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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Lei Jiu sent to the door! Marriage? White scoop! [Kneel for subscription! ] 】。

In order to one day find Lo Xiu and avenge Dorag, Ace, and the companions who died at the hands of Lo Xiu, Sabo and Luffy did not complain in the slightest, no matter how terrifying Karp’s training was.

Even, Saab and Luffy will take the initiative to practice, just to be able to have the power to defeat Luo Xiu faster.

After all, Saab’s prospective girlfriend Kerra, as well as Luffy’s only two remaining partners, Nami and Robin, were all forcibly snatched away by Luo Xiu!

Unlike Luffy, who was like an idiot in terms of feelings, Saab knew very well how bad that bastard of Luo Xiu was when it came to treating women!

Saab didn’t even dare to imagine what happened to Kerra from the end of the war to the present, and how that damn bastard of Luo Xiu would treat Kerra!

Because he was worried about Kerra’s situation, Saab couldn’t even sleep well, and whenever he closed his eyes, the scene of Kerra being madly exported by Luo Xiu would unconsciously appear in his mind.

Even just imagining, Saab felt that he was going crazy, and in order to be able to snatch Kerra back from Roxiu faster, Saab had almost desperately accepted Karp’s training.

And it turns out that Karp is not as good as Zefa in teaching, but it is still commendable.

You don’t see, in the original plot, even the two wastes of Kebi and Berumeber can be taught by Karp to become commodors, although this is more because the two of them have the background of Karp [laughs].

However, Karp’s method of teaching Saab and Luffy is also very simple, then fight, crazy fight!

For Karp, his pair of iron fists is simply not something that ordinary people can withstand, as long as Saab and Luffy can carry his iron fists, then their strength has reached a very good level.

Even Kaido can hit Luffy to learn to flow cherry with one stick, two sticks let Luffy learn to bully, and all three sticks directly awaken his Devil Fruit ability and directly reach the Nika form.

He is a former naval hero, now a naval scum, can he not compare to a hundred beasts Kaido?

Karp began to train Saab and Luffy, Shanks also took Bucky to the country of Wano to reach an alliance with Kaido, and Luo Xiu also met a beautiful woman who had long been targeted by him and took the initiative to find the door, and they all had a bright future.

Luo Xiu 13 looked at Vince Mock Lejiu, who appeared on the deck of the ship he was on, standing in front of him, and after glancing up and down, he said with a playful expression.

“You mean, your Vince Mock family, want to marry me?”

Not only Luo Xiu was looking at Lei Jiu, Robin, Nami, Kalifa, Hancock, and Gion and others, but also observing the woman who took the initiative to send the door.

They had also heard what Lei Jiu had just said, and according to Lei Jiu, her Vince Mock family wanted to marry Luo Xiu and form a community of interests in this way.

Feeling the gaze of Luo Xiu and the women present, although Lei Jiu was a little flustered, she still nodded.

“Yes, I only hope that when I have the opportunity in the future, you can help our Vince Mock family and take revenge on the royal family of the North Sea.”

Luo Xiu raised his eyebrows when he heard this, if he remembered correctly, in the original plot, the Vince Mock family chose to marry Charlotte Lingling’s bigmom pirate group for this purpose, right?


The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised, looked at Lei Jiu in front of him with interest, and asked.

“Don’t you know that that brother of yours, Sanji, was killed by my own hands?”

When the words fell, Lei Jiu’s eyes suddenly became very bleak, and she fell silent and speechless, not knowing how to answer Luo Xiu’s question.

On the other side, Nami and Robin couldn’t help but be a little surprised after hearing Luo Xiu’s words, it turns out that Yamaji guy still has this identity?

Under Luo Xiu’s gaze, Lei Jiu finally pursed her lips and nodded, and said in a somewhat low tone.

“I know, my father knows too, but he made the decision anyway.”

For Vince Mock Gaji, his waste son Yamaji, who had died at the hands of Losho, had no value at all, even at the beginning, Gaji thought about marrying Charlotte Lingling’s daughter through Yamaji, so that the Vince Mock family and the bigmom pirate group would become a marriage relationship.

As a result, before he could negotiate with Charlotte Lingling, Sanji had already died at the hands of Luo Xiu in the top war.

Moreover, the top war that attracted the attention of the whole world also made Gaji successfully realize what a terrifying power this guy named Luo Xiu possessed!

If the Vince Mock family can marry Luo Xiu, then what kind of garbage can the royal family of the North Sea bei?

However, Gaji had also heard how cruel Luo Xiu was, so he did not appear in person, but asked his daughter Lei Jiu to come and propose marriage to Luo Xiu.

After Luo Xiu heard Lei Jiu’s explanation, he smiled.

“So, who are you Vince Mock going to marry me?”

When Lei Jiu heard this, her head hung lower, and she pursed her lips and said weakly.

“That’s me.”

Luo Xiu looked at Sanjiu’s sexy sister, Lei Jiu’s pink medium long hair covered her right eye, her left eyebrow was the same as Sanji, it was a counterclockwise circle eyebrow, her purple eyes revealed a little nervousness and apprehension, and the pale pink lipstick made her lips look particularly attractive.

Looking at Lei Jiu in front of him, Luo Xiu couldn’t help but sigh a little, it seems that he killed Shanzhi, and it seems that he killed a little rashly. If you keep him, it seems better to let him see his sister being sent to Luo Xiu by his own father? However, if the dead are all dead, Luo Xiu naturally will not do anything superfluous.

Even if he has the ability to bring people back from the dead in the future, Luo Xiu will only resurrect Nami and Nokigao’s adoptive mother Bermel, Robin’s mother Nicole Olbia, and even, Lei Jiu’s mother, it seems to be a good choice?

Thinking of that scene, Luo Xiu unconsciously had an evil smile on his face, and when he looked at Lei Jiu in front of him, he spoke.

“In that case, then you stay, as for marriage or something, I’m not interested.”

Hearing this, Lei Jiu suddenly raised her head, looked at Luo Xiu with a stunned expression, and asked in a lost voice.

“What do you mean?”

Under Lei Jiu’s skeptical gaze, Luo Xiu walked in front of her, stretched out his finger to lift Lei Jiu’s chin, so that she could better look at herself, and said with a smile.

“Isn’t the meaning already obvious? I am satisfied that Vince Mock sent you as a gift to make amends, so I don’t plan to hold the Vince Mock family responsible for his son Sanji. ”

Lei Jiu’s pupils opened sharply when she heard this, her face was full of disbelief, and she directly exclaimed.

“You… Are you planning to go on a white female ticket?! ”

Even Lei Jiu was a little confused why this word suddenly appeared in his mind, but Luo Xiu’s behavior was obviously no longer more appropriate to describe this word!

What is she a gift from Kaji to make amends? Although it is true that she came to marry, Luo Xiu also has to bear some responsibility for this!

Otherwise, what is this called marriage?

Luo Xiu obviously wants to accept himself, and does not reach a community of interests such as marriage with the Vince Mock family, isn’t this a white female ticket?!

Before coming, Lei Jiu had thought about many situations that she would encounter, but she didn’t expect Luo Xiu to do such a thing.

However, in the face of Lei Jiu’s questioning, Luo Xiu pulled the corners of his mouth and asked playfully.

“Do you think your Vince Mock family is qualified to marry me?”

After Lei Jiu heard this, her breathing suddenly stopped, feeling Luo Xiu’s playful and playful eyes, and the whole person was not good.

This question she had told her father Gaji before, how could Luoxiu’s current status and strength be able to look at their Vince Mock family?

Gaji is very confident in this, and if he has to say anything, even if Luo Xiu is strong, it is only him alone, and the scientific troops of their Vince Mock family will definitely be able to arouse Luo Xiu’s interest.

After all, in Gaji’s opinion, with what Luo Xiu did, whether it was the Hundred Beast Pirates and the BigMom Pirate Group in the New World, or the Navy and the World Government, they would become the targets he had to deal with.

By that time, the scientific troops of their Vince Mock family would not be able to play a great role?

The confident Gaji simply ignored Lei Jiu’s thoughts and forcefully said that he wanted Lei Jiu to come to Luo Xiu and let her marry Luo Xiu, so that with Luo Xiu’s power, he could seek revenge on those royal families in Beihai in the future.

The result is good now, Luo Xiu has said very bluntly, their Vince Mock family is not qualified to marry Luo Xiu at all!

The most important thing is that although the Vince Mock family is not qualified to marry Luo Xiu, this guy Luo Xiu obviously does not plan to let himself go!

Thinking of this, the flustered Lei Jiu’s eyes flashed, and she said in a loud voice.

“Lo… Luo Xiu, I’d better leave, our Vince Mock family is really not qualified to marry you, how about you just because I haven’t been here? ”

While speaking, Lei Jiu was about to retreat, Luo Xiu did not stop it, just looked at this scene with a smile, but just when Lei Jiu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and wanted to flee quickly, Luo Xiu’s incomparably gentle voice sounded in his ears.

“Of course you can leave, but your brother Sanji’s account, I will find an opportunity to settle it with your Vince Mock family.”

Lei Jiu’s footsteps stopped instantly, her body turned stiffly, and she could clearly see that although Luo Xiu had a gentle smile on his face, this smile did not have the slightest warmth at all.

Lei Jiu could clearly feel that if she really chose to leave now, then their Vince Mock family would definitely usher in Luo Xiu’s liquidation!

Even the four emperors of the New World joined forces are not Luo Xiu’s opponents, and they are a Vince Mock family who was driven out of the North Sea, and they take ten to face Luo Xiu, the strongest man in the new world?

Thinking of this, Lei Jiu’s body trembled, her eyes directly lost their brilliance, became extremely dim, and the whole person began to exude an aura of despair.

At this moment, Lei Jiu’s heart was already full of hatred for his father Gaji, if he hadn’t forced himself to come here to find Luo Xiu very much, and wanted to engage in some kind of marriage with Luo Xiu, how could such a thing happen?

With Lei Jiu’s IQ, of course, he can figure out that for Luo Xiu, the strongest man in the world, their Vince Mock family has not been put in Luo Xiu’s eyes at all, let alone let alone let Luo Xiu waste time looking for their pockmarks because of Sanji’s behavior!

Lei Jiu dared to guarantee that at least it wasn’t their Vince Mock family who took the initiative to send them to the door, so Luo Xiu didn’t have the trouble to find them!

It was the fool of Gaji who personally sent his daughter to Luo Xiu, and he couldn’t take any advantage from Luo Xiu! However, what Lei Jiu didn’t know was that she still thought wrong, because she, the princess of the Jerma Kingdom, had already been one of Luo Xiu’s targets from the beginning.

Of course, even Luo Xiu did not expect that she would choose to take the initiative to send it to the door under such circumstances. It’s all coming, how can Luo Xiu let it go?

Feeling Luo Xiu’s eyes gradually becoming hot, Lei Jiu’s heart became more and more desperate, and after a long silence, Lei Jiu finally plucked up the courage to look at Luo Xiu, looked at Luo Xiu and asked.

“If I stay, will you let the Vince Mocks go?”

When Luo Xiu heard this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he said immediately.

“It depends on your performance.”

Lei Jiu understood, Luo Xiu this guy, not only to forcibly keep himself, but even in this way, let himself work hard to serve him, but Lei Jiu did not have any way to do this, and finally could only choose to give in.

Watching Luo Xiu take Lei Jiu’s slender waist and walk into the cabin, all the women on the deck also looked like Wan’er.

In fact, from the moment Lei Jiu came to this ship and said the purpose of her trip, Robin, Nami, Vivi, White Star, Hancock and Gion and others already knew that 370 Dao Lei Jiu would eventually become one of them.

At least at this point, none of the women present would doubt Luo Xiu’s strength. Nami rubbed her lower abdomen, her small mouth deflated, and she sighed a little.

“If you want to obtain energy liquid in the future, will the difficulty become more and more difficult, and I still think that I can improve my strength in the shortest possible time.”

After hearing Nami’s words, all the women on the deck couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and Robin, who was sitting next to Nami, smiled and said.

“Don’t worry, Nami, no matter how many people are on board, the energy liquid that Luo Xiu can provide will be more and more.”

“Didn’t you find out? Compared to the beginning, Luo Xiu’s strength has always been growing at an extremely decisive rate? ”

Violet, Rebecca, baby5, and Monet and others have just come to this ship, and they only know that Luo Xiu’s strength is extremely strong, but because they have not felt Luo Xiu’s strength before, of course, they have no say in this.

On the other hand, Magino, Nuo Qigao, and Keya’s three daughters were the members who had followed Luo Xiu as early as the East China Sea, and they could naturally feel more intuitively that the speed of Luo Xiu’s strength growth was much faster than others expected!

Even now facing so many opponents, Luo Xiu will not lose, but can still win every time.

The most terrifying thing is that Luo Xiu can even perfectly distribute the ownership of the energy liquid to ensure that everyone can gain something.

It is precisely because of this that although there are more and more women on board, the atmosphere on this ship is actually very harmonious and friendly from beginning to end.

If I have to say, maybe those who have just boarded the boat will have other thoughts in their hearts, but as time goes by, they get along more and more, and they will unconsciously sink into it, and they will no longer think of looking for an opportunity to leave the ship.

For example, Klaar and Ain, although they have not completely fallen yet, but there have been such signs, Robin, Nami, and Gion and others who came over are very clear that the two of them will not last long.

After all, how many people can resist this kind of thing by injecting energy liquid to make the strength increase rapidly?

It is worth mentioning that the princess of the little Terran Man Shirley, under the effect of enlarging and shrinking the flashlight, has also become similar in size to the rest of the ship.

After learning what a terrifying man Luo Xiu really was, no matter how much Manshirley wanted to leave, now she could only obediently stay on the ship and become a member of this crystal palace.

Since leaving Dressrosa, Luo Xiu had not wasted time on the way at all, and although there was an extra Lei Jiu on the ship, Luo Xiu had already set a goal and had been sailing towards the location of the country of Wa.

On the way to the country of Wa, Luo Xiu did not stop injecting energy liquid to let the women improve their strength.

In these long days, Luo Xiu could only spend this dull and boring life.


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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