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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 097

Chapter 097 Luo Xiu killed crazy! Kill Blackbeard, Steel Bone Empty! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。


After seeing that even Solon and Sanji were killed by Roxiu, Luffy completely collapsed, even with Ace and Saab pulling on one side, he fell to his knees with a bang, tears kept pouring out of his eyes, and a heartache-sounding wail came from the depths of his throat.

Listening to Luffy’s howl of pain in his ears, whether it was Ace and Saab, or Shanks and Dorag, their faces had become extremely ugly.

Especially combined with what Luo Xiu said, and the playful smile on Luo Xiu’s face, it made the hatred of Luo Xiu in the hearts of the four of them reach the extreme.

What do they mean that they are the murderers who killed Solon and Sanji? The one who killed Luffy’s companion is obviously you Luo Xiu, how did you say such words with a smile!

Luo Xiu didn’t take the reaction of the four of them to heart at all, but looked at Luffy, who was kneeling and crying in a low voice.

Seeing that the collapse in his heart had reached its peak, but he still didn’t open and hang into the fourth or fifth gear, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but smack his lips and shook his head with some pity.

“If you don’t open it yet, you won’t have a chance to open it!”

Shanks and Dorag were so guarding in front of Ace, Saab, and Luffy, they didn’t have the slightest intention of leaving.

Out of the corner of his eye, Luo Xiu glanced at the steel bone that had just gotten up from the ground, was slashed by a white beard on his chest, and was still gushing blood, and after his eyes flashed, he directly lifted Qiushui and rushed to the opposite side of Shanks and Dorag.

Seeing this situation, Shanks and Dorag did not dare to relax carelessly, and quickly swung the griffin and wind blade in their hands to slash at Luo Xiu.


Along with the collision of Autumn Water with Griffin and the Wind Blade, a violent roar directly erupted.

However, to the surprise of Shanks and Dorag, this time, Luo Xiu did not continue to fight with them, but also used their strength to quickly sweep towards the distance.

Luo Xiu’s behavior made Shanks and Dorag a little confused for a while, but after seeing the direction Luo Xiu rushed, Dorag’s pupils opened sharply and shouted loudly towards the steel bone.

“Commander Sorca! Be careful! ”

After hearing Dorag’s words, an ominous premonition appeared in his heart, even if he didn’t have time to check what was happening, he still relied entirely on the fighting instinct he had cultivated over the years, swung his fists, and slashed backwards.


The terrifying power struck, making Steel Bone Kong’s face instantly become vicious and distorted, and Steel Bone Kong, who was caught off guard by Luo Xiu’s knife, only held on for a moment, and was directly blasted out by Luo Xiu’s huge power!

Seeing this scene, although Dorag’s heart was still full of worry, he was still deeply relieved at the same time.

Anyway, when he didn’t betray the navy and created the revolutionary army, the steel bone air and the warring countries were too good for him, even if he is now torn with the navy, Dorag definitely does not want to see the steel bone empty die like this.

At least, until they successfully leave the Navy headquarters, the steel bone empty can’t die!

Dorag and Shanks looked at each other, and even wanted to take the opportunity to take Ace, Saab, and Luffy and they left the navy headquarters.

However, at this moment, Magellan, who was the warden of Advance City, directly released three poisonous dragons from his body and blocked in front of Shanks and Dorag!

For Magellan, all the enemies the Navy faced in this war were less hateful than the two bastards of Shanks and Dorag!

Originally, when he came to the naval headquarters, Magellan wanted to kill them at the first time, but because of the order of the Marshal of the Warring States not to participate in the battle between Lother, Shanks, and Dorag, Magellan reluctantly turned to deal with the prisoners of Infinite Hell.

But now the prisoners of the infinite hell, except for some of the most powerful Barrett and the Red Earl and others, are struggling to support in the hands of the three admirals of Red Dog, Green Pheasant, and Yellow Ape.

The other prisoners have been killed by Magellan’s people, even the former guard of the city, Nagayu no Hiryu, has died at Magellan’s hands.

Seeing that Dorag and Shanks, the two culprits who led to the destruction of the advancing city, wanted to escape, how could Magellan be indifferent?

Seeing this, Shanks and Dorag could only temporarily give up the idea of running away with the three brothers to resist Magellan’s crazy attack. However, while swinging the wind blade in his hand to slash Magellan’s poisonous dragon, Dorag looked at Magellan and said in a deep voice.

“Magellan, what you should do now is to help General Kong deal with Luo Xiu! Instead of wasting time on us! ”

“Those prisoners of Infinite Hell are about to be killed by your navy, and now there is any point in thinking about this with the two of us?”

Hearing this, Magellan not only did not give up the idea of dealing with Dorag, but became even more angry, and poisonous liquid continued to drip on his face, making the warden look extremely vicious and vicious.

“Dorag, you bastard! How did you have the face to say such a thing? ”

“How did the prisoners of Infinite Hell escape? Didn’t you say before that you were going to help the Navy get rid of those prisoners? How did you help? Take your revolutionary army, go to war with the Navy? ”

In the end, Magellan was no longer able to control his emotions, and began to frantically attack Dorag, regardless of whether he would be hurt.

Even if he fights for the limit, Magellan must kill Dorag, a villain who is hypocritical to the extreme!

And Magellan’s words made Dorag feel a little self-conscious for a while, and he didn’t know how to answer at all. Seeing this, Shanks’ eyes flashed, and he looked at Magellan and said in a deep voice.

“Magellan, neither me nor Dorag, expected things to turn out the way they are.”

“But since those prisoners of Infinite Hell are about to be completely solved by the Navy, then please give me a face, end it, let’s take Ace and Luffy and leave.”

Hearing this, Magellan was immediately furious, and after an angry roar, an incomparably large poisonous giant appeared directly behind Magellan.

Magellan controlled the poisonous giant to rush towards Shanks, and he himself rushed towards Dorag in a one-for-one madness.

“Go Nima’s! Give you a face, what face do you have when you step on a horse? Lao Tzu must slaughter you! ”

With Magellan’s personality, he couldn’t help but directly burst this kind of foul language, but you can imagine how much the two hypocritical villains of Dorag and Shanks have made him angry!

At the same time that Magellan single-handedly blocked Shanks and Dorag’s attempt to escape the naval headquarters with the three brothers, after slashing the steel bone air with a knife, Luo Xiu’s offensive not only did not end there, but stepped on the moon step and chased towards the steel bone sky.

The autumn water in his hand continued to slash at the steel bone void below, even with the armed color domineering winding, the steel bone empty arms were still cut out of the Dao wound by Luo Xiu.

After Steel Bone Empty gritted his teeth, he swung his fist and smashed a punch on Luo Xiu’s autumn water that slashed at him again!


The fist collided with Qiu Shui, and the huge force made the steel bone’s empty body smash downwards.

With a loud noise, the naval headquarters was directly smashed out of a huge deep pit by the steel bone, and the dust and fog in the sky directly covered the figure of the steel bone.

Steel Bone Kong felt the continuous severe pain from those wounds on his arms, his face became a little fierce, and his heart was full of solemnity, and he was frightened from the bottom of his heart for the strength of Luo Xiu, a monster.

Steel Bone Empty supported his body to get up, after taking a deep breath, when he wanted to rush out of this dusty fog, but at this moment, Luo Xiu’s voice suddenly entered his ears.

“Time stops!”


In an instant, all the actions of the steel bone sky directly stopped, and he could clearly feel that under the blessing of this time fruit ability, all actions could not be made!

At this moment, Steel Bone Kong only felt that he clearly smelled the breath of death, as if in the next second, he, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, was going to die directly!

After realizing this, the Steel Bone Hollow Head was furious, and frantically burst out with all his strength, wanting to break free from the Time Fruit ability blessed on Zisan.

However, unfortunately, just when the steel bone void was about to successfully break free from the shackles of time stopping, a streak of knife light appeared, and the tip of the qiushui knife suddenly stabbed from the back of the steel bone void!


With a dull sound, the steel bone void that had successfully broken free from the shackles of the ability of the fruit of time, looked down, and found that the tip of the knife was emerging at the mouth of his heart.

Steel Bone Kong could clearly feel that his heart had been pierced by Luo Xiu’s famous knife, and the life force in his body was passing rapidly.

“Luo Xiu, you…”

Just when the steel bone opened his mouth to say something, Luo Xiu suddenly flipped his wrist, and the autumn water stirred in the steel bone empty body instantly shattered the heart of the general division of the three armies into countless pieces!

Luo Xiu pulled out the autumn water, without looking at the dead commander of the three armies, he directly turned around and swept in another direction, without the slightest drag in the action!

The dust and fog in the sky gradually dispersed, revealing the situation inside, and the others present also clearly saw that the dead steel bone was lying on the ground empty.

“Air Marshal!!!”

After seeing this scene, whether it was the Warring States and Karp who were fighting fiercely, or other high-ranking naval officials, and even Magellan, who was stimulated to madness, he couldn’t help but look at the location where the steel bone space was.

In an instant, an angry roar resounded throughout the navy headquarters, and all navies began to launch an extremely crazy offensive against their respective enemies.

Even if he entered the Warring States in the form of the Great Buddha, after glancing at Luo Xiu’s back with eyes full of anger and hatred, he gritted his teeth and roared, and launched an even more fierce and crazy attack towards Kapu in front of him.

What he needs to do most now is not to grieve because of the death of General Steelbone, but to solve the bastard Karp first, and then join forces with other high-ranking naval officials to wipe out Luo Xiu, the damn guy!

Unlike Sengoku, who was completely strong after a moment of sadness, Karp was already full of grief after seeing his only teacher killed by Luo Xiu.

Karp couldn’t help but wonder if he really did something wrong by allowing Dorag to leave the navy, form a revolutionary army, let Ace, Luffy, and go to sea to become pirates?

If his attitude could have been tougher, allowing Dorag to remain in the Navy, and allowing the three brothers Ace, Saab, and Luffy to join the Navy, would there not be such a tragedy as it is now?

The brief stunned look that appeared on Kapu’s body undoubtedly gave the Warring States the best chance, and the Warring States in the form of the big Buddha raised the huge palm shining with golden light, and slapped down on Karp’s head!


A big bi shook down, and Karp’s body was directly slapped away, and after rolling in the air for dozens of times, he finally fell heavily on the ground.

Sengoku’s slap did not leave the slightest hand at all, and directly swollen Kapu’s face instantly, and blood began to emerge from the corners of his mouth.

The Warring States did not waste time, after stepping fiercely under their feet, they rushed towards Karp again, at this moment, in the minds of the Warring States, Karp is no longer a partner fighting side by side, but an enemy that their navy must solve!

Karp shook his somewhat confused head, and after getting up, he no longer cared about grieving for the death of Steel Bone, and continued to fight with the Warring States with a hard head.

Since he has completely betrayed the navy and caused his teacher Gang Bone Kong to die in this war, then he can’t give up halfway!

At least, they won’t die until Dorag and Shanks defeat Magellan and flee the naval headquarters with Ace, Saab, and Luffy!

At this point, Karp has absolute confidence in Dorag and Shanks, after all, even if compared alone, whether it is Dorag or Shanks, the strength is stronger than Magellan.

The reason why Magellan can now block the two of them by himself is only because he fought for his life! Just as the battle between Sengoku and Karp became more and more intense, both of them had already broken out with all their strength and entered a state of fighting for their lives. Luo Xiu, who had just killed the commander of the three armed forces, had also appeared in front of Whitebeard and Blackbeard, Luo Xiu looked at Blackbeard, who was frantically attacking Whitebeard and wanted to kill him in the shortest possible time, and said with a smile.

“Blackbeard, it seems that even if you are given a chance, you will not be useful.”

Hearing this, Blackbeard’s face changed suddenly, and his heart began to beat wildly, attacking Whitebeard while guarding against Luo Xiu’s sudden riot.

The moment Whitebeard saw Luo Xiu appear in front of him, his eyes suddenly became red, his eyes were filled with thick anger and hatred, and he wanted to slaughter Luo Xiu on the spot to avenge the death of Marko and Bista in his hands.

However, after Whitebeard repelled Blackbeard with a sword, he had just taken a step towards Luo Xiu, and he only felt a chill in his back, and a sharp pain spread to his mind.

“Tichy! You fucking bastard! ”

After feeling that Blackbeard had stabbed himself, Whitebeard immediately roared angrily, and slashed at Blackbeard with a wave of his hand.

After Blackbeard gritted his teeth to block Whitebeard’s blow, he looked at Whitebeard angrily and anxiously.

“Whitebeard! You guy hurry up and let me kill ah!” I promise that after killing you, I will definitely slaughter Luo Xiu and avenge Marko and Bista! ”

“Daddy! Trust me, I can do it! ”

Blackbeard was already about to go crazy, he knew that Luo Xiu had already set his sights on him, if he didn’t get the Shock Fruit ability again, he was afraid that he would really die under Luo Xiu’s sword!

It’s just that Blackbeard’s incoherent words made Whitebeard even more angry in his heart, and he no longer said even a word of nonsense to Blackbeard, raised Cong Yunche and slashed at Blackbeard fiercely.

Since Blackbeard is looking for death, then first kill Blackbeard to avenge Saatchi, and then slaughter Luo Xiu, while avenging Marko and Bista, he can also eliminate the biggest threat for Ace at the end of his life!

Luo Xiu looked at this scene with interest, and a strange smile appeared on his face, this is really a model of father’s filial piety!

“It’s just a pity that I don’t plan to waste all my time on you!”

“Time stops!”


As Luo Xiu’s voice fell, the movements of Whitebeard and Blackbeard all stopped, and Luo Xiu, who appeared behind Blackbeard, waved the autumn water, aimed at Blackbeard’s neck and fell down!


With a knife down, Blackbeard, a careerist with unpaid ambitions, died on the spot in an instant!

After Luo Xiu beheaded Blackbeard, he looked at Whitebeard on the opposite side who had broken free from the shackles of the Time Fruit ability, and said slowly.

“Whitebeard, I helped you solve Blackbeard’s big trouble, you also have to exchange courtesies, right?”

“How about handing over the life of you, the strongest man in the world?”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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