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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 107

Chapter 107 Luo Xiu True Punishment! Just obey and obey my commands! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Luo Xiu’s voice echoed at the gate of this palace, making Violet, Baby5, Monet, and Sugar and others who were full of fear all involuntarily turn their eyes to Luo Xiu.

The Don Quixote family has been wiped out by Luo Xiu and his women, even Doflamingo, has died under Luo Xiu’s knife, originally thought that a few of them would also die, but now it seems that there is still a turning point? They may survive?

After realizing this, Violet spoke first.

“Think! Please let us go. ”

Violet’s attitude of begging for mercy at this moment really surprised the other three, but they did not refute it, but looked at Luo Xiu with hopeful eyes, wanting to get a definite answer from him.

Losho walked up to Violet, looked at the sexy beauty who was a dancer on the surface, but was actually Princess Dressrosa, pulled her up, and under Violet’s apprehensive gaze, stretched out his fingers to gently coquette on her fair and tender face.

“Since you want to survive, you have to pay for it, are you mentally prepared?”

If before that, Violet and Baby5 did not know why Roxiu destroyed the Don Quixote family, but left them alone.

After hearing Luo Xiu’s words and seeing how Luo Xiu treated Violet, everyone had already reacted.

They finally remembered the rumors they had heard about Luo Xiu before!

Whether it is the women in the East China Sea who have ordinary identities but exquisite appearances, or the princess of Alabastan, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, the people of CP9, or the princess of Fishman Island, as well as the pirate female emperor Han Cook and the elite vice admiral Gion of the Navy headquarters, Luo Xiu has not let a single one go!

In this way, several of their women who are also very delicate and beautiful have also become Luo Xiu’s target?

Feeling Luo Xiu’s gaze sweeping everywhere on his body in front of him, Violet could clearly perceive the hot light in Luo Xiu’s eyes that seemed to burn himself.

“Boom… Lo… Luo Xiu, I, I am not actually a member of the Don Quixote family, my real identity is the princess of Dressrosa, and the reason why I joined the Don Quixote family is only to find an opportunity to retake Dressrosa. ”

Violet felt that since the purpose of Roxiu coming to Dressrosa was to kill Doflamingo and destroy the Donqui River family.

Then this princess who went undercover in the Don Quixote family should not be considered Luo Xiu’s target, right? In this case, is it not necessary to pay that price as Luo Xiu said, in order to survive?

Thinking of this, Violet looked at Luo Xiu with a sincere look and said in a deep voice.

“Mr. Loxiu, you killed Doflamingo and also destroyed the Don Quixote family, you are the hero who saved us Dressrosa, allow me to express my gratitude to you as the princess of the royal family of Dressrosa.”

As Violet’s voice fell, without even waiting for Luo Xiu to respond, baby5 and Monet on the other side abruptly stood up from the ground and angrily questioned Violet.

“Violet! How dare you do this? You dare to betray the Don Quixote family? ”

Since he had already self-detonated, there was nothing to hesitate, and Violet directly broke the jar and broke the road.

“I am not from your Don Quixote family in the first place! What’s more, do you think there will be a Don Quixote family that will continue to exist now? ”

Violet’s words made baby5, Monet, and even Sugar stunned, looking at the scattered corpses around them, their faces suddenly turned extremely pale.

Violet didn’t pay any more attention to them, but looked seriously at Luo Xiu in front of him and spoke.

“Mr. Loxiu, now that the childlike fruit effect of sugar has been lifted, the citizens of Dressrosa should have also recovered, including my father, Riku Dord 3.”

“When they know that you saved Dressrosa, they will definitely do their best to thank you for your help.”

Although Violet did not say it directly, the meaning outside her words was also very obvious, that is, in addition to the conditions proposed by Luo Xiu, she could try her best to thank Luo Xiu.

It’s just a pity that for Luo Xiu, this so-called Dressrosa has no value at all. Luo Xiu opened his palm, pinched Violet’s delicate face, and said with a smile.

“Violet, are you talking to me about the conditions?”


Violet was shocked and wanted to shake his head, but because his cheek was pinched by Luo Xiu, he couldn’t move at all, and Luo Xiu continued slowly.

“Did you make a mistake? Do you think that with your status as a princess of Dressrosa, you are qualified to talk to me about conditions? ”

Violet panicked, this time it was completely panicked, at this moment, Violet suddenly woke up, this man in front of her, is not what she can fool!

The most important thing is, for him, the strongest man in the new world, what can they do to move him? Thank? The most worthless thing!

Her so-called identity as Princess Dressrosa, even the Doflamingo guy doesn’t care, in Luo Xiu’s eyes, what can it be?

“I… I didn’t mean that, I just… Just…..”

Violet was full of fear, and for a while he couldn’t organize the language at all, and he didn’t know how to respond to Luo Xiu’s words.

Luo Xiu did not get used to her, and the fingers pinching Violet’s cheeks gradually strengthened, and in the most gentle tone, he said words that made Violet shudder.

“From now on, all you need to do about what I say is obey and obey, understand?”

Violet felt the pain that gradually came from her cheeks, as well as Luo Xiu’s eyes without the slightest emotion, and a few crystalline tears could not help but appear in her eyes, and quickly said.

“Ming, got it.”

Luo Xiu released his palm, admired the red marks he had left on Violet’s fair face, and said with a smile.

“As for what you just said, King Liku’s gratitude to me, you don’t need to worry about it.”

Violet only felt that he was now the rest of his life, and his legs were weak, and he fell to the ground weakly, his body trembled slightly, and he hung his head without answering.

Luo Xiu didn’t say much about this, King Riku’s so-called thanks, Luo Xiu would not care at all, but he could also take this opportunity to ask Violet’s niece, Rebecca.

Aunts and nieces or something…

emmm…… You can think about it, you can do it, but you don’t have to say it for the time being.

Violet’s end, was seen by baby5, Monet, and sugar, and a trace of happiness appeared in their hearts, this woman was really carried away by the surprise brought by the collapse of the Don Quixote family, and actually wanted to negotiate conditions with a guy like Luo Xiu, I really don’t know how the dead word is written, right?

However, after feeling Luo Xiu’s gaze turn to them, baby5, Monet, and Sugar suddenly felt a storm in their hearts.

Luo Xiu did not mean to play a pulling game with them, but said straightforwardly.

“The three of you, it’s also time to make your choice, whether to follow me in the future, or to accompany the Don Jihede family to destroy it now.”

When the words fell, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly became extremely silent, and baby5 looked at Luo Xiu a little timidly, and asked in a chatterbox.

“But do you really need me?”

Luo Xiu looked at the “weapon master” with interest, and under her expectant gaze, nodded in affirmation.

“Of course you need, for me, you are very important.”

It is no exaggeration to say that after hearing Luo Xiu’s words, baby5 seemed to have been turned on some switch, his eyes suddenly became extremely bright, and the excitement and joy on his face made everyone present at a glance.

Baby5 didn’t have any hesitation, and couldn’t wait to fly directly into Luo Xiu’s arms, and said loudly with a heavy head.

“I’ll go with you! I just hope you don’t leave me behind in the future! ”

For baby5, who has an unfortunate childhood, what she longs for most is to be needed, and the last thing she wants is naturally to be abandoned!

When Luo Xiu heard this, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he had already begun to look forward to what kind of fanatical attitude this baby5 girl would use to meet all his requirements.

Luo Xiu can be sure that after leaving with herself, no matter what she wants Baby5 to do, she will definitely not be able to refuse.

And this means that Luo Xiu can completely use the knowledge he has to make baby5 a skilled old Siji in the shortest possible time!

“Don’t worry, from now on, you are already my person, how can I abandon you?”

Feeling Luo Xiu’s gaze, baby5 nodded vigorously with a flushed face, only feeling that her life that had just darkened was full of hope again!

And Monet and Sugar on the side finally chose to compromise after looking at each other, they are not undercover like Violet, nor are they eager to be needed like baby5.

For Monet and Sugar, Luo Xiu is the enemy who destroyed the Don Quixote family, but they don’t want to die just like that, in the face of this threat of Luo Xiu, no matter what kind of hatred they have in their hearts, they can only choose Luo Xiu, the enemy, to bow their heads.

Monet’s thoughts of sugar are naturally well known to Luo Xiu, but instead of being annoyed, he is very happy to see this scene.

As the target of their hatred, they not only cannot take revenge, but can only do their best to please themselves, and even, in the end, like Robin, Nami, Kalifa and Gion, they will gradually sink into it.

Is there anything more wonderful than this?

After pocketing Violet, baby5, Monet, and sugar, Luo Xiu nodded with satisfaction, this trip to Dressrosa was indeed not in vain.

In addition to taking advantage of the situation in Dressrosa, the world government can not be trusted by those allied countries, but also use Doflamingo to install an undercover virgo in the navy to make the navy affected again.

The most important thing is that four were also harvested, no, to be precise, if Rebecca is counted, it should be five.

At this moment, as if suddenly remembering something, Luo Xiu turned his head to look at Violet and Monet’s four daughters, and asked.

“I heard that the princess of the little Terrans is now imprisoned in the palace of Dressrosa, right?”

Luo Xiu’s words made Violet, baby5, and Sugar a little incomprehensible, but Monet on the side nodded and replied after taking a deep look at Luo Xiu.

“Yes, in a confined hut deep in the palace chapel.”

Even in the Don Quixote family, only a few people know where the little Terran princess is held, Monet is really a little confused, where did Luo Xiu get this news The most important thing is that Luo Xiu this guy, can it be like treating the little Terran princess like the four of them? But…… After thinking of the size of the little Terran princess, Monet’s eyes suddenly became extremely strange, if it was really what she thought, then Luo Xiu was really punished!

Or is it that Luo Xiu, like Doflamingo, also set his sights on the healing fruit ability of that little Terran princess Manshirley?

Monet knew very well how powerful Manshirley’s ability to heal the fruit was, and as long as she activated the power, she could heal all the wounds suffered by living creatures.

It can even achieve a recovery effect at the cost of reducing lifespan!

It is precisely because of this that Doflamingo captured her and imprisoned Manshirley in the palace. What Monet didn’t know was that she guessed for both reasons!

The magnification and reduction flashlight that was obtained on Kemi’s body can not only shrink Bai Xing’s huge body to the extent that it is not much different from a normal person, but also enlarge the little human race into the appearance of an ordinary person!

Punishment? Can be copied? It’s OK and reliable!

Luo Xiu never concealed his purpose, let alone said what kind of good person he was, so he would not be like Shanks and Dorag, obviously doing things with their own purpose, but to say that it was for ordinary people.

Even if you look at the whole world, there is no one more hypocritical than them, right?

Since he did not die in the hands of those pirates, nor was he bombarded by the Draco, but still had such a powerful power, how could he not act recklessly?

Holding back, tragic experiences or something, those before there are awakening memories, it is enough!

Under the leadership of Monet, Luo Xiu also met the little Terran princess Manshirley in the closed hut in the palace, and under Luo Xiu’s signal, even if Monet was full of resistance, in the end, only she, a member of the Don Quixote family, could explain the current situation for Manshirley.

When Manshirley learned that Doflamingo had died and that the Don Quixote family had been destroyed by Lo Xiu, she cried with joy and happiness beyond words, and finally threw herself directly into Luo Xiu’s arms.

However, under Monet’s strange gaze, Luo Xiu also looked at Manshirley who was in the palm of his hand.

“Thank you, really thank you for saving us, we little terrans will definitely thank you well, you are our hero!”

Held by Doflamingo was not only Manshirley, the Terran princess, but also 500 other Terran companions, but not in the same room.

In Manshirley’s view, Loxiu, who killed Doflamingo and destroyed the Don Quixote family, is the hero who saved her and her people.

It’s just that the hero in her eyes is not as great and bright as she imagined.

Luo Xiu held his palm in front of him, looked at the little Terran princess, and said with a smile.

“Just verbal thanks, I don’t feel your sincerity, in order to express gratitude, then from today onwards, follow me from now on.”

Yes? What does that mean?

Man Xueli was stunned, and the tears of joy stopped instantly, and she looked at Luo Xiu with a look of confusion, and did not understand what he meant by this for a while.

Luo Xiu did not waste time, and said directly to Monet next to him.

“Go and release the other little Terrans, tell them that they are free, and by the way, tell them, Princess Manshirley, I will take it.”

“If you have an opinion, then kill it directly.”

Monet took a deep look at Luo Xiu and bowed his head.

“Yes, Lord Luo Xiu.”

Luo Xiu did not look at the departing Monet, but smiled and looked at Man Shirley who stayed in the palm of his hand, his small body began to tremble slightly, and the joy on his face had completely turned into fear, and the tears of fear began to continue to gush out of his eyes, and said slowly.

“How about Princess Manshirley? You should have no opinion on this decision of mine, right? ”

“If you have an opinion, please bear with me, because I won’t change my mind because of your thoughts.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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