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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Sengoku Back Pot! Slap Shanks in the face! Kapute! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

Before the sailors of the G5 branch could even react to what was happening, their base commander Virgo died directly on the Sengoku fist.

Originally, when they noticed the outbreak of battle, the sailors of the G5 branch thought that some pirates who did not have long eyes were invading them, and they ran out with weapons in hand.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw the red dog, the green pheasant, the yellow ape, the Warring States, and Zefa, the five navies, the most powerful combat power at present, and their base commander Virgo, even his head was punched by the Warring States, and the corpse that lost his head was lying on the ground like that.

Looking at the appearance of these G5 branch sailors, Chi Inu and Sengoku and the others were directly angry.

I don’t know, I was really shocked by these guys, obviously a member of the Navy, but all of them didn’t stand up, and even the naval uniform on their bodies was not good to wear, it was simply inferior to pirates!

For the red dog, who has always been extremely iron-blooded and extremely cold-hard, these guys do not belong to the navy at all in his eyes.

After killing Virgo, Akainu ordered Vice Admiral Ghost Spider to come to the G5 branch to take over as the base commander, and also put the G5 branch in order.

But whenever any behavior that was found to be out of line and not in line with the style of the navy, the red dog did not have the slightest mercy and directly executed him, so as to kill the chickens and monkeys, so that all the sailors of the G5 branch were worried, for fear that they would be targeted by the marshal of the red dog.

In order not to let the red dog go too far, Sengoku stayed and assisted the red dog to rectify the G5 branch together.

And the green pheasant, the yellow ape, and the three Zefa, the first time they solved Virgo, went directly to Punk Hassad Island, and must kill Caesar directly, and could not let him escape under any circumstances.

After all, in that newspaper, Luo Xiu did not actually point out that Virgo was an undercover agent placed by Doflamingo into the Navy, but only revealed what Virgo had done over the years, how Virgo secretly supported Caesar’s secret research, and tampered with the child abduction incident into a shipwreck.

For this, both Akainu and Sengoku are very clear that Luo Xiu’s bastard is simply intentional!

In this way, the Navy once again had to face a dilemma, or pick Virgo as an undercover agent installed by Doflamingo, and admit that it was the Navy’s negligence that led to such a thing.

Either cover up this matter and just say that they have executed Virgo, at least it will not make people think that Virgo, a pirate undercover agent, has become a vice admiral, and how rotten their naval top has been.

These two choices, no matter which one is chosen, their navy will be scolded by countless people, making the already bad image of the navy once again.

However, if you are serious about it, if you choose the former, then you only need to let the former admiral of the Warring States back the pot, just like the previous Monchi family incident, let the Warring States admit that it is his dereliction of duty.

But the latter’s words, this black pot, but the entire navy to bear, this kind of choice, for the red dog who has never put sacrifice in his eyes, there is no psychological burden at all.

Akainu sat in Virgo’s original office and looked at the Sengoku in front of him and said in a deep voice.

“This time, you still need to stand up and take responsibility, and you also know what kind of image the current navy is in the eyes of those people.”

“If even what that bastard did in Virgo is carried by the entire Navy, then our world conscription will be completely reduced to a laughing stock!”

The Navy’s world conscription is not over, but now the number of people who choose to join the Navy is getting smaller and smaller, especially now that such a big scandal has been exposed, Akainu can guess that the difficulty of their recruitment will only become greater.

If you want to change this situation, you can only let the Warring States carry this black pot, anyway, he has already carried the habit of carrying the pot, even the affairs of the Karp family are all carried by him, right?

After hearing Akainu’s words, Sengoku hung his head in silence, and did not respond to Akainu’s words for a long time, and Akainu did not urge, just looked at each other like this.

After a while, Sengoku finally sighed deeply and slowly spoke.

“The old man has no opinion.”

Akainu nodded when he heard this, and when he took out the phone worm and began to contact the people of the naval headquarters, he directly began to clarify the incident in Virgo.

The Warring States really have no opinion on carrying the black cauldron this time, and he has also learned from Virgo’s mouth that Rosinandi’s death is indeed because of Virgo, which makes the Warring States recognize what Luo Xiu said before.

It was because his Warring States did not detect Virgo’s true identity that it indirectly caused Rosinandi to die at the hands of Doflamingo.

It is precisely because of this that even if the red dog does not say, the Warring States will actually take the initiative to carry the black cauldron this time and take all the responsibility on him, the former marshal of the navy.

Even if he knew that this move would make him discredited, even if it was not as good as Karp’s level of everyone shouting, there would not be much difference.

However, as long as he can save the image of the Navy, then the sacrifice he made is worth it!

With the top combat power of the three navies, such as the green pheasant, the yellow ape, and Zefa, those guys in Punk Hassad, who did not have the slightest ability to resist, were directly wiped out by them.

After they saw that Caesar was really experimenting with those children, the anger in the hearts of the green pheasant, the yellow ape, and Zefa could not be suppressed.

When Caesar realized that he was very likely to be executed, he quickly begged for mercy from the three pheasants, wanting to use the artificial devil fruit technology he had mastered as a bargaining chip to ask these naval high-ranking officials to spare their lives.

Originally, the green pheasant wanted to kill Caesar directly, but was stopped by Zefa, according to Zefa’s meaning, it is this matter, it is best for the red dog to decide, after all, anyway, the red dog is now the marshal of the navy.

Caesar’s artificial devil fruit technology is likely to cause huge changes to the navy, and whether to execute Caesar directly or stay is left to the red dog to decide.

Although the green pheasant was a little unhappy about this, he finally pinched his nose and agreed, but the yellow ape has always been in a state of fun, looking at this scene with a smile, and did not mean to express an opinion at all.

And it turns out that the red dog really will not disappoint the pheasant, and sure enough, according to what he guessed, when he learned that Caesar had the technology to create artificial devil fruits, the red dogs directly rejected the idea that the green pheasants wanted to execute Caesar, but let them take Caesar away secretly and let him start making artificial devil fruits for the navy from now on!

Luo Xiu couldn’t look at the artificial devil fruit technique because he had the way to inject special energy liquid into the women, so that their strength could be improved faster.

But for the Navy, if they can get a steady stream of artificial devil fruits, it means that their navy can easily create a legion of devil fruit ability people next!

At that time, it will be easier to deal with pirates!

Even if he knows that the red dog is for the sake of the navy, but the green pheasant is still a little difficult to pass the level in his heart, Caesar’s hands are stained with the blood of an unknown number of innocent children!

After noticing the peculiarity of the pheasant, Zefa patted him on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

“Kuzan, still can’t accept this order from Sakaski?”

The green pheasant shook his head when he heard this, propped his hands on the fence of the warship deck, looked at the sea in the distance, and said slowly.

“I can understand and accept it, but I just can’t agree with his decision.”

If he couldn’t accept this order from the red dog, the green pheasant would have already disobeyed the order to execute Caesar instead of taking him away, but the green pheasant felt more and more in his heart that he and the red dog could not reach a consensus on handling this kind of thing no matter what, and the two of them may never be the same people!

Zefa looked at the green pheasant and sighed and shook his head, the current situation of the navy, what is needed is a marshal like Chi Inu who dares to break the rules!

Although the pheasant is also very good, it is not suitable for the current navy.

At the same time that the green pheasant, yellow ape, and Zefa returned to the naval headquarters with Caesar, and the red dog and Sengoku also returned to the naval headquarters after the ghost spider arrived at the G5 branch.

On an unnamed island in the New World, Karp, Shanks, Bucky, Saab, and Luffy are sitting together.

Originally, when he was fleeing the navy headquarters, Dorag also used his wind fruit ability to send away most of the surviving revolutionary army at the last moment of his life.

However, after successfully getting out of danger, those members of the revolutionary army completely parted ways with the four of them, and even with the persuasion of Saab, the former chief of staff of the revolutionary army, they could not change their minds.

According to the words of the few remaining high-ranking members of the revolutionary army, the purpose of joining the revolutionary army was to be able to truly bring peace and happiness to ordinary people, not to pay with their lives for the affairs of their Monchi family!

The war in the headquarters of the Navy caused the revolutionary army to lose too much, and it also made them completely realize that the leader and chief of staff of their revolutionary army were not as great as they used to be!

The high-level leaders of these revolutionary armies also know very well that if they continue to follow Saab, then what they will do next is probably to accumulate strength and wait for the right opportunity to seek revenge on Luo Xiu.

This kind of thing, it’s not what they want to do, revenge or something, or leave it to their Monchi family to do it themselves, anyway, this itself is the Monchi family’s own business, isn’t it?

Although Saab is full of unwillingness in his heart, he still has no choice but to part ways with Belo Betti, after all, there is nothing else Saab can do, and he can’t choose to kill them, right?

And now, after seeing the World Economic News newspaper, Shanks gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger and hatred.

“Luo Xiu, this bastard, not only did not converge in the slightest, but also intensified!”

Shanks is very upset, very unhappy!

He lost everything in the war at the top, whether it was his companions, Renly and Jabba’s predecessors, or Hawkeye, who was a friend, all of them were killed by Luo Xiu.

On the other hand, Luo Xiu, after the end of the war on top, not only did he not pay any price for it, but he also lived a more enjoyable life….

He, the four emperors of the new world, can only stay on this nameless island with Bucky, Karp, Saab, and Luffy at this time, how can Shanks accept this gap!

Karp also saw the contents of the newspaper, but he was more concerned about the situation that the Navy was facing.

Karp is very clear that as soon as this newspaper of the World Economic News Agency comes out, the situation of the navy will become worse, and with his understanding of the Warring States, the matter of Virgo will definitely be the back of the Warring States in the end, so that the former Marshal of the Navy of the Warring States may also be the same as him, the “naval scum”, completely become the target of everyone.

Although he has betrayed the navy, Karp is not happy about it, but also feels some grief for what happened to the Sengoku.

After all, no matter what, it was he who harmed the Warring States, so that the Warring States did not retire well.

At this moment, Shanks looked around, glanced at Saab and Luffy respectively, and finally fell his gaze on Karp’s body and said in a deep voice.

“Karp, Luo Xiu’s guy’s actions will definitely not end here, and in the future, he may even find trouble with Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.”

“If even Kaido and Charlotte Lingling die at the hands of Luo Xiu, then things will become even worse, because Luo Xiu’s next target will definitely be the Navy or the World Government!”

“So Karp, come with me to find Kaido, the two of us join forces with Kaido, we can definitely kill that damn bastard of Luo Xiu!”

Hearing this, both Saab and Ace involuntarily turned their eyes to Karp, wanting to know what kind of decision Karp would make.

In the face of Shanks’ proposal, Karp did not even hesitate at all, and said straightforwardly.

“Don’t think that if the old man is out of the navy, you can pull the old man into the camp of pirates!”

“The old man told you, even if I am not a member of the navy now, it is absolutely impossible to mix with pirates like you, as Kapu’s voice fell, Shanks’ face instantly became extremely gloomy, Shanks did not expect it anyway,”

Karp this guy turned out to be stubborn to this extent!

It is clear that they have become the world’s recognized “naval scum”, and the whole world already knows that Karp, a former naval hero, has a relationship with pirates and revolutionary troops for three generations.

As a result, this guy is still obsessed until now, and what else does he say will not be with pirates?

Why did you go early? When you were in the war on top before, why didn’t you say not to let the pirates save your grandson? At this moment, Shanks hoped that it was Karp who died in the top war, and the one who survived was Dorag.

Although they have only been together for a short time, Shanks feels that he and Dorag must have a lot of common topics, and if they cooperate with each other, they will definitely have a very tacit understanding.

After all, both of them are very good at disguising themselves as the righteous side, labeling their enemies at every turn as undermining world peace and causing turmoil in the world.

Since Karp refused his 3.6 invitation, Shanks naturally would not continue to lick his face and stay here, but looked at Saab and Luffy and said.

“Saab, Luffy, you two leave with me, with my help, the strength of the two of you will definitely be improved as quickly as possible, and you can have the power to seek revenge on Luo Xiu earlier.”

Hearing this, Saab and Luffy looked at each other, both of them were a little moved, but before they could speak, Karp stood up abruptly, staring at Shanks with a fierce face, word by word.

“Shanks! The two grandsons of the old man naturally have the old man personally taught, and you don’t need to bother this guy! ”

Back then, Luffy just got along with Shanks for a few days, and as a result, he was determined to become One Piece, and in Karp’s mind, the threat of this guy Shanks is too great, no matter what, Saab and Luffy can not be continued to be seduced by this bastard!

The smile on Shanks’ face quickly disappeared, and after taking a deep look at Karp, he said in a deep voice.

“Since that’s the case, then take your leave.”

Without the slightest nostalgia, Shanks turned around and walked directly towards the location of the ship docked on the shore of the island. This guy Karp will pay the price for his arrogance after all, but I hope that Luffy and Sabo’s two brats will not be crooked by Karp, a stubborn guy!

Karp watched Shanks and Bucky leave coldly until he could no longer see the ship they were on, before turning to look at Saab and Luffy.

“Saab, Luffy, from today onwards, the old man is going to train you intensively, are you ready?” Saab and Luffy looked at each other, clenched their fists at the same time, and roared lowly. ”

“As long as we can kill Luo Xiu for revenge, let us do anything!”

Karp nodded in satisfaction when he heard this, and said with the same incomparable firmness.

“Don’t worry, in the future, the old man will personally take you to kill Luo Xiu!”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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