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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Luo Xiu beheaded Hawkeye! Slash Dorag! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Whether it is Warring States or Karp, they have already begun to work hard, no longer caring about whether they will be traumatized, and they are completely recklessly launching a crazy offensive against the other party.

The rupture between these two old comrades-in-arms who have been fighting side by side for decades, even if he knew that Karp had completely betrayed the navy, still made Staff Officer Crane and Zefa a little unbearable to see.

Especially for Staff Officer He, she and the Warring States and Karp were called the Naval Iron Triangle, and the friendship between the three of them was naturally extremely deep.

It’s just that even Staff Officer Crane didn’t expect that things would develop to such an extent, obviously at the beginning, Karp had already accepted the Navy’s public execution of Fire Fist Ace.

As a result, it was because of the misdeeds of his other two grandsons who had to participate in the war that the situation turned into what it is now.

Staff Officer Tsuru knew very well that things had developed to this point, and the Kapu guy was already doomed to not be able to survive.

After all, their naval side is already about to solve those difficult enemies, and it won’t be long before the three admirals and Zefa can free their hands to deal with Karp, Loxiu, as well as Dorag and Shanks.

Not only did Staff Officer Crane have such thoughts, Zefa also turned his gaze to the Warring States and Karp who were fighting fiercely, his eyes were dim, and his heart was already full of helplessness.

“Kapu guy, if he had been tough and prevented Dorag from betraying the navy, wouldn’t something like this have happened?”

Zefa, like the Warring States, valued Dorag very much, and Dorag was still his first student with Red Dog and Yellow Ape, and Zefa could be said to be teaching them with all his heart.

When he learned that Dorag had betrayed the navy and created the so-called revolutionary army, Zefa went to Karp to question him, but Karp only said that he could not influence Dorag’s decision.

Karp chose to be indifferent and did not dissuade Dorag’s decision, then the bitter fruit now can only be swallowed by himself!

After shaking his head and sighing secretly, Zefa continued to swing the huge mechanical arm, aiming at Jabba in front of him and smashing it even harder.

While these naval officials secretly mourned Karp, on the other side, after seeing the war going on so far, Robin thought for a moment and said slowly.

“Let’s go, go to the ship and wait for Luo Xiu.”

As Robin’s voice fell, Nami, Vivi, Hancock, Gion, and even Kerra, who was guarded by several of them, involuntarily turned their gaze to Robin.

Vivi blinked, and asked with a puzzled look.

“Go? Didn’t Luo Xiu say before that he would use our experience to completely ruin the navy and the world government? ”

Nami also tilted her little head and looked at Robin, and for a while she couldn’t understand why Robin said to go to the ship and wait for Luo Xiu. According to Luo Xiu’s previous statement, the reason why he brought a few of them to the naval headquarters was to tell the things they had experienced in front of the whole world.

How the navy used the demon slaughter order to cruelly erase O’Hara, who was a scholar’s holy place, and how the admiral Akainu ordered the killing of all innocent civilians.

There is also what happened in Coco Yasi Village, and how Colonel Mouse, who is the head of the naval branch, colluded with the pirates to be the umbrella of the evil dragon pirate group.

There are even what Klockdar did in Alabastan, how His Majesty the Seven Wuhai appointed by the world government destroyed a peaceful world government allied country, and how the navy took the credit for getting rid of Klockdar!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as these things are really exposed, combined with the relationship between the Monchi family exposed by Luoxiu in this top war, and the “heroic deeds” of Karp, a naval hero, will directly make the Navy’s reputation and prestige completely collapse, and will no longer be supported and appointed by ordinary people!

Even those countries that are allied by the world government will begin to wonder whether the world government can shelter them, and whether paying such a huge amount of heavenly gold can play its due role!

Merely…… Feeling the gaze of the women, Robin looked at Luo Xiu, who was single-handedly pressing Shanks and Hawkeye, and the battles in other parts of the naval headquarters, and shook his head.

“Next, it is no longer suitable to continue to do this kind of thing, and after the high-ranking naval officials have solved their respective opponents, they will definitely think of dealing with Luo Xiu.”

“Even if Luo Xiu’s strength is indeed very strong, if you face the three admirals, the marshal, and the former admiral at the same time, there will be no good ending.”

“And the most important point is that even if these things are not exposed in this war, Luo Xiu can also use Morguns’ World Economic News Agency to print these things in newspapers and spread them to every corner of the world!”

According to Luo Xiu’s plan, he originally planned to help the navy and the world government publicize it well under the eyes of the world after all the roles were in this grand performance.

However, the development of things did not surprise Luo Xiu, but he did not say these things as planned.

But Robin knew very well that when he was in the Chambord Islands before, Roxiu contacted Morguns and asked the news king to spread the news that Luffy was Dorag’s son throughout the world in the shortest possible time.

If Luo Xiu is willing to print the experiences of several of them in the newspaper by the World Economic News Agency, I am afraid that Morguns will not be excited to give Luo Xiu a kowtow!

After hearing Robin’s words, all the women present nodded their heads in understanding, and even planned to follow what Robin said, first go to the ship and wait for Luo Xiu.

But Hancock suddenly spoke.

“You guys go to the ship first, if those guys in the navy want to do something to Lord Luo Xiu, the concubine body will definitely not spare them, and the concubine body must stay to help Lord Luo Xiu!”

For Han Cook, who is in the late stage of love, Lord Luo Xiu is her everything, it is the meaning of her life, if it were not for the fact that Lord Luo Xiu said before that they would not be allowed to participate in this war, Han Cook would have rushed to help Lord Luo Xiu!

Just when the other women couldn’t help Han Cook, Robin smiled and shook his head.

“Hancock, your stay will only affect Luo Xiu, it will not cause any help to Luo Xiu, and you don’t want to let Luo Xiu be hurt because of your stubbornness, right?”

“How did that Fire Fist Ace die just now, you shouldn’t forget it, right?”

Hearing this, Han Cook’s delicate and beautiful face instantly collapsed, and he said a little unwillingly.

“The concubine body will not be as useless as that guy!”

Robin didn’t talk nonsense with Hancock, but said it bluntly.

“Han Cook, I can guarantee that if you stay, not only will it not make Luo Xiu like you more, but it may also make Luo Xiu dissatisfied with you, are you sure you want to stay?”

Hancock’s breath jerked when she heard this, she didn’t care if she would be hurt, she just wanted to be able to help Lord Luo Xiu, but she was also worried that it would affect Lord Luo Xiu, and she was even more afraid that Lord Luo Xiu would really be dissatisfied with herself like Robin said!

Thinking of that situation, Hancock’s heart clenched and he quickly shook his head.

“Don’t! The concubine body should never make Lord Luo Xiu dissatisfied! ”

Robin was pleased with Hancock’s performance, and when he smiled and led the women to the ship they were on when they came to the headquarters of the Navy.

Kerra watched this scene blankly, thoughts flying in her mind, she had heard a lot of rumors and information about Boyahan Cook, the pirate emperor.

But every piece of information shows the pride of Boyahan Cook, as well as her indifferent appearance when treating men, but what is going on now?

Why did Nicole Robin just say that she would make Luo Xiu dissatisfied if she did this, and the high pirate woman Emperor Boyahan Cook was so pinched?

How the hell did that bastard Luo Xiu do it? Does he have such great magic? Gion glanced at Kerra and said slowly.

“What are you waiting for? No miracle will happen to you. ”

Kerra’s breath jerked when she heard this, her whole body looked shaky, her lips were bitten by her without the slightest bit of blood, and after glancing sadly at where Saab was, she hung her head and followed Robin, and Nami and they went to the ship.

Yes, as Gion said, there will be no miracles in her, and all she can do now is obediently follow Nicole Robin and Gion and others on board.

At the same time, Saab, who was carrying Luffy on his back and storming the naval blockade with those of the revolutionary army, seemed to feel Kerra’s gaze, turned his head to take a look, and after discovering Kerra’s situation, Saab was suddenly blinded, and the anger and hatred in his heart had reached its peak.

Thinking about anything else, he began to frantically rush towards the admirals in front of him, and what he had to do now was to break through from the naval headquarters in the shortest possible time.

While Losho is lacking in skills, after settling Luffy, he will snatch Kerra back from Nicole Robin and Boyahan Cook!

Kerra is his prospective girlfriend, and he has long had a good feeling for him, and he must not be forcibly snatched away by Luo Xiu and let him ravage Kerra wantonly!

Under Saab’s madness of completely ignoring whether he would be traumatized, other members of the revolutionary army were also infected by him, and they all rushed like crazy, impacting the obstruction of the admirals in front of them, and after a “dragon’s claw” killed a rear admiral, these blockades of the navy were finally successfully opened by Saab.

Without the slightest hesitation, Saab broke out of this gap with a roar and rushed towards the port of the naval headquarters.

“Get out of here!”

In an instant, those members of the revolutionary army rushed to follow behind Saab, thinking of nothing else, only wanting to escape from the naval headquarters alive.

Almost at the same time, after Luo Xiu repelled Shanks and Hawkeye in front of him with a sword, his eyes suddenly froze, and he drank violently in his mouth.

“Time stops!”


Shanks and Hawkeye, who had just established their figures, froze in place at the same time, both of their bodies were covered with scars, and scarlet blood continued to gush out of the wounds.

After Shanks and Hawkeye felt the shackles of this time fruit ability on their bodies, they began to burst out with all their strength in shock, wanting to break free in the shortest possible time.

It turns out that even if Hawkeye is the world’s number one swordsman, the strength he has is still far from Shanks, the four emperors who stand at the end of the new world.

At the same time, he was bound by time and tried to break free with all his strength, Shanks had successfully broken free, but Hawkeye was still unable to move.

This kind of excellent opportunity, Luo Xiu of course said that it was impossible to let go of anything, and what scared Shanks was that Luo Xiu’s target this time was not him at all!

At the same time that Shanks had just broken free from the shackles of time, Luo Xiu had already appeared at Hawkeye’s side, raised the famous knife in his hand, and slashed down fiercely at the neck of the world’s number one swordsman in front of him!

“Mihawk! Stop, Loxiu! ”

After seeing Luo Xiu’s actions, Shanks was already about to go crazy, and he ran towards Luo Xiu at the fastest speed with a hideous face, trying to save Hawkeye from Luo Xiu’s knife.

However, unfortunately, for Luo Xiu, who has always been decisive, how could he give Shanks such a chance?


With a flash of sword light, the sound of the blade tearing flesh and blood sounded, and Hawkeye, the world’s number one swordsman, was directly beheaded by Luo Xiu, the great swordsman!

Looking at Hawkeye’s head tumbling in the air, and the lingering look of horror in his eyes, coupled with the blood gushing out of the neat break on Hawkeye’s neck, Shanks could no longer control his emotions.


Shanks, who was almost collapsed, waved the griffin in his hand wrapped around the overlord-colored domineering, and slashed at Luo Xiu fiercely


A terrifying roar resounded in the sky, and under the overlord-colored entanglement collision, the sky of the entire naval headquarters became gloomy again. Luo Xiu looked at the extremely distorted face of Shanks in front of him, and said with a smile 250.

“Shanks, how does it feel to watch your partners, friends, seniors, and juniors die in front of you?”

Shanks’ red eyes stared at Luo Xiu in front of him, and he roared word by word.

“Luo Xiu! I’m going to kill you!” Certain! ”

A trace of essence flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, and he cut Shanks out with a knife, and said with a smile.

“This kind of thing, since you came to the headquarters of the navy, has been said too many times, I am tired of hearing it!”

Luo Xiu’s offensive did not end there, but he stepped sharply under his feet, chasing after Shanks, who was cut out by himself, and slaughtered Shanks, he must be able to make the rewards he received in this war more abundant, right?

Shanks roared and stood firm, facing Luo Xiu’s attack, not only did not retreat, but also took the initiative to meet the past. Unfortunately, whether he joined forces with Dorag or with Hawkeye, it was an absolute disadvantage in front of Luo Xiu, not to mention that now Hawkeye has been killed by Luo Xiu, leaving him to face Luo Xiu alone!

It didn’t take long for Shanks’s body to be covered with hideous wounds, making the Four Emperors of the New World exhausted.

It can only be said that the blessing of the Time Fruit ability for Luo Xiu is too terrifying, so terrifying that Shanks is simply overwhelmed!

Just as Shanks was thinking about countermeasures and desperately wanting to break this extremely dangerous situation, Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed, and he drank again in his mouth.

“Time stops!”

Luo Xiu did not hesitate at all, waved the autumn water in his hand, aimed at the Shanks in front of him and cut down.


Just when Shanks was about to despair, a figure suddenly appeared and helped Shanks block Luo Xiu’s knife.

Although Dorag, who suddenly appeared here, blocked Luo Xiu’s knife, the huge force still caused his body to be directly blasted out, crashing into Shanks behind, causing the two to tumble and fly out at the same time.

However, for the sake of Shanks’ safety, Dorag blessed him with the Wind Fruit ability, allowing Shanks to fly farther away from the dangerous guy Luo Xiu.

Now Shanks, after such a long period of high-intensity fighting, is not as energetic as he was at the beginning!

However, to Dorag’s horror, as soon as he helped Shanks stay away from Luo Xiu, he suddenly sensed that a Time Fruit ability was instantly blessed on his body, causing all his actions to come to a standstill.

After realizing this, Dorag was full of panic and began to burst out with all his strength desperately, wanting to break free from the shackles of time ability.

At this moment, Luo Xiu suddenly appeared in front of Dorag, and the autumn water in his hand shone with a sharp light, aiming at Dorag’s neck and cutting down.


The sound of the blade tearing through the flesh and blood sounded, and the blood burst out, and the famous knife fell on Dorag!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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