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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 093

Chapter 093 Three Brothers Despair! The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces appeared in the sky! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Sengoku was stunned, this time he was really confused, he never expected that this guy Karp would choose to betray the navy at such a moment.

It is clear that this war has been going on so far, the situation has become quite clear, as long as it continues so steadily, their navy will definitely be able to achieve the final victory.

Whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates, the remnants of the Roger Pirates, the Revolutionary Army, and the Red-Haired Pirates, even, after the three major admirals solve their respective enemies in the end, it is not impossible to join hands to kill Luo Xiu together!

As a result, this guy Karp actually chose to tear off the shackles on the fire fist Ace and Saab without authorization? Just release the two of them?

In the face of Warring States’ questioning, Karp’s face was also extremely ugly, and Karp could clearly feel what kind of terrifying anger was contained in the heart of Warring States, an old fellow who had fought side by side with him for decades.

However, for Karp, if he does not make a choice, does not betray the navy and rescue Ace and Saab, it will be completely out of chance!

You know, in Karp’s mind, only Dorag, Ace, Luffy, and Saab, a family member who has been lost for more than ten years and is now back.

All the family members are involved in this war, and all the horses are in the hostile camp with the navy, how does this horse make Karp choose?

Even when Ace was the only one to be publicly executed by the Navy, Karp’s heart was already full of entanglements, entangled in whether he wanted to choose his family or the justice he had fought for for decades.

Now in this situation, do we need to hesitate? He has been fighting the pirates for so many years with justice on his back, can’t he fight for his family once?

Thinking of this, Karp took a deep breath, looked at the Warring States below, and said in a deep voice.

“I’m sorry Sengoku, I still disappointed you, but for the old man, no matter what, you can’t watch these family members of the old man die like this!”

Hearing this, Ace and Saab on the execution table finally came to their senses, and when the shackles on their bodies were torn off by Karp just now, they were directly stunned on the spot.

Just like the Warring States, Ace and Saab also did not expect that Old Man Karp would choose to betray the navy for which he had fought all his life!

It is clear that he has been respected and admired by the navy and the whole world for so many years, but when he is about to grow old, just because of these unscrupulous descendants, he wants to do this kind of behavior that is destined to be spurned by the whole world.

“Old man…”

“Old man Karp…”

For a while, Ace and Saab pursed their lips tightly, water droplets appeared in their eyes, and their faces were already full of pain and entanglement After the real decision was made 180, Karp found that he didn’t seem to be as painful as expected, but he was countless times more relaxed.

Faced with the reactions of the two grandsons, Karp acted far more free than them, stretched out his palm and slapped it on the shoulder of the two of them, grinning.

“Well, you two guys, since you have been released, then, don’t live up to the expectations of the old man, you must live well.”

Karp’s words made both Ace and Saab have an extremely bad premonition in their hearts, and Ace grabbed Karp’s arm and hurriedly asked.

“What are you going to do, old man? You have already done this kind of thing, it is no longer the Navy, let’s get out of here together! ”

When Sabo heard this, he nodded heavily, and also said sincerely.

“Ace is right, old man Karp, you leave with us!”

Karp expressed great satisfaction at the words of his two grandsons, but how easy it is to leave!

Not to mention the Warring States, even these sailors of Marin Fandor are now eager to tear him, the originally highly respected naval hero, to pieces!

Yes, Karp’s unauthorized opening of the shackles on Ace and Saab has been noticed by all the sailors present, and they all already know that this naval hero who has dedicated his life to the Navy has completely decided to betray the Navy and betray the justice they believe in!

For a time, the entire sky above the naval headquarters began to echo the angry curses and roars of these sailors.

“Karp! You bastard! Clearly a naval hero, why do such a thing? ”

“Obviously, you didn’t discipline your son and grandson well, so that they all became enemies of the navy, but why did you betray the navy? Why? ”

“You trash! Dare to trample on the justice of our Navy like this, you are the most unforgivable bastard! ”

“Kill Karp! Let this damned guy know that justice in the navy is absolutely not allowed to be trampled on by anyone! ”

“Naval hero? Shitty naval hero! Even the name of that naval hero of yours is fake! The sea overlord Lockes was defeated by you and Roger, and in the end it became the credit of you alone, and even Roger, who turned himself in, was said by you, the bastard, to be captured by you personally! ”

“I’ve never seen someone so brazen!”

“Down with Karp! Kill his sons and grandsons who became revolutionaries and pirates! ”

The sailors roared madly at Karp on the execution table, eager to slaughter this bastard who betrayed the navy now.

Some of the sailors, without receiving any orders, directly raised their guns and aimed at Karp’s head, pulled the trigger and fired directly.

Unfortunately, the bullet he fired did not come to Karp at all, and was directly shot down by Ace, who was standing on Karp’s side.

Ace listened to the angry scolding of these sailors, and also showed great anger, and after finding the sailor who shot and shot, he raised his index and middle fingers together, and a pillar of fire that was so hot that the air was distorted along the way, bombarded directly towards the opposite side!


Before the sailor could react, the pillar of fire pierced his chest and took the life of the angry sailor.

However, it can only be said that Ace really has no brains, and wants to use this method to calm these sailors, but the result not only did not have any effect, but also made these sailors even more angry.

This time, even those high-ranking naval officials were completely angry, and some even chose to put down their opponents and rushed towards the execution table regardless of it.

Karp’s face changed after seeing Ace’s action, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to stop Ace’s killing of the navy, but in the end, he didn’t say anything.

Even if he has betrayed the navy, he still has some unbearable words to let Karp kill these sailors.

At this moment, the Warring States foot stepped on the moon step and rushed to the location where Karp was located on the execution platform, his face was already extremely hideous and cold, and he roared at Kapu.

“Karp! You betrayed the Navy for the sake of your family, although the old man does not support it, he can also understand a little, but you let these bastards kill the Navy, and the old man will definitely not let you go! ”

“The reason why these sailors are so angry with you is because they worship and respect you more than anyone else!”

Hearing Sengoku’s words, Karp’s body trembled violently, and his eyes and face became extremely complicated, but he immediately returned to his original appearance.

Karp glanced at the Sengoku who was frantically rushing towards him, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice to Ace and Saab next to him

“Ace, Saab, take Luffy and get out of here! The old man helps you drag them down in the Warring States! ”

Ace and Saab looked at each other when they heard this, and they could clearly see the thick look of worry in each other’s eyes, they were really very worried, Karp had already died because he betrayed the navy he had fought for decades!

However, without waiting for them to say something, Karp stepped sharply under his feet, and with the help of this force, he directly took the initiative to greet the Warring States, while shouting loudly.

“Don’t waste your time, Ace, Saab! Remember, don’t let the old man’s efforts go to waste! ”

Seeing that Karp and the Warring States had begun to fight, Ace and Saab gritted their teeth after looking at each other, and without the slightest hesitation, they directly prepared to rush down.

What they have to do now is to take Luffy, who was slapped out by the Warring States before, and the three brothers who have been reunited for a long time and leave this damn naval headquarters together!

However, just as they were about to leave, Renly quickly struggled and shouted at Ace.

“Hey, hey, hey! Ace! Have you forgotten the old man, quickly help the old man untie this damn shackles, and let the old man rush out with you! ”

Reilly people are numb, Karp doesn’t care about him, Reilly can understand, after all, no matter what, Karp still has feelings for the Navy in his heart.

He, the deputy captain of Roger’s pirate group, known as Rayleigh of Hades, obviously has no way to compare with the two brats of Ace and Saab.

But this guy Ace actually wanted to leave the execution table directly, which made Renly directly unable to sit still!

This horse, if he really left him alone on this execution platform, Rayleigh dared to guarantee that the guy from the Warring States would definitely order the navy to come up and kill himself!

Although Renly was old and had an arm cut off by Luo Xiu’s guy, he really didn’t want to die on the execution table of the Navy headquarters!

Ace and Saab’s footsteps stopped at the same time, and after glancing at Renly, Ace hesitated for a moment, but finally found the key and began to unshackle Renly.

After the shackles that bound Renly were untied, Renly finally breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Ace nodding.

“Ace, in any case, the old man is your father Roger’s partner, next, let the old man open a way for you to escape from this naval headquarters!”

Hearing this, Ace not only did not show the slightest joy, but his face instantly became cold.

“I said, I have nothing to do with Roger! I only have one daddy, and that’s Whitebeard! ”

Renly shook his head when he heard this, not intending to argue with Ace on this issue, and said nonchalantly.

“Whatever you say, okay, don’t waste time, take Luffy, and we’ll leave this naval headquarters together!”

After speaking, Reilly directly jumped down from the execution table and rushed towards the location of Luffy, Marko, and Bista and Ivankov.

Ace looked constipated, and after several attempts to speak, he could only turn into a cold snort, and Saab next to him did the same behavior as Renly.

At the same time, the Warring States and Karp have also exchanged hands, and the Warring States have been completely angered by what Karp did, and there is not the slightest hand left under the attack, and the moves are all aimed at the key points of Karp.

Different from the anger and fierceness on the Sengoku’s face, although Karp was expressionless at this time, he could feel the peace in his heart just by looking.

As if, having betrayed the Navy, it didn’t even have the slightest effect on this guy! Karp’s reaction further aroused the anger in the hearts of the Warring States, and the Warring States asked with an angry low roar while waving his big hand at Karp.

“The old man really didn’t expect that one day he would officially break with you! You guy, you can really betray the navy and the justice for which you have been fighting for decades! ”

Karp took a deep look at the Warring States, and while resisting the offensive of the Warring States, he shook his head and said with emotion.

“I also didn’t expect that the two of us, who had been fighting side by side for decades, would end up like this.”

If there were any other options, Karp would not have betrayed the Navy.

Originally, Karp pinned his hopes on Dorag, Shanks, and Whitebeard, hoping that they would rescue Ace and Saab from the execution table.

However, what Karp didn’t expect was that with the turmoil of Luo Xiu’s bastard, Dorag and Shanks could not get separated at all, and they could only helplessly join forces to fight with Luo Xiu.

If it continues like this, after the Navy completely solves the Whitebeard Pirates, the Roger Pirates, and the Revolutionary Army and those prisoners of Infinite Hell, these two grandsons of their own will really be killed!

What is most unacceptable to Karp is that his own grandson Luffy has also come to this naval headquarters!

If he hadn’t chosen to betray the navy and attracted the attention of the Warring States, I’m afraid that at this time, his only three grandsons would have knelt side by side on the execution table, waiting for the trial of the navy!

Sengoku stared at Karp in front of him, knowing that this guy Karp had thoroughly recognized reality and fully accepted the betrayal of the Navy, since this is the case, there is nothing more to say.

Sengoku glanced at Ace, Saab, and the three Luffy brothers who were trying to break through the blockade of the high-ranking naval personnel and try to escape from the navy headquarters, shook their heads, glanced at Karp with pity, and said in a deep voice.

“Karp, have you ever thought that before this war broke out, the old man was already on guard against your betrayal of the navy?”

Karp’s eyes changed, and his face suddenly became extremely solemn, with his understanding of the Warring States, this guy in the Warring States has always arranged everything in detail when facing major events.

If he had really been on guard against his betrayal of the navy, then he would have made arrangements for this long time ago!

“Sengoku! What the hell do you mean?! ”

Sengoku sighed a little sadly and said in a deep voice.

“When the old man announced to the world that he would publicly execute Fire Fist Ace and Hades Renly at the headquarters of the Navy, I had already asked General Air for help.”

“And the Air Marshal has long been waiting at the headquarters of the Navy with his elite, and what he has to do is to guard against all possible emergencies!”

“Originally, it was just an insurance, but I didn’t expect that you guy would really betray the navy!”

As the voice of the Warring States fell, Steel Bone Kong, who was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, finally appeared with the elites under his command!

Ace, Saab, Luffy, Reilly, Marko, and Ivankov and others are obviously about to successfully break through the blockade of the top naval officials.

However, the goal of the steel bone space was very clear, and he directly raised his fist that was already wrapped in armed color domineering, aimed at the head of Ace who rushed to the front, and smashed it down fiercely!


Ace couldn’t avoid it, and finally could only raise his hands to protect his head, punched down, a dull sound suddenly sounded, and the huge force made Ace’s body roll backwards uncontrollably and fly out upside down!

After sliding on the ground for nearly 100 meters, Ace slammed into the execution table, almost crashing the huge execution table directly!


After seeing Ace being smashed by a punch, Saab and Luffy screamed at the same time and rushed towards the steel bone.

Steel Bone Kong looked at these two bastard imps and couldn’t fight angrily, after snorting coldly, looking at the fists swung by the two of them, Steel Bone Kong did not hesitate to punch and collide with it!

Two dull voices sounded at the same time, and Saab and Luffy screamed at the same time, just like Saab before, they also crashed into the execution table!

Ignoring the collapsed execution table, Steel Bone Kong turned his head to look at Karp, who was grappling with the Warring States, with a gloomy face, and said word by word.

“Karp! You bastard, what a good look! ”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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