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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 099

Chapter 099 Luo Xiu kills Ace! Saab Luffy completely collapsed! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

It can only be said that in terms of taking the initiative to die, Ace will never disappoint.

Whether it is not listening to Whitebeard’s dissuasion and choosing to chase and kill Blackbeard alone, or in the top war of the original plot, just because of the words of the red dog, it is clear that he can already escape from the naval headquarters, and as a result, he has to rush up to die.

Instead, he was punched through the chest by the red dog, and he couldn’t die anymore!

And now, Ace was also stimulated by Luo Xiu’s few words to completely lose his mind, and rushed towards Luo Xiu regardless of it, completely regardless of what kind of consequences his behavior would bring.

You know, the tragic price that the Whitebeard Pirates had to pay in order to rescue this Fire Fist Ace this time is not at all comparable to the casualties in the original plot!

Whether it was Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, or Marko, Joz, and the captains of Bista, they had all died in this war.

If Ace took the initiative to die at this time, then the sacrifice made by the Whitebeard Pirates would have become the biggest joke!

Unfortunately, at this time, Ace has been carried away by anger and hatred, completely forgetting what kind of terrifying power Luo Xiu has, and there is only one thought in his mind, that is, to kill Luo Xiu and avenge his father Whitebeard!

In Luo Xiu’s eyes, Ace, the fire fist, itself is one of the targets that needs to be hunted, and what he said just now is to deliberately stimulate Ace, now that Ace has bitten the hook, then Luo Xiu certainly can’t give him any chance!

Facing Ace who rushed towards him, Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed, and with a fierce step under his feet, a deep pit suddenly appeared in place, and Luo Xiu himself, with the help of this huge force, rushed in the direction of Ace.


When he saw Ace use this method of elementalization, break free from his embrace, and rush towards Luo Xiu regardless of it, Sabo’s pupils opened sharply, and his face was instantly filled with fear.

At the moment, he couldn’t care about anything else, and after gritting his teeth, he rushed towards Luo Xiu and Ace.

Sabo’s brain is very clear, knowing that this guy Luo Xiu is deliberately provoking Ace, and its purpose is obviously to let Ace get rid of the protection of the leader of Dorag and Shanks, and then kill Ace with his own hands!

Even if he knew that he could not be Luo Xiu’s opponent no matter what, Sabo would definitely not be able to watch Ace die under Luo Xiu’s knife like this!

After all, his purpose in coming to the Navy Headquarters in the first place was to rescue Ace and prevent Ace from dying in this Navy Headquarters! Sabo’s shouting attracted the attention of many people present, including Luffy, who had been immersed in the grief of losing all his partners, and involuntarily turned his eyes to Luo Xiu.

After seeing that his eldest brother Ace was rushing towards Luo Xiu, Luffy was stunned for a moment, then jumped up from the ground and chased after Ace.

It’s just that Luffy is not like Saab, thinking of saving Ace from under Luo Xiu’s knife, but watching Luo Xiu roar even more frantically.

“Luo Xiu! I’ll kill you! I’m going to kill you to avenge my companions!” ”

The death of Whitebeard, as well as the actions of their three brothers, made Shanks and Dorag’s hearts suddenly fall to the bottom.

Obviously, the two of them will be able to solve Magellan immediately, and they will soon be able to escape the navy headquarters with the three brats of Ace, Saab, and Luffy.

As a result, in such a short period of time, Luo Xiu actually killed the three people of Steel Bone Void, Blackbeard, and Whitebeard one after another, and even deliberately stimulated Ace to lose his mind, so that Ace was extremely cooperative to take the initiative to die.

Who can stand this horse?

Dorag swung his wind blade to slash at Magellan, who had been severely injured in front of him, and after gritting his teeth, he said in a deep voice.

“Shanks, you go and bring the three of them back, I’ll fix Magellan! Hold on no matter what, I’ll support Magellan, and I’ll support you!” ”

Shanks did not hesitate at all when he heard this, at such a critical time, even a moment of hesitation could cause the death of the three brothers!

Shanks stepped fiercely on his feet and pursued him at full speed in the direction of Luo Xiu and the three brothers.

Magellan originally wanted to stop Shanks’ footsteps, and wanted to let the two bastards of Dorag and Shanks also feel what it was like to watch his juniors die in front of him.

However, after Dorag sensed Magellan’s thoughts, he immediately blocked Magellan’s body, preventing him from hindering Shanks from rescuing Luffy, Saab, and Ace.

After Dorag cut off the poisonous dragon released by Magellan, he looked at him and said in a deep voice.

“That’s it, Magellan! If he continues to let Luo Xiu act recklessly, with that guy’s style, he will definitely completely subvert the entire world, and even the navy will pay an extremely painful price for this! ”

Dorag’s words not only did not have the effect they should, but also made Magellan even more angry, and roared at Dorag in front of him.

“Shut up, Dorag! In my opinion, you bastard needs to be solved first more than Luo Xiu! ”

Dorag’s eyes became cold, and the movements in his hands became more fierce, staring at Magellan coldly, and spoke in a voice that did not have the slightest emotion.

“This behavior of yours will definitely affect the whole world greatly, so I can only kill you first!”

Magellan spat out a mouthful of venom with a mocking look and said sharply.

“You’re really, brazen beyond my imagination! Anyone who stands in your way will probably be labeled as a huge impact on the world, right? ”

“Dorag, after so many years, you are really becoming more and more hypocritical, and your skin is getting thicker!”

When the words fell, Dorag’s eyes suddenly became gloomy, and he no longer had the desire to talk nonsense with Magellan, but burst out with all his strength to solve the warden who pushed into the city in the shortest possible time.

After all, Shanks alone would never be able to save the lives of Luffy, Saab, and Ace and their three brothers.

Luffy and Saab, there must be no accidents!

At the same time that Dorag burst out with all his strength and Magellan also fought for his life, Ace stopped abruptly, swung his arms violently, and a circle of spiraling flames appeared directly at his feet.

Under Ace’s control, these flames converged and condensed into a huge fireball like the sun, and the terrifying temperature of the fireball burned the surrounding air to an incomparably distorted degree.

“Great Yanjie, Yandi!”

Ace, whose eyes were red, after a hideous roar, held the incomparably huge Yan Emperor in his hand and rushed towards Luo Xiu madly.

After approaching Luo Xiu, Ace did not hesitate at all, raised the huge Yan Emperor high, and slammed it towards Luo Xiu in front of him.

At the same time, Ace’s arm once again transformed into flames, aimed at Luo Xiu’s figure covered by the Yan Emperor, and roared again.

“Fire Fist!”

Facing the Yan Emperor thrown by Ace, Luo Xiu pulled the corners of his mouth, and a mocking smile appeared on his face.

“It’s really, not long to remember!”

Luo Xiu not only did not have the slightest intention of retreating, but also waved the famous knife in his hand, aiming at Ace’s strongest killing move and slashing down!


With a sword, Ace’s killing move containing boundless anger and hatred was directly cut in half by Luo Xiu, even if Ace released it, the fire fist that followed the Yan Emperor towards Luo Xiu was also cut off by Luo Xiu with that knife Qiushui, to put it mildly.

Seeing this situation, Ace finally suddenly sobered up, remembering the despair he felt when he faced Luo Xiu when he was on Banaro Island!

However, unfortunately, at this time, I have a little IQ, but it is too late!

Just when Ace wanted to run away from Luo Xiu, a complete monster, with his elementalization, Luo Xiu’s lips lightly opened and he drank low.

“Time stops!”


In an instant, Ace once again felt the feeling when he was on Banaro Island, under the effect of the ability of the Time Fruit, Ace at this time could not make any movements at all!

Seeing this situation, whether it was Saab and Luffy, who were rushing towards the location of Luo Xiu and Ace, or Shanks, who hurriedly arrived, their pupils opened sharply, and they immediately shouted.


Under their angry gaze, the knife that Luo Xiu slashed at Ace seemed to freeze for a moment, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth were slightly hooked, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

This knife did not cut on Ace’s neck according to the original trajectory, but fell directly on Ace’s chest, opening an extremely deep wound on his chest.


The sound of the blade tearing through flesh and blood sounded, and warm scarlet blood rushed out from the wound, and Luo Xiu grabbed Ace’s neck and released the Time Fruit ability that blessed him.

Ace uncontrollably let out a bitter wail containing boundless pain from the depths of his throat.


Ace’s wail that resounded through the headquarters of the navy made most of the people present involuntarily turn their eyes to him.

Those remaining members of the white-bearded pirate group, after seeing that Ace was slashed by Luo Xiu and had fallen into Luo Xiu’s hands, their faces suddenly became extremely hideous and distorted.

It’s just that this time, the anger in their hearts is not against Luo Xiu, what they are angry with is Ace, this idiot!

“Ace! What the hell are you doing on a horse? Why send to death? ”

“Obviously they have all been saved from the execution table, obviously in order to save you idiot fool, we lost so many family members, even Dad was killed by Luo Xiu’s bastard, why did you send it to death?”

“What a damn thing you are stepping on, Ace!”

“I already knew that you would take the initiative to send you to death, why did we risk our lives to save you?!”

“Are you worthy of us? Are you worthy of the family members who died to save you? I*******”

For a while, the situation in the entire naval headquarters became extremely chaotic, and the angry scolding of these remaining members of the white-bearded pirate group made Ace, who was originally screaming, stop instantly.

Ace, who was held by Luo Xiu’s neck, turned extremely pale in an instant, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his eyes were already filled with regret and fear.


“It’s not… That’s not true… I’m just, I just want to avenge Daddy, I’m not sending to death, I’m not.”

Ace never thought that he was still fighting for his life in order to save his family and companions before, but now he was ruthlessly scolding him.

The most important thing is that in the face of these angry scoldings from them, Ace really can’t find any reason to refute it.

Because, now that Ace has calmed down, think about it carefully, it seems that his behavior just now is really no different from taking the initiative to send him to death!

After realizing this, Ace’s body began to tremble uncontrollably, and he felt the deepest regret for the idiotic behavior he had done.

Luo Xiu held Ace’s neck, admiring his pain and regret in the last moments of his life, and said with a smile.

“Ace, you really didn’t let me down, with your own strength, let the Whitebeard Pirates make such a big sacrifice completely in vain, I’m curious about your thoughts now, can you share it with me?”

Ace’s whole body had become in a trance, as if he hadn’t heard Luo Xiu’s words at all, just kept muttering

“Not so, not so”

At this moment, Ace could no longer feel the pain from the wound on his chest, and his whole body had completely collapsed.

At the same time, Shanks, who hurriedly came, after seeing Ace fall into the hands of Luo Xiu, although the anger and hatred for Luo Xiu in his heart had reached its peak, he still stopped in front of Saab and Luffy, preventing them from taking the initiative to send them to death like Ace.

This kind of stupid behavior of taking the initiative to send to death is enough to do it once, Saab and Luffy, these two guys, don’t do this kind of thing!

Rao is Shanks, at this time his heart is also full of resentment towards Ace, obviously there is not enough strength, why do you have to take the initiative to find Luo Xiu, isn’t this like those members of the white-bearded pirate group said, taking the initiative to find death?

Avenge Whitebeard? Do you have this strength? So brainless, is this guy Ace really the son of Captain Roger?

“Release Ace! You bastard, don’t hurt Ace! ”

Saab held the water pipe, and Luffy in the second gear state also stared at Luo Xiu with a daze, if it weren’t for Shanks to stop him, maybe they would really be like Ace and take the initiative to die.

Luo Xiu held the conscious Ace, looked at Shanks on the opposite side, and Saab and Luffy behind him, and said with a smile.

“Shanks, I can give you a chance and release Ace, but you need to exchange Luffy for it, the choice is left to you, let who dies and who lives, you have the final say.”

Hearing this, Shanks’ whole person is not good, is this stepping horse for him to choose? This horse is going to kill him, right?

On the way to the headquarters of the Navy from Advance City, Shanks had already learned from Luffy’s mouth that Ace was the son of Captain Roger.

It is precisely because of this that Shanks is desperate to rescue Ace from the navy.

Now that things have developed like this, according to Luo Xiu, Ace, who is the son of Captain Roger, and Luffy, who inherited the will of Captain Roger, can only live one, and Shanks doesn’t know how to choose!

At this moment, Saab on the side stared directly at Luo Xiu and roared lowly.

“I’ll come! Trade me for Ace! ”

Luo Xiu tugged at the corners of his mouth and said bluntly.

“You’re not qualified.”

Sabo’s momentum froze when he heard this, and the whole person was not good, and Luffy, who was standing beside him, took a step and yelled at Luo Xiu.

“I’m willing to change Ace! Release Ace, I can die! ”

Seeing that Luffy was about to walk towards Luo Xiu, Shanks grabbed his arm and said in a deep voice.

“Don’t be fooled Luffy! Even if you go to change Ace, that guy Luo Xiu, it will definitely not be possible to let Ace go! The final outcome will only cause both of you to die in Luo Xiu’s hands! ”

Shanks knew very well that with Luo Xiu’s bad character and style, since Ace had fallen into his hands, he would not be able to let Ace go no matter what!

Even if Luffy really wants to exchange himself for Ace, the final end is just to let both of them die under his knife. This kind of loss-maximizing trade, Shanks will never allow Luffy to do it!

Ace, who was held by Luo Xiu’s neck, looked at Saab and Luffy on the opposite side with a pale face, squeezed out an ugly smile with difficulty, and said slowly.

“Saab, Luffy, I might really be going to die in…”


Ace’s words stopped abruptly, the famous knife in Luo Xiu’s hand had already pierced his heart, and under the flip of his wrist, his heart was directly shattered into countless fragments, so that Ace could no longer say a single word!

Luo Xiu casually threw Ace’s body on the ground and said with a smile.

“I’m not interested in listening to you stir up here, let’s die honestly.”

Luo Xiu looked at Luffy, who collapsed to the ground, with a playful expression, and said slowly.

“Luffy-san, I don’t blame Ace for his death, if you want to blame Shanks, who made him refuse this deal and don’t want to save Ace.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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