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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 119

With Luo Xiu’s voice sounding, Kaido’s movements, which were flying in the air in the form of the green dragon, suddenly stopped in the air, as if even his breathing had stopped.

In the next second, Kaido’s dragon face suddenly became extremely hideous, and he turned his head and roared madly towards Luo Xiu.

“Luo Xiu! If you dare to hurt Yamato, Lao Tzu promises that he will definitely kill you, he will definitely make you feel all the pain, and Lao Tzu will inflict all the torture on you! ”

At this time, Kaido is almost crazy, don’t look at the disdain he usually shows for Yamato, but in Kaido’s eyes, Yamato’s status will always be unmatched by anyone

Now hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Kaido’s heart was instantly filled with anger, and even if he planned to rush directly to fight Luo Xiu.

However, before he could make a move, Shanks and Charlotte Lingling went directly to the side, dragged Kaido’s huge body, and dragged towards the galloping pirate-ship.

“Calm down Kaido! This guy is deliberately provoking you in this way, if you go back now, then it is really calculated by Luo Xiu! ”

“Don’t forget, even if the three of us join forces, we will definitely not be able to kill Luo Xiu! Even, if you are not careful, there is a great possibility of dying in Luo Xiu’s hands! ”

For Shanks’ words, Charlotte Lingling also deeply agreed and said bluntly.

“Kaido, there is a chance to save your daughter from Luo Xiu in the future, but definitely not now!”

“If you have to send you to death, I won’t stop you, but I will definitely not go back with you to send you to death!”

After speaking, Charlotte Lingling directly let go of Kaido, and without looking at this guy, she rushed directly towards the pirate ship where her sons and daughters were.

After taking a deep look at Luo Xiu, who was standing on the shore with a playful and playful smile, Shanks made the same action as Charlotte Lingling.

This decisive behavior of these two guys made Kaido wake up instantly, and after taking two breaths, he roared at Luo Xiu.

“Remember Luo Xiu! If you dare to do anything to hurt Yamato, I will definitely make your death extremely painful and miserable!” ”

After letting go of this last cruel word, Kaido gritted his teeth, forcibly suppressed the anger and hatred in his heart, and chased after Charlotte Lingling and Shanks.

Although he is very worried about Yamato’s situation, as Shanks said to Charlotte Lingling, if he goes back now, the only thing that awaits him is to die under Luo Xiu’s knife.

Then after he died, Luo Xiu still didn’t want to play Yamato as he wanted?

Only by living well can you have a chance to snatch Yamato back from Luo Xiu, a damn bastard!

After Kaido lifted the green dragon form, he returned to his original appearance and landed on the deck of this pirate ship, his eyes were red and panting, his forehead was bruised, his face was fierce and distorted, and the whole person constantly exuded a terrifying momentum.

Looking at this scene, Rao Shanks and Charlotte Lingling didn’t know what to say to comfort Kaido, but at this moment, Peggy walked to Kaido with her body and cried bitterly.

“Lord Kaido, save my sister, Luo Xiu, that bastard, will never let her go, please save her.”

Peggy Wan is already about to collapse, Runtian is his only relative, and he has also taken great care of his younger brother over the years, and just now he used his last strength to send him out of those women in Luo Xiu.

Seeing her sister Runtian fall into Luo Xiu’s hands, but she couldn’t do anything at all, which made Peggy Wan’s mentality completely collapse.

Kaido looked at the extremely miserable looking Peggy in front of him, his fists suddenly clenched, and his tall body began to tremble uncontrollably, gritting his teeth and squeezing out a sentence from between his teeth.

“Don’t worry, Pei Jiwan, Lao Tzu said, you must beat Luo Xiu’s head with your own hands! Lao Tzu will definitely save Yamato and Runmei from Luo Xiu’s hands! ”

At this moment, Kaido finally experienced what it was like for Shanks to feel when he watched the red-haired pirate group being destroyed by the Luoxiu group during the top war.

It took him decades to develop to that scale, a huge group of Hundred Beasts Pirates, because the arrival of Luo Xiu and his women directly turned into nothing in an instant!

Except for Robin, Hancock and the others deliberately left behind a limited number of women such as Black Maria and Runnie, everyone else died in the ghost island.

Now that the war is over, Kaido looks at his only remaining subordinate, Peggy Wan, and only feels that his heart is dripping blood, and it is so painful that he can’t breathe!

Pain! It hurts so much!

Kaido’s answer not only did not make Peggy Wan relax, but also became more excited.

What do you mean that you will save Runtian from Luo Xiu in the future? After you beat Luo Xiu’s head with your own hands, I’m afraid that your sister has already become his shape!

Even if he just thought about what kind of situation his sister would face next, Peggy Wan couldn’t directly control his emotions and instantly became excited.

However, before he could say anything, the serious injury, coupled with this excitement, directly made Peggy Wan fall into a state of fainting.

Seeing this, Kaido quickly lost his voice and shouted.

“Lingling, hurry up and let your ship doctor help Peggy Wan! Don’t let him have trouble! ”

Charlotte Lingling waved her hand when she heard this, and immediately someone stepped forward to carry Peggy Wan down and began to treat the only remaining flying sextuplet in this Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

At the same time, the ship doctor of the bigmom thief group also came over and began to check the physical condition of Kaido and Shanks.

The trauma suffered by the two of them is more serious than that of Peggy Wan, that is, their physique is stronger than Peggy Wan, otherwise, I am afraid that they would have lost their lives long ago!

Charlotte Lingling looked at Kaido and Shanks, who were being treated, and asked vaguely while stuffing dessert into her mouth to soothe her restless emotions.

“What’s next? Why is Luo Xiu’s strength so strong? ”

“With the strength he has now, I’m afraid that even if you two guys’ physical state recovers, the three of us join forces, at most, we can only guarantee not to be killed by Luo Xiu, right?”

“If you want to kill Luo Xiu, with the strength of the three of us, I’m afraid you can’t do it at all!”

After hearing Charlotte Lingling’s words, Kaido’s emotions instantly became extremely excited, and he roared directly at Shanks next to him.

“Shanks! This guy of yours swore to Lao Tzu before, as long as the three of us join forces, we will definitely kill Luo Xiu, but what is going on now? Are you deliberately pit Lao Tzu when you step on the horse? ”

“Lao Tzu has already told you before, we don’t need to be embarrassed by Luo Xiu at all, whether it is the navy or the world government, they will definitely not let him go!”

“For us, we just need to wait for Luo Xiu to die at the hands of the Navy and the World Government! Now that Lao Tzu’s Hundred Beast Pirate Group has also been destroyed by Luo Xiu’s group, are you happy? ”

Kaido stared at Shanks blinded, because he was too excited, causing the wound that had just been bandaged, and the blood gushing directly stained the gauze wrapped around him scarlet.

Shanks’ face was hidden in the shadows, receiving treatment from the ship doctor of the Bigmom Thief Group, and after a long silence, he finally spoke slowly.

“Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, shouldn’t you two give me an explanation now, and explain to me well, why did you want to calculate me before and join forces to kill me first?”

As Shanks’ words fell, the pirate ship instantly fell into an extremely strange silence.

Whether it was Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, or Perospero and Katakuri, or other members of the BIGMOM thief group, they all turned their eyes to Shanks, and their moods became extremely solemn.

Could it be that they have just escaped from the successful death of the country of Wa, and their so-called New World Three Emperors Alliance is about to fall apart like this?

Even Charlotte Lingling had already put down the dessert that was immediately stuffed into her mouth, and looked at Shanks with a dim look, wanting to know what Shanks wanted to do when she picked out this topic at this time.

Feeling the gaze of everyone present, Shanks’ face did not even change in the slightest, raised his head, looked at Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in front of him expressionlessly, and slowly spoke.

“I don’t say this to part ways with you, but to warn you, even if you can’t wait to kill me and solve my big trouble.”

“But before getting rid of Luo Xiu, I advise you not to put this idea into action.”

“Otherwise, waiting for the end of the two of you, it will not be much better than me, and you will definitely die under the knife of that guy Luo Xiu!”

After hearing this, everyone present couldn’t help but breathe a deep sigh of relief in their hearts, it seems that Shanks is still the same Shanks, even if he is very angry because he was calculated before, but with the huge threat of Luo Xiu, he can still calm down in the shortest possible time, instead of choosing to completely tear his face with Kaido and Charlotte Lingling in this situation!

If he could, of course Shanks wanted to part ways with Kaido and Charlotte, but he had witnessed how Luo Xiu had allowed his strength to regain in such a short time

At least, as he said just now, before he really got rid of Luo Xiu, the two allies of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were still crucial!

Kaido felt Shanks’ forced gaze, snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

“But I want to know, what exactly are you going to do?” Could it be that you still want to deal with Luo Xiu with your own hands? ”

“Lao Tzu told you, if you still have the same plan as before, let the three of us join forces to fight Luo Xiu, this kind of sending to death, Lao Tzu will not be able to do it no matter what!”

Although Kaido really wanted to kill Luo Xiu with his own hands, he also knew very well that with the strength of the three of them, it was absolutely impossible to do such a thing!

Ask for flowers

“Instead of doing this kind of death-sending behavior, it is better to honestly hide first, and wait until those guys in the navy and the world government get rid of Luo Xiu, and then return to the new world!”

Kaido stared at Shanks and Charlotte, and said what was hidden in his heart.

The battle just now really brought a huge psychological shadow to Kaido, so that Kaido directly dismissed the idea of personally dealing with Luo Xiu, and instead pinned his hopes on the navy.

Kaido knew very well that if they did it themselves, even if they really killed Luo Xiu, then the three of them would definitely be hit hard, and even become Luo Xiu’s funeral.

Who can guarantee that he will not be the one who was taken away by Luo Xiu’s counterattack before he died?

Charlotte Lingling nodded in agreement with Kaido’s words, recalling the terrifying power he felt in his hands when he faced Luo Xiu on Ghost Island before, which made Charlotte Lingling shudder.

“Kaido is right, those guys in the Navy and the World Government are more eager to get rid of Luo Xiu than we are!”

“Instead of paying huge casualties, even the three of us may die under Luo Xiu’s knife, it is better to let the navy and the world government deal with Luo Xiu!”

Shanks’ red-haired pirate group, as well as Kaido’s hundred beast pirate group, have all been destroyed by Luo Xiu and his women, and Charlotte Lingling doesn’t want her bigmom thief group to end up in the same way!

After all, this huge bigmom thief group, but it took her decades to give birth to so many children!

Just the members who were killed by Luo Xiu’s women just now had already made Charlotte Lingling very distressed, and she didn’t even dare to imagine how crazy she would be if all of her sons and daughters died in Luo Xiu’s hands!

Feeling the resolute attitude of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, Shanks’ face changed, and then said in a deep voice.

“I will contact Karp and ask Karp to deal with Luo Xiu with us, the three of us, plus Karp, can’t we deal with Luo Xiu?”

“Kaido, all your subordinates died at the hands of Luo Xiu and his women, and even your daughter will become Luo Xiu’s plaything, don’t you want to kill Luo Xiu with your own hands to take revenge? By the way, snatch your daughter back from Luo Xiu? ”

“I want to remind you, if the Navy and the World Government kill Luo Xiu, will the woman on Luo Xiu’s ship let it go?”

“If nothing else, at that time, your daughter should also be on Luo Xiu’s ship, right?”

Hearing this, Kaido’s pupils widened sharply, and he stood up directly from the deck, and roared angrily at Shanks.

“Never allow anyone to hurt Lao Tzu’s daughter! Lao Tzu must slaughter Luo Xiu with his own hands! ”

Charlotte glanced at Kaido, who had a fierce red face, and then looked at Shanks and asked in a deep voice.

“Shanks, are you sure you can bring Capra to us?”

“Based on what I know about that old fellow, even if he changes from a naval hero to the current naval scum, I’m afraid he won’t be willing to join forces with pirates like us, right?”

It can only be said that for Charlotte Lingling, a guy who has been in the new world for decades and has dealt with Karp many times, it is natural to understand Karp’s character and style.

Faced with Charlotte Lingling’s direct question, Shanks recalled his previous encounter, and his eyes became a little gloomy, but he immediately said in a deep voice.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely say move Karp and let him join forces with us to deal with Luo Xiu!”

Just when Charlotte Lingling still wanted to say something, her fourth son, Charlotte Owen, walked out directly from the cabin with a person, and said to Charlotte Lingling.

“Mom, this guy doesn’t know who it is, and I don’t know when he sneaked into the cabin, what should I do?”

Shanks, Kaido, and Charlotte Lingling turned their heads at the same time and found that it was Bucky who was being carried by Owen!

Shanks’ eyes became very complicated, and he couldn’t help but say when he looked at Bucky.

“Bucky, what the hell is going on with you guy? Why can I avoid it every time? ”

When Bucky heard this, he immediately became angry and roared madly at Shanks.

“Shanks, you bastard! Who do you think caused this danger that Uncle Ben will face? ”

“If it weren’t for you, the bastard, who had to pull Uncle Ben with him to the Land of Wano, would Uncle Ben need to face this kind of crisis?”

Seeing that Bucky knew Shanks, Owen hesitated for a moment, and directly threw Bucky at Shanks’ feet, and the angry Bucky directly grabbed Shanks’ collar and went crazy at the Four Emperors.

While Bucky angrily cursed Shanks, Luo Xiu, Robin and Hancock and the others, also took their harvest on the ghost island, Black Maria and Runma, towards the capital of the country of Wano, the capital of the Flower Capital.

Since Luo Xiu has already said that he wants to help Kaido take good care of his daughter, he naturally can’t break his word!

After all, Yamato, the famous filial daughter, was originally one of the goals of Luo Xiu’s trip to the country of Wa! .

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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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