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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 092

Chapter 092 Karp completely betrayed the navy! Luo Xiu is a monster! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。


Along with the collision between Qiushui and Griffin, who were all entangled in the overlord-colored domineering, a violent roar sounded in everyone’s ears, making everyone instantly enter the state of tinnitus.

A terrifying fluctuation centered on the location of Luo Xiu and Shanks, swept away in all directions.

A huge deep pit had appeared under the feet of the two, and the surrounding ground was still cracking inch by inch, and layer after layer of earthen pools were directly lifted.

The dust and fog in the sky covered the figures of Luo Xiu and Shanks, so that outsiders could not see the extent of the battle between the two at all!

Those who were a little closer to the navy, members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and people from the revolutionary army, after feeling the intensity of this aftermath of the battle, did not dare to hesitate at all, and ran madly towards the distance.

This kind of battle that even if the entire world is at the top level, even if the promotion is just the aftermath of the battle, it is not at all something that ordinary people can face!

If one is accidentally involved, he will lose his life! The only one who is not far away is Dorag, who is the leader of the revolutionary army!

As the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag has not relaxed his collection of intelligence on the powerhouses of the New World over the years, and he naturally knows how terrifying Shanks, the four emperors of the New World, is in terms of overlord domineering.

It’s just that Dorag also knows that Luo Xiu also showed an extremely powerful overlord when he fought with the two admirals of the Blue Pheasant and the Yellow Ape in the Chambord Islands!

If left unchecked, Shanks will have only one ending, that is, he will lose under Luo Xiu’s knife!

Thinking of this, Dorag no longer had the slightest hesitation, his eyes froze, and the overlord-colored domineering energy that belonged to him also vented out from his body, and under Dorag’s control, this overlord-colored domineering not only did not spread, but also tightly wrapped around the wind blade in his hand.

As soon as Dorag’s thoughts moved, a violent wind directly pushed his body and rushed towards the location where Luo Xiu and Shanks, who were covered by dust and fog.


After Dorag joined this overlord-colored collision, there was a roar again, and the entire naval headquarters seemed to shake because of this.

At this moment, Dorag couldn’t help but feel a little lucky, because he could clearly feel that Shanks, who was side by side with him, had reached the point where he couldn’t hold on, his face was extremely hideous, and a bean-sized cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

If he were to be even a few seconds at night, Shanks would probably be directly blasted out by Luo Xiu!

“Damn it! Luo Xiu, this bastard, is it a human or a monster? Why is it so strong? ”

The hideous-looking Shanks stared at Luo Xiu in front of him with dead eyes, whether it was deep under his eyes or in his heart, he was already full of lingering fear and anger.

Luo Xiu, this guy, is obviously the same age as Luffy, but in terms of strength, let alone Luffy, even he, the fourth emperor of the new world, cannot be compared with Luo Xiu at all!

Shanks could feel that the strength of Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army next to him, was definitely not inferior to himself, but even if the two of them joined forces, they could only compete with Luo Xiu at most!

If you want to defeat, or even directly kill Luo Xiu, it is simply impossible!

The most important thing is that the kind of time fruit ability that Luo Xiu possesses alone has already made him almost invincible! The overlord-colored entanglement collision between Luo Xiu, Shanks, and Dorag made the sky of the entire naval headquarters directly become extremely gloomy, and the sky was filled with black-pressed clouds, shrouding the naval headquarters as if the end was coming! The most terrifying thing is that these dark clouds are divided into three large pieces, and from a distance, it looks as if the entire sky has been split! Whether it was the Warring States, Karp, Reilly and others on the execution table, or the navy, pirates, and revolutionary troops who were fighting fiercely, they all looked at this scene with a look of horror, and their hearts were full of turbulent waves.

At this moment, accompanied by an explosion that resounded in the sky, Luo Xiu, Shanks, and Dorag were all directly blasted away by this force that could no longer be suppressed!

Luo Xiu, who was rolling backwards in the air, directly inserted the autumn water on the ground, using this method to stabilize his figure, enough to cut the ground of the naval headquarters by tens of meters, Luo Xiu finally stood firm.

Shanks uses the same way to stand on his feet, while Dorag floats in the air with his Wind Fruit ability under the blessing of the wind.

Luo Xiu took a long breath after standing up, looking at the opposite Shanks and Dorag with a happy face, sure enough, it was this kind of top-intensity battle that could make him break out with all his strength now!

Shanks and Dorag gasped and stared at Luo Xiu, their hearts were filled with fear, Luo Xiu, this monster, the strength has far exceeded their expectations!

They didn’t even dare to imagine that if Luo Xiu was given some more time to grow, what kind of terrifying level this guy’s strength could grow to!

At that time, even if the two of them joined forces, in front of Luo Xiu, they could only hate Zhengbei in the end! Thinking of this, Shanks and Dorag looked at each other with great tacit understanding, and the same thought appeared in his mind.

“No matter what the price needs to pay, this time, we must kill this monster Luo Xiu]”

“Otherwise, Luo Xiu in the future will definitely completely subvert the entire world!”

Shanks and Dorag nodded to each other, and almost at the same time, they rushed towards where Luo Xiu was. Luo Xiu could roughly guess what Shanks and Dorag were thinking, but not only did they not intend to let Luo Xiu go, but Luo Xiu also did not think about letting them go!

In this top war that is completely different from the original plot, what Luo Xiu has to do is to take this excellent opportunity to completely subvert the whole world!

Luo Xiu raised the famous knife in Yang’s hand, stepped fiercely under his feet, and directly left a deep pit in place, and he himself, with the help of this power, took the initiative to attack Shanks and Dorag!

Just when the fierce battle broke out again between Luo Xiu and Shanks and Dorag, Magellan, who was the warden of the Advance City, finally arrived at the naval headquarters with the only remaining jailers and guards of the Advance City.

Magellan looked at the corpses all over the corpses, which had been destroyed to the devastated naval headquarters because of this war, and suddenly became angry, and the whole person was extremely angry.

Especially Barrett, the Red Earl, the World Breakers, and the prisoners of the Evil King, who originally belonged to Infinite Hell, are fighting fiercely with the admirals at this time, and some guys are killing the navy soldiers, using this way to vent their anger that has been imprisoned for decades.

The wails and roars of the sailors constantly sounded in the sky, so that Magellan could no longer suppress the anger and hatred in his heart, and even at Hannibal, who was bandaged like a mummy beside him, said angrily.

“Hannibal! You take Domino, little Saty, and them against the others, and I’m going to slaughter Dorag, Shanks, and Blackbeard’s damn bastards with my own hands!” ”

Hannibal nodded heavily when he heard this, and said in a deep voice.

“Magellan! Be sure to kill the bastards who destroyed the city and released the prisoners, no matter what their identities are, they can’t have the slightest mercy! ”

For Hannibal, the destruction of the advancing city directly made his life bleak and completely lost the direction of his efforts.

You must know that he has been working hard to replace Magellan and become the new warden of the advancing city, but now all his efforts have been in vain, the advancing city is gone, how can he be the warden?

After Magellan heard Hannibal’s words, his face suddenly became more hideous, and because he unconsciously released the poisonous fruit ability, venom appeared on his face, making him look more fierce and fierce.

“No need for you to remind me! I’m going to finish off those guys with my own hands! ”

When the words fell, Magellan didn’t even wait for the warship under his feet to dock in the port of the naval headquarters, and directly stepped on the moon, and rushed directly to the location where Dorag and Shanks were.

After seeing Magellan’s action, the pupils of the Warring States on the execution table contracted sharply, and he quickly raised the megaphone worm and shouted in a loud voice.

“Magellan! Don’t worry about Dorag and Shanks, deal with the other guys! Don’t get involved in the battle between them anyway! ”

After hearing this anxious shout of the Warring States, Magellan’s forward movement suddenly stopped, and he looked in the direction of the execution table with a puzzled expression.

Sengoku hesitated for a moment, then continued.

“Magellan, don’t waste time, do what you should do, first deal with the prisoners who escaped from the push city!”

Although I still can’t understand why the Marshal of the Warring States gave such an order, since the Marshal of the Warring States has emphasized one after another, Magellan has to obey the order.

With those eyes full of anger and hatred, after glaring viciously at Dorag and Shanks, Magellan no longer had the slightest hesitation, the poisonous fruit ability was activated, and the lower body was abruptly elementalized, pushing his body in this way, and galloping towards the position of those prisoners of infinite hell.

After seeing Magellan away from Loxiu, Shanks, and Dorag, Sengoku couldn’t help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief in his heart. Although he was very confident in Magellan’s strength, he knew that even compared with the three admirals of Red Dog, Green Pheasant, and Yellow Ape, Magellan was not much inferior.

But if Magellan is involved in the battle between Losho and Shanks and Dorag, then whoever he wants to deal with will instantly break this almost equilibrium state that was not much different.

Whether Luo Xiu is defeated, or Dorag and Shanks are killed, it will not be good news for the current navy!

Only by letting them temporarily contain each other, and waiting until the navy solves the problem of Whitebeard, the prisoners of Infinite Hell, and those remnants of the Roger Pirates, will they have a chance to destroy the three of them together in one fell swoop!

If it can really be done, then their navy can completely wash away the shame that Luo Xiu brought to them, and once again win the support and trust of the entire world!

Even, if done properly, it is not impossible to take this opportunity to completely remove the navy from the control of the world government!

Thinking of the scene of making the navy no longer under the control of the world government and obeying all the orders of the world government and the five old stars, the Warring States couldn’t help but secretly get excited.

After Magellan joined the battlefield, the situation in this top war at the naval headquarters changed dramatically again.

Originally, because Blackbeard came with those prisoners of infinite hell, it had already left those high-ranking naval officials with no time to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, the remnants of Roger’s Pirates, and the revolutionary army.

After all, these prisoners have been completely aroused by Blackbeard, and they are crazy to use this opportunity to announce their return to the whole world.

They clearly know that this public execution of the Navy headquarters has been broadcast live all over the world!

It is precisely because of this that Barrett, the Red Earl, as well as the World Destroyer and the Evil King, and many other top powerhouses in the infinite hell, directly found the three admirals of the green pheasant, the red dog, and the yellow ape.

There were also some guys who also found Marko, Bista, Doflamingo, and Hawkeye Mihawk and others.

For these prisoners of infinite hell, they don’t care what the war will eventually turn out into, whether it is the navy, pirates, or the revolutionary army, they are the targets of the massacre and battle.

Now Magellan’s joining can be regarded as liberating some high-ranking naval officials, after all, in this kind of large-scale war, the lethality of Magellan’s poisonous fruit ability is not inferior to the three admirals!

Whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates, the remnants of the Roger Pirates, the revolutionary army, or the prisoners of the infinite hell, they are dying at the hands of the navy one after another, and the number is rapidly decreasing.

If this continues, it won’t be long before the Navy will win this war completely!

The Warring States on the execution table have gradually relaxed, perhaps, with the elite to support the navy, in order to prevent any accidents, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, who has not dedicated himself, no longer needs to participate in this war, there is no problem!

At the same time that this thought appeared in the minds of the Warring States, a shout suddenly resounded in the sky.

“Ace! Saab! I’m here to save you! ”

Under the cover of the Straw Hat Pirates, Ivankov, and even Marko and others, Luffy finally managed to break through the layers of blockade of those high-ranking naval officials and came to the front of the execution table.

Luffy in the second gear state stared at Ace and Saab kneeling side by side on the execution table, listening to the sound of fierce battle from behind, Luffy no longer had the slightest hesitation in his heart, after taking a deep breath, he stepped fiercely under his feet and rushed towards the execution table.

After seeing Luffy’s actions, Ace and Saab both tensed, hoping that Luffy could successfully save him, but worrying about Luffy’s situation.

You know, on the execution table, there is still the Marshal of the Warring States who is guarded!

While the two of them were worried about Luffy, Renly on the side was a little dazed, feeling that he was such a big living person, he had never been taken seriously by Luffy, right?

I only know that thinking about rescuing Ace and Saab, did Luffy forget him, Uncle Reilly?

Obviously, when he was in the Chambord Islands before, he was cut off by Luo Xiu’s guy in order to cover Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates’ evacuation!

After Sengoku saw Luffy’s behavior, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Obviously, he had already given Luffy two chances, and even for Karp’s consideration, he made negotiations with the five old stars, and did not let Luffy and Fire Fist Ace publicly execute softly.

But as a result, after being rescued from the city by Dorag and Shanks, this guy not only did not leave honestly, but also dared to come to the headquarters of the Navy?

“In that case, no matter what fate you have, you can’t complain about the old man!”

Warring States said to himself in his heart, kicked hard under his feet, and his body greeted Luffy, aiming at Luffy who had rushed to the execution table, and slapped him fiercely!


With a slap, Luffy’s second gear was directly photographed and lifted, and his body fell on the ground of the naval headquarters. Sengoku ignored the dust in the sky, and when he planned to step forward and bring Luffy, an idiot-like ghost, to the execution table, but at this moment, two crisp voices came from the execution table, making Sengoku’s heart crunch and turn his head sharply to look at the execution table.

Sengoku clearly saw that Karp, who had been sitting silently on the execution table and hiding his face in shadow, had torn off the shackles on Ace and Saab, and stood firmly behind the two.

Sengoku’s pupils opened sharply, his face was instantly filled with anger, and he roared angrily at Karp.

“Karp! Are you really going to betray the Navy and the justice for which you have fought all your life?! ”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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