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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 098

Chapter 098: Luo Xiu Kills Whitebeard! Ace sent to death! Famous scene! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

After hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Whitebeard could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, holding Cong Yunche’s palm with green tendons, constantly making a squeaking sound, and his face was already fierce to the extreme, showing what kind of anger and hatred he had towards Luo Xiu in the heart of the strongest man in the world.

Seeing Marko and Bista being brutally killed by this guy, Whitebeard just wanted to slaughter Luo Xiu with a knife! It’s just that he was blocked by Steel Bone Void and Blackbeard successively, so he didn’t have trouble finding Luo Xiu.

Now that Luo Xiu took the initiative to send it to the door, then of course Whitebeard couldn’t let go of such a good opportunity!

Whitebeard glanced at Blackbeard’s head, which was still rolling on the ground, and the body that had collapsed and smashed to the ground, lost its head, and continued to gush blood from the break in his neck.

After taking a deep breath, his eyes stared at Luo Xiu on the opposite side, word by word.

“Luo Xiu! Although I don’t know what exactly this guy wants to do and what kind of purpose he has! ”

“But the old man promises that no matter what price you need to pay, he will definitely kill you!”

“You who provoked this war with your own hands, let the sons of the old man die and wound, and killed Marko and Bista with your own hands, are unforgivable in any way!”

If it weren’t for Luo Xiu’s guy capturing Ace and handing it over to the Navy, and also exposing Ace’s identity, this so-called top war would not have broken out no matter what!

It took Whitebeard decades to have such a large number of families, and as a result, all died in this naval headquarters because of this war.

You must know that for Whitebeard, whether it is treasure or the so-called One Piece, he is not interested at all.

Even when Roger wanted to tell him in person what Ralph Drew had, Whitebeard directly refused in Whitebeard’s mind, the most important thing is these sons of his, since it was Luo Xiu who killed these sons of his, then of course Whitebeard will let Luo Xiu pay for it no matter what!

Even if he, the strongest man in the world, is no longer in his peak state, if he tries hard, not everyone can escape from the hands of Whitebeard alive.

Whitebeard felt that even if Luo Xiu’s strength was stronger than his current self, if he wanted to change the limit, there was a high probability that he would be able to slaughter Luo Xiu, a bastard!

After hearing Whitebeard’s words, Luo Xiu pulled the corners of his mouth, a mocking smile appeared on his face, and shook his head slightly.

“You guys, you’re really brazen!”

“However, you are better than the Shanks guy, at least you won’t use anything as an excuse for the stability of the world, and directly pick it out to take revenge.” 557″

In Luo Xiu’s view, if hypocrisy also has a rank, then the most hypocritical in the whole world is the two guys Shanks and Dorag.

One by one, for the stability of the world, the result is to do things, and there is no difference from other pirates, and it is simply the greatest irony to say that kind of words from their mouths!

Such a guy is not even as pleasing to the eye as a real villain like Blackbeard.

It’s just a pity that Blackbeard, a complete careerist, has been neatly beheaded by Luo Xiu, and he didn’t give him any chance or leeway to struggle at all.

Then next, it is the turn of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world!

Luo Xiu is really looking forward to what kind of rich rewards he can bring to himself for what he did in this war that is far grander than in the original plot after the end of this war.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu no longer has any interest in talking nonsense with Whitebeard, and in Luo Xiu’s eyes, Whitebeard has become a tool person he uses to improve his rewards!

Luo Xiu held the famous knife Qiushui, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he stepped fiercely under his feet, and a deep pit appeared directly in place, and Luo Xiu disappeared instantly with the help of this huge force!

Seeing this situation, Whitebeard’s pupils contracted sharply, no matter what kind of anger and hatred he had in his heart, but at this time, facing Luo Xiu, he had to be full of solemnity.

Under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing the color, Whitebeard’s eyes froze sharply, and he swung the supreme fast knife in his hand to cut through the clouds, aiming it at the side and slashing down fiercely!


Qiu Shui and Cong Yunche collided together, and a violent roaring sound towards the sky reached the ears of everyone present at the naval headquarters.

Because of the terrifying power contained in Luo Xiu’s knife, a huge deep pit suddenly appeared in the position where Whitebeard was. The surrounding ground was directly set off by this terrifying fluctuation, and the dust and fog in the sky covered the figures of Luo Xiu and Whitebeard, making it impossible to see clearly the battle between the two inside.

But just by virtue of the violent sound of weapons colliding that kept coming, everyone could clearly tell how fierce the battle between Luo Xiu and Whitebeard was!

After seeing this scene, Ace, who was fighting fiercely with those high-ranking naval officers and the elites who followed the steel bone to the naval headquarters, suddenly changed his face, and shouted at the position of Luo Xiu and Whitebeard.


The worry in Ace’s heart was about to overflow, and his face was full of fear, when he planned to rush up to help his father deal with Luo Xiu together.

However, without waiting for him to make a move, Saab next to him directly grabbed Ace’s arm and roared angrily at Ace.

“Ace! Calm down! In the past now, not only will you not be able to help Whitebeard, but you will also become a burden! Even one careless person will drag Whitebeard to death under Luo Xiu’s knife! ”

Ace flicked his arm, trying to break free from Saab’s palm, and his face twisted low-hole.

“Impossible! Daddy is definitely not going to die under Luo Xiu’s damn bastard knife! Daddy is the strongest man in the world, he is a white beard! ”

The Saab people are going to be numb, first Luffy, and then Saab, can these two brothers be a little more sensible? Can you recognize your situation first?!

Obviously, when he persuaded Luffy just now, Ace also knew that Luffy was not Luo Xiu’s opponent, and rushing forward would not only be unable to save his partner, but he would even die in Luo Xiu’s hands.

But now that it was Ace’s turn, why did he faint directly?

Saab has never been so tired as now, and his two sworn brothers are really exactly the same as they were back then, at least, in terms of IQ, there is no improvement at all!

Saab grabbed Ace’s arm and pulled it back, his eyes widened, staring at Ace in front of him, word by word.

“Ace! Are you going to leave Luffy alone? Are you going to watch Luffy, who came to the headquarters of the Navy to save the two of us, die at the hands of these navies? ”

Hearing this, Ace followed Saab’s gaze, and Luffy was still kneeling on the ground, crying at the corpses of his companions in front of him.

Obviously, after Steel Bone Sky was killed by Luo Xiu, these admirals who dealt with them, as well as those elites who followed Steel Bone Sky to the Navy headquarters, had fallen into an extremely crazy state.

However, this situation did not seem to have the slightest effect on Luffy, who was immersed in the grief of losing all his partners from beginning to end.

Just like Saab said, if he left Luffy alone and went to Whitebeard’s location now, it would most likely lead to Luffy’s death at the hands of these crazy admirals and elites!

Thinking of this, a trace of entanglement flashed in Ace’s eyes, but finally after taking a deep look at the majestic figure of the white-bearded man covered by dust and mist, he finally said in a deep voice.

“Then break the blockade of these damned navies first! You leave with Luffy, I’ll go and take Daddy with me!” ”

After speaking, Ace didn’t wait for Saab to respond, and a hot flame suddenly rose up from his body, and rushed towards the admirals and elites on the opposite side.

Saab looked at Ace’s back, and sighed helplessly, when will this guy Ace become mature and become a little more rational!

Before he could recover his memory, Saab had seen information from the revolutionary army that Blackbeard had killed Saatchi and betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates, and Ace, the captain of the second team, chose to hunt Blackbeard alone.

If Ace’s brain can have a little effect, he should think that since Blackbeard dares to act like this that goes against the iron rules of the Whitebeard Pirates, he must have full confidence!

But he just couldn’t think of this, and as a result, he couldn’t chase and kill Blackbeard, but was captured by Luo Xiu and handed over to the navy, becoming the key to start this war!

If not, how did things get to where they are? You know, in this war, not only the Whitebeard Pirates were almost destroyed, but even the strength of their revolutionary army has been damaged by half!

Even Kerra is now guarded by Nicole Robin, Nami, Vivi, and Boyahan Cook and Peach Rabbit Gion, and he has no chance to rescue Kerra!

Sabo’s eyes became dark, and after a painful glance at Kerra, he could only choose to join forces with Ace and try to break through the blockade and siege of these admirals with others.

At the same time that Ace and Saab, as well as those of the Revolutionary Army, began to burst out in full force, trying to break through the naval blockade.

The battle between Luo Xiu and Whitebeard has also entered a white-hot stage, and the power that Luo Xiu has shown has filled Whitebeard’s heart with shock.

Before personally feeling Luo Xiu’s strength, even if he had seen how Luo Xiu was one against two, facing the scene where Shanks and Dorag joined forces and also gained the upper hand, Whitebeard was still a little difficult to accept, Luo Xiu, who was younger than Ace, was already strong to this extent.

However, after facing Luo Xiu head-on, Whitebeard found that he seemed to be even more unable to accept the horror of Luo Xiu’s monster! Even Lokes back then was not so powerful, what kind of monster is this guy Luo Xiu? How did he grow up to this level at this age?

At this moment, Whitebeard finally understood why Blackbeard was so frightened after seeing Luo Xiu before.

Whitebeard looked at the extremely deep wound on his chest that was cut out by Luo Xiu, and along with the gushing of blood, Whitebeard could clearly feel that the life force in his body was constantly flowing.

The physical fitness of the strongest man in the world has long been unable to support him to fight at the top level for a long time. If it goes on like this, it won’t take long at all, I’m afraid it will be completely defeated in the hands of Luo Xiu, or even beheaded by Luo Xiu! The most important thing is that Luo Xiu’s guy is in a completely opposite state to him at this time, obviously Luo Xiu has experienced so many powerful opponents in this war, and as a result, even now, there are no wounds on his body.

Whitebeard had noticed just now that Shanks and Dorag had already suffered minor and severe injuries because of the battle with Luo Xiu.

The wave of offensive he had just now didn’t seem to have the slightest impact on Luo Xiu at all!

What Whitebeard didn’t know was that Luo Xiu did suffer some trauma in the previous battle with Shanks and Dorag, but with the ability to time fruit, it only takes a time turn back, and the injuries that Luo Xiu received will directly recover.

It is precisely because of this that Luo Xiu has such confidence, in the naval headquarters, which is countless times grander than the original plot, there is a hearty trouble!

Luo Xiu looked at the white-bearded man on the opposite side who was constantly panting, a trace of essence flashed in his eyes, and after blessing himself with a time acceleration, he disappeared in place in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard, who was originally thinking about countermeasures, was shocked in his heart, and in a hurry, he wanted to pick up Cong Yunche to resist Luo Xiu’s attack.

However, what made Whitebeard’s heart instantly full of fear was that he found that his domineering appearance seemed to have completely lost its effect, and he couldn’t capture Luo Xiu’s traces at all, let alone rely on seeing and hearing domineering to foresee Luo Xiu’s next move!

Whitebeard gritted his teeth, completely relying on the fighting instinct he had cultivated over the years, picked up Cong Yun and cut it even more fiercely!

In the next second, Luo Xiu really held the famous knife Qiushui and appeared on Whitebeard’s side, but without waiting for Whitebeard to breathe a sigh of relief, a Time Fruit ability was directly blessed on his body, causing his movements to be slowed down dozens of times in an instant!

“Messy Golden Watch!”

Facing the whitebeard who was bound by his own golden watch, Luo Xiu did not hesitate at all, waved the famous knife in his hand, aimed at the whitebeard’s arm holding Cong Yunche, and slashed fiercely.


With the sound of the blade tearing through the flesh and blood, warm scarlet blood gushed out from the break in Whitebeard’s shoulder, and his arm that was cut off by Luo Xiu fell to the ground along with the supreme fast knife.

The sharp pain coming from the broken shoulder, Rao with the resolute heart of the white beard, also uncontrollable, emitted a roar containing boundless pain from the depths of his throat.

Whitebeard’s painful roar that resounded throughout the navy headquarters made everyone present involuntarily turn their attention to the world’s strongest man.

Even Ace, who is joining forces with Saab and trying to break through the encirclement and blockade of the admirals, is no exception!

After seeing his most respected father, even his arm was cut off by Luo Xiu, Aston was blinded, and his face became extremely vicious and twisted in an instant.


After Ace roared, he couldn’t care about anything else, when he was about to rush to Luo Xiu, kill this damn guy, and save his own father.

However, before he could take two steps, Saab directly hugged him, and Saab felt the trembling body of Ace in his arms, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice.

“Ace, don’t go! Whatever happens, don’t go! Don’t let the efforts of the Whitebeard Pirates and Old Master Karp go to waste! ”

Luo Xiu saw that Whitebeard still had to wave the only remaining arm, smashing at himself with the ability to shock the fruit, without the slightest hesitation, his hand rose and fell again, and Whitebeard’s arms were suddenly broken!

Luo Xiu looked at the white beard who had been cut off by himself and cut off to the ground, then turned his head to look at Ace, who was held by Saab deadly, and said with a smile.

“Ace, your daddy gave everything he had to save you from the navy, aren’t you going to come and save him once?”

As Luo Xiu’s words fell, a surging power suddenly erupted from Ace’s body, and the overlord-colored domineering aura that belonged to him was instantly released.

Ace, who had lost his mind and was completely carried away by anger and hatred, could not care about anything else, and elementalized out of Saab’s embrace on the spot, and rushed towards the location where Luo Xiu was.

Lying on the ground, the white-bearded man with a painful face also saw Ace’s movements, and when he wanted to open his mouth to scold, let Ace roll back. Unfortunately, Luo Xiu didn’t give Whitebeard a chance to speak again, raised the autumn water in his hand, and directly pierced and shattered Whitebeard’s heart.

Luo Xiu pulled out the autumn water, looked at Ace who rushed towards him with a smile, and said slowly

“Don’t worry about Whitebeard, I’ll slaughter your brainless son right away and let him leave with you.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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