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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 103

Chapter 103 Inject a special energy liquid to help the women improve their strength! [Kneel for subscription].

[The host wreaks havoc on top of the war, subverts the world, kills Whitebeard, Ace, Blackbeard, Rayleigh… Get rewards: Tricolor domineering improvement, physical skill improvement, sword art improvement, get title: unparalleled in the world, obtain special skills: accelerate growth]

Listening to the voice of the system in his mind, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, Luo Xiu knew that what he did in the top war would definitely bring him a rich reward, but he still didn’t expect that this wave of rewards could be so rich.

It is no exaggeration to say that Luo Xiu’s current three-color domineering, physical skills, and sword skills have all stood at the apex of this world, and no one is stronger than Luo Xiu, he is now the strongest man in the world!

As for the title of unparalleled in the world, Luo Xiu has also seen the effect, with this title, no matter what kind of identity the other party has, as long as someone is an enemy of Luo Xiu, when facing Luo Xiu, he will be deterred from the heart, and when fighting, he will become more restrained!

However, what surprised Luo Xiu the most was that that special skill accelerated his growth!

After seeing the effect of this skill, Luo Xiu’s face suddenly became extremely strange, although Luo Xiu has become the strongest in the world, but his current women, except for Han Cook and Gion, are the strongest.

Robin, Kalifa, Perona, Nami, these people, in today’s new world, there is no praiseworthy power.

Not to mention ordinary people such as Marcino, Nokigao, Keya, and Vivi.

And this newly acquired skill accelerates their growth, which is to allow Luo Xiu to help them improve their strength, so that they can grow into real strong people in the shortest possible time.

emmm…… It’s just that the prerequisite for accelerating the growth of this skill is that Luo Xiu needs to inject them with energy liquid, and in this special way, so that the women gradually have great power.

The more times they inject energy liquid, the faster their strength will improve. So also called: Budette Lux Nibili.

After seeing the use and effect of this skill, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth slightly hooked, and a strange smile appeared on his face

“Well, in order to give them the power to protect themselves, it seems that I will have to work harder in the future.”

That is, Luo Xiu’s current physique has reached an extremely strong level, otherwise, this high intensity helps them accelerate their growth, where can ordinary people withstand it!

At this moment, the roar of the Warring States interrupted Luo Xiu’s thinking and clearly reached Luo Xiu’s ears.

“Luo Xiu! You fucking bastard! ”

Zefa, who was standing next to the Warring States, looked at the ship that had sailed far away, as well as Luo 173 Xiu standing at the bow, and his student Ain, who was forcibly taken away by Luo Xiu, and his whole face became extremely hideous.

“Luo Xiu! Change Ain back! The old man is going to kill you! ”

While speaking, the former admiral was about to step on the moon and pursue Luo Xiu, but he had just made a move, and the Warring States on the side were shocked and directly reached out and pulled him.

Zefa’s eyes were red and he turned to look at the Warring States and asked angrily.

“Sengoku! Why are you holding me back?! ”

Sengoku turned his head and glanced at the three admirals of Red Dog, Blue Pheasant, and Yellow Ape, although they had driven their respective enemies into a corner, they had not yet successfully solved their respective opponents.

This also means that even if Luo Xiu is pursued now, only he, the marshal, and Zefa, the former naval general, will participate.

Other high-ranking naval officials, in front of Luo Xiu’s outright monster, will not only play any role, but will also become a burden.

Thinking of this, Sengoku’s eyes became slightly dark, and his voice was hoarse.

“Calm down Zefa, I am also extremely angry at Luo Xiu’s behavior, but if the two of us go after him, the final result will only get worse!”

Zefa was better, when dealing with the remnants of the Roger Pirates such as Jabba and Kulocas, although it took a little longer, he was not traumatized.

But the Warring States are different, in the fierce battle with Karp, whether it is Warring States or Karp, they have been seriously injured.

Chasing and killing Luo Xiu in this state will not only be unable to stop Luo Xiu, but it will also be very likely to be killed by Luo Xiu! After all, the kind of time fruit ability that Luo Xiu possessed was really too perverted!

Zefa, whose eyes were red, gasped, exuding an incomparably crazy momentum all over his body, and he couldn’t wait to appear in front of Luo Xiu now and kill Luo Xiu directly.

Even from such a distance, Luo Xiu could feel Zefa’s anger, and when he waved his hand, he thanked Zefa very politely.

“Mr. Zefa, thank you for cultivating such a good student as Ain, this time I will unceremoniously take Ain away, I hope that the next time we meet, your navy will be able to prepare such a wonderful gift.”

As Luo Xiu’s voice fell, all the naval high-ranking people of Marin Fandor were furious, Luo Xiu, this bastard, this is trampling on the dignity of their navy! Absolutely unforgivable!

The most hateful thing is that no matter how angry they are now, how much they want to kill Luo Xiu, they are still helpless to Luo Xiu, and the Warring States directly roared after roaring.

“Kill all those damn prisoners!”

After roaring, Sengoku did not hesitate at all, and directly rushed towards Barrett, Red Count, as well as World Breaker and Klockdar and others.

The same was true of other high-ranking naval officials, even Zefa, who was bound by Luo Xiu’s ability to use the fruit of time and stood at the bow of the ship, and after a glance at Ain, he frantically joined the final battle of the navy headquarters.

Since there is no way to slaughter Luo Xiu and snatch Ain back, then you can only use these prisoners of Infinite Hell to vent the anger and hatred in your hearts first!

Originally, under the offensive of the three major admirals, the situation of Barrett and Count Red had become extremely difficult, but now with the addition of Sengoku and Zefa and others, they were even more unable to withstand this offensive.

It didn’t take too long for these prisoners who had just escaped from the cage in Advance City to die directly in the navy headquarters before they could do anything.

Just because they were seduced by Blackbeard, they wanted to announce their return under the eyes of the whole world, which led to their death like this, it can only be said that pretending to be a saint is risky, and people need to be cautious in front of the saint!

Unfortunately, after they successfully killed these prisoners, the ship that Luo Xiu was on had completely left the sea area where the navy headquarters was located.

Even if he wanted to pursue Luo Xiu now, it was already too late. Sengoku looked at Zefa, whose body began to tremble slightly because of anger, and sighed.

“Zefa, after everything is finished, the next target of our navy to solve is Luo Xiu, who will definitely save Ain and Gion from that bastard!”

When Zefa heard this, he suddenly gritted his teeth and roared word by word.

“I will also participate in the operation to erase Luo Xiu!”

Of course, the Warring States would not refuse this, and after nodding, he did not say anything more, but turned his head and looked around the naval headquarters.

At this time, the naval headquarters, in addition to the sailors, pirates, and corpses of members of the revolutionary army, had also been destroyed to the extent of devastation.

The most troublesome thing for the Warring States is that the bad impact of this war on their navy is too great!

If they can’t save their prestige and completely lose the support and trust of ordinary people, then their navy will really be a dog to the world government forever!

Thinking that the navy has worked hard for so many years in order to one day be able to get rid of the control of the world government and truly fight for the justice behind him, and as a result, because of this top war, all efforts have been in vain, which makes the Warring States full of anger towards Luo Xiu and Karp.

Sooner or later, he will have to solve that bastard Karp with his own hands!……..

While the Warring States were having a headache for the future of the navy, Luo Xiu also lifted the Time Fruit ability that bound Ain.

Ain only felt that her body suddenly loosened, even if she wanted to escape from this ship with moon steps, as long as she could escape back to the naval headquarters, then she would be safe.

However, as soon as Ain made a move, Luo Xiu directly pressed on her shoulder.

Ain’s pupils vibrated violently, and after gritting his teeth, he wanted to use his regressive fruit ability to turn Luo Xiu into the appearance of a child. Luo Xiuming knew what Ain wanted to do, but he just looked at this scene with a smile, and had no intention of dodging at all.

When the regressive fruit ability released by Ain fell on Luo Xiu, without waiting for Ain to relax, the scene in front of him filled Ain’s heart with fear.

Ain was shocked to find that his ability to regress fruit could not do anything to Luo Xiu!

Just when Ain wanted to break free from Luo Xiu’s palm and flee towards the naval headquarters, Luo Xiu snapped his fingers and directly slowed down all her movements several times.

Under Ain’s fearful gaze, Luo Xiu smiled and put on a pair of Hailou stone shackles that had been prepared a long time ago. After Luo Xiu lifted the blessing of the Time Fruit’s ability, Ain weakened his legs and almost fell directly to the ground, but at the last moment, Luo Xiu pinched Ain’s fair and delicate cheeks, so as not to let the naval goddess fall on the deck.

“Don’t be so ignorant Ain, why bother yourself?”

After hearing this, Ai Yin felt that because of the shackles of the sea tower, his legs were a little sore, and the feeling of powerlessness that filled his body and bottom, and after gritting his teeth, he glared at Luo Xiu viciously, word by word.

“Luo Xiu! Whatever you want to do to me, I won’t let you succeed! Either let me go, or just kill me.”

“I wouldn’t betray the Navy like someone!”

While speaking, Ain glared fiercely at Gion, who was obviously a candidate for the general and an elite vice admiral of the naval headquarters. As a result, it only took three days to be completely tamed by Luo Xiu!

Not only did he not participate in the whole process of this top war, but even, even the sea tower stone shackles that bound him were given to Luo Xiu by Gion!

Ain’s words made Gion’s face change, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn’t say anything, just looked at Ain with pity.

Gion is only curious about one thing now, that is, how long Ain’s hard-mouthed can last. Luo Xiu looked Ain up and down in front of him playfully, pulled the corners of his mouth, and said slowly.

“You are really loyal enough to the Navy, but unfortunately, I am not going to play any pulling games with you.”

Hearing this, Ain’s pupils widened sharply, as if he had realized what Luo Xiu wanted to do, and roared angrily at Luo Xiu.

“What do you want to do? Luo Xiu! Stop you bastard! ”

Ain was tough at the beginning, pretended to be calm in the middle of the period, and finally couldn’t help but start crying.

For Ain, she never thought that she would end up like this, and she would be targeted by Luo Xiu, a fierce guy, or even forcibly taken away!

Especially now, this situation has completely exceeded Ain’s expectations!

And Luo Xiu did exactly as he said, he had no interest in playing any pulling games with Ain, and directly took him into the cabin and officially started the battle with this naval goddess.

It just so happened that Luo Xiu was in the raging top war, and he was rewarded extremely richly, so that his strength has reached the level of the strongest in the world and unparalleled in the world, of course, it is necessary to verify it well at this time.

It turned out that Luo Xiu’s strength had indeed been greatly improved, and the battle had only just begun, and under his huge strength, the navy-like armor on Ain’s body instantly became shattered.

Luo Xiu did not hesitate at all, directly pulled out the famous knife he had, aimed it at the old wound that Ain possessed the same age as her, and stabbed it with all his strength.

As one of the only two surviving students in the last batch of former Admiral Zefa’s students, Ain has been taught by Zefa over the years, and although he usually relies on the Devil Fruit ability, he has never relaxed his physical skills to improve and improve.

In addition, Ain’s marksmanship is also very good, but before she could shoot Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu directly blocked the barrel of Ain’s famous gun with a famous knife, leaving it with no choice but to do everything to resist Luo Xiu’s crazy attack.

Unfortunately, under the shackles of that sea tower, Ain was still greatly affected as a Devil Fruit ability.

Whether it was physical strength or strength, it had decreased as a result, and even the two shields that Ain blocked in front of her chest were precisely found by Luo Xiu as a bulging weakness, directly breaking her defensive posture, and launching an even more terrifying attack on Ain again.

Ain’s Backward Fruit ability can’t be used, but Luo Xiu’s Time Fruit ability has not been affected in any way, and in order to defeat Ain faster, Luo Xiu even blessed himself with a time acceleration, making the next attack more violent.

Rao is that Ain has done his best in this battle, but in the end he still lost miserably.

Luo Xiu was not surprised by this, with the combat power he now had, it was simply an easy thing to deal with an Ain with zero combat experience.

The only regret is that for the time being, it is impossible to verify the effect of the “accelerated growth” skill that has just been acquired on Ain.

But it’s not a big deal, after all, on this ship, Ain is not the only one who can be Luo Xiu’s opponent.

Now that the war at the top has ended, Na Luoxiu naturally will not continue to waste time here, but takes this ship and begins to move towards the direction of Nine Snake Island.

After all, those women who were not brought to the naval headquarters by Luo Xiu have been waiting for Luo Xiu to return on Nine Snake Island.

Before proceeding to the next move, Luo Xiu naturally wanted to bring them with him, and by the way, he could also use accelerated growth, so that Macino, Nokigao, Keya, and White Star could also grow up in the shortest possible time.

Of course, while heading to Nine Snake Island, Luo Xiu was not idle, while injecting energy liquid for Robin, Nami, and Hancock and others, he began to contact the news king Morguns according to Robin’s previous guess, and prepared to send a big gift to the navy and the world government.

What Luo Xiu wants to do is to completely collapse the image and prestige of the navy, and no longer get anyone’s support and trust! There are also those countries that are allied by the world government, after this time, they must also begin to doubt whether the world government can guarantee their safety! During this period, Luo Xiu also successfully verified the power of the “Accelerated Growth” skill, after receiving the energy liquid injection separately. Whether it is Robin, Nami, and Vivi, the three women whose strength is not strong, or the two Hancock and Gion, even in the new world, they are also good powerhouses, and their strength has been greatly improved.

This kind of improvement made them all feel the surprise from the bottom of their hearts, and they were more eager to accept the injection of energy liquid.

As long as their strength can continue to improve, then no matter what kind of enemy Luo Xiu faces in the future, then they will also be able to help Luo Xiu!.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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