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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 090

Chapter 90: Luo Xiu Group Destroys the Red-Haired Pirates! Shanks Crazy! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。


After seeing Jesus Bu being beheaded by Luo Xiu, all the members of the red-haired pirate group present watched this scene with tears, watching Jesus Bu’s head roll in the air until it fell heavily to the ground!


The body of Jesus Bu, who had lost his head, also collapsed, and everyone could clearly see that Jesus Bu’s eyes that were wide and wide were filled with anger and horror.

It was as if, even until the last moment of his life, Jesus Bu did not expect that he would die so rashly under the sword of Luo Xiu!

Obviously, he wanted to seek revenge on Luo Xiu, and he had just spoken wildly, saying that he wanted to blow Luo Xiu’s head and avenge his son Usoppe!

However, why did things become like this, Luo Xiu not only did not suffer the slightest damage, but he, the sniper of the red-haired pirate group, was beheaded by Luo Xiu?

Shanks was furious, and Beckman, Rachiru, Dego, and the other members of the red-haired pirate group were also completely angry. Especially Rachiru and Dege, who were closest to Luo Xiu, were directly carried away by anger after seeing with their own eyes that Jesus Bu, a partner who had been with him for many years and had long been intimate, was beheaded by Luo Xiu.

Completely forgetting what kind of terrifying strength Luo Xiu had, his eyes were red, and he rushed towards Luo Xiu regardless of it. Seeing this situation, Shanks was already about to go crazy, and while rushing towards the location where Luo Xiu was, he roared madly.

“Rachiru! De Ge! Hurry up and leave! ”

Hearing Shanks’ words, Raciru and Dege suddenly woke up, and they finally recognized the reality and recalled what a terrifying level the strength of this guy Luo Xiu had reached.

It’s just a pity that it’s still too late for them to wake up, and Luo Xiu won’t give them a chance to regret it!

A fierce color flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, and with a fierce step under his feet, a deep pit appeared directly in place, and Luo Xiu himself suddenly disappeared in place with the help of this force!

In the next second, Rachiru and Dege only felt the sound of a blade tearing through the air ringing in their ears, and in their hearts, they were shocked, and Wasteland raised the weapon in his hand to resist Luo Xiu’s attack.

“Messy Golden Watch!”


In an instant, the movements of Rachiru and Dege were directly slowed down dozens of times, and the whole person seemed to suddenly stop. Under the terrified gazes of the two of them, the famous knife in Luo Xiu’s hand that shone with a sharp light fell down precisely at the neck of the two of them!


With the sound of two blades tearing through flesh and blood, the heads of Rachiru and Dege presented exactly the same scene as the one just now!

Blood-sprayed heads tumbled in the air, and scarlet blood began to gush out from the break in their necks. Obviously, in less than a minute, the red-haired pirate group, which was known as the most balanced in strength, directly appeared three attritions!

You know, the number of members of the red-haired pirate group is originally very small!

Seeing with his own eyes that the three companions who had accompanied him for many years were killed by Luo Xiu like this, Shanks instantly lost his mind, rushed to Luo Xiu, raised the griffin in his hand, and slashed down fiercely at Luo Xiu with a fierce face!

In the face of Shanks’ attack, Luo Xiu did not hesitate at all, and drank violently in his mouth.

“Messy Golden Watch!”


Shanks’ attack stagnated in the air, it was clear that Griffin was very close to Luo Xiu, but he couldn’t really cut it down at all! After seeing this scene, all the members of the red-haired pirate group were full of fear, just now Rachiru and Dege were fixed by Luo Xiu with this move, and then they were directly beheaded by Luo Xiu!

Now Shanks is also fixed by Luo Xiu with the ability of the fruit of time, is it possible, even this guy Shanks is going to be beheaded by Luo Xiu? It turns out that the location that Luo Xiuna has raised the famous knife Qiushui aimed at is Shanks’ neck!

Under Shanks’ terrified gaze, Qiushui instantly came to him, and just when Shanks was desperately trying to break free from the shackles of the chaotic golden watch, a violent wind surged up, directly causing Shanks’ body to suddenly take off!

While attacking the location of Luo Xiu and Shanks, Dorag released the Wind Fruit ability with all his strength, trying to use this method to let Shanks avoid Luo Xiu’s sword.

Although Dorag had tried his best to pull Shanks’ body and let him vacate in the shortest possible time, the autumn water in Luo Xiu’s hand finally fell on Shanks’ chest!


As soon as the knife fell, blood burst out, and severe pain struck, causing Shanks, who had just broken free from the shackles of the chaotic golden watch, to let out a harsh neighing from the depths of his throat uncontrollably.


The severe pain that kept coming into his mind made Shanks instantly sober up, and in order not to let the autumn water in Luo Xiu’s hand continue to slash at him, Shanks could only force his head and wave Griffin to slash at Luo Xiu.


Autumn Water collided with Griffin, and the huge force made Shanks’ body fly directly upside down.

But this time, Shanks was not the slightest bit discouraged, but also breathed a deep sigh of relief from the heart, and with the help of this power, he directly stayed away from Luo Xiu, a terrifying monster!

Seeing that Luo Xiu continued to pursue Shanks without mercy, Dorag waved his hand sharply, and several invisible ropes twisted by the wind directly bound Luo Xiu’s body, causing his movements to come to a brief standstill.

Dorag did not miss such a good opportunity, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, swung the wind blade, and slashed at Luo Xiu fiercely! When the wind blade was about to fall on Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu’s lips lightly opened and he drank lowly.


Dorag’s body was once again blessed with the power of the fruit of time, causing his movements to be slowed down several times again. At the same time, Luo Xiu broke free from the wind rope on his body and swung the autumn water to slash at Dorag again!


The autumn water did not fall on Dorag, but was blocked by Shanks who rushed up, but the huge power coming from above Griffin still made Shanks’ face become viciously distorted for a moment.

Just when Shanks was about to hold on, Dorag, who burst out with all his strength, finally broke the ability of the time fruit that Luo Xiu blessed him, and immediately waved the wind blade in his hand and resisted Luo Xiu with Shanks again.

The addition of Dorag made Shanks breathe a deep sigh of relief, looking at Luo Xiu in front of him, Shanks’ heart was completely filled with anger and hatred.

However, the most in Shanks’ heart is the worry about Beckman and the other members of the red-haired pirate group!

Thinking of this, Shanks shouted at Beckman and the others while joining forces with Dorag to resist Rothew’s fierce attack.

“Beckman! You take the others and rescue Ace and Renly from the execution table! Don’t stay here! ”

For Shanks, the deaths of Jesus Bu, Rachiru, and Dege alone have filled his heart with grief, and their red-haired pirate group must not die in this war again!

Of course, Beckman was also aware of this, and immediately did not hesitate at all, directly waved his hand, and said in a deep voice.

“Let’s go get Ace and Renly out!”


The members of those red-haired pirate groups glanced at Luo Xiu resentfully, and they wanted to kill Luo Xiu directly on the spot, but unfortunately their strength was not enough, even their captain Shanks joined forces with Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army, and there was no guarantee that they could successfully kill Luo Xiu!

However, just when Beckman had just taken a step and wanted to lead the members of the red-haired pirate group to the execution table. Luo Xiu asked with a smile while slashing at Shanks in front of him.

“Shanks, in your heart, the status of these friends of yours should also be very important, right?”

“The captain of yours, Roger, the Pirate King, slaughtered an entire country because someone insulted the members of Roger’s Pirates.”

“Then, if all of these companions of yours are killed in front of you, what crazy behavior will you, the Four Emperors of the New World, do? I’m really, really curious about that. ”

Hearing this, Shanks’ pupils opened sharply, and his face instantly became extremely fierce, Shanks gritted his teeth and looked at Luo Xiu, squeezing out a low roar containing boundless anger from between his teeth.

“Luo Xiu! If you dare to do such a thing, I promise, I will definitely kill you with my own hands!” Before killing you, I will definitely let you feel what real pain is! ”

Luo Xiu not only did not have the slightest fear when he heard this, but also outlined a strange smile.

“Shanks, are you threatening me?”

Shanks stared at Luo Xiu in front of him with dead eyes, word by word.

“You can understand it that way! But I will tell you, what I said, will definitely come true! ”

Luo Xiu tugged at the corners of his mouth and said bluntly.

“That’s a shame, because I never accept any kind of threat!”

When the words fell, the wind blade in Dorag’s hand slashed directly towards Luo Xiu, this time, Luo Xiu did not choose to clash with Dorag, but just raised the autumn water to block the knife, with the help of Dorag’s power, the body suddenly retreated.

Seeing this situation, Shanks’ pupils contracted sharply, his eyes were instantly filled with anger, and his hideous face revealed boundless ferocity, while running towards the location of Beckman and the others, while frantically angry.

“Luo Xiu! If you dare to hurt Beckman and them, I promise, I swear I will kill you with my own hands! ”

“Beckman! Snake! Punch! Get out of the way! ”

Beckman and Snake, as well as the other members of the red-haired pirates, clearly heard Shanks’ shouts. He had also noticed that Luo Xiu’s guy was speeding towards their location.

However, unfortunately, just as they wanted to turn around and resist Luo Xiu’s attack, Luo Xiu’s voice without the slightest emotion suddenly sounded in the ears of every member of the red-haired pirate group.

“Time stops!”


In an instant, all the members of the red-haired pirate group were fixed on the spot, and Luo Xiu raised the famous knife in his hand and slashed at the nearest red-haired pirate group member…

While raising his other palm to Shanks, he drank low in his mouth.

“Messy Golden Watch!”

Shanks and Dorag, who were chasing Luo Xiu, were suddenly slowed down dozens of times, and all their movements seemed to have directly stopped.

Shanks is going crazy, what could be more infuriating than watching his partner being killed and still powerless to stop it?

Under the effect of the chaotic golden watch, Shanks can only watch, along with Luo Xiu’s hand up and down, one after another companions who have accompanied him for many years, or beheaded by him, or Luo Xiu directly used that famous knife Qiushui hole to penetrate the heart!

What happened here has attracted the attention of the vast majority of people present at the Navy headquarters, whether it is Sengoku, Ace, Saab, and Renly who are on the execution platform, and even Karp, who has been hanging his head since before, unconsciously turned his gaze to Luo Xiu.

Warring States watched Luo Xiu kill those members of the red-haired pirate group one after another with incomparable crispness, and even swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously, and his face was already full of shock.

“What does this guy Luo Xiu want to do? This crazy guy is simply attacking everyone in the headquarters of the Navy indiscriminately! ”

Originally, when Luo Xiu exposed the relationship between the Monchi family, as well as Ace, Saab, and the three brothers Luffy, Sengoku still felt that he was deliberately targeting the navy.

He wants to use the way of hitting Karp’s prestige and discrediting him, so that the entire navy will be targeted.

It is precisely because in order to save the face of the navy that the Warring States will take a huge risk and say that he will guarantee that Karp will never betray the navy and justice.

The Warring States know that this method is only a palliative but not a cure, at most let the navy soldiers temporarily not calculate with Karp, but the dissatisfaction and anger towards Karp in their hearts will not disappear!

After this war, even if Karp had not betrayed the navy, he would have faced strong condemnation and insults from the navy and ordinary people who had been deceived for decades!

But as a result, what Luo Xiu is doing now has completely dispelled this speculation in the Warring States, and Luo Xiu, this guy, is more ruthless when dealing with pirates like Shanks, than against their navy!

It was not only the Warring States who felt this way, even Renly, who was cut off by Luo Xiu, looked at Luo Xiu who was slaughtering the red-haired pirate group at this time, and his eyes were already full of anger.

It is no exaggeration to say that for Shanks, every member of the red-haired pirate group is the most important partner and family member in his life!

But now, Shanks can only watch his partners being brutally killed by Luo Xiu, but he is simply unable to successfully save them from Luo Xiu’s knife!

Renly couldn’t even imagine how painful Shanks was in his heart at this time!

The crazy Shanks successfully broke free from the chaotic golden watchman that Luo Xiu had blessed on him, his eyes turned red, his face was already fierce to the extreme, and his body exuded crazy surging killing intent.

I can’t wait to kill Luo Xiu on the spot now!

Dorag could feel the pain of Shanks beside him, and after breaking free from the shackles of the Time Fruit ability with Shanks, Dorag did not hesitate at all, and directly followed Shanks, who had been carried away by Anger 2.4, and rushed to the location where Luo Xiu was.

“Luo Xiu! Stop! You fucking bastard! ”

The blinded Shanks, whose hair had already stood up, raised the supreme fast knife Griffin in his hand, and was about to cut it down at Luo Xiu.

However, unfortunately, in the face of Shanks in this state, Luo Xiu just pointed at him with a smile, released the Time Fruit ability again, and once again fixed Shanks in place!

It is clear that it is already close at hand, but it is completely unable to stop Luo Xiu’s vicious act of slaughtering his partner, this kind of pain, I am afraid that no one can really understand Shanks!

At this time, more than half of the red-haired pirate group has already been beheaded by Luo Xiu, and the only few left, even if their hearts are already full of panic and fear, they are simply unable to escape, and can only watch Luo Xiu raise the butcher knife and slash at him!

“Whoosh! Laugh at! Laugh at! ”

A succession of dull voices sounded, and in front of Shanks, Luo Xiu wiped out one red-haired pirate group member after another. Luo Xiu walked towards Beckman, who was the last left, and he deliberately left the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate group until the end, but just to wait for this moment!

Luo Xiu had just put the autumn water on Beckman’s neck, and Shanks had finally broken free from the shackles of the Time Fruit’s ability.

Shanks, who was originally carried away by anger, roared in anger after seeing that there was only one Beckman left in his partner, and Luo Xiu had already put the knife on Beckman’s neck.

“Luo Xiu! Stop it! ”

Luo Xiu looked at Shanks with a smile and shook his head with some pity.

“Shanks, you didn’t take the opportunity to say goodbye to your last partner.”

When the words fell, Luo Xiu did not say half a nonsense, directly waved the autumn water in his hand, and the sound of the blade tearing the flesh and blood sounded, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate group, the corpse was separated in an instant!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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