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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 102

Chapter 102 Reward a Great Harvest! Death to Dorag! Rob Ain! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

With a knife down, Dorag’s arm holding the wind blade was directly cut off by Qiushui, and while the blood rushed at the broken shoulder, the broken arm kept flipping in the air.


Dorag felt the sharp pain coming from his shoulder, and a bitter wail containing boundless pain unconsciously came out from deep in his throat.

That is, at the last moment, Dorag successfully broke free from the shackles of time stopping, otherwise, it would not be his arm that was cut off by Qiushui, but his head!

Dorag’s howl attracted the attention of everyone present, whether it was Sengoku, Zefa, the three admirals, or Karp, Shanks, and Saab and others, all clearly saw that Dorag’s broken arm fell to the ground.

In an instant, Karp no longer cared about fighting with the Warring States, but fought hard against the slap of the Warring States in the form of the Great Buddha, and with the help of this huge force, he rushed madly towards the location where Luo Xiu and Dorag were.

At the same time, Shanks was also standing firm for the first time, holding the Griffin to death, and rushed to the location where Luo Xiu was, Shanks knew very well that Dorag’s broken arm was completely broken for him!

If it weren’t for Dorag’s appearance and helping him block Luo Xiu’s sword, in the state he was in just now, even if he was not directly beheaded by Luo Xiu, he would definitely be extremely severely traumatized!

In order to save himself, how could Shanks be indifferent to watching Dorag being killed by Loxiu? Originally, the Warring States were also saddened because of Dorag’s broken arm, after all, Dorag was his very optimistic junior back then, and in order to cultivate Dorag, Warring States can be said to have spent a lot of time and energy.

However, when the Warring States saw Magellan’s body, this little bit of sadness that had just appeared disappeared in an instant, replaced by a thick anger and hatred.

“Dorag! Damn you! ”

After the Warring States roared, he stepped fiercely under his feet, and with the help of this force, chased towards Karp. What the Warring States have to do is to stop Karp so that Luo Xiu can take this opportunity to kill Dorag directly!

The Warring States are very clear that Magellan’s guy definitely died in the hands of Dorag, in order to save Shanks, a pirate, from Luo Xiu’s knife, he actually made an act of killing his former comrades, how did this guy Dorag not be directly killed by Luo Xiu!

After Luo Xiu cut off Dorag’s arm with a sword, the offensive did not end there, but attacked Dorag again. Dorag couldn’t help but wail, and after gritting his teeth, he released the Wind Wind Fruit ability, allowing the Wind Blade to reappear in his other hand, in order to resist Luo Xiu’s more terrifying attack with difficulty.

Feeling the huge power coming from the wind blade, Dorag’s heart has sunk to the bottom, and things have developed to the point that it is impossible to safely escape the naval headquarters with Saab and Luffy.

Don’t say it’s Luo Xiu, just those high-ranking naval officials, they will never let them go, and if it goes on like this, whether it is him, or daddy Karp, or Saab and Luffy, they are all dying at the hands of Luo Xiu or the navy!

Countless thoughts appeared in Dorag’s mind for a moment, but in the end, after a deep sigh, Dorag’s eyes suddenly became extremely determined.

Since you can’t leave alive, use your life to create a chance to escape successfully for Daddy, Saab, and Luffy!

Thinking of this, Dorag faced the autumn water that Luo Xiu slashed towards him, put the wind blade in his hand in front of him, and did not choose to clash with Luo Xiu, but with the help of Luo Xiu’s huge power, let his body rush towards the rear.

After standing firm with the ability of the wind and wind fruit, seeing that Luo Xiu was about to pursue him, Dorag did not dare to hesitate at all, and suddenly waved the wind blade in his hand, a tornado containing boundless power, and galloped towards the location where Luo Xiu was!

After swinging the knife, Dorag turned sharply and shouted at Karp.

“Daddy! Saab and Ace will all depend on you to take care of them in the future! Do not resist this force, I will send you away from Marin Fandor! ”

Hearing this, Karp directly clicked in his heart, as if he had realized what Dorag wanted to do, and roared at Dorag.

“Stop! The old man helps you block these guys, and you leave with Saab and Luffy! ”

Dorag looked at Karp and squeezed out a relieved smile and shouted.

“Sorry Daddy, I’m going to live up to your expectations! I hope Saab and Luffy can fulfill my dream! Don’t resist this force, this is the last thing I can do for you, don’t let my sacrifice go to waste! ”

When the words fell, Dorag’s eyes suddenly froze, his forehead was bruised, his face instantly became extremely hideous, and a terrifying wind suddenly burst out from his body, sweeping away in all directions!

Under the impact of this fierce wind, whether it was the corpses scattered on the ground, or the buildings and objects of the naval headquarters, all rose into the air, as if the entire naval headquarters was about to be blown over by this terrifying storm!

Dorag’s goal is obviously not to destroy the naval headquarters, but to use this last power to send Karp, Saab, and Luffy away!

In an instant, Dorag’s face turned extremely pale, and the nearest Karp suddenly rose into the air, and even Shanks, who was originally rushing towards him, also showed the exact same situation as Karp.

Under Dorag’s control, Karp and Shanks were galloped away by this fierce wind towards the location of Saab and Luffy and the others.

At the same time, Saab, Luffy, and some high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army were also blown high by Dorag with this storm, and at an extremely fast speed, they flew together to the ships docked at the port of the naval headquarters!

In order for them to leave faster, Dorag even deliberately manipulated the storm to push the ship and gallop towards the distance.

After doing this, Dorag looked at the ship speeding towards the distance, and the whole person instantly relaxed. In Dorag’s current state, being able to cause such a terrifying storm with the wind fruit can already be said to be overdrawing his life.

However, as long as he can keep his own father and son, as well as Saab, and they can live, then all he has done is worth it!

Just as Dorag relaxed for this, he only felt a sharp pain suddenly coming from the mouth of his heart, and looked down, and the location of his heart seemed to have a knife tip pierced.

Scarlet blood began to ooze from the corner of Dorag’s mouth, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but Luo Xiu had no interest in talking nonsense with the dead man at all, and under the flip of his wrist, Dorag’s heart was directly shattered into countless pieces by the autumn water!

As Luo Xiu pumped the autumn water out, Dorag’s body collapsed and smashed on the ground.

On the ship that was galloping off into the distance, Karp, Saab, and Shanks stood at the bow of the ship, shouting madly at the look at Dorag’s corpse.


Anger surged in his heart, and Karp’s body suddenly erupted with an incomparably terrifying momentum, this former naval hero, now a naval scum, when he wanted to rush towards Luo Xiu regardless of it, punched Luo Xiu’s head, and avenged his son Dorag and grandson Ace.

However, before he could act, Saab and Shanks directly grabbed Karp’s arm alone, and Saab was already in tears, looking at Karp with a painful look and choking.

“Old man Karp, don’t go, don’t go, otherwise the sacrifices made by the leader of Dorag will be wasted Shanks also echoed with a heavy head.”

“That’s right, Dorag sacrificed his own life in exchange for our lives, and all we people need to do is to find a suitable opportunity to take revenge on Luo in the future, instead of going back to die now!”

The scene where Ace took the initiative to die, and was beheaded by Luo Xiu, had become a psychological shadow for Dorag, and he didn’t want to see Karp die in the same way anyway.

You know, it’s not only Luo Xiu who wants to kill Kapu, those high-ranking naval officials, now more than anyone else wants to kill him, a former naval hero!

Karp’s eyes were red, his mouth and nose were panting heavily, his body began to tremble slightly, his forehead was as if it was about to explode, and his clenched fists were constantly creaking, all of which showed what kind of anger and hatred he contained in his heart.

Karp threw Shanks’ arm away and roared fiercely at him.

“You bastard! If you hadn’t seduced Luffy and made him think about becoming a pirate, the old man would definitely have allowed Ace and Luffy to join the navy, how could something like this happen! ”

Regarding Luffy’s desire to become a pirate since he was a child, Karp has long wanted to settle accounts with Shanks, and now he puts all the responsibility on Shanks’ head, and he can’t wait to blow this guy’s head on the spot.

After hearing Karp’s words, Shanks’ face suddenly turned pale, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy, Karp, this guy, is inevitably a little too unreasonable!

Is it that only your family dies in this war? You must know that his red-haired pirate group, as well as Renly, Jabba, and Kulokas, who used to take great care of Shanks, have all been killed!

At this moment, Shanks suddenly remembered a person, and when he rushed to the fence of the deck, he began to look around the naval headquarters with a fierce face.

“Bucky! Bucky! Where are you guy?! ”

Shanks suddenly found that since coming to the headquarters of the Navy, Bucky seemed to have completely disappeared, and he had not appeared in front of people from beginning to end, which made Shanks extremely worried.

If even Bucky died in this war, then his companions and friends would be gone! At the same time as Shanks roared wildly, a voice suddenly sounded from inside the cabin.

“Well, Shanks, I’m here.”

Hearing this sound, Shanks turned his head sharply, clearly seeing that after the cabin door opened, Bucky walked out of it with a look of horror.

Seeing this scene, Shanks was directly on the spot, looking at Bucky with a confused face, not knowing what happened at all, according to his observations, among the people that Dorag sent away with the ability of the Wind Fruit just now, Bucky was not included at all!

After seeing that the ship they were on was far away from the Navy headquarters, Bucky let out a long breath and patted his chest with a look of fear, exaggeratingly.

“Uncle Ben’s choice is really right, he almost died in the Navy headquarters!”

After Bucky sighed, he told Shanks about what happened to him.

After following the red-haired pirates to the headquarters of the navy, Bucky clearly saw how terrifying this war was, and in fear, Bucky did not dare to participate in it, and even felt that Shanks’ Redfors was not safe, so he immediately chose an empty ship and hid in the cabin.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, he let his clown Bucky successfully survive. It can only be said that the horror of overlord color luck is worthy of the name!

While Shanks was stunned because of Bucky’s luck to avoid a disaster, above the naval headquarters, after killing Dorag, Luo Xiu glanced at the ship where Karp, Shanks, and Saab and Luffy were galloping towards the distance, and shook his head.

“It’s really tenacious enough.”

As Luo Xiu’s voice fell, the Warring States, the Crane staff, and the former Admiral Zefa, who had completely solved the remnants of Roger’s pirate group, appeared directly in front of Luo Xiu and surrounded Luo Xiu.

The Warring States in the form of the Great Buddha stared at Luo Xiu in the field, word by word.

“Luo Xiu! Now it’s your turn! ”

Whether it was the Warring States, the Crane Staff Officer, or Zefa, they all stared at Luo Xiu with a fierce eye, looking ready to kill Luo Xiu in one fell swoop.

Seeing this situation, Luo Xiu was not surprised at all, but only glanced at the three admirals on the other side.

The three of Red Dog, Yellow Ape, and Green Pheasant are about to successfully kill Barrett, Red Count, World Breaker and Klockdar and other prisoners of infinite hell.

This also means that Luo Xiu has to face not only the Warring States, Zefa, but also the three staff officers of He. All the top combat forces of the navy are already mentally prepared to surround and kill Luo Xiu!

Merely…… The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth were slightly hooked, and a weird smile appeared on his face, looking at the Warring States in front of him, he said slowly.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I helped your navy so much, if you don’t thank me well, forget it, now you even want to turn your head to deal with me?”

Warring States glared angrily at Luo Xiu, and said in a cold tone.

“I want to thank you well, but then I have to wait until I kill you!”

Because Luo Xiu’s turmoil has completely collapsed the reputation and reputation of the Navy, the Warring States can’t wait to slap Luo Xiu’s head now, let alone thank him!

Luo Xiu glanced at the Warring States with a smile and said playfully.

“Or another way to thank me, for example, send me another naval beauty?”

Hearing this, whether it was the Warring States, Zefa, and the three staff officers of the crane, or the other high-ranking naval officials present, they all instantly became angry.

But until now, they still couldn’t understand why Gion would be completely tamed by Luo Xiu in such a short period of time, as a candidate for the general, Gion was obviously in the navy headquarters, and as a result, in this war, he did not do anything to help the navy from beginning to end!

Only after killing Luo Xiu can you figure out why Gion did this!

However, just when the Warring States wanted to order everyone to make a move on Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu took action before them. A trace of essence flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, and he suddenly drank violently in his mouth.

“Messy Golden Watch!”


In an instant, all the high-ranking naval officials present were frozen in place by the chaotic golden watch, and all their actions were slowed down dozens of times!

Luo Xiu did not waste time, this war has been fought so far, although his gains are very large, killing a lot of prey that has long been targeted by him, but the physical strength consumed is also quite a lot!

If he doesn’t leave the navy headquarters, after the three major admirals solve their respective enemies and completely liberate them, then Luo Xiu may really not be able to leave!

After fixing these high-ranking naval officials around, Luo Xiu stepped fiercely under his feet, and a deep pit appeared directly in place, and Luo Xiu himself, with the help of this force, directly rushed to Ain on the side.

After holding Ain, the goddess of the navy, in his arms, he stepped on the moon and directly said that the ship where Robin and Nami and the others were and rushed over.

At the same time, Robin had already started letting Nami drive the ship before Luo Xiu left, and the moment Luo Xiu landed on the deck with Ain, the ship had reached the fastest speed and galloped away into the distance.

Luo Xiu smiled and waved goodbye to the Warring States, Zefa, and Staff Officer Crane who had lifted the shackles of the chaotic golden watch.

“Marshal of the Warring States, I am very satisfied with this thank you gift from Ain.”

With Luo Xiu’s voice echoing above the naval headquarters, Luo Xiu’s mind also sounded the voice of the system, raging the reward of the war on top, and it was about to be harvested!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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