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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 094

Chapter 094 Sengoku vs Karp! Extreme one for one! Clean up the portal! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

After hearing the roar of the steel bone, Kapu, who had betrayed the navy and did not have many waves in his heart, suddenly changed drastically.

Karp’s eyes became a little evasive, and he did not dare to look at the sudden appearance of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces.

Seeing Karp’s reaction, Steel Bone Kong couldn’t help but be even more angry, his forehead was bruised, his eyes were wide, and his face was already full of anger, and he roared at Karp again.

“Karp! Look at the old man! To answer the old man’s question, why did you betray the Navy and betray justice?! ”

Karp didn’t respond, just mechanically waved his fists to resist the Sengoku attack, completely unsure what he should do now. Karp really didn’t expect that this guy from the Warring States actually moved the commander of the steel bone space out, moreover, the steel bone space still appeared at such a critical moment!

You know, when the original Rocks era, Karp, Warring States, Zefa, and Crane Staff Officer belonged to the new generation of the Navy, Steel Bone Kong was already a naval admiral.

It is no exaggeration to say that Steel Bone Kong is Karp’s teacher, and he, the vice admiral, is trained and trained by Steel Bone Kong! Karp thought that after he betrayed the navy, he would face his former teacher without face, but he still didn’t expect that the meeting with Steel Bone Kong would come so quickly!

The more silent Karp was, the more furious the steel bone hollow became, and he couldn’t wait to punch Karp’s head on the spot, and after taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice.

“Karp, if you tie up your hands now, the old man can still give you a chance to live, but if you are still obsessed, then don’t blame the old man for cleaning the portal with his own hands!”

Steel Bone stared at Karp with dead eyes, wanting to hear a definite answer from his mouth.

Things have developed to this point, Karp, a naval hero, has been completely discredited, even he, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, can not completely save Karp, at most to ensure that he will not die just like that.

After all, this public execution, the guys of the five old stars, but they watched the whole time in the conference room of the world government, naturally they also knew what Karp did!

But in any case, Karp’s merits over the years cannot be erased, if it is only to save his life, with the face of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, he can still do it.

However, unfortunately, in the face of this proposal, Karp did not even show the slightest hesitation, shook his head straightforwardly, and said in a low tone.

“Commander Sorrow, there is no turning back anymore, and, for me, if I let Dorag, Ace, Saab, and Luffy die and leave me alone alive, then I’d rather die like this!”


After hearing Karp’s words, Steel Bone’s empty eyes suddenly sharpened, and an incomparably terrifying momentum erupted on his body, and he roared angrily at Kapu’s words.

“In that case, then you should die!”

Steel Bone Empty has completely lost interest in persuading Karp, and for the current Steel Bone Kong, it is to use all means to recover the prestige lost by the Navy in this war!

Luo Xiu, the bastard, exposed the identity and relationship of the three brothers of the Monchi family, Ace, Saab, and Luffy, and also exposed that the honor of Karp, a naval hero, was false, which itself had already dealt an incomparably huge blow to the navy.

Even if the war is not over, Steel Bone can guess how disgusted and bad feelings those spectators who are watching this public execution in every corner of the world have towards their navy.

Now this guy Karp has made a blatant betrayal of the Navy, which will make the reputation of the Navy completely fall to the bottom, if you don’t want to save the image, then their Navy can really only be a dog to the world government forever after not getting the support and trust of ordinary people!

Although Steel Bone Kong is the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, he is the marshal of the navy before the Warring States!

Whether it is the credit of Karp and Roger in killing the sea overlord Lockes, leaving Karp alone to possess, or concealing the fact that Roger turned himself in, publicizing that Roger, the One Piece, was captured by Karp himself, it was a decision made by Steelbone.

Its purpose is to create a hero for the Navy, so that the Navy can win the trust and support of ordinary people around the world, and when the right opportunity arises, it can completely free the navy from the control of the world government, and truly worthy of the justice behind it!

But since Karp has completely failed his expectations, no matter what kind of teacher-student relationship he has with Karp, it is absolutely impossible for Steel Bone Kong to be soft on Karp!

Seeing that Steel Bone Kong wanted to intervene in the battle between them, Sengoku quickly spoke.

“Air Marshal, Karp this guy, leave it to me to solve, I think, personally dispose of Karp, this guy who betrayed the Navy!”

Steel Bone Kong took a deep look at the Warring States and nodded heavily.

“In that case, then Karp will be handed over to you!”

After speaking, Steel Bone Kong did not hesitate at all, stepped fiercely under his feet, and rushed towards Renly, Marko, and Ivankov and others on the other side.

Steel bone air knows the Warring States and knows how deep his feelings for the navy are, and at this moment that is crucial to the navy and related to the future fate of the navy, the warring countries will definitely not have the slightest soft-heartedness!

As a naval marshal, this is the responsibility that the Warring States must bear!

Sengoku pulled off the cloak of justice behind him, held it in his hand, and said in a deep voice to Karp in front of him.

“Karp, take off your naval uniform, I don’t want to see you continue to wear your navy uniform and commit an act of betraying justice!”

Warring States’ words made Karp’s face change, and his eyes became extremely complicated, but under the angry gaze of the Warring States, Karp finally took off the cloak of justice behind him.

Karp opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but after seeing the three brothers Ace, Saab, and Luffy who were supporting each other and crawling out of the ruins of the execution table, Karp’s eyes became extremely firm again, and he threw the justice cloak aside, stared at the opposite Sengoku, and said in a deep voice.

“Come on, Sengoku! After fighting side by side for so many years, take this opportunity to have a good fight! ”

Kapuna’s attitude towards the cloak of justice completely angered the Sengoku, and after taking a cold look at Kapu, the Sengoku moved his mind and directly entered the phantom beast species Great Buddha form he had.

Sengoku, whose body became huge and his whole body shone with bright golden light, roared at Karp.

“Karp! Since you have to be so obsessed, then it’s up to me to solve you with my own hands! ”

When the words fell, the Sengoku stepped fiercely, and a deep pit appeared directly in place, and the Warring States himself, with the help of this force, slammed towards the opposite Karp.

In the face of the offensive of the Warring States, Karp did not hesitate at all, in order to save the lives of his son and grandson, let the current Karp do anything!

A trace of essence flashed in Karp’s eyes, and when the thought moved, the extremely powerful armed color domineering directly covered its fists and took the initiative to attack the Warring States.


Karp’s fist collided with the huge palm of the Warring States that shone with golden light, and directly erupted into a violent roar that resounded throughout the sky!

The position of the two was instantly blasted out of a huge deep pit, and the surrounding ground was cracked inch by inch, and it was raised layer after layer by the shock wave of this dire cloth!

At the same time that the battle between the Warring States and Karp officially began, and both of them began to break out with all their strength, Steel Bone Kong, who was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, also led the elite under his command to fight fiercely towards Marko, Bista, Eizang, and Ivankov, Renly and others.

At the same time, the four top naval powerhouses of Red Dog, Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape, and Magellan, have also completely suppressed the offensive of those prisoners of Infinite Hell.

Under the attack of the four of them, one prisoner after another died one after another, and only Barrett, the Red Earl, the World Destroyer, and the Evil King, even in the infinite hell, are all top-level powerhouses, and can continue to persevere in front of the admiral.

It’s just that they all know very well that if this battle continues, it may not be long before they will completely die at the hands of these high-ranking naval officials!

It was clear that they had just escaped from the damn cage in Advance City, how could they be willing to be killed directly by the navy like this?

Under this circumstance, some prisoners of infinite hell no longer want to take this opportunity to make a name for themselves in the world, but began to frantically flee towards the port of the naval headquarters, desperately trying to escape from this damn naval headquarters!

However, unfortunately, their behavior will only make death fall on their heads faster, and they have completely become ruthless, no longer thinking of imprisoning them in the city, but thinking of directly erasing the navy, will not give them any chance to escape, directly catch up and kill them!

While the three navy leaders and Magellan and other naval high-ranking officials are concentrating on dealing with these prisoners of infinite hell.

The battle between Whitebeard and Blackbeard has also entered a white-hot stage, and after several attempts, Whitebeard finally found that his Shock Fruit ability seemed to have no effect at all in front of Blackbeard, the bastard.

Not only could it not directly shatter Blackbeard, but it would even be directly absorbed by his dark fruit ability.

The black beard, who was emitting black fog all over his body, grinned at the white beard in front of him and laughed loudly.

“Daddy! I have already told you before, in the face of my dark fruit ability, all devil fruit abilities are to be completely invalidated! ”

In addition to Luo Xiu’s monster’s time fruit ability, Blackbeard has not swelled to the point of losing his mind, and directly added in his heart, after all, the previous encounter on Banaro Island, Blackbeard has never forgotten!

The shame he received on Luo Xiu at that time, Blackbeard has always remembered it, and when he gets the shocking fruit ability of this guy with Whitebeard, he will definitely seek revenge on Luo Xiu as soon as possible and completely wash away his shame!

Whitebeard stared at the blackbeard in front of him, feeling the swelling emotions coming from this guy, and whispered.

“The old man said, Tichy, you are not worthy of being the son of the old man, don’t use the title of father to disgust the old man again!”



Without the slightest hesitation, Whitebeard directly raised the Cong Yun cut in his hand high, aiming at the blackbeard in front of him and slashing down even more fiercely.

He, the strongest man in the world, is powerful not only with the ability to shock the fruit!

Since the Shock Fruit ability can’t play any role in front of this guy Blackbeard, then don’t use it!

Even if he doesn’t use the Shock Fruit, Whitebeard has absolute confidence to kill this guy who should have died a long time ago!

In the eyes of Whitebeard, although Luo Xiu single-handedly provoked this top war, Blackbeard, the bastard, is the real culprit of this war!

If it weren’t for his act of killing Saatchi, leaving Ace desperate to hunt him down alone, under the protection of his dignified white beard, how could Ace fall into the hands of that guy Luo Xiu?

This war has gone on until now, it took him decades to have so many families, and the result was that because of such a war, it directly came to naught!

How can the grief and hatred in Whitebeard’s heart be clear in words?

Seeing Whitebeard’s cong Yun cut towards him, Blackbeard’s pupils contracted sharply, and his eyes were instantly filled with fear. After experiencing Whitebeard’s beating, Blackbeard has also thoroughly recognized the reality, even if Whitebeard is no longer at his peak now, but with his strength alone, if you want to solve Whitebeard, it is not so easy to do it!

The most important thing is that this war has been going on to such an extent, and this guy with a white beard has already had a will to die in his heart and is ready to die in this war.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Marko, Ace, and Bista can be protected from the naval headquarters alive, then no matter what Whitebeard does, he will definitely be happy!

In the face of this whitebeard, who is already in a state of near madness, Blackbeard does not want to go to a limit with him.

Blackbeard’s eyes flashed, and after glancing at the nearest battlefield, a trace of essence suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he quickly raised the dagger in his hand in front of him.


Cong Yun cut on Blackbeard’s dagger, the huge force made Blackbeard’s body roll directly in the air and fly out upside down, Whitebeard was a little suspicious when he saw this, although Blackbeard’s strength is not good, he is not weak to this extent.

But no matter what he wants to do, this time, he must not let Blackbeard continue to live.

Otherwise, even if Marko, Ace, and Bista can successfully escape from the naval headquarters, with the character and style of Blackbeard, the bastard, they will definitely keep asking them for trouble, until all the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are killed!

In this case, then help them solve the big trouble of Blackbeard before desperately sending their remaining sons out of the navy headquarters!

Thinking of this, Whitebeard stepped fiercely under his feet, and a deep pit appeared directly in place, and his body, with the help of this power, chased towards Blackbeard.

After seeing Whitebeard’s actions, Blackbeard not only did not have the slightest fear, but a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he shouted loudly to the red dog behind him.

“Red dog! Leave Barrett alone! If you don’t solve this guy with Whitebeard, he will directly destroy your naval headquarters!” ”

As Blackbeard’s voice fell, Whitebeard’s high-raised Cong Yunche fell directly towards him!

Blackbeard hurriedly retreated back at the first time, allowing Whitebeard’s sword wrapped in the ability of the Shock Fruit to slash on the ground!


With a violent roar that resounded in the sky, the Shock Fruit ability erupted, and the ground that was cut by the clouds exploded, and the terrifying crack spread until it reached Blackbeard’s feet!

Looking at this scene, a trace of fear flashed in Blackbeard’s eyes, and then he looked at Chi Dog with a look of hope, wanting to join forces with Chi Dog to solve Whitebeard.

However, the red dog only glanced at the two of them coldly, and while continuing to launch a crazy offensive towards Barrett, he said coldly in that voice without the slightest emotion.

“You better take care of yourself, the grudge between you and Whitebeard, the two of you solve it alone!”

Want to lead the way? Who did you think of his red dog? Do you really think that everyone is as idiotic as the grandson of that guy from Karp?

When Blackbeard heard this, the smile on his face instantly froze, seeing Whitebeard carrying Cong Yunche and slashing at him again, Blackbeard didn’t care about talking nonsense with the red dog, and after gritting his teeth, he rushed towards the location where Ace and Marko and the others were.

This time, Blackbeard could say that he had used the fastest speed in his life, even faster than when he had escaped in front of Luo Xiu on Banaro Island before.

“Daddy! In order to rescue Ace and let your Whitebeard Pirate Group have such a huge number of casualties, what will you do if Ace dies? ”

Hearing this, Whitebeard’s pupils contracted violently, and his face was instantly filled with raging anger, and he roared angrily while chasing Blackbeard.

“Tichy! The old man is going to slaughter you with his own hands! ”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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