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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 105

Chapter 105 Kirla Ain, squeeze Qianluo Xiu! Kaido: It’s not saved, wait for death! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Indeed, as expected by Akainu and Sengoku, the reason why Luo Xiu did not let Morguns reveal the truth of the O’Hara incident at the first time, as well as the matter between Kokoasi Village and Alabastan, was to wait for news from the navy.

Luo Xiu had already guessed from the beginning that the Warring Council would take all the responsibility on him, and took this opportunity to take a back seat, make way for juniors, and save some of the image of the navy.

Even the fact that the new marshal would be a red dog was expected by Luo Xiu.

After all, with the situation that the navy has to face now, it is obviously not suitable to let the dovish green pheasant take the position, as for the yellow ape who only knows how to touch fish and paddle, I am afraid that the Warring States have never considered making him a naval master!

It is precisely because of this that the Warring States gave Luo Xiu the best opportunity to expose the truth of the O’Hara incident and make Akainu, the new marshal of the admiral, instantly become the target of everyone.

It can only be said that the navy cooperated too well, and if Luo Xiu did not seize the opportunity, then he would be too useless.

Of course, while waiting for the navy to make these big moves, Luo Xiu was not idle, but kept plowing, to be precise, injecting energy liquid for Robin, Nami, Vivi, Koya, and Hancock and Gion and others, so that their strength could be improved faster.

It turns out that this skill that Luo Xiu obtained in the top war is simply a divine skill!

It just took about ten days to give these women a good power, especially Magino, Nuo Qigao, Keya, and Vivi and others, who were just ordinary people.

Since they had no combat effectiveness at all, the speed of improvement seemed to be the fastest.

Robin, Nami, Kalifa, and Perona’s four daughters have also improved their strength, of course, compared with those real strong people in the new world, there is still a big gap.

On the contrary, Han Cook and Gion, the two strongest women, although their strength is steadily rising by injecting energy liquid, the degree of improvement is not as high as others, but this method still saves countless times more time than their own cultivation!

Even the three mermaids of Bai Xing, Xia Li, and Kemi all received the energy liquid injected by Luo Xiu.

Among the three of them, Luo Xiu was obviously looking forward to Bai Xing, one of the three major weapons of ancient times, the sea king.

Luo Xiu knew that after Bai Xing grew up, he could let the sea king class obey her orders and use it for her, but in addition, he might have other abilities, otherwise, how could he be worthy of the name of sea king?

It is worth mentioning that even Kerra and Ain, who were forcibly taken away by Luo Xiu in the Top War, are also among the ranks of receiving energy liquid injections.

Although the two of them belonged to opposing camps before, one was the revolutionary army and the other was the navy, but now they are in the same situation, which gives them a lot of common language.

Especially after discovering that Luo Xiu could quickly improve their strength by injecting energy liquid, Kerra and Ain had a heart-to-heart conversation.

Through this conversation, they also confirmed each other’s thoughts, knowing that they both wanted to escape from Luo Xiu’s hands.

However, even without the terrifying power of Rosheu, Hancock and Gion, and even Robin, Nami, Kalifa, and Perona, who received more injections than them, were now able to easily defeat them.

In order to one day successfully escape from the hands of Luo Xiu, the bastard, the two made an extremely bold decision, that is, to accept as much energy liquid as possible from Luo Xiu, so that they could have the power to escape as soon as possible!

After making up their minds, Kerra and Ain did not waste time, and directly began to plan, but whenever they had enough strength, they began to choose to charge Luo Xiu and try their best to receive the injection of energy liquid.

However, what Kerra and Ain didn’t know was that the thoughts of the two of them couldn’t be hidden from Luo Xiu at all!

Not to mention Luo Xiu, even Robin, Nami, Kalifa, and Hancock and Gion and others all knew what they thought, but they didn’t poke it.

Even, Robin and Nami and the others are secretly betting on how long the two of them can hold out before they completely sink into Luo Xiu’s charm.

Regarding this point, except for Han Cook, who had a soft spot for Luo Xiu from the beginning, these people are all very powerful!

That is, Luo Xiu’s strength and physique have reached the level unparalleled in the world, otherwise, this kind of high-intensity exhaustion is really not something that ordinary people can accomplish!

In this ordinary and boring life of injecting energy liquid, Luo Xiu also brought the women to the target he had already set his sights on, Dressrosa!

It is worth mentioning that Han Cook, the emperor of Nine Snake Island, followed Luo Xiu to leave, and did not let her two sisters, as well as Mother-in-law and others object, but also very supportive of Han Cook’s decision.

As for all the affairs of Nine Snake Island, they have also been handed over to Mother-in-law and Han Cook’s two younger sisters to be responsible for handling, and with Mother-in-law, the former emperor of Nine Snake Island, there will still be no problem with Nine Snake Island.

Of course, based on Luo Xiu’s relationship with Nine Snake Island, there will definitely not be anyone who does not have long eyes to find trouble with Nine Snake Island, even if it is the navy, it will definitely not lose his heart and go crazy to that extent!

Luo Xiu knew very well that even if the absolutely hawkish naval marshal of the red dog wanted to make a move on Nine Snake Island, just the Warring States, Zefa, and the staff officers of the crane and the green pheasant would definitely be able to stop his crazy decision.

After all, if the Navy dared to provoke Luo Xiu in this way, the price that the Navy would have to pay was far beyond their imagination!

After docking the ship in port, Luo Xiu looked at Dressrosa in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly hooked, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

If the newspaper before the World Economic News Agency can make the Navy lose face, it will no longer have the support and trust of the public.

Once the matter of Dressrosa was exposed, those countries that were allied with the world government, but they really wanted everyone to put themselves at risk, and began to doubt whether the world government was reliable, and whether this behavior of paying heavenly gold in exchange for peace was correct!

Luo Xiu had already begun to wonder what kind of face Doflamingo would be when he learned of his arrival. With this idea, Luo Xiu did not waste time and directly led the women on the ship to land in Dressrosa.

In the palace of Dressrosa, Doflamingo sat on the throne, holding a brand new bounty order in his hand, and couldn’t help but smack his lips and sigh.

“12 billion Bailey, Luo Xiu, this guy, really made a bounty amount in history!”

Hearing this, Torrebol on the side directly widened his eyes, and after a short period of sluggishness, he swallowed his saliva and doubted the way of life.

“Young Lord, has the bounty of that guy Luo Xiu been raised to 12 billion Bailey?”

Not only Torrepol, but also the cadres of the Don Quixote family present were all stunned on the spot after hearing Doflamingo’s words.

Doflamingo looked around to see the guys’ reactions and scoffed.

“What’s so strange about that? With the strength of that guy Luo Xiu, it is not normal not to have such a high bounty! ”

“Moreover, this so-called bounty has long been meaningless to Luo Xiu, whether there is such a high bounty or not, it will not affect his position as the strongest in the new world!”

For Doflamingo, who had experienced the horror of Luo Xiu up close, Luo Xiu’s strong strength brought an incomparably huge shock to his heart.

Doflamingo knows very well that this so-called 12 billion Bailey bounty is just a show, at most it is used to make the Navy more motivated to deal with Roxiu.

According to the information obtained by Doflamingo, Luo Xiu has used Fire Fist Ace, Hades Renly, and Straw Hat Luffy to blackmail the Gan Jie government with a full 10 billion Bailey.

Those guys of the five old stars deliberately used this excuse to delay the military budget of the Navy, and now the meaning of raising Luo Xiu’s bounty to 12 billion Bailey is also very obvious, only by killing Luo Xiu, the Navy is qualified to continue to ask the world government for military expenses.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo couldn’t help but laugh, and just when he was about to say something, a member of the Don Quixote family suddenly rushed to the palace, attracting the attention of everyone present.

Seeing this, Doflamingo frowned, looking at this guy with an unhappy face, if he can’t give himself a good reason, then the end will definitely not be good!

However, without waiting for Doflamingo to ask, the Don Quixote family member shouted directly.

“Young Lord! Luo Xiu, Luo Xiu is here! He is coming to the palace and says he wants to see you by name! ”

As the words of this Don Quixote family member fell, the palace suddenly fell into an extremely strange silence.

Whether it was Doflamingo or those Don Quixote cadres, they were all directly on the spot, and a bean-sized cold sweat suddenly appeared on their foreheads.

With the bad personality of that guy in Loxiu, and his unscrupulous style, will there be any good things to come to Dressrosa? Obviously impossible!

“Boom… Did he say what I was going to do? ”

Doflamingo abruptly stood up from the throne, his face had become extremely solemn, and his eyes under the sunglasses were already full of fear.

Feeling the gaze of Doflamingo and the other cadres, the Don Quixote family member shook his head again and again and said urgently.

“No, but those who tried to stop Luo Xiu were all killed by his women!”

Hearing this, Doflamingo felt a surge of anger in his heart, and then disappeared directly, and sat back on the throne. At this moment, Doflamingo has already determined that Luo Xiu, this guy, is definitely not a good comer!

The Don Quixote family officials in the palace were obviously aware of this, and they all panicked.

Even Shanks and Dorag are no match for that monster of Loxiu, let alone their little Don Quixote family!

“Young Lord, what should we do? Either you or just run! ”

Torrebol looked at Doflamingo with a look of panic and said the most heartfelt words, but not only did no one object, but he also received unanimous praise from the cadres of the Don Quixote family.

Even Doflamingo began to seriously think about whether he could run directly.

However, after thinking of Luo Xiu’s terrifying time fruit ability, Doflamingo directly dispelled this idea, if Luo Xiu really wanted to find trouble with him, by this time, it was too late to run!

Thinking of this, Doflamingo quickly took out the phone worm and began to ask his backers for help.

The first to find was naturally Kaido, who was a partner, and when the phone worm connected, Doflamingo didn’t even give Kaido a chance to ask, so he said straightforwardly.

“Kaido, that guy from Losho is coming for trouble with me! Now in Dressrosa, hurry up and bring someone to rescue me! ”

When the words fell, the opposite side of the phone worm fell into a long silence, and Doflamingo saw that a bad premonition arose in his heart, and quickly roared to the phone worm.

“Don’t forget Kaido, I have the method of making artificial devil fruits! If you still want to continue to get the artificial devil fruit, then quickly bring someone to rescue me!” ”

This time Kaido finally had a response, but his response made Doflamingo’s heart sink directly to the bottom.

“Dover, are you ordering Lao Tzu? What do you think you are? Also qualified to speak with Lao Tzu with this attitude? ”

The cooperation between Kaido and Doflamingo has never been equal, how can a king of the seven martial seas be on an equal footing with Kaido, the four emperors of the New World?

It’s just that Doflamingo has Caesar who can make artificial devil fruits in his hands, and it just so happens that Kaido needs this artificial devil fruit that he successfully hooked up with Kaido.

Doflamingo’s breathing jerked, his face instantly became extremely hideous, and he roared low at the phone worm.

“Kaido! It seems that you really don’t want artificial devil fruits! ”

Kaido snorted coldly when he heard this, and said very directly.

“Luo Xiu that guy is already in Dressrosa, can you continue to live?”

“Don’t dream Dover, wait for death, Lao Tzu can’t save you.”

After speaking, Kaido did not give Doflamingo a chance to continue talking nonsense, and directly hung up the Shen Talking Worm.

Although he was very reluctant to take the artificial devil fruit made by Flamengo, thinking of Luo Xiu’s terrifying power, Kaido still dismissed the idea of taking someone to rescue this guy at the first time.

Compared to the artificial devil fruit, it is obviously his life that is more important!

Even if he has reached an alliance with Charlotte Lingling’s bigmom, Kaido still doesn’t want to provoke Luo Xiu, a complete monster, no matter what!

Luo Xiu, this guy, let’s leave it to those guys in the navy to solve!

Doflamingo looked at the hung up phone worm and directly began to curse, towards Kaido was a crazy void output, after the output, he did not forget his current situation, and quickly began to contact another backer, the five old stars.

After Doflamingo told the five old stars the news that Luo Xiu came to Dressrosa, he also directly silenced the five old stars.

However, unlike Kaido, the five old stars quickly gave a reply of 0.9 flamenco, and they said that they would immediately inform the navy of the news, so that all the high-level officials of the navy would be dispatched, and no matter what, they must kill Luo Xiu in one fell swoop!

Of course, before the top naval officials arrived in Dressrosa, it was up to Doflamingo to find a way to drag Luo Xiu.

After receiving this assurance from the five old stars, although Doflamingo’s heart was still full of fear, it was obviously much better, and after taking a long breath, Doflamingo stood up from the throne again, looked around, looked at the Don Quixote family cadres present, and said in a deep voice.

“Let’s go, go and see what Luo Xiu that guy wants to do!”

“Yes! Less Lord! ”

With Doflamingo’s order, Torrebol and the others followed him directly and walked outside.

However, they didn’t even walk out of the palace, so they stopped directly, because Luo Xiu’s guy had already entered the palace!

The moment Doflamingo saw Luo Xiu, his footsteps stopped directly, and cold sweat began to drip on his forehead. Doflamingo found that compared to the war at the headquarters of the Navy a few days ago, the momentum exuded by this guy Luo Xiu seemed to be more terrifying!

“Lo…. Luo Xiu, I heard that you came to Dressrosa, you are looking for me, right? Don’t know if there’s something I need help with? ”

“You just say, as long as I can do it, I will do it!”

Doflamingo did not dare to hesitate at all, and directly showed the most humble attitude, wanting to use this way to delay time, and after the arrival of those high-ranking naval officials, Luo Xiu, this guy, absolutely can’t escape!

However, what Doflamingo did not expect was that Luo Xiu just looked at himself with a smile and said slowly.

“Don’t worry, you can do it, I came to you this time to borrow your head.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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