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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Sengoku fights with Karp! The hypocritical Monchi family! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。


Looking at Ace’s corpse, which had completely lost the symbol of life, and was casually thrown at his feet by Luo Xiu, whether it was Saab or Luffy, they all slumped on the ground and cried towards Ace’s body.

It is clear that they have successfully saved Ace from the execution table just now, and it is clear that it will not be long before they can successfully break through the naval blockade and escape from this damn Marin Fandor.

But why, why did things turn out the way they did? Why did Luo Xiu, the bastard, not give a chance at all, so simply kill Ace?

Saab first experienced that his prospective girlfriend Kerla was forcibly snatched away by Luo Xiu, and those comrades of the revolutionary army who had been with each other for more than ten years also died in the hands of the navy one after another.

And Luffy is just as miserable as Saab, except for Nami and Robin who have long been forcibly snatched away by Luo Xiu, and his companions all died under Luo Xiu’s knife.

This succession of blows has completely caused Saab and Luffy to completely collapse, lying on the ground and crying, no longer caring that they are in danger, and they will be in danger of dying at any time.

Shanks’ forehead was bruised, and his face became extremely vicious and distorted in an instant, the pain in the heart of this New World Four Emperors was no less than Saab and Luffy!

Just like Luffy, his red-haired pirate group was also destroyed by Luo Xiu’s group!

Even Deputy Captain Reilly, who had always taken good care of him, was beheaded by Luo Xiu, and the other members of the Roger Pirates, and now only Jabba and Kuroks, and Sambel, are struggling to support Zefa and Ain, as well as Binz and others.

If this continues, it won’t be long before Roger’s pirate group will completely cease to exist, and Shanks will not care about helping Jabba and them.

Just how to safely take Saab and Luffy away from the hands of this damn bastard has already caused Shanks a headache beyond words.

After Luo Xiu completely solved Ace, he did not waste time, stepped on the moon step, and rushed directly towards the location where Sabo and Luffy were.

The three brothers, of course, must be neat!

After seeing Luo Xiu’s action, Shanks snorted in his heart, no longer caring to grieve for Ace’s death, and waved the griffin in his hand to directly block Luo Xiu’s body.


Qiu Shui and Griffin collided together, and the huge force made Shanks’ face become hideous and twisted to the extreme in an instant, and the ground under Shanks’ feet instantly exploded, and the terrifying fluctuations centered on the location of the two were and swept away in all directions.

Recently, Saab and Luffy, who were immersed in the grief of Ace’s death, did not have time to react, and were directly thrown out by the aftermath of this battle.

After rolling dozens of laps on the ground, he finally stopped.

Shanks yelled without looking back while resisting Luo Xiu’s sharp move.

“Saab! Luffy! Stop wasting time and get out of here! If you don’t leave, even you will die at the hands of Luo Xiu.”

“Only if you two live, will you have a chance to seek revenge on Luo Xiu in the future! Don’t you want to kill Luo Xiu with your own hands and avenge Ace and your companions? ”

After hearing Shanks’ words, Luffy still looked indifferent, just crying, and there was no reaction at all, but Saab on the side, after experiencing the initial grief, has gradually calmed down, even if the sadness in his heart has not decreased in the slightest, but he also knows very well that what Shanks said is indeed very reasonable.

With the strength that the two of them have now, even if they really rush forward, they will only be the same as Ace just now, and they can only die under Luo Xiu’s knife in the end.

If you want to take revenge, you can only endure the grief, first desperately escape from the naval headquarters, and then desperately improve your strength, so that you can have the opportunity to seek revenge on Luo Xiu in the future!

Thinking of this, Saab wiped a handful of tears from his face, pulled Luffy, who was still in a state of collapse, and ran towards the location of the remaining members of the revolutionary army.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu drank low in his mouth and said, “Time stops!” ”


While using time to stop restraining Shanks, Luo Xiu also applied an acceleration to himself, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared directly behind Saab and Luffy.

The famous knife in Luo Xiu’s hand was raised high, and it fell fiercely at Saab and Luffy in front of him.


With a knife down, Qiu Shui did not look at Sabo and Luffy as he wished, but was blocked by a pitch-black long knife. Luo Xiu glanced at the eagle-eyed Mihawk who was blocking in front of him expressionlessly, pulled the corners of his mouth, did not say half a nonsense, and directly swung his sword towards the world’s number one swordsman.

Since Hawkeye took the initiative to send him to death, Na Luo Xiu did not mind completing the other party, Qiu Shui and Black Knife Night collided one after another, and constantly erupted into a violent roar, feeling the huge power coming from above the Black Knife Night, Hawkeye’s heart sank directly, and his face had become extremely dignified.

Saab didn’t waste time, although he didn’t know why Hawkeye, the world’s number one swordsman, wanted to help them block Luo Xiu, but since such a good opportunity appeared, then Saab naturally said that he would not let go of anything!

When Luffy, who was almost unconscious and almost fainted, turned his back behind him, gritted his teeth and ran all the way towards the location of Dorag and the members of the revolutionary army.

Sabo was very worried about Luffy, and he also knew that Luffy had received several hormonal stimuli with different effects from Ivankov.

Now that the hormonal fruit ability has disappeared, coupled with the successive blows just now, Luffy’s body has reached the end of the strong crossbow, and if you don’t leave here quickly, let Luffy treat it, the consequences will be unimaginable!

After breaking free from the shackles of the Time Fruit’s ability, Shanks rushed to the battlefield as soon as possible, joined forces with Hawkeye to face Luo Xiu, and after helping Hawkeye block Luo Xiu’s sword, Shanks breathed a deep sigh of relief in his heart and said in a deep voice.

“Thank you, Mihawk.”

Hawkeye’s face was very solemn, and he shook his head slightly.

“No need to thank me, I just want to personally feel what kind of terrifying power Luo Xiu, an extremely vicious thief, has.”

For Mihawk, who is known as the world’s number one swordsman, whenever he encounters a powerful swordsman, he will see Hunter Xinxi and want to fight fiercely with the other party.

Just like Shanks, Hawkeye originally liked to compete with Shanks in swordsmanship, but since he broke his arm in the East China Sea, Hawkeye has never fought Shanks again.

Now seeing that Luo Xiu’s strength is so strong, Hawkeye naturally hopes to be able to compete with him, definitely not to help Shanks, well, absolutely not!

Shanks glanced at Hawkeye, having known him for so long, Shanks naturally knew Hawkeye’s personality, obviously he was helping himself, and as a result, he had to say what he wanted to fight with Luo Xiu.

This guy is really dishonest as always!

However, now is obviously not the time to ridicule Hawkeye, and Shanks is not in the mood at all at this time, all he needs to do now is to buy enough time for Saab and Luffy to successfully escape from this naval headquarters!

With this idea, Shanks broke out again with all his strength, directly using the overlord-colored winding, constantly waving Griffin to resist Roxiu’s terrifying attack, Hawkeye did not dare to relax carelessly, and also went all out, uniting Shanks and Roxiu to fight fiercely.

It’s just that although Hawkeye has the title of the world’s number one swordsman, his strength belongs to the level of the sub-top batch even if he looks at the entire new world.

But Rao is so, Hawkeye is still a big gap compared to Dorag, who is the leader of the revolutionary army.

Even Shanks teamed up with Dorag, but he fell into a disadvantage when facing Luo Xiu, and now replace Dorag with Hawkeye, and Luo Xiu has the absolute upper hand!

If this situation continues, it won’t be long before they will be completely defeated, or even die directly in Luo Xiu’s hands! While Luo Xiu single-handedly fought Shanks and Hawkeye, the situation in other battlefields of the naval headquarters has become clearer.

Those remaining members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, after seeing that Ace was really killed by Luo Xiu, they were surprised to find that they didn’t seem to have the slightest sadness in their hearts, but only felt that Luo Xiu’s move was very happy!

Especially the big vortex spider Skuyard, who has a deep blood feud with Roger’s pirate group, the pain in his eyes is about to overflow directly! You know, after he was seduced by the red dog before, he was ready to backstab Whitebeard, but because of Whitebeard’s early ending, Skuyard did not succeed in stabbing the filial sword, and naturally he was not successfully influenced by Whitebeard.

In Skuyard’s heart, there was still a lingering strong hatred for Ace.

Especially in addition, because of the rescue of Ace alone, those brothers and sisters who have been together for decades and have long been no different from real family members have all died in this war, which makes Skuyard want to kill Ace with his own hands.

Just now angrily scolded Ace for taking the initiative to die, but it was Skuyard who was the first to speak, and his words were unanimously approved by all the surviving members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because of this, after seeing Ace killed by Luo Xiu with their own eyes, they had no intention of avenging Ace at all, but began to rush madly towards the port of Marin Fandor, wanting to flee the naval headquarters immediately.

After all, when Ace chose to take the initiative to find Luo Xiu to die, the originally seemingly tragic behavior of their white-bearded pirate group was completely reduced to the biggest joke in this world!

Even some members of the revolutionary army only think that they are the biggest joke under the sun.

It is clear that this top war is an internal matter of the Monchi family, and as a result, their so-called Dorag leader said that it was to make the revolutionary army famous, so that the people knew that their revolutionary army was working hard to bring true happiness and peace to ordinary people.

But this horse is what Dorag calls a fighting horse to bring true happiness and peace to ordinary people?

They came to the headquarters of the Navy and participated in this war, completely for Dorag, as the leader of the revolutionary army, and Saab’s family affairs as chief of staff, right?

For the sake of the two of them, it took decades for the revolutionary army to expand to this size, and there were such huge casualties…

If they could, these members of the revolutionary army would even want to tear the two bastards Dorag and Saab to pieces alive with their own hands!

Unfortunately, for these remaining members of the revolutionary army, the most important thing now is to do everything possible to escape from this naval headquarters.

Whether it was the Whitebeard Pirates, the Revolutionary Army, or the prisoners of the Infinite Hell, they were desperately fleeing towards the port of Marin Fandor at this time.

It was clear that not long ago it was the navy that prevented them from invading the naval headquarters, but now it turned into stopping them, otherwise they would leave from Marin Fando.

This earth-shaking transformation is really ironic. Of course, not everyone is thinking about escaping, at least Karp has not thought so, Karp now only wants to shake off the Warring States and go and personally blast the head of Luo Xiu’s bastard!

The moment he saw Ace fall into Luo Xiu’s hands, Karp already had a bad premonition in his heart, especially after hearing that Luo Xiu let Luffy exchange his life for Ace’s life, Karp was even more angry, and he couldn’t wait to appear directly in front of Luo Xiu and snatch Ace back from him.

And it turns out that Karp’s hunch is indeed not wrong, Luo Xiu, the extremely bad bastard, did not think of releasing Ace at all, but deliberately used this way to make Luffy feel guilty in his heart, feeling that it was because of him that Ace did not survive!

Karp, whose eyes were red, his face had been viciously distorted to the extreme, and after swinging his fist to block the huge golden palm that the Warring States slapped towards him, he roared low at the Warring States.

“Sengoku! For the sake of us fighting side by side for so many years, let me go and kill that damn bastard Luo Xiu first!” After I kill him, no matter what you want to do with me, I will definitely not resist!” ”

Hearing this, instead of being moved in the slightest, Sengoku became even more angry, waving his palm and smashing at Karp in front of him, while also roaring angrily.

“Karp! Until now, you have not the slightest guilt for committing an act of betrayal of the Navy? If it weren’t for you, the bastard, would General Kong die under Luo Xiu’s knife? ”

“You only saw that Fire Fist Ace was killed by Luo Xiu, didn’t you see that your teacher Steel Bone Void had been killed by Luo Xiu before him?!”

“You damn bastard, say that after you kill Luo Xiu, you will be at the disposal of the old man, if the old man really does this, I’m afraid the first thing you will do is to send your other two damn grandsons out of Marin Fando!”

When he heard the words of the Warring States, Kapu’s heart became more and more painful, and the Warring States really did not say wrong, in Kapu’s heart, when he saw Steel Bone Kong killed by Luo Xiu, it was far less painful than seeing Ace killed.

But the words that Sengoku said later, saying that Karp wanted to take this opportunity to send Saab and Luffy, but he really wronged Karp!

Although Karp is not stupid, but he has not yet had this level of wit, he really wants to kill Luo Xiu first, as for waiting until he kills Luo Xiu, it is something that Karp himself cannot guarantee.

Seeing that the Warring States did not have the slightest intention of backing down, Karp gritted his teeth and looked at the Warring States with a hideous face and roared.

“Sengoku! Don’t force me! I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to kill Luo Xiu now to take revenge!” ”

In the face of the already almost crazy Karp, the Warring States not only did not give in, but also continued to cold and cold the-for-tat.

“Don’t worry, Karp, even if the old man can’t solve you, he will drag you down, so that you have no way to help your two damn grandsons escape!”

“The old man just wants you, the bastard, to see with his own eyes how those two grandsons of yours were killed by Luo Xiu!”

Sengoku is very clear that even if Shanks joins forces with Hawkeye Mihawk, he will definitely not be able to stop Luo Xiu.

As long as no one is involved, it won’t take long for Luo Xiu to be able to kill both Shanks and Mihawk! At that time, those two grandsons of Karp will definitely die under Luo Xiu’s sword!

What the Warring States have to do is to stop Karp with all his might before Luo Xiu slaughters Sabo and Luffy, and prevent this guy from helping those two bastards escape!

In the eyes of the Warring States, Luo Xiu is also the best knife, after Luo Xiu kills Shanks, Hawkeye, and even Dorag and others.

The red dog, the green pheasant, and the yellow ape must have solved their respective opponents, so that the three admirals, plus him, the marshal, can also take this opportunity to eliminate Luo Xiu, the biggest threat, in one fell swoop!

And after hearing Karp’s words, even if his head reacted slowly, he had already sensed the thoughts of the Warring States, which made Karp suddenly unable to control his emotions, and he no longer cared whether he would be traumatized, and after roaring, he officially began to desperately launch a crazy offensive against the Warring States regardless of it.

Faced with Karp in this state, the Warring States did not choose to retreat, but also broke out with all their strength, and entered the state of life with Kapu.

The Warring States knew that calculating Luo Xiu in this way would require a big risk, but then, it depended on who was the one who had the last laugh!!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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