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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 095

Chapter 095 Slash Reilly Marko! Shanks Whitebeard Crazy! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

For Blackbeard, that commander-in-chief of the three armies, Steel Bone Kong, is already the last force he can use, and the only thing he can do now is to lead Whitebeard to Steel Bone Kong.

Anyway, Steel Bone Kong and those elites under his command are dealing with Ace, Marko, and Bista at this time, and Blackbeard knows very well that once they fall into crisis, Whitebeard will not be able to sit idly by no matter what!

After all, in Whitebeard’s heart, nothing is more important than his sons!

As long as a war breaks out between Whitebeard and Steel Bone Space, then he can find a suitable opportunity to directly kill Whitebeard by sneak attack and seize the Shock Fruit ability that he has coveted for decades!

At that time, the dark fruit plus the shock fruit, Blackbeard really didn’t believe that there were several people in this world who were his opponents!

Especially Luo Xiu, who let himself experience humiliation several times, must slaughter him with his own hands when the time comes!

With this thought, Blackbeard’s eyes flashed a hot light, and after feeling that Whitebeard was following closely behind him at this time, chasing him, Blackbeard rushed towards the location where Ace and Marko and the others were even more heedless.

Seeing that Blackbeard seemed to be about to sneak up on Marko and Ace, Yizo’s pupils on the side contracted violently, raised the two pistols in his hand and shot wildly at Blackbeard.

Unfortunately, Eizang’s act of pulling out a gun and shooting could not have any effect on Blackbeard at all, but instead made Blackbeard notice this guy and turn the target to Ezo.

A sharp look flashed in Blackbeard’s eyes, and he stepped fiercely under his feet, holding the dagger and rushing towards Eizang.

After seeing Blackbeard’s action, Yizang was shocked, and in a hurry, he picked up a saber at his feet, aimed it at Blackbeard and cut it over.

In any case, Izang is a person from the country of Wano, even if he is not good at swordsmanship, but at least he is not at the level of ignorance.

It’s just that the current Blackbeard has no time to play slowly with Yizo, he just wants to slaughter Yizang straightforwardly, and use this way to stimulate Whitebeard to completely lose his mind!

Blackbeard waved the dagger in his hand to block the saber that Izo had chopped, and then he didn’t have time for Eizang to make any reaction, and directly stretched out his other palm and grabbed Eizang’s slender and tender neck.

This guy, obviously a man, but always dressed as a woman, really looks uncomfortable!

Blackbeard grabbed Izang’s neck, dragged it in front of him, and placed the dagger on Izang’s neck, grinning at the whitebeard who chased him after him.

“Thief hahahaha… Dad, although the strength of your strongest man in the world is indeed very strong, these sons of yours are really weaker than one! ”

“When I was on Banaro Island before, if it weren’t for Luo Xiu’s sudden appearance, it would have been me who captured Ace and handed it over to the navy to start this war with my own hands!”

After hearing Blackbeard’s words, Whitebeard was even more furious, and even if he wanted to cut off the head of Blackbeard, the bastard, with Cong Yun.

However, after seeing his movements, Blackbeard put the dagger against Izang’s neck and said with a sinister laugh.

“Dad, are you trying to force me to kill Yizang now?”

Whitebeard’s footsteps stopped, a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, and he swung Cong Yun Cut, the tip of the knife pointed directly at Blackbeard, and roared word by word.

“Tichy! Do you think the old man will accept the threat of you bastard? ”

Whitebeard knows very well that no matter what he does, Blackbeard’s guy will never let go of Yi Zang, and even, he is deliberately using it to hide and drag time, so that the steel bones are empty, and those high-ranking naval officials, solve their respective opponents, free their hands, and then deal with him, the strongest man in the world!

Izang also realized this and shouted directly at Whitebeard.

“Daddy! Leave me alone, slaughter Tichy, the damn bastard! ”

Hearing this, the smile on Blackbeard’s face froze, but he immediately recovered, since the threat is useless, then there is no other use in hiding this guy!

Thinking of this, under the frightened gaze of Whitebeard, Blackbeard directly swung the dagger in his hand, and cut off Zang’s head with a knife.

“Eizang! Tichy, you fucking bastard! ”

Looking at the body that Izang smashed to the ground, and the head that Blackbeard held in his hand, even on the other side, Ace, Marko and the others who were resisting the attack of Steel Bone Kong and the elite under his command, all looked at Blackbeard with tears, eager to kill this bastard on the spot.

In the face of their anger, Blackbeard not only did not have the slightest fear, but couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Thief hahahaha… Dad, don’t be so serious, it’s not good if you are angry! ”

While speaking, Blackbeard also lifted Eizang’s head and admired a wave of Eizang’s eyes before he died.

After seeing Blackbeard’s performance, Whitebeard could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and after roaring, he lifted the Cong Yunche in his hand and rushed towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard laughed twice, threw Hide’s head at Whitebeard, and also rushed towards Ace, Marko and Bista.

If you want to completely anger Whitebeard and make the world’s strongest man get carried away by anger to the point of losing his mind, how can it be enough to kill one Yizo?

The only three remaining captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, he also killed!

After Steel Bone Kong punched Marko out, he had also noticed Blackbeard’s behavior, and the eyes of the commander-in-chief of the three armies flashed, and after only hesitating for a moment, he directly stepped on the moon step and appeared in front of Whitebeard.


The steel-boned empty fist collided with the white-bearded Cong Yunche together, and a violent roar that resounded in the sky erupted.

“Whitebeard, haven’t you always been proud of these sons of yours? Now it seems that there are also people who are very dissatisfied with you. ”

Whitebeard looked at the mocking smile on Steelbone’s face, and the anger in his heart became stronger, and roared angrily at Steelbone.

“Get out of here!”

Steel Bone Kong snorted coldly when he heard this, and did not have the slightest intention of retreating, but instead burst out with all his strength and began to fight fiercely with Whitebeard.

In the eyes of Steel Bone Kong, Blackbeard has become the best tool man, since he has to deal with the captain of those Whitebeard Pirates, Steel Bone Kong does not mind helping Blackbeard block Whitebeard first.

After Blackbeard kills Marko, Ace, and the three guys of Bista, it’s not too late for Whitebeard to continue chasing Blackbeard!

Blackbeard was naturally able to guess the idea of Steel Bone Void, but he didn’t care at all, and in the end, he couldn’t tell who was yin and whom! When Whitebeard, Steel Bone Void, and Blackbeard broke out in fierce battles with Marko and Ace, Luo Xiu on the other side had also noticed the situation here.

For Luo Xiu, although he had the advantage in the battle with Shanks and Dorag, these advantages were not enough for Luo Xiu to successfully kill the two of them.

If you want to kill Shanks and Dorag, it is very important to find the right time.

In this case, instead of wasting time on these two guys, it is better to slaughter other targets first, Luo Xiu doesn’t want the Blackbeard guy to rob his prey!

After all, the greater Luo Xiu did in this top war, the higher the reward he would get when the war was over!

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu smiled at Shanks and Dorag in front of him.

“Shanks, Dorag, I’m not going to play with you guys anymore.”

Hearing this, both Shanks and Dorag had a sense of foreboding in their hearts, and after catching a glimpse of Blackbeard and Ace’s location, the two of them had also realized what Luo Xiu wanted to do.

However, unfortunately, without waiting for the two of them to make a move, Luo Xiu raised the corners of his mouth and said lightly.



In an instant, the speed of time flow on the two of Shanks and Dorag was directly slowed down by dozens of times, not to mention blocking Luo Xiu, it was extremely difficult for them to even make moves!

Luo Xiu didn’t look at these two guys, stepped fiercely under his feet, and a deep pit appeared directly in place, and Luo Xiu himself, with the help of this force, rushed towards the location where Blackbeard, Marko, and Renly and Ace were located.

At this time, Blackbeard was frantically releasing the power of his dark fruit, devouring the fireball that Ace bombarded him, and Blackbeard looked at Ace with a crazy look and laughed.

“Thief hahahaha… Ace! You guy is really brainless as always! ”

“Obviously you have tried so many times when you were on Banaro Island, knowing that in front of my dark fruit ability, your burning fruit will not have any effect at all, why waste your efforts in vain?”

Ace’s face was livid, and there was raging anger in his eyes, and he couldn’t wait to rush directly to slaughter Blackbeard, a damn bastard, right now.

But at this moment, Saab on the side directly grabbed his arm and said in a deep voice.

“Don’t hit Ace! This guy is deliberately provoking you in this way! ”

“The most important thing now is to successfully escape from this naval headquarters, don’t forget the words of old man Karp, let the sacrifices he made for us go to waste!”

Hearing this, Ace finally calmed down, took a deep look at Blackbeard, and said heavily.

“Then get out of here first! Later, I must kill Tichy, the damn bastard, with my own hands! ”

Sabo secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart when he heard this, Ace, this guy, really compared with the past, there is no change at all, it is still so easy to be impulsive to lose his mind!

After persuading Ace, Saab did not waste time, joined forces with him and Luffy on the other side, and continued to rush towards the high-ranking naval officials in front of him, as well as the elites who followed Steel Bone Air to the naval headquarters.

At the same time, Marko, Bista, as well as Reilly and Ivankov, and others joined forces to kill Blackbeard, the spoiler, first.

Blackbeard’s strength is stronger than any of them, and if left unchecked, it will only make it harder for them to break through the naval blockade.

Seeing this, Blackbeard didn’t flinch at all, even if he wanted to kill these guys one by one.

However, at this moment, Blackbeard’s heart suddenly sounded alarm, and suddenly a feeling of heart palpitations came, making Blackbeard roll out desperately to the side.


The sound of a blade tearing through flesh and blood sounded, accompanied by Blackbeard’s irrepressible roar of pain.

Luo Xiu looked at Blackbeard, who had dodged the point and was just slashed in the back by himself, and couldn’t help but smack his lips with some pity.

“I really don’t let my guard down in the slightest, Blackbeard.”

Blackbeard, who had suffered double the pain, did not care to respond to Luo Xiu at all, but kept rolling on the ground, trying to alleviate the pain in this way.

Luo Xiu did not continue to chase and kill Blackbeard, but set his eyes on the vigilant Marko, Bista, Reilly, and Ivankov and others on the opposite side.

Feeling their gaze, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth were slightly hooked, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he said slowly.

“I announce, you are now surrounded by me!”

Hearing this, Marko and Reilly and the others’ hearts became heavier, and just as they were about to say something, a sharp color flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, and his figure instantly disappeared in place.

In the next second, Luo Xiu, who appeared at Bista’s side, raised the famous knife in his hand, aimed it at Bista’s neck and slashed down.

Even at the last moment, Bista, who reacted, was shocked and hurriedly raised the two sabers in his hand to block him, but Luo Xiu’s terrifying power was completely beyond Bista’s imagination!


With a crisp sound, the two sabers held in Bista’s hands directly broke in response!

Luo Xiu didn’t give Bista the slightest chance at all, continued to swing the autumn water, and slashed at Bista ‘s neck with a fierce sword!


The sound of the blade tearing through the flesh and blood sounded, and Bista’s head directly began to roll wantonly in the air, and the neat break on his neck began to have warm scarlet blood shooting out wildly.

Luo Xiu admired this scene with great interest and said with a smile.

“You don’t really think I’m interested in talking nonsense with you guys, do you?”


Seeing Bista being beheaded by Luo Xiu, the nearest Marko’s eyes instantly turned red, even if he had entered the form of an immortal bird, his face still looked extremely hideous.

Marko, who had been carried away by anger and hatred, no longer had the reason he had in the past, flapped his arms that had turned into wings, roared, and rushed towards Luo Xiu’s location.

Facing the crazy Marko, Luo Xiu raised his palm, and his lips whispered.

“Time stops!”


In an instant, Marko’s body suddenly stopped in the air, and Luo Xiu did not waste even a second of time, stepping on the moon step, and instantly appeared above Marko, and the famous knife in his hand that had been wrapped around the armed color domineering was aimed at Marko’s head and fell down!


With a knife down 0.8, Marko was directly separated from the corpse, and this immortal bird Marko directly became a dead bird!


Seeing Bista and Marko being beheaded by Luo Xiu one after another, whether it was Whitebeard who was fighting fiercely with the steel bone, or Ace, who was attacking the blockade of the high-ranking naval officials, they were all blinded, their eyes were red, and they roared madly at Luo Xiu.

It’s just that no matter what kind of hatred and anger they have in their hearts, it is impossible to affect Luo Xiu’s actions.

After killing Bista and Marko one after another, Luo Xiu’s offensive did not end there, and the nearest Ivankov seemed to have become Luo Xiu’s target!

After Ivankov realized that he had become Luo Xiu’s prey, his pupils opened sharply, and his heart was already full of fear, and he did not dare to face Luo Xiu directly, but began to frantically flee towards the distance.

Unfortunately, in front of Luo Xiu, who possessed the ability of the fruit of time, no matter how fast he could burst out, it would be useless at all!

Luo Xiu raised his palm and shouted.

“Messy Golden Watch!”

Under the action of the ability of the fruit of time, Ivankov’s figure instantly stopped, and Luo Xiu did not give him any chance at all, and directly pierced the heart of this demon king with a single sword!

With Luo Xiu’s wrist flipping, Qiu Shui directly shook Ivankov’s heart into countless pieces, so that this demon king could not die again!

Luo Xiu kicked on Ivankov’s corpse, and while kicking it out, he also used this force to appear directly behind Renly.

As soon as Renly was about to run, he only felt that a Time Fruit ability fell directly on him, making him, the Hades, unable to make any movements at all.

Luo Xiu put the autumn water on Renly’s neck and watched with a smile as the crazy Shanks rushed towards him.

“Shanks, do you want to seize the opportunity this time and say goodbye to you, the deputy captain?”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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