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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 115

“Boom !!!”

In the form of a mammoth, Jack’s incomparably huge body collapsed, smashing the ground into a huge deep pit, cracking the surrounding ground inch by inch, and the dust in the sky directly covered Jack’s figure.

At the same time, Kaido, who was released from the time fruit ability on his body, his pupils opened sharply, his eyes instantly became red, and his face directly appeared extremely vicious and distorted.

Kaido’s right hand holding the mace kept creaking, and his body began to tremble constantly, showing what kind of raging anger this hundred beast contained

“Luo Xiu! Luo Xiu! Lao Tzu is going to slaughter you! Lao Tzu must personally and blow up the head of this bastard of yours with his own hands! ”

Kaido, who gritted his teeth, squeezed out this roar containing thick anger and hatred from between his teeth, and everyone present could clearly perceive that Kaido at this time seemed to have been carried away by anger and had almost reached a state of irrationality!

At the same time, the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates who were struggling to support Robin, Nami, Kalifa, Hancock and Gion and others had also noticed the situation here.

The three major disasters of their Hundred Beast Pirate Group, even if they look at the entire new world, they are all top-level powerhouses, and they actually died under Luo Xiu’s sword?

Or even shorter than they lasted?

What frightened the members of these Hundred Beast Pirates the most was that in the face of Luo Xiu, who was like a monster, even their Governor Kaido simply could not save the three major disasters from Luo Xiu.

In the face of Luo Xiu’s terrifying Time Fruit ability, even if Kaido and Shanks joined hands, they could only watch them die under Luo Xiu’s sword, what was the situation of this stepping horse!

Luo Xiu held the autumn water in his hand, stood in front of Jack’s body, looked at Kaido on the opposite side with a playful face, felt the anger and hatred in Kaido’s heart, and said slowly.

“I said “023”, also as the four emperors of the New World, Shanks’ red-haired pirate group has been annihilated, how can your hundred beast pirate group be left alone? ”

“After all, now you two are allies, aren’t you?”

Luo Xiu’s words reminded Shanks of the grief he had experienced during the war at the top.

At that time, seeing his partners die one after another under Luo Xiu’s knife, the anger and hatred in Shanks’ heart were not weaker than the current Kaido, and even more crazy than Kaido wanted to kill Luo Xiu!

It’s just that after personally experiencing being beaten by Luo Xiu, Shanks has also thoroughly recognized the reality, and Shanks is very clear that with the current situation, even if he joins forces with Kaido, he simply won’t be able to hold out in front of Luo Xiu’s monster for long!

Shanks really didn’t know what was going on with this guy Luo Xiu, and why he was able to make such a huge improvement in strength in such a short period of time!

Seeing that Kaido wanted to carry the mace to find Luo Xiu desperately, Shanks quickly raised the griffin to block Kaido’s body and said in a deep voice.

“Calm down Kaido, haven’t you recognized reality yet? Although I don’t know why Luo Xiu was able to make such a huge improvement in strength again in such a short period of time, if we continue to fight, the fate of the two of us will not be any different from those three major disasters! ”

“The most important thing now is to find Charlotte Lingling, only the three of us joining forces will have a chance to get rid of Luo Xiu and avenge those of your subordinates!”

For Shanks, he naturally hoped that this so-called war could end here, and he didn’t want to die in the hands of Luo Xiu like those three major disasters!

He stepped on the horse and tried his best to escape from the top war, and he also came to this country of peace after many hardships, but in order to find a way to unite Kaido and Charlotte Lingling to kill Luo Xiu, instead of accompanying Kaido and dying in Luo Xiu’s hands!

However, what Shanks did not expect was that after hearing his words, the anger in Kaido’s eyes became stronger, and he said in a straightforward cold voice.

“Charlotte Lingling is about to arrive in the Land of Wano! Lao Tzu had already contacted her before, and it wouldn’t be long before she and her bigmom thief group were able to reach Ghost Island! ”

“Lao Tzu said, you must personally blow up Luo Xiu’s bastard’s head, you must burst his head!”

When the words fell, Shanks’ breathing jerked, and he turned his head sharply to look at Kaido, his eyes flashing with deep anger.

Kaido this bastard! Obviously, he had secretly contacted Charlotte Lingling before, and even knew when Charlotte Lingling and the bigmom thief group could come to the country of Wazhi, but they hid the news.

If he guessed correctly, perhaps, Kaido, the bastard, even secretly discussed with Charlotte Lingling, and when she arrived in the country of Wano, he would join forces to get rid of himself as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Shanks’ face was filled with anger, and the arm holding Griffin trembled slightly uncontrollably.

“Kaido! Is this how you treat allies? I’ve been thinking of countermeasures for the alliance between us, and as a result, you, the bastard, are secretly trying to kill me? ”

Shanks didn’t pretend anymore, and directly picked up this topic, and his words immediately made Kaido’s face extremely embarrassed, but he immediately recovered.

Kaido took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

“How does Lao Tzu know if this guy of yours has another purpose? But if you say I want to kill you, then you’re really wronging me! ”

Shanks snorted coldly, and his tone became extremely cold, and said angrily.

“Whether I have wronged you or not, you know in your own heart!”

At this point, Shanks has absolute confidence in Kaido, don’t look at this guy’s appearance is a humble and unscheming look, but with the fact that Shanks has dealt with him so many times over the years, Shanks naturally knows better than anyone how cruel Kaido’s bastard is!

His real purpose must be to kill himself while he is defenseless and wait for Charlotte Lingling to arrive.

But Kaido never imagined that this guy Luo Xiu would have come to the country of Wazhi to find trouble with him and the Hundred Beast Pirates before Charlotte Lingling’s arrival!

Kaido’s eyes flashed, feeling the cold aura emanating from Shanks, and after hesitating for a moment, he decided to explain.

After all, now he has personally felt how terrifying the power of this guy Luo Xiu has, even if he changes Shanks to Charlotte Lingling, he is definitely not Luo Xiu’s opponent when he joins hands!

Just like Shanks said before, if you want to deal with Luo Xiu, only if the three of them strike together, they will have a chance to kill Luo Xiu!

However, just when Kaido just opened his mouth and didn’t wait for him to speak, a trace of essence flashed in Luo Xiu’s eyes, and with a fierce step under his feet, a deep pit appeared directly in place, and Luo Xiu himself used this force to blast towards the location where Shanks and Kaido were!


Listening to the sound of blades tearing the air in their ears, Shanks and Kaido could no longer care about denouncing each other, and their hearts directly became extremely solemn.

Luo Xiu raised the famous knife in his hand, aimed at the Shanks in front of him, and slashed down fiercely!

“Boom !!!”

With a violent roar that resounded in the sky, the ground under the feet of Shanks and Kaido instantly exploded, and the dust and fog flew in the sky, directly covering the location of the three people.

A terrifying fluctuation, centered on the location of the three people, swept away in all directions.

Those Robin, Nami, Kalifa, Hancock, and Gion and others who were fighting fiercely, and the remnants of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group led by Fei Sextuplets, after feeling the intensity of this battle aftermath, their faces became very solemn, and they immediately withdrew into the distance, for fear that one would accidentally be involved.

After all, this level of battle, even if it is just the aftermath of the battle, is simply not something that ordinary people can face!

They can clearly feel that whether it is Luo Xiu, or Shanks and Kaido, by this time, they have no longer left their hands, and they all began to burst out with all their strength!

Luo Xiu, who had erupted with all his strength in their eyes, looked at these two guys after a knife made the faces of both Shanks and Kaido extremely vicious, and couldn’t help but joke.

“Shanks, it seems that the alliance between you and Kaido is indeed the same as I expected, and it is not reliable at all!”

“Obviously, I just reached an alliance, and as a result, I have already begun to calculate the other party, so it seems that I came at some bad time?”

“If I come to Wano Country for a while, will you guy already die at the hands of Kaido and Charlotte?”

Luo Xiu’s words made Shanks’ face extremely gloomy, even though he knew that Luo Xiu was deliberately using this way to provoke the relationship between him and Kaido, but Shanks still uncontrollably appeared in his mind the picture of him being calculated by Kaido and Charlotte.

Just as Luo Xiu said, if he came for a while, if the first to come to the country of peace was Charlotte Lingling and her bigmom thief group, then he was afraid that the red-haired Shanks, one of the four emperors of the new world, would really be killed by these two “allies”!

For a while, Shanks’ breath was a little disordered, and even though he had tried his best to control it, he could not suppress this restlessness and resentment in his heart.

Kaido has also sensed Shanks’ abnormality, in order not to let Charlotte Lingling die under the knife of Luo Xiu, a bastard, Kaido has the right to resist Luo Xiu’s offensive, (read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

“Shut up Luo Xiu! Lao Tzu will not be like you say! No matter what kind of contradiction and hatred there is between Lao Tzu and Shanks, but now that he and Lao Tzu are allies, Lao Tzu can’t calculate him no matter what! ”

Kaido’s pale explanation, let alone Luo Xiu, even if Shanks has trusted himself as much as possible, it is simply something that cannot be done!

That is, there is still Luo Xiu, the great enemy, otherwise, Shanks may have to choose to leave directly and give up the two pure pens of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling!

Stepping on the horse, he has already said how terrifying the power of this guy Luo Xiu has, and he has already informed Kaido of all the stakes, but Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, these two tricks, don’t want to backstab themselves…

Who can withstand this horse?!

The corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth raised, a weird smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Kaido with the eyes that seemed to be looking at an idiot, and said with a smile.

“Ah, yes, yes, you didn’t think about calculating Shanks, it’s just that this guy Shanks is cranky.”

“Your Hundred Beast Kaido, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, even if he wants to deal with Shanks, he will only use upright means, how can he use such a despicable way?”

Kaido was a little angry and corrupted, and immediately no longer covered up, but directly broke the jar and broke the road.

“Lao Tzu really wanted to join forces with Charlotte Lingling to deal with Shanks before, but so what?”

“Shanks, is it possible that now, do you have any other options than joining forces with me to fight Luo Xiu?”

“No matter what you want to do, the most important thing now is to join forces to deal with Luo Xiu! Only after slaughtering this damn bastard will we be qualified to settle the score! ”

Shanks snorted coldly when he heard this, and his heart fell, and the whole person began to exude a more terrifying momentum.

For Shanks, the current situation is simply in a dilemma.

Even if Charlotte Lingling will be able to arrive in the Land of Wano with the Bigmom Thief Group soon, this is definitely not good news for Shanks!

After all, even if the three of them joined forces and could kill Luo Xiu, what if they were killed?

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, these two pure brushes, I’m afraid that if they just killed Luo Xiu, they will turn their heads to deal with themselves, right?

Although Kaido’s Hundred Beast Pirate Group is also about to be destroyed by Luo Xiu and his women, Charlotte Lingling’s BigMom Thief Group is still good!

On the other hand, his red-haired Shanks is now alone, Beckman and Jesus Bu have all been killed by Loxiu, and the only person left who can be trusted is still the clown Bucky who has no use in the slightest!

Rao is the wisdom that Shanks has, and he can’t think of what kind of method he can use to break the game!

“Kaido, after solving Luo Xiu, this behavior of yours must give me an explanation!”

Shanks swung Griffin to block Luo Xiu’s slash, and after his eyes flashed, his tone suddenly became extremely cold.

Kaido not only did not get angry when he heard this, but also breathed a deep sigh of relief in his heart, and secretly glanced at Shanks next to him from the corner of his eye, seeing that he did not mean to turn his face immediately, and quickly assured.

“Don’t worry, after slaughtering Luo Xiu, I will give you an explanation!” I promise, it will satisfy you! ”

Shanks didn’t look at Kaido and said indifferently.

“Don’t forget what you said, it’s better to be like this!”

Kaido’s eyes flashed, and he had already made a decision in his heart, and when Charlotte Lingling arrived, after the three of them joined forces to kill Luo Xiu, what price did 1.4 need to pay, they must get rid of this guy Shanks together!

After all, in Kaido’s eyes, the threat of this guy Shanks has always been extremely high!

Especially his hypocritical style, standing on the side of justice at every turn, condescendingly blocking his actions, has long made Kaido very unhappy with Shanks!

It’s just that before getting rid of Luo Xiu, this idea of his cannot be detected by Shanks in any way.

“Don’t worry, Shanks, what I Kaido said, I have never broken my word, wait for the slaughter…”

Without waiting for Kaido to finish speaking, Luo Xiu’s voice suddenly sounded, directly interrupting Kaido’s words.

“Time stops!”


In an instant, the movements of Shanks and Kaido suddenly stopped in place, Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed fiercely, and the famous knife in his hand swung and fell fiercely at Kaido’s neck in front of him!

After feeling the constraints of the Time Fruit ability that appeared above his body, Kaido’s heart was instantly filled with panic, and Shanks was no exception.

Both of them knew very well how perverted Luo Xiu’s Time Fruit ability was!

You know, in a battle of their level, even a momentary distraction may become a decisive factor, or even directly kill themselves!

But for Luo Xiu, as long as his thoughts moved, he could arbitrarily control the time flow rate on the opponent, and in battle, the role that this ability could play was too terrifying!

Seeing that the famous knife in Luo Xiu’s hand had already slashed towards his neck, Kaido directly burst out the most powerful force in his life in anger, and violently broke free from the time fruit ability above his body.

However, at the same time, Qiu Shui also fell on his body with a bang!



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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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