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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 116

At the last moment when the autumn water was about to fall on Kaido, Kaido finally broke free from the ability of the fruit of time that bound his body.

However, even though he had dodged as much as possible, and even raised the mace in his hand in front of him, he was still slashed on the chest by Qiu Shui.

With a knife, Kaido’s chest was directly cut by Qiu Shui, an extremely deep scar, warm scarlet blood rushed out from the wound, and severe pain struck, making Kaido uncontrollably emit a harsh roar containing boundless pain from the depths of his throat.


Seeing that Luo Xiu was going to continue to pursue Kaido, Shanks, who had also broken free from the shackles of time stopping, did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly waved the griffin in his hand, aiming at Luo Xiu and slashing down.

Luo Xiu slashed backhandedly, easily blocking Shanks’ attack, and even the terrifying power made Shanks’ body slide backwards uncontrollably.

“Luo Xiu! You fucking bastard!!! ”

Kaido could clearly feel that blood was still pouring out of the wound on his chest.

This constant severe pain, as well as the three major disasters, and the corpses scattered everywhere by the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, made Kaido roar at Luo Xiu, and launched a charge towards Luo Xiu regardless of it.

“Thunder gossip !!!”

In an instant, thunder began to shine above the mace in Kaido’s hand, and the crackling sound kept coming, and the mace wrapped around the thunder and lightning was aimed at Luo Xiu’s head and smashed down fiercely.

In the face of Kaido’s angry blow, Luo Xiu not only did not have the slightest intention of retreating, but also took the initiative to meet the past.

“Boom !!!”

Qiu Shui and the mace collided together, Luo Xiu’s huge power, so that Kaido’s face instantly became extremely hideous, the red face, and the bursting green tendons on Kaido’s forehead, all showed Luo Xiu’s strength!

In the next second, Kaido, who could no longer hold on, was directly blasted out by Luo Xiu, and began to roll in the air.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Luo Xiu’s mouth slightly hooked, not only did his offensive not end there, but he also directly chose to pursue Kaido.

After standing firm, after seeing this scene, Shanks’ pupils opened sharply, and his heart instantly became extremely dignified.

No matter how this guy Kaido was going to calculate himself before, but at least for now, Shanks can’t watch Kaido die at the hands of Lo Xiu no matter what!

Otherwise, once Luo Xiu kills Kaido, then the next thing he will have to deal with is himself!

“Hold on Kaido! Don’t die in Luo Xiu’s hands! ”

Shanks roared and chased after Luo Xiu at full speed.

Feeling Luo Xiu who had appeared in front of him, Kaido’s heart was filled with fear, and he immediately used the Devil Fruit ability he possessed.


After all, Kaido also knows very well that against those guys whose strength is not as good as him, entering the green dragon form can solve the opponent faster, but if he faces a monster like Luo Xiu, he still doesn’t know whether he has to enter the green dragon form, it will only make him die faster!

Kaido doesn’t want to become a living target for this guy Luo Xiu after becoming a green dragon!

Seeing Kaido swinging his mace towards him, Luo Xiu raised his hand and directly repelled his mace, swung Qiushui again, and slashed down fiercely at Kaido below.


The sound of the blade tearing through the flesh and blood sounded, and Kaido’s body was directly cut by Luo Xiu with a deep bone wound, scarlet blood shot out, followed by Kaido’s painful roar.

Although Kaido is known as the world’s strongest creature, it is only because Kaido’s vitality is very strong, if it comes to defense ability, Kaido is no match for Charlotte Lingling who has a “steel balloon” in any way!

Even after entering the dragon form, Kaido’s defense power has increased a lot, but in front of Luo Xiu’s autumn water, there is not even the slightest stagnation!

What scared Kaido the most was that Luo Xiu’s offensive did not stop because of his defense-breaking, but became more and more intense.

Luo Xiu kept swinging the autumn water to slash at Kaido below, even if Kaido had tried his best to resist, he was unable to return to the sky.

Whether it is speed or strength, he, the strongest creature in the world, is too much worse than Luo Xiu, the strongest man in the new world!

If this continues, I’m afraid it won’t be long before he, one of the four emperors of the New World, the hundred beasts, will really be beheaded by Luo Xiu!

Thinking of this, Kaido roared with tears while swinging his mace with all his strength to resist Luo Xiu’s crazy and fierce attack.

“Shanks! What the hell are you bastards doing? Do you want to watch Lao Tzu being killed by Luo Xiu?! ”

As Kaido’s voice fell, Shanks’ voice sounded at the same time.

“God avoids !!!”

Shanks’ griffin, which was wrapped around the overlord-colored domineering, aimed at Luo Xiu and fell down fiercely, Luo Xiu’s eyes flashed, and his thoughts moved, and he directly released two Time Fruit abilities, respectively, Shanks and Kaido applied an acceleration and a sluggishness.

In the next second, Luo Xiu stepped on the moon step and left the area in an instant.

And Shanks’ all-out sword, after losing Luo Xiu who was blocking in the middle, actually aimed directly at Kaido and fell.

Both Shanks and Kaido have sensed that things are going in the wrong direction.

However, unfortunately, under the effect of the Time Fruit ability, Shanks’ divine avoidance can no longer be stopped, and Kaido, under the slow effect, can only watch Shanks’ Griffin slash towards him, and he can’t avoid it at all!

“Boom !!!”

Even at the last moment, Kaido successfully broke free from the sluggish effect and put the mace in front of him, but in the face of Shanks’ all-out sword, Kaido, who could not avoid it, was directly blasted out.

The terrifying power contained in the divine avoidance made Kaido only feel that all the organs in his body seemed to have been violently impacted, and blood began to ooze from the corners of his mouth.

“Poof… Shanks! You trash! ”

After Kaido rolled on the ground dozens of times, a stream of blood spewed out of his mouth, and he cursed angrily at Shanks, Rao was Shanks’s powerful mentality, and the whole person was not good at this time.

He really didn’t expect that Luo Xiu, this guy, not only did not face his divine avoidance head-on, but also used this method to let him slash at Kaido with all his strength.

Shanks knew very well that if it weren’t for the last moment, Kaido’s guy put the mace in front of him, just this sword, even if he didn’t die, he would definitely be extremely severely traumatized!

Obviously he was already extremely wary of Luo Xiu, why was he still calculated by Luo Xiu?!

For a while, Shanks’ mentality was a little explosive, Luo Xiu’s time fruit ability is too perverted, and he will be hit if he is not careful!

At this moment, a sense of foreboding suddenly appeared in Shanks’ heart, and Shanks did not dare to hesitate at all, waved the griffin in his hand, aimed at the side and cut it directly.

It turned out that Shanks’ fighting instinct was still very trustworthy, and Luo Xiu did appear at his side, and the famous knife Qiushui shone with a sharp light, aiming at Shanks’ waist and cutting over.


A violent roar sounded again, and Luo Xiu’s terrifying power made Shanks, even if he had done his best, he could not stand firm at all, and he was directly blasted out, and the target was Kaido, who had just gotten up!

Kaido, who suffered blows and trauma one after another, the whole state of the person was already a little wrong, after struggling to stand up, he saw a black shadow bombarding him, completely subconsciously, Kaido picked up the mace and smashed it into this black shadow.


The muffled sound sounded, Shanks’ painful moan sounded, and Kaido suddenly woke up, and found that what he had smashed was his ally!

Kaido was numb, watching Shanks being pumped out by his own stick, and for a while there was a trace of helplessness, not knowing what he should do.

Obviously just because Shanks slashed himself, let Kaido scold Shanks angrily, but turned around and gave Shanks another stick? How did this happen, as if he was deliberately retaliating?

Seeing that Luo Xiu wanted to take this opportunity to launch an attack on Shanks, Kaido no longer dared to hesitate at all, and directly picked up the mace and blocked in front of Shanks, while doing his best to resist

“How are you Shanks? Dead? ”

Shanks shook his somewhat confused head, and rubbed the waist that was hit by Kaido’s stick, feeling the severe pain coming from there, and Shanks’s heart was filled with anger and hatred.

Even if he knew that Kaido was not deliberately targeting himself, but such a key part, Kaido in the dragon form came with all his strength, even if he was one of the four emperors of the new world, the red-haired Shanks, it was unbearable!

Shanks forcibly suppressed the killing intent for Kaido in his heart, and after taking a deep breath, the urn sounded angrily.

“Not dead yet!”

When Kaido heard this, he immediately roared angrily.

“Since you’re not dead, then what are you waiting for? Wait for Lao Tzu to be beheaded by Luo Xiu?! ”

Kaido was almost unable to hold on, he really couldn’t understand how Luo Xiu managed to have such terrifying power at this age!

Even the former sea overlord Locks, at his peak, was simply not comparable to the current Luo Xiu!

Kaido’s angry scolding made Shanks’ anger even stronger, but he also knew very well that if he and Kaido tore their faces now, then all that awaited them would be to die under Luo Xiu’s knife.

Even if you want to slaughter Kaido and avenge your waist, you have to wait until you solve Luo Xiu!

Thinking of this, Shanks inserted Griffin on the ground, and in this way he stood up strongly, without the slightest hesitation, he directly joined the battlefield and resisted Loxiu’s attack with Kaido. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s just that after being injured one after another, whether it is Shanks or Kaido, their state is not as good as when they were at the beginning.

You must know that even at the beginning, the two of them could only support in front of Luo Xiu, let alone in this state!

For the current Shanks and Kaido, all they can do is pray madly in their hearts, hoping that Charlotte Lingling can bring her bigmom thief group to the country of Wano sooner!

Otherwise, the two of them would really die under Luo Xiu’s knife!

While Shanks and Kaido were doing their best to resist Lotheon’s terrifying attack, the situation on the other side of the battlefield had become very clear.

In addition to the four flying sextets, there are also some numberers, real fights, and a limited number of givers, the other members of the Hundred Beast Pirates have died at the hands of Robin, Nami, Kalifa, as well as Hancock and Gion.

Although the level of ground damage near this battlefield is not as good as the position of Luo Xiu, Shanks, and Kaido, it has reached the point of devastation.

Everywhere, you can see the corpses of those members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group scattered wantonly on the ground, and it took Kaido decades to develop to this size of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and it was directly destroyed in an instant!

That is, now Kaido is facing Luo Xiu, and he can’t care about here at all, otherwise, this hundred beasts are afraid that they will be so distressed that they can’t breathe!

At this time, Robin, Nami, as well as Hancock and Gion and the others had surrounded the remaining members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and were commenting on those guys.

“Black Maria, Runnie, Solitia, Spid, Kim Lamy…”

“The entire Hundred Beast Pirate Group, I’m afraid that only these few people have the value of staying.”

Robin’s gaze swept over the bodies of Black Maria, Runnian and the others, and his eyes flashed with a strange light.

And Robin’s words also resonated with the other women present, Gion held the golden pirate in his hand 900, and in this war, only she and Hancock eliminated the largest number of members of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

After all, the two of them were originally the most powerful among Luo Xiu’s women, even if they had god-level skills that accelerated growth, Robin and Nami’s strength had also improved tremendously, but if they wanted to catch up with them, they still needed Luo Xiu to inject more energy liquid.

“Black Maria and Runma’s words can be of the greatest use if they stay, even in battle, they can also have a lot of effect.”

In any case, the flying sextuplets are the six most powerful people in the Hundred Beast Pirate Group except for Kaido and the three major disasters.

And Black Maria and Runma, as two of the flying sextuplets, their talent and strength are naturally extremely good.

If it weren’t for the accelerated growth that Luo Xiu got in the top war, their strength had made a qualitative leap, with their original strength, I am afraid that instead of being able to defeat the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, they would also be defeated by the other party!

With the talent of Black Maria and Runma, if they also received the injection of energy liquid, the strength of the two of them would definitely be greatly improved.

It’s just that this attitude of Robin and Gion not only failed to make Black Maria and Runmi bow their heads, but also made them instantly angry.

“You bastards! Dare to treat us with such an attitude, what do you think we are! ”

Black Maria and Runma’s angry bodies began to tremble slightly, and their delicate and beautiful faces turned red with anger.

“Of course, we regard you as our future partners, so don’t waste time and energy, you can rest assured that neither we nor Luo Xiu will hurt you.”

“However, if you continue to choose to resist, then the end may be a little miserable.”

It can only be said that since Robin was completely tamed by Luo Xiu, no matter what he did, the first thing he considered must be Luo Xiu.

With Robin’s wisdom, as long as Luo Xiu didn’t want to interfere, or was too lazy to care, almost everything big and small on the ship would be decided by Robin.

Because of this, vaguely, Robin has become the leader of these sisters, and has been favored the most by Luo Xiu.

Black Maria and Runnian did not choose to give in, but launched a more frantic counterattack, wanting to break through the blockade of these women.

And their attitude also made Hancock and Kalifa very unhappy, and the two of them felt that Black Maria and Runma’s reaction was a lesson!

In this case, then Hancock and Kalifa don’t mind teaching them a good lesson instead of Luo Xiu, so that they can recognize the reality first!

At the same time that both battlefields were becoming more and more intense, a loud laugh suddenly came from a distance.

“Ma Ma Ma Ma ….. Kaido! Shanks! You two guys, it’s really useless! “。


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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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