kind of thing, right? Could it be that ordinary people in the whole world are played like fools, including you? ”

When the words fell, the momentum on the Warring States body suddenly froze, and the scowl on his face froze directly, and for a while, he looked a little overwhelmed.

How should he answer? Could it be that he continued to cooperate with Luo Xiu’s words so much, and admit in front of the whole world that their navy really deceived those ignorant ordinary people as fools?

Are you kidding! He is a Sengoku known as a wise general, not an idiot like Kapu’s grandson!

Warring States looked at the live phone worm in Luo Xiu’s hand, even if they couldn’t see the appearance of the spectators watching this public execution, but Warring States could guess that after Luo Xiu revealed the truth of such a big event one after another, those viewers were now absolutely full of resentment!

Karp, a naval hero who was originally highly respected and admired, has completely become a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts at from now on! Sengoku opened his mouth several times to say something, but in the end he still couldn’t say anything, so he could only say nothing with a gloomy face. But the clenched fists and the green tendons beating on his forehead all showed what kind of raging anger was in the heart of this naval marshal.

It is a pity that Luo Xiu did not take this anger of the Warring States to heart at all, but continued to stimulate the marshal with words.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I advise you to be careful, since Vice Admiral Karp is not as great as he seems, then who can guarantee that in this war, he will not betray the navy because of his family members who have become pirates and revolutionary troops?”

Luo Xiu’s words made all the sailors at the scene vigilant, especially with Karp’s previous refusal to respond to the questions they asked, which made these sailors shout one after another to let Karp walk down from the execution table.

No one wants to give even the slightest trust to this once highly respected naval hero!

This situation made the face of the Warring States even more gloomy, and if it continued like this, even if Karp did not think of betraying the navy, he would eventually have to betray the navy!

Thinking of this, Sengoku picked up the amplified telephone worm in his hand, looked around and said aloud.

“Quiet! Karp is a comrade-in-arms who has fought side by side with his old husband for decades, and even if he makes some mistakes, the old man is willing to believe him and believe that he will not betray the navy! ”

“The old man vouched as a marshal of the navy that Karp would not betray the justice and faith he had fought for decades!”

Sengoku was about to go crazy, and in the face of this situation, he simply did not know what he should do best.

In the end, they could only choose to use this method to temporarily maintain the situation, so that those sailors would not completely riot. But this way of gambling on his reputation, if Karp really betrays the Navy, not only will Karp completely become shouted by everyone, but even the Marshal of the Navy of the Warring States will completely lose his prestige!

Warring States’ words made Karp’s body sitting on the execution table tremble, and under the hopeful gaze of the Warring States, Karp didn’t say anything in the end, just hung his head and sat in place.

The helpless Warring States could only use other methods to divert the attention of the naval soldiers.

“Valiant sailors! This war has entered the most critical moment, raise your weapons and wipe out these pirates who invaded Marin Fandor! ”

With an order from the Warring States, the war, which had been unconsciously stopped, officially started again.

Those sailors, who had a fire in their hearts, became even more crazy, and they launched an extremely crazy attack on the enemy regardless of whether they would be harmed or not.

Shanks and Dorag did not waste any more time, waved their hands solemnly, and let the red-haired pirate group and the revolutionary army under their command also participate in the rescue of Ace, Saab, and Renly on the execution table.

Shanks held the griffin in his hand and said in a deep voice without turning his head.

“Luffy, take your buddies and rescue Ace and Renly! This guy, leave it to us to block it! ”

Dorag’s mood became even more strange, always feeling that compared to himself, Shanks, the Four Emperors of the New World, was more like Luffy’s father, but he nodded and agreed.

“Luffy, Sabona brat, it’s over to you too.”

Luffy glanced at Luo Xiu from the gap between the two of them, and after hesitating for a moment, he still nodded.

“Good! But after I rescue Ace and Saab, I must let me fight this bastard with my own hands!” ”

Shanks and Dorag did not answer, but in their hearts they appreciated Luffy’s confidence, this kid is too strong, no matter what kind of blow he receives, he can completely recover in the shortest possible time.

It’s just that this self-confidence, now it seems, how can it reveal a thick sense of stupidity?

Didn’t you see that even the top powerhouses like the two of them needed to join forces to be qualified to block Luo Xiu? Why did Luffy say that he wanted to fight Fei Luoxiu with his own hands? You can’t open it like this, can you?

Luffy’s fist slammed into the ground, and in an instant, he directly entered the state of second gear, and with a fierce step under his feet, he was about to rush towards the location where the execution table was located.

However, at this moment, Luo Xiu’s voice suddenly reached Luffy’s ears, making this straw hat boy recall the fear of being dominated by Luo Xiu the previous two times!

“Time stops!”


In an instant, whether it was Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates, or Shanks and Dorag, or the red-haired Pirates and the people of the Revolutionary Army, their actions all stopped, and they couldn’t make any unnecessary movements at all!

Luo Xiu did not hesitate in the slightest, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

In the next second, Luo Xiu, who appeared above Luffy’s head, kicked down fiercely with his raised right foot at Luffy’s head!


With a dull sound, Luffy’s body flew out directly and uncontrollably, rolling in the air while also hearing a roar containing boundless pain from the depths of his throat.



Ace and Sabo, who were kneeling side by side on the execution table, immediately struggled forward regardless of their brother after seeing their brother kicked on the head by Luo Xiu, a bastard, and brought out a loud noise from the shackles and shackles that were bound to them.

Both of their eyes were already full of anger and hatred, and there was a trace of imperceptible fear in the depths of their eyes.

They were very afraid, they were afraid that Luffy’s kid would die in Luo Xiu’s hands, especially since the two of them could only watch now, and they couldn’t help Luffy at all!

While Ace and Saab were terrified of this, Shanks and Dorag, who burst out with all their strength, finally succeeded in stopping Luo Xiu’s time from breaking free.

They have all seen Luffy who was kicked in the head by Luo Xiu and kicked out, in anger, Shanks raised the griffin in his hand and slashed at Luo Xiu, and Dorag also relied on the wind fruit ability, condensed a wind blade, aimed at Luo Xiu and fell fiercely!

In the face of the offensive of Shanks and Dorag, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised slightly, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

Luo Xiu did not have the slightest intention of retreating, but also took the initiative to attack the two, and the national treasure of the country of Wa, the famous sword Qiushui, was already held by Luo Xiu in his hand.


Qiu Shui, Griffin, and the Wind Blade collided together, and instantly erupted into a violent roar that resounded in the sky. An incomparably terrifying fluctuation, centered on the location of the three people, swept away in all directions!

The nearby red-haired pirate group, the straw hat pirate group, and the members of the revolutionary army all changed their faces after feeling the intensity of this battle aftermath, and immediately swept towards the distance to avoid being affected by it!

After Luo Xiu blocked the attack of Shanks and Dorag with a knife, he did not hesitate at all, continued to wave the autumn water in his hand, and constantly slashed at the two guys in front of him.

Luo Xiu’s terrifying and fierce offensive made Shanks and Dorag’s mood extremely heavy.

Although after reading the intelligence about Luo Xiu and knowing that Luo Xiu fought alone in the Chambord Islands, the two admirals were not left behind, they already valued Luo Xiu very much.

But when he really faced Luo Xiu now, he couldn’t help but be shocked by Luo Xiu’s terrifying strength!

You must know that whether it is Shanks or Dorag, the strength of the two of them is stronger than that of the green pheasant and the yellow ape.

Even if it is just a collision of sword art and physical art now, the two of them have not yet shown their true strength, but Luo Xiu is the same!



Especially just now, after personally experiencing the power of Luo Xiu’s time fruit ability, it made both Shanks and Dorag’s hearts sink.

Maybe this time, if you want to defeat Luo Xiu, a complete monster, it will definitely not be so easy to do! At the same time that Luo Xiu launched this crazy attack on Shanks and Dorag, the people of the Straw Hat Pirates had also rushed in front of Luffy, and Choiba checked Luffy’s physical condition at the first time.


“Hold Luffy, I’ll treat you now, I’ll be fine.”

While Qioba kept taking out the medicine, he was about to cry out in a hurry, but at this moment, Luffy suddenly grabbed Qioba’s hand.

Due to the constant severe pain in his mind, Luffy’s face became viciously distorted to the extreme, but even under such circumstances, Luffy still endured the pain and said hoarsely.

“Don’t choba! I…… I still have to get Ace and Saab out quickly, I don’t have time for treatment. ”

Qioba’s breathing jerked, and he said with great embarrassment.

“However, with your current physical condition, there is no way to continue fighting!”

“Luffy, if you continue like this, your body will be irreversibly damaged, let me treat you quickly!”

As a doctor, Qioba can certainly distinguish Luffy’s physical condition at this time, and of course he can also know that Luffy is just a strong support!

Luo Xiu, that bastard, the kick just now really kicked Luffy’s head!

Even if Luffy resists again, he can’t withstand the attack of Luo Xiu, who is obviously the strongest man in the new world!………..

Luffy gritted his teeth, forced himself to get up, gasped, and said to the several members of the Straw Hat Pirates who gathered around him.

“Choba! For me, if I want to watch Ace and Saab die like this, it will be more painful for me than killing me! ”

“So, don’t stop me, no matter what the cost is, I must save Ace and Saab from the navy!”

Luffy’s sincere words made Solon, Sanji, Joba, Franky, and Brooke and others full of pain in their hearts, they only felt that they were very useless and did not have enough strength to help their captain!

If they were stronger, wouldn’t they have to let Luffy work so hard to help Luffy rescue his two older brothers?

At this moment, the shemale king Ivankov on the side spoke.

“If you really do a good job of enlightenment, maybe I can help you get your physical state back to its peak.”

Hearing this, Luffy’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at Ivankov and said in a loud voice.

“I can! Please help me! ”

Ivankov stared at Luffy and asked in a deep voice.

“Even if you have to pay the price of life for this, are you willing?”

Luffy didn’t hesitate at all, and nodded heavily.

“I do! As long as I can rescue Ace and Saab, let me do anything! ”

Ivankov glanced at Dorag, who was joining forces with Shanks and fighting fiercely with Luo Xiu, then nodded, released the hormonal fruit ability he had, and several thick syringes appeared directly in her hand.

Under Luffy’s expectant gaze, Ivankov directly injected healing hormones and hyperthermia hormones into Luffy’s body.

Under the nervous gazes of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, a roar erupted from Luffy’s mouth, and the whole person underwent earth-shaking changes.

Luffy felt as if he was stronger than at his peak, nodded at Ivankov, didn’t care to thank him at all, and after entering the second gear again, he rushed to the position of the execution table regardless.

At the same time, Luo Xiu, who was engaged in a fierce battle with Shanks and Dorag, suddenly noticed something strange, waved his palm without looking back, and directly slapped the bullet aimed at him and flew out!


Luo Xiu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he clearly saw that Jesus Bu was red-eyed at this time, panting, and staring at himself with a fierce face.

“Luo Xiu! I’m going to blow out your head with my own hands and avenge Usopp! ”

Hearing this, Shanks was shocked in his heart, obviously he had repeatedly told that after coming to the headquarters of the Navy, no one should interfere in the battle between him and Luo Xiu, how could this guy Jesus Bu be carried away by hatred and anger!

Just when Shanks wanted to say something, a trace of essence flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes in front of him, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Shanks’ pupils opened sharply, and he shouted urgently.

“Jesus Bu! Get out of the way! ”

Without waiting for Jesus Bu to make any moves, Luo Xiu, who suddenly appeared beside him, raised the famous knife in his hand, aimed at Jesus Bu’s head and slashed down!


The sound of the blade tearing through the flesh and blood sounded, Jesus’ head rolled in the air, and on the neat cut on his neck, warm scarlet blood began to shoot out the door wildly!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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