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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Incompetent Red Dog! Being played with wantonly by Luo Xiu! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

As Luo Xiu’s voice fell, the faces of the high-ranking naval officials at the scene suddenly became very strange, and their actions this time did not involve beautiful women like Gion and Ain.

Even, this time, in addition to the necessary naval soldiers who opened warships, there were only five people: Red Dog, Blue Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Warring States, and Zefa!

In their opinion, those women of Luo Xiu, there is only one Boyahan Cook who can really help Luo Xiu in this level of battle!

Although it is not known why Gion chose to stand by in the top war, according to Sengoku’s speculation, it is most likely because she was coerced by Luo Xiu.

Perhaps Luo Xiu had threatened Gion before, but if she dared to help the navy in the top war, then Luo Xiu was likely to kill the navy on a large scale, just as he threatened the revolutionary army’s Kerra.

And this operation did not have the participation of ordinary naval soldiers, Gion naturally did not need to have such concerns, but would turn around and deal with Luo Xiu and his women with them.

The same is true of Ain, a student of Zefa.

It can only be said that the so-called justice of their navy has indeed given the Warring States great confidence, making him feel that Gion and Ain are absolutely impossible to betray the navy because of Luo Xiu.

Unfortunately, the Warring States do not know that Gion has long been completely sunk, even if it is Ain, it may not be too far from this day!

However, Luo Xiu’s words made the red dog instantly become furious, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and he sneered even more at the phone worm.

“Luo Xiu! Pulling these meaningless things, in the end, aren’t you still afraid? ”

Hearing this, he had just finished the fierce battle with Violet and Rebecca, returned to Luo Xiu on the deck, looked at the phone worm in his hand with a smile, and said slowly.

“Scared? Didn’t King Riku tell you that I was going to give a big gift to your navy? ”

Chi Inu’s face suddenly became more gloomy, and he said word by word to the phone worm.

“Luo Xiu! What exactly are you bastards trying to do? If you dare to do anything that damages the image of the navy, I promise to kill you with my own hands! ”

Not successfully killing Luo Xiu in the top war has already made Akainu extremely unhappy, especially after he just became a marshal of the navy, he spread the O’Hara incident throughout the world.

As a result, Akainu, the marshal of the navy, became the first person in history who had just taken the position and directly fell to the target of everyone’s shouting. How could the anger and hatred of Chi Inu for Luo Xiu in his heart be clear in one or two sentences?

Facing the threat of the red dog, Luo Xiu said cheerfully.

“Red dogs, now they have become marshals of the navy, it’s not a good thing to be so breathless.”

“How do I feel, let you become the new marshal of the navy, it is better to let the green pheasant become the one who succeeds the Warring States? Even, even if the Warring States continue to be a naval marshal, it will be better than you now, right? ”

Hearing this, the momentum on the red dog’s body suddenly froze, and the whole person was not good.

The red dog can endure Luo Xiu making any evaluation of himself, he will not be affected in the slightest, or he will be as fierce as before, but what the red dog can’t stand is that Luo Xiu, the damn bastard, said that let him become a marshal of the navy, it is better to let the green pheasant take the throne!

With the “weak” character and means of the pheasant, can he solve the situation that the navy is currently facing?

Seeing that the red dog was about to get angry, after hesitating for a moment, the Warring States still directly snatched the phone worm back, and did not wait for the red dog to speak, and asked the Shen Talking worm more bluntly.

“Luo Xiu, what exactly did you mean by what you just said? And what conspiracies do you have?! ”

Luo Xiu Meizhi lay on the deck, tasting Noki’s peeled orange petals that were not even white silk, and greeted the phone bug with a smile.

“Yo, Marshal of the Warring States, I haven’t seen you for a long time, no, now you are no longer a marshal, but an ordinary navyman, if you are called a marshal again, maybe the Marshal of the Red Inu will be unhappy.”

Luo Xiu’s words that were obviously provoking trouble made Sengoku unconsciously glance at the red dog, shook his head and planned to let Luo Xiu stop saying such meaningless words, but at this moment, Luo Xiu’s laughing voice came from the phone worm.

“Sengoku, do you think that if the matter of Dressrosa is publicized, it will also cause a huge shock?”

“Can those guys from the world government continue to maintain their current posture of superiority?”

The Warring States frowned, their faces became very ugly, according to Luo Xiu’s words, it is not only the world government that is affected, but also their navy!

After all, Dressrosa, a member of the world government, can be occupied by Doflamingo and the Don Quixote family for so many years, what about those places that are not part of the world government alliance? Could it be worse?

Once this matter is publicized, their navy will once again be criticized by the whole world! The already very bad situation is about to get even worse!

“Luo Xiu, you…”

Before the Warring States finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Luo Xiu.

“Sengoku, you don’t think that the big gift I mentioned is just that, right?”

“Wait to read the World Economic News newspaper, it is guaranteed to give you a huge surprise.”

“Friendly reminder to you, don’t be in such a hurry to return to Marin Fandor, otherwise, just go back, but you will have a new life in the past.”

“Let the undercover agent that Doflamingo inserted become a vice admiral, and even the death of your millet fruit is because of this undercover agent.”

“In this way, Luo Nandi’s death was not caused by your own hands?”

Hearing this, Sengoku’s pupils widened sharply, and he roared angrily at the Shen Talk Worm.

“What do you mean? What do you mean? Who exactly is that undercover agent you are talking about?! ”

Unfortunately, this roar of the Warring States did not receive a response at all, and the phone worm in his hand had already hung up.

However, Chi Inu, Qing Pheasant and others can clearly see that the former marshal of the Warring States, his body began to tremble slightly, his eyes had become red, his face looked extremely vicious and distorted, and a terrifying momentum was brewing in his body.

Seeing this situation, even the red dog did not know how to calm down the Warring States, so only Zefa sighed

“Calm down Warring States, whether what Luo Xiu said is true or not is not certain.”


The Warring States, who could not control his emotions, directly pinched the phone worm in his hand, and after taking a deep breath, the violent green tendons on his forehead kept beating, and his tone was low.

“With what I know about Luo Xiu, from beginning to end, Luo Xiu has not said a lie!”

Before the top war, the Warring States had already dealt with Luo Xiu, and naturally knew whether it was the identity of Fire Fist Ace, or the things he exposed in the top war, or the truth of O’Hara, Kokoasi Village, and the Alabastan incident in the World Economic News Agency newspaper not long ago.

Luo Xiu’s guy has never lied about anything, at most, it is deliberately adding fuel and vinegar to make the people more distrustful of their navy.

It is precisely because of this that when Luo Xiu said that it was an undercover agent placed in the navy by Doflamingo, which led to Rosinandi’s death, the Warring States did not have the slightest doubt at all, and directly believed Luo Xiu’s words on the spot.

Akainu looked at Sengoku, who could not suppress the anger in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

“What are you going to do?”

Sengoku felt the gaze of everyone present, clenched his fists, and roared lowly.

“The old man has to wait for the newspaper of the World Economic News Agency! The old man is going to slaughter that bastard with his own hands! ”

Akainu was not surprised by Sengoku’s answer, and nodded emphatically.

“Yes! It just so happens that I also want to see which vice admiral turned out to be the undercover agent that Doflamingo bastard put into our navy! ”

In the end, the eyes of the red dog instantly became extremely cold, and everyone could clearly feel the killing intent of the warring countries that was not inferior to the warring countries at this time.

If you are serious about it, the red dog, the marshal of the navy, is really bumpy to the extreme, and became a marshal after the image and prestige of the navy completely collapsed, and the result was not only to turn the tide and save the image of the navy, but because of the incidents exposed by Luo Xiu, the reputation of the navy was dealt a greater blow.

Originally, I thought that I would take this opportunity to kill Luo Xiu, and while getting the military expenses of the world government, I could completely reshape the reputation of the Navy. Unexpectedly, not only did the operation not succeed, but Luo Xiu was about to use the hands of the guy from Morguns to reveal that there was a vice admiral in their navy who was an undercover pirate!

Once this stepping horse is exposed, their navy can no longer tear off the label of [incompetent]!

The most important thing is that even if Luo Xiu has already figured out what he is going to do next, their navy is still unable to stop it, and can only watch things happen.

It is no exaggeration to say that since joining the navy, whether it is Warring States and Zefa, or the three of Red Dog, Green Pheasant, and Yellow Ape, they have never been so depressed as they are now!

Luo Xiu, this guy, is really damned!

The five top combat forces of the navy, who were holding a fire in their hearts, left the Dressrosa Palace directly without saying hello. King Liku looked at this scene and snorted coldly and didn’t say much, but deep in his heart, he began to wonder what kind of huge movement that man named Luo Xiu could make this world and how it changed!

After Akainu and Sengoku and the others left Dressrosa, they did not return directly to the naval headquarters, but just sailed in the New World.

However, they were not idle, but directly wiped out all the pirate groups they encountered along the way.

These pirates didn’t understand until they died why they encountered this kind of ninja scene where the navy’s top combat power was poured out.

After destroying several pirate groups, the Warring States gradually calmed down and returned to their previous wise state again.

It turns out that the IQ of the Warring States is indeed worthy of the title of a wise general, and Luo Xiu has already said in the phone worm, let them not rush to return to the naval headquarters, otherwise they will still come to the new world.

This also means that the undercover vice admiral must be in the new world at this time, and under the exclusion of Warring States and others one by one, he finally locked the base commander of the G5 branch, Ghost Zhuvirgo!


According to the experience of the Warring States, the more amiable the appearance, the more suspicious it is at this time, after all, only in this way will it not attract more attention on weekdays.

And the guy Virgo, almost everyone who knows him, will give Virgo a very good evaluation, and even the red dog can’t fault Virgo.

The most critical point is that Virgo, as the base commander of the G5 branch, can be said to be the overall power, but the G5 branch is notoriously chaotic, and those sailors of the G5 branch do not look like naval soldiers at all, but more like pirates!

At the beginning, the Warring States did not hear about these things, just because he knew Virgo very well and believed that he could handle this kind of thing, but now it seems that this is simply revealing doubts everywhere!

The reason why the G5 branch became like that is probably deliberately guided by Virgo, the purpose of which is naturally to make it more convenient for him to do things for Doflamingo and the Don Quixote family!

With this kind of doubt, Akainu and Sengoku and the others no longer hesitated, and directly let the navy sailors drive the warship they were riding on to the G5 branch.

In any case, you must arrive before the World Economic News Agency newspaper appears, otherwise, once the Virgo guy runs away after seeing his identity exposed, it will be several times more difficult to catch him!

It turned out that the Red Inu and the Sengoku were indeed right, and Virgo’s pupils contracted sharply after seeing the newspaper sent by the sailors under his command, and his eyes were full of doubtful life.


How did this horse suddenly come to an exposed?

Originally, Virgo still couldn’t figure out what was happening, but after seeing the content behind the newspaper, the whole person was directly bad.

Virgo abruptly stood up from his chair, and his face instantly became extremely fierce.

“Luo Xiu, that bastard, dares to do such a thing?!”

It was clearly written in the newspaper that the Doflamingo and Don Quixote families, which had dominated Dressrosa for many years, had been completely erased by Lotheus.

Those world government allies, in order to get the world government and the navy shelter paid a huge amount of heavenly gold, not only can not exchange for peace, but after the invasion, the world government and navy will also help pirates like Doflamingo cover up.

Therefore, whether you want to continue to pay heavenly gold and become a member of the world government member country is a good weighing.

As a vice admiral and the base commander of the G5 branch, Virgo knows very well how big the impact of the Dressrosa incident will be when it is exposed.

This time, I’m afraid even those guys from the five old stars can’t sit still!

After all, Dressrosa’s matter is much more serious than what Klockdar did in Alabastan.

In the Alabastan incident, the world government can still say that it did not detect Klockdar’s conspiracy, after all, even Kobra was deceived by Klockdal and gave him the title of hero.

But Dressrosa, but has been occupied by Doflamingo for many years, even this excuse is completely untenable! It’s just that for the current Virgo, these are not at all what he needs to consider, and what he has to do now is to escape the G5 branch in the shortest possible time!

Virgo sorted out his emotions, calmed himself down as much as possible, raised his head to look at the sailor on the opposite side, raised the newspaper in his hand and asked.

“Who has read this newspaper?”

The sailor did not notice Virgo’s thoughts in the slightest, but said with a fawning smile.

“Only I have read it myself, I came to you the first time I saw this newspaper, Luo Xiu, that bastard, dare to say that you have been doing child abduction all these years, isn’t this nonsense?”

In the eyes of this naval soldier, the reason why Virgo reacted so much just now was just because of the anger after being slandered by Luo Xiu.

Virgo walked up to the sailor’s side, patted him on the shoulder and spoke.

“Well done.”

When the navy soldier heard this, a fawning smile suddenly appeared on his face, wanting to try to see if he could get some benefits, but before he could speak, Virgo directly grabbed his neck and directly pinched his neck with a sharp force.


Virgo casually threw the corpse of the sailor on the ground, without looking at it, and walked out directly, and the sailors along the way greeted Virgo enthusiastically, and Virgo responded to each other with a smile.

However, when Virgo walked out of the base and saw the scene at the entrance of the base, the smile instantly froze on his face.

Red dogs, green pheasants, yellow apes, Sengoku, Zefa, the most powerful forces in the navy at the moment, all stood side by side at the gate. Akainu and Sengoku and the others did not talk nonsense with Virgo, and directly launched an offensive against this damn undercover agent.

Until his death, Virgo did not understand that he was just a vice admiral on a horse, how could He De let all the top combat forces of the navy go out together.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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