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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 091

Chapter 091 Extremely Evil Luo Xiu! Drive Shanks crazy! One slash! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。


With a dull sound, warm scarlet blood shot out from the neat break in Beckman’s neck. This time, Luo Xiu did not let Beckman’s head roll wantonly in the air, but directly grabbed Beckman’s flowing hair and held it in his hand.

Shanks could clearly see the thick look of unwillingness and fear in Beckman’s eyes, as if, until the end of his life, Beckman did not expect that he would die under Luo Xiu’s knife like this!

Obviously, their red-haired pirate group is already one of the four emperors of the New World, and he, Beckman, as the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate group, is not within the reach of ordinary people, whether it is strength or prestige.

However, because Shanks brought them to the naval headquarters and participated in the rescue of Fire Fist Ace and Hades Renly, the entire red-haired pirate group was directly destroyed by Luo Xiu with one sword!

The most important thing is that when Luo Xiu beheaded Beckman, he deliberately did not use the time fruit ability to bind Shanks, but let him watch how his deputy captain managed to separate the corpses!

“Uh Luo Xiu! I want you to die! I’m going to kill you, I must kill you with my own hands!” ”

In an instant, Shanks, the fourth emperor of the new world, his eyes instantly turned red, and his face had reached an unprecedented degree of hideous distortion.

At this moment, Shanks completely forgot what kind of terrifying strength Luo Xiu had, and now he only had one thought, that is, to slaughter Luo Xiu with his own hands, and before killing Luo Xiu, he must use all the torture methods he knew on Luo Xiu, a damn bastard!

In the face of Shanks’ charge that he launched regardless of him, Luo Xiu seemed to have no reaction, and did not have the slightest desire to retreat, nor did he mean to resist.

Seeing this situation, although Shanks didn’t know what Luo Xiu was thinking, but such a good opportunity, if he could let it go, then Shanks was not qualified to become one of the four emperors of the New World!

Shanks let out a low roar, raised the griffin in his hand, and slashed down at Luo Xiu in front of him!

“Go and die, Luo Xiu!!!”

Just when the griffin in Shanks’ hand was about to fall on Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu looked at his crazy appearance, a trace of 09 essence flashed in his eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Without the slightest hesitation, Luo Xiu raised the head of Beckman he was holding in his hand, and threw it at the Griffin that Shanks had cut at him.


With a knife, Beckman’s head was instantly chopped open from it, and the milky white brain plasma splashed onto Shanks’ body, making the four emperors of the new world suddenly stunned on the spot.

This kind of excellent opportunity, Luo Xiu will not let go no matter what!

Luo Xiu waved the autumn water in his hand, aimed at Shanks who was in a stunned state and slashed down, but at this moment, Dorag, who had already sensed something wrong just now, also appeared directly next to Shanks under the blessing of the ability of the Wind Fruit and raised the wind blade, directly blocking in front of Shanks!


The collision of autumn water and the wind blade erupted into a violent roar, and Luo Xiu’s huge force caught Dorag off guard, and directly crashed it into Shanks’ body, causing the two to be blasted out at the same time!

“Ahem, ahem…”

Shanks and Dorag jumped up from the ground for the first time, unlike Dorag who was holding a wind blade and staring at Luo Xiu, in case he suddenly burst out, Shanks at this time, stunned to look at Beckman’s head that was scattered on the ground and split by his own hands.

After being stunned, Rao was a little unstable for a while with Shanks’ powerful psychological quality, his body began to tremble slightly, and the arm holding Griffin kept swaying.


Luo Xiu applauded with admiration, looked at Shanks on the opposite side with a smile, and said slowly.

“It’s really worthy of being one of the four emperors of the New World, the red-haired Shanks, the partner has lost its role after death, so even if he splits the head of his closest partner with his own hands, it is only right.”

Luo Xiu’s words made Shanks wake up suddenly, looking at the head split in half on the ground, Shanks’ face instantly turned pale, and he unconsciously took two steps back, shaking his head madly and whispering in denial.

“No… Not so… Beckman…”

Shanks never imagined that such a thing would happen, and Beckman’s head would be cut off by his own hands!

It is clear that Griffin, as the supreme fast knife, does not have a trace of blood on it, and the milky white brain pulp is not stained on it at all, but Shanks still feels that Griffin seems to be filled with the blood of his partner.

You know, for Shanks, although all the members of the red-haired pirate group are the most important partners and family members in his life, but in any case, Beckman, the deputy captain, is the most special one!

Over the years, without the help of Beckman, a man known as the most intelligent man in the world, Shanks and his red-haired pirate group would not have been able to go smoothly in the New World!

It is no exaggeration to say that although Shanks is not as stupid as Luffy Wang, with his nervous style, without the assistance of Beckman, the co-captain, Shanks will encounter countless troubles!

But it is such a most reliable partner in Shanks’ career, after being brutally beheaded by Luo Xiu, his head was not saved, and even he was cut off by his own hands by Shanks, how can Shanks accept it!

“Luo Xiu! You bastard! ”

Shanks’ body began to tremble violently, and an incomparably terrifying momentum suddenly erupted in his body, and the powerful overlord-colored domineering aura swept away in all directions with his location as the center!

Seriously, if you just compare the strength of the overlord color domineering, even if you look at the whole world, I am afraid that no one can compare with Shanks!

Although this kind of overlord-colored domineering release is only the best means to clean up trash fish, if you encounter a strong guy, it will not have any impact on the other party.

It’s just that the strength of the overlord-colored domineering reaches the level of Shanks, even if it is not a trash fish, it will become a trash fish in front of Shanks!

In an instant, those navies, whitebeard pirates, revolutionary army, and even some weaker prisoners of infinite hell who were originally fighting fiercely.

Under the crushing of Shanks’ super overlord-colored domineering, he instantly lost consciousness and completely fell unconscious!

Even the stronger guys have endured a huge sense of oppression, and they are hard to support under the crushing of this surging overlord-colored domineering.

After feeling the oppression of this overlord-colored domineering, everyone present involuntarily shifted their attention to Luo Xiu, Shanks, and Dorag.

It is precisely because of this that everyone has clearly seen that the members of the red-haired pirate group, one of the four emperors of the New World, have been completely wiped out by Luo Xiu, and only Captain Shanks, is still alive!

Seeing this scene, whether it was the navy, pirates, or the revolutionary army, their hearts were already full of shock and disbelief. They know very well that although the number of members of the red-haired pirate group is small, each of them has a very powerful power, even compared to the other three huge Four Emperor Group, the red-haired pirate group will definitely not have any disadvantage!

But such people have all been killed by Luo Xiu, and even their deputy captain Beckman, whose head was cut in half by Shanks himself?

“Boom… Luo Xiu, what does this guy want to do! ”

Rao is the marshal of the Warring States, after seeing this situation, there were huge waves in his heart, his eyes stared at Luo Xiu’s back, wanting to spy on what kind of thoughts and plans Luo Xiu had in his heart!

Kill everyone in the red-haired pirate group, and also design Shanks to cut Beckman’s head with a knife, under this stimulation, no matter how calm Shanks usually is, how strong his psychological quality is, he is already completely crazy!

Reilly gritted his teeth and stared at Luo Xiu, if his eyes could kill, Luo Xiu must be full of holes now.

However, unfortunately, no matter how much he hated Luo Xiu in his heart, he could not have the slightest impact on Luo Xiu, let alone help Shanks kill Luo Xiu together, whether he, the Hades, could save his life is not a necessary thing!

“This damn guy! How dare he! How dare you do such a thing! ”

After hearing Renly’s low roar, Warring States unconsciously improved a little, obviously their navy was targeted by Luo Xiu, it was already miserable enough, but now seeing someone worse than the navy, Warring States involuntarily felt a lot more comfortable.

After Warring States glanced coldly at Rayleigh, who was kneeling at his feet, he said in a cold tone.

“Accept your life, Renly, no matter what purpose this guy Luo Xiu has, but what the old man can guarantee is that you pirates, you can’t continue to live no matter what!”

This war has been going on to this extent, the navy has no way back, just Luo Xiu exposed the Monchi family, and the relationship between the three brothers of the bastard, and the true face of Karp, a naval hero, has already caused the navy to suffer an incomparably huge blow.

If these three guys on the execution table, as well as the whitebeard pirates who invaded the navy headquarters, the remnants of Roger’s regiment, the revolutionary army, and the prisoners of infinite hell, then their navy will completely become the laughing stock of the whole world, and they will no longer have the support and trust of any people!

Blackbeard, who was originally fighting with Whitebeard, after seeing the miserable scene of the red-haired pirate group, suddenly came to mind the scene of his own subordinates being slaughtered by Luo Xiu on Banaro Island before.

It’s just that those guys are just tools for Blackbeard, but the death of these red-haired pirate members will make Shanks collapse!

“Thief hahahaha… Shanks, it seems that you guy can’t even protect it, even his own partners can’t protect it, and even excited to the point of splitting the head of that guy from Beckman with his own hands? ”

Blackbeard only felt that the thought was accessible, and the whole person seemed to be about to ascend to heaven, and Blackbeard had long been unhappy with this guy Shanks. It is clear that he is a pirate like himself, and as a result, Shanks always pretends to be a sad person, making it seem as if he is the righteous party and the other pirates are evil people!

Now that everyone in the red-haired pirate group has been slaughtered by Luo Xiu, Blackbeard is a little curious about whether the Shanks guy can maintain his previous appearance!

However, at the same time that Blackbeard was very excited about this, a sharp color flashed in the eyes of the whitebeard opposite him, and without hesitation, he raised the supreme fast knife in his hand and cut it at Blackbeard’s chest!

Although at the last moment, Blackbeard had already detected Whitebeard’s movements, but it was too late, it was already impossible to avoid the past, and he could only be full of fear and watch the cong Yun cut on his body!


With a knife, Blackbeard’s chest suddenly opened its flesh, and the huge force made Blackbeard tumble and fly out upside down, warm scarlet blood shot out in the air, accompanied by Blackbeard’s bitter wail containing severe pain.


Blackbeard really didn’t expect that this guy with Whitebeard would also engage in this kind of sneak attack, isn’t this stepping horse a means that evil people like him will use?

Your white-beard is obviously the strongest man in the world, and now you don’t want your face?

In this regard, Whitebeard just wanted to say that in this situation, no matter what means he needed, he could not have the slightest hesitation!

You must know that in this war, in order to rescue Ace, his white-bearded pirate group has been killed and injured by more than half, and even the 14 captains who came with him are only Marko, Bista, and Izang three people are still alive!

Even those pirate groups that belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates were about to be slaughtered by those guys in the Navy. If Whitebeard still holds the pride of his strongest man in the world620 words, then I am afraid that the most important family in his life will die in this war!

At this moment, Whitebeard couldn’t even involuntarily appear a trace of dazedness, and for the first time he began to wonder if it was worth leading the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group to the naval headquarters to rescue Ace alone!

However, this thought only appeared for a moment and disappeared directly, Whitebeard’s eyes were fierce, and he stepped fiercely under his feet, and chased in the direction where Blackbeard flew out.

The high-raised Cong Yun Che was aimed at Blackbeard’s head! Blackbeard looked at this scene in horror and shouted loudly at the first time.

“Daddy! Let me go! I know it’s wrong, I know it’s wrong daddy! ”

When Whitebeard heard this, his movements stopped for a moment, but he immediately became firm again, and directly stabbed Blackbeard, a long-damned bastard!

However, at this moment, two figures suddenly appeared behind Whitebeard, and their respective weapons were aimed at the back of Whitebeard’s heart and were about to stab over.

A trace of anger flashed in Whitebeard’s eyes, and in desperation, he could only turn his direction and wave Cong Yun to cut at these two guys who didn’t know whether they were dead or alive!


This knife that Whitebeard burst out with all his strength directly caused the two prisoners of Infinite Hell to be cut off on the spot.

However, this also gave Blackbeard a chance, and after a flash of panic flashed in Blackbeard’s eyes, he quickly got up and swept back, staring at the opposite whitebeard with his eyes deadly, not daring to relax at all.

He kind of understood that although the physical fitness of this guy with Whitebeard has long been inferior to that peak period, whether it is combat experience or the strength he has, he can’t be distracted in the slightest, otherwise, he needs to pay the price of his life!

After Whitebeard solved the two Infinite Hell prisoners who wanted to kill him to make a name for himself, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he roared low at Blackbeard.

“Tichy! Only you, not worthy of being the son of an old man! ”

Blackbeard wiped a handful of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and said after two sneering sinners.

“Don’t be so desperate Daddy, although I am no longer from the Whitebeard Pirates, but I have been in the Whitebeard Pirates for so many years, have you forgotten?”

Whitebeard ignored Blackbeard, he had completely lost interest in talking nonsense with this bastard, and directly burst out with all his strength, chasing Blackbeard towards him.

At the same time, Shanks on the other side, after experiencing the initial anger, has gradually calmed down, but the anger and hatred for Luo Xiu in his heart have not dissipated in the slightest, but he is more eager to kill Luo Xiu and avenge Beckman, Jesus Bu, and Rachiru.

The angry Shanks directly wrapped the released overlord-colored domineering energy around the griffin in his hand, and rushed towards Luo Xiu.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu not only did not choose to retreat, but also used the overlord color winding, raised the autumn water, and brazenly collided with Griffin!

A roar of the sky came, and the entire sky seemed to be directly split by the two of them!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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