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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Aunt and Niece, Violet and Rebecca! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Manshirley was stupid, she didn’t expect that the man named Luo Xiu in front of her was obviously a hero who saved herself and other clans in her mind just now.

As a result, before she could be happy, Luo Xiu actually said such a cold word, if those clans had an opinion on his decision, they would actually kill them?

At this moment, although Luo Xiu had a very gentle smile on his face, and his whole body also exuded an aura that made people unconsciously want to get closer, he seemed to have become a demon-like existence in Manshirley’s eyes!

Manshirley unconsciously stepped back, wanting to get away from Luo Xiu, but she forgot that she was now on Luo Xiu’s palm, and she was about to fall directly from the air.


Man Shirley, who fell down, suddenly shouted, her heart was already filled with panic, and at this moment, Luo Xiu reached out again and took it in her hand.

After the disaster, Manshirley subconsciously thanked Luo Xiu, but as soon as the word thank you was spoken, Manshirley recalled her current situation.

“I……. I…”

Manshirley looked at a loss, not knowing what kind of attitude she should use to face Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu did not give her a chance to continue to hesitate, and walked directly outside the palace.

After Luo Xiu took Manshirley out of the prison cell, Monet had also released the members of the little Terrans.

They also learned from Monet that Rosho was about to take Princess Manshirley away, obviously escaped from Doflamingo’s hands, and then turned around and fell into the hands of another guy who was more powerful than Doflamingo.

Princess Manshirley of their little Terrans, why is the fate so bumpy!

Luo Xiu didn’t know what these guys thought, but even if he did, he wouldn’t care at all, but directly led the women and walked outside.

It is also true that as Violet said before, after the end of Sugar’s childlike fruit ability, the Dressrosa nationals who she turned into toys have returned to their original appearance.

It is precisely because of this that everyone has realized that someone defeated Doflamingo and even destroyed the Don Quixote family, saving them Dressrosa once and for all.

So, the people of Dressrosa spontaneously began to go to the palace to see who the hero who saved them from Doflamingo was.

After seeing Luo Xiu and his party walk out of the palace, these people of Dressrosa, after a short silence, spontaneously knelt on the ground and shouted to Luo Xiu to thank him for saving himself.

Even King Riku, who was the former king of Dressrosa, came forward with Cyrus and Rebecca, and King Riku expressed his gratitude to Luo Xiu in his royal capacity.807

However, what King Riku did not expect was that for his thanks, Luo Xiu accepted all the orders, and also put forward a condition that made King Riku and Cyrus instantly confused.

“King Liku, since you said that you don’t know how to thank me, then let me help you think of a way, let the girl next to you follow me from today onwards.”

When the words fell, whether it was King Riku, Cyrus, or even Rebecca, who was the party, they were all directly stunned on the spot.

In any case, they did not expect that the benefactor who saved Dressrosa would put forward such conditions.

Violet stood behind and looked at Luo Xiu’s back, and his eyes also changed, so, this is what Luo Xiu said just now, will he take the initiative to put forward conditions so that King Riku can express his gratitude?

But Rebecca is her sister’s daughter!

Luo Xiu let himself go with him, in Violet’s opinion, as long as he can make the crisis of Dressrosa completely disappear, it is worth sacrificing himself.

But now it seems that it is obviously impossible to satisfy Luo Xiu’s appetite just by himself!

At this moment, King Riku had also noticed Violet standing behind Luo Xiu, and after being stunned, he couldn’t help but ask in a loud voice.

“Violet, what’s going on? This Mr. Losho…”

King Riku was obviously a little overwhelmed, completely unsure of what he should do now.

Violet felt the gazes of King Riku, Cyrus, and Rebecca, and after a long silence, he finally said in a low tone.

“Father, let Rebecca leave with us, if you don’t want Dressrosa to continue to be hurt.”

King Riku understood, the meaning in Violet’s words was already very obvious, that is, this so-called Luo Xiu who saved Dressrosa was not the kind of great hero he imagined!

Even, with Violet’s attitude and her words full of helplessness, King Riku could tell that perhaps Luo Xiu was a more terrifying guy than Doflamingo!

But is it really necessary to sacrifice Rebecca in exchange for Dressrosa’s safety?

The most important thing is that according to the meaning of Violet’s words, Luo Xiu wants not only Rebecca, but even Violet will leave Dressrosa with him!

The aunt and niece left with Luo Xiu, what is the situation of this horse?

King Riku looked confused, but Cyrus on the side would not hesitate like him, and Cyrus, who was Rebecca’s father, directly blocked his daughter, staring at Luo Xiu in front of him with dead eyes, and roared lowly.

“Mr. Loxiu! Even if you save Dressrosa, you are definitely not allowed to do such a thing! I will never allow anyone to hurt Rebecca! ”

The failure to protect Rebecca’s mother in the first place has already made Cyrus extremely bitter and remorseful, and if something happens to Rebecca, then he simply don’t continue to live!


Rebecca had tears in her eyes, looking at her father’s tall and broad back, even if she lost a leg, she still blocked it firmly in front of her, which made Rebecca’s heart full of emotion.

However, it is a pity that Luo Xiu does not have time to play such a touching drama with them.

Luo Xiu raised his index and middle fingers together to the center of Cyrus’s eyebrows, the smile on his face had disappeared, and he said faintly in that voice without the slightest emotion.

“That’s a shame, because what I just said is not to discuss with you, but to inform you.”

“Since you don’t agree, then I have to ask you to die.”

When the words fell, whether it was King Riku, Rebecca and Cyrus, or Violet standing behind Rothew, they were all shocked.

Seeing that Luo Xiu was about to make a move, Violet, who had witnessed how he killed Doflamingo neatly, immediately shouted.

“Wait a minute! Wait a minute, Lord Luo Xiu! ”

Violet’s face was full of anxiety, wanting to let Luo Xiu let Cyrus go, in order not to let his father and Cyrus provoke Luo Xiu again, Violet quickly said.

“Lord Luo Xiu, Rebecca, as the princess of Dressrosa, she will definitely be willing to agree to your request, and please give her another chance!”

Luo Xiu looked at Violet in front of him with interest, and said with a playful expression.

“Violet, you should be well aware of the principle of equivalent exchange, right?”

Violet actually didn’t know, but after feeling Luo Xiu’s gaze, Violet had already guessed what Luo Xiu meant.

Since he wanted to save Cyrus and let Luo Xiu give Rebecca another chance, then it was obviously impossible to do it with these two fluttering words.

And this means that after Violet and Roxiu leave Dressrosa, what she will do may be far beyond her imagination!

Thinking of this, although Violet was very worried about his situation, he finally gritted his teeth and said heavily.

“I see, Lord Luo Xiu!”

After getting Luo Xiu’s permission, Violet quickly turned around and said in a deep voice to Rebecca.

“Rebecca, it’s time for you to make a choice.”

Rebecca felt Violet’s gaze, and for a moment she was a little overwhelmed, not knowing what to do. Seeing this, Cyrus was full of anger and wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Violet roared at him even more angrily than he was.

“Shut up Cyrus! I’m also the princess of Dressrosa, and if I can make sacrifices for Dressrosa, why can’t Rebecca? ”

“This is our duty as royalty, and we are atoning for our original incompetence! In any case, there must be no more turmoil in Dressrosa! ”

Violet’s words made King Riku, Cyrus, and even Rebecca’s faces extremely pale.

If it weren’t for King Riku’s incompetence, Dressrosa would not have suffered for so many years, and those people would not have been turned into toys by sugar.

At this point, King Liku absolutely has an unshirkable responsibility!

And as Violet said, since she, as the princess of Dressrosa, can make sacrifices to protect Dressrosa, why can’t Rebecca?

Even though Rebecca’s heart was already full of fear, after seeing her aunt’s face, she finally cried and nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised slightly, and he did not waste time, and directly led the women to the location where his ship docked.

The ordinary people who knelt on both sides had no idea what was happening, and were still cheering for Luo Xiu, the hero who saved them.

In the minds of these people, King Liku is a representative of incompetence and cowardice, even if they know the conditions proposed by Luo Xiu, they may not only not be angry because of this, but also feel unworthy of Luo Xiu’s hero.

After all, how can these incompetent and cowardly women of the royal family be worthy of a hero like Luo Xiu?

King Riku and Cyrus sent Luo Xiu and the others with a pale face, until after arriving at the port, Luo Xiu suddenly turned around and threw a Shen Talk worm to King Riku.

While King Liku was grieving, he was a little puzzled by Luo Xiu’s action, but before he could ask, Luo Xiu said with a smile.

“When those high-ranking naval officers come to Dressrosa, give this phone worm to the new Admiral Akainu, and say that I have a big gift to give to their Navy.”

After that, Luo Xiu took the women to board the ship, and under Nami’s control, the large ship sailed away into the distance. The pale-faced King Riku and Cyrus seemed so incompatible with the people of Dressrosa who were cheering off Luoxiu, it can only be said that the sorrows and joys of human beings are not connected, and King Riku and Cyrus only feel that they are noisy.

It was not until the ship on which Luo Xiu was riding left out of sight that King Riku finally turned his head to look at Cyrus, who had bleak eyes beside him, and said in a low tone.

“Cyrus, what Luo Xiu said just now, the marshal of the navy, has he changed from a warring state to a red dog? Has something happened in recent times that we don’t know about? ”

Cyrus came out of his sad mood and shook his head slightly confused.

“I don’t know, after all, our Kingdom of Dressrosa, because of Doflamingo and his Don Quixote family, has been closed for too long, and we have no idea what is happening in the outside world.”

King Liku sighed deeply when he heard this, and turned his head to look at the people who had not even come out of their joyful mood because they were saved by Luo Xiu.

Even now, he, the king of Liku, is linked to cowardice and incompetence, and it is a long way to change the people’s view of the royal family!

The truth is indeed just as King Riku thought, those people did not have the slightest good face towards him, the previous king, although they did not speak ill of King Riku, but they all chose to ignore him, which simply made him more uncomfortable than scolding King Riku.

However, King Riku did not have any way to do this, so he could only take Cyrus to the palace first to check the situation.

When he saw the bodies of Doflamingo in the palace and those members of the Don Quixote family, even if King Riku and Cyrus were mentally prepared, they couldn’t help but feel frightened from the bottom of their hearts.

Violet’s words just now are indeed not unreasonable!

After the two looked at each other, they could only helplessly clean up the mess in this palace, and when all the corpses and ruins were disposed of, as Luo Xiu said before, those high-ranking naval officials really came to their Dressrosa!

The red dog, who was walking in the front, looked at King Liku in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

“King Riku, that guy Luo Xiu, what exactly did you do in Dressrosa?”

King Riku has no good impression of these guys in the navy at all, they Dressrosa, as a member of the world government, has obviously been occupied by Doflamingo for so many years, why has the world government and the navy never managed?

Now that Luo Xiu has killed Doflamingo, and the Don Quixote family has also been destroyed by Luo Xiu, the navy has rushed over as soon as possible?

Under the gaze of the high-ranking naval officials, King Liku snorted coldly.

“Won’t you watch it yourself?”

King Riku’s attitude suddenly made Chi Inu’s face change, and his eyes became cold, just when Chi Inu wanted to say something, Warring States quickly stepped forward from the rear and looked at King Riku and said in a deep voice.

“King Riku, about what happened to Dressrosa, our navy has only heard about it before, and the old man can only express his great regret for this.”

“However, although that guy Luo Xiu killed Doflamingo and saved Dressrosa in disguise, the old man can guarantee that he will definitely not be well-intentioned!”

King Riku looked at the Warring States in front of him, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and his tone was low.

“Even so, it’s better than Dressrosa being occupied for so many years and never being cared for!”

If it weren’t for the appearance of Luo Xiu, King Riku would never have thought of how long Dressrosa would have been occupied by Doflamingo and his Don Quixote family!

King Riku’s words made the faces of all the high-ranking naval officials present become very ugly, and just when the Warring States still wanted to say something, King Riku directly took out the phone worm that Luo Xiu threw at him, threw it to the Warring States, and said.

“Before Luo Xiu left, he handed this phone worm to me, saying that he would let me give this phone worm to you after your navy arrived, according to him, there is a big gift to give to you.”

Hearing this, whether it was Red Dog, Warring States, Zefa, or Green Pheasant and Yellow Ape, their hearts were unconsciously full of solemnity. The last “big gift” that Luo Xiu gave to the navy was Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Luffy, and Hades Rayleigh, and the top war directly caused the image of the navy to completely collapse and completely lost the support and trust of the people.

This time he wants to give a naval gift, which is really uncomfortable to think about!

Sengoku just started contacting Luo Xiu with the phone worm, and the red dog took the phone worm into his hands, anyway, he is now the marshal of the navy, and of course he needs to do this kind of thing by talking to Luo Xiu.

After the phone worm was connected, the red dog asked with a gloomy face.

“Luo Xiu! What exactly are you trying to do, bastard? Why don’t you dare to wait for us here? ”

Luo Xiu laughed directly when he heard this, and said cheerfully.

“Your action this time, without the participation of beautiful women like Gion and Ain, what am I waiting for you to do?”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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