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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 120

“Luo Xiu! You bastard! Lord Kaido will never let you go! You wait, it won’t be long before Lord Kaido will definitely kill you!” ”

Run, who was held high by Marcino and Noki, couldn’t help but shout at Luo Xiu after recovering a little, and the appearance of gritting her teeth was like she wanted to kill Luo Xiu directly.

That is, because of the previous battle, Runtian’s body has also suffered a lot of trauma, and the strength in her body has been exhausted, except for such meaningless cruel words, she can’t do any unnecessary actions at all.

It’s just that Runtian’s attitude, as well as the cruel words she released, finally annoyed Luo Xiu’s women, especially Hancock, Kalifa, and baby5 three daughters, and even glared angrily at Runtian and scolded.

“Stupid woman! If you don’t know how to be evil again, the concubine dares to guarantee that you will definitely be punished in the harshest way! ”

“Lord Luo Xiu is also something you can reprimand? Figure out your current situation and obediently shut up, is the best choice! ”

“Don’t think that being beautiful has privileges, if you dare to speak ill of Lord Luo Xiu like this, before Lord Luo Xiu starts to tame you, I don’t mind teaching you a good lesson in place of Lord Luo Xiu and letting you recognize the reality!”

You know, among these women of Luo Xiu, Han Cook is pure love brain, and initially even without contact with Luo Xiu, he has completely fallen in love with Luo Xiu.

After this period of getting along, Hancock’s whole body and mind have completely belonged to Luo Xiu, and she can’t tolerate anyone who dares to be disrespectful to Luo Xiu no matter what, even if the person who is disrespectful to Lord Luo Xiu is the same woman she wants to give to Lord Luo Xiu!

Carly’s law has long been the shape of Luo Xiu, and everything he does now is first considered for Luo Xiu, and it is extremely necessary to satisfy Lord Luo Xiu, it is no exaggeration to say that in the heart of Kalifa’s “two zero zero”, it is the same as Hancock’s attitude, that is, “Lord Luo Xiu is everything”!

And baby5, a weapon girl, although the time to become a Luoxiu woman is still short, but because of her childhood experience, the belief in life that longs to be wanted, the degree of baby5’s fall is not inferior to Hancock and Carifa.

For the three of them, Runtian’s act of daring to offend Lord Luo Xiu was absolutely unforgivable!

Even Magino, Nokigao, Keya, and Vivi and others were also very dissatisfied with Runtian, thinking that her attitude was unforgivable.

Only Robin, indifferent to Runtian’s clamour, but just looked at this scene with a smile, Robin knew very well that no matter how Runti shouted now, but since she had fallen into Luo Xiu’s hands, it meant that Runtian could not escape the fate of being tamed no matter what, the difference was only the length of time she persisted.

The most important thing is that the more angry Runtian is now, the more fierce the resistance, and the deeper she will fall after she is tamed.

Robin had even begun to wonder what kind of obedient gesture Runnian would be after she was completely tamed.

After all, there are not a few people like Runtian on their ship!

Having seen so many lessons from the past, and having personally experienced Luo Xiu’s various methods, Robin does not believe in Luo Xiu’s powerful ability in this regard!

Their words did not affect Runtian, but also made Runtian even more angry, and when she wanted to continue to output, but before she could speak, Luo Xiu walked directly to Runtian.

Runtian looked at Luo Xiu who appeared in front of her, and instantly became vigilant, using the last bit of strength in her body to struggle, trying to break free from Marcino and Nokigao, who were on either side of her, but unfortunately, this behavior was not helpful at all.

Luo Xiu did not hesitate, directly took off Runtian’s mask, looking at her delicate and beautiful face, but there were two rows of sharp fangs, perhaps it was precisely because of these two rows of fangs that Runti would always wear a mask, right?

Although this look will add a bit of fun, but it is also missing a way to play, if you are not careful, even Luo Xiu’s famous knife will be injured by these two rows of fangs of Runmei, this experience will definitely not be too good.

Luo Xiu shook his head with a slight regret, directly threw the mask in his hand on the ground, stretched out his finger to pick up Runmi’s chin, let her look at herself, and chuckled.

“Runtian, just now you would rather sacrifice yourself than send your brother away, the relationship between you should be very good, right?”

“I remind you in advance, although for me, you are indeed worthy of heartbeat, but this kind of heartbeat is not enough for you to be able to make a splash in front of me.”

“If you don’t calm down again, I don’t mind coming to a hot hand to destroy the flower, of course, before killing you, I will let you watch that brother of yours die in front of you.”

When the words fell, Runtian’s pupils opened sharply, and her eyes were already full of fear, she looked at the smile on Luo Xiu’s face in front of her, obviously it looked very gentle, but she couldn’t feel the slightest bit of temperature at all!

Runtian could clearly feel that Luo Xiu was not joking with himself at all, he really had this kind of thought, if he dared to continue to treat Luo Xiu with that attitude, this guy would definitely let himself watch Peggy Wan being brutally killed by him in front of him as he just said!

For Runtian, Peggy Wan is his only relative, and no matter what, Peggy Wan must not die in the hands of Luo Xiu!

Thinking of this, Runtian has already bitten her lips extremely pale, and even because she tried too hard, her fangs were hard to bite her tender lips, and the scarlet blood was soaked, adding a bit of strange beauty to Runtian’s plain whiteness.

Runtian’s eyes became bleak, and she wanted to hang her head and no longer look at Luo Xiu, the demon, but she was directly pinched by Luo Xiu’s chin, so that she couldn’t look away at all.

Luo Xiu looked up and down in front of him playfully, and said lightly.

“Now, recognize your situation and know what you should do?”

Runtian was silent and didn’t answer, or rather, she didn’t know how to answer Luo Xiu’s question at all.

It’s just that Luo Xiu won’t let her go because of her silence, but will increase his efforts and directly destroy the pride in Runtian’s heart!

“If you don’t answer my question, you will be punished.”

Hearing this, Runtian’s eyes trembled, and her voice trembled and whispered.

“I: I see…”

Luo Xiu took a deep look at Runtian, and didn’t say anything more, now whatever he said is false, and only by teaching Runtian a lesson with a famous knife can she completely recognize reality!

“What about you? If you have any ideas, just say it, and I’ll help you enlighten you. ”

Enlighten? That’s how enlightened you are, right?

Feeling Luo Xiu’s gaze, Black Maria hesitated for a moment, then squeezed out a smile and looked at Luo Xiu and replied.

“No, from now on, we will no longer be members of the Hundred Beast Pirates, and we will no longer have anything to do with Kaido, and will only obey your orders Lord Luo Xiu.”

“Not bad, not bad, you are much more sensible than a little girl like Runtian.”

Black Maria smiled coquettishly, her eyes seemed to begin to draw, and she looked at Luo Xiu with a fawning look and said.

“Runnian just didn’t turn a corner in her head, and I also asked Lord Luo Xiu not to calculate with a little girl like her, I will help you persuade Runtian.”

Luo Xiu looked at the black Maria’s exquisite, extremely prominent figure, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise slightly, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

“Then, it’s up to you to perform.”

Black Maria saw that Luo Xiu did not plan to calculate with Runtian and them, and she was deeply relieved in her heart, and quickly assured.

“Please rest assured, Lord Luo Xiu, I will definitely not let you down!”

Luo Xiu just nodded at this and didn’t say anything more, but continued to lead the women towards the location of the flower capital.

It is worth mentioning that on the way to the flower capital, Black Maria also took the initiative to say where Yamato is currently located.

Looking at the entire anime industry, this filial daughter who is also quite explosive, is still wearing an explosive collar at this time, and was imprisoned by Kaido in the ghost island.

With Yamato’s current situation, Black Maria is very worried that if no one cares about her, with Yamato’s brainless appearance, will she starve to death.

After all, it turned out that all the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group on Ghost Island had been slaughtered by Luo Xiu and his women.

It is precisely because of this that although Black Maria knows that taking the initiative to expose Yamato’s location will make Kaido’s daughter fall into the hands of Luo Xiu like them, but anyway, it is better than letting Yamato starve to death, right?

Luo Xiu did not hesitate about this, and directly asked Gion and Black Maria to bring Yamato over, while Luo Xiu continued to take the women to the flower capital.

In the general’s mansion of the country of Wa, the current general of the country of Wa, the black charcoal big snake, is holding a banquet at this time, while tasting the wine, while enjoying the graceful dance of the flower Kui Xiaozi below, the black charcoal big snake does not know what happened on the ghost island, and does not know at all, his partner Kaido, has fled the country of Wano in ashes, even Kaido’s hundred beasts

“Uh Xiaozi’s dance is really more and more wonderful, it is really reluctant to look away, and I can’t wait to keep Xiaozi by her side forever! ”

The black charcoal big snake looked at Xiao Zi’s moving dancing posture, tears flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with hot light, and he couldn’t wait to take Xiao Zi in his arms on the spot.

The mad death man sitting next to the black charcoal snake, after hearing his words, his heart sank directly, and he only felt that Miss Hiyo’s situation was becoming more and more dangerous.

As one of the courtiers of the Mitsuki family, after experiencing the change of that year, Denjiro assumed the name of Mad Death Lang and became the guardian of the Black Carbon Great Snake.

Over the years, Denjiro has been protecting Mitsuki Hiyowa with the help of the identity of the Black Carbon Great Serpent Guard, so that Mitsuki Hiwa is clearly the Hanakui of the country of Wa, but he has never been touched by any man.

But Denjiro also knows very well that the guy of the Black Carbon Great Snake is now more and more eager to get the flower kui of “Xiaozi”, which also makes Mitsuki Hiyo’s situation more and more dangerous.

If it continues like this, even with the protection of Denjiro, an undercover agent, I am afraid that he will not be able to protect Mitsuki Hiyo!

Thinking of that scene, Denjiro’s face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and his eyes became cold.

The dangerous aura emanating from his body made the black charcoal big snake who was originally immersed in the light moon sun and charm shiver, and he directly sobered up.

The black charcoal snake drank the fine wine in the wine glass in his hand, let out a breath of comfort, and looked at Denjiro and asked.

“What’s wrong, Mad Death?”

Denjiro felt the gaze of the black charcoal snake and the other guards present, and his heart was cold, and he quickly shook his head and said.

“It’s nothing, just suddenly remembered a rumor I heard before, that man named Luo Xiu, the saber he held in his hand, seems to be the national treasure of our country of Wa, the saber that the dragon sword Hao Ryoma used to have, Qiushui!”

Hearing this, the black charcoal snake also reacted, touched his chin, rolled his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

“When you say so, I also remembered that Qiushui is indeed in that guy’s hands, but if you want to take Qiushui back, it is not so easy to do!”

“Don’t say it’s us, even Kaido and his Hundred Beast Pirate Group may not be able to do this kind of thing!”

Although the country of Wano is still in a closed state, it is only aimed at ordinary people in the country of Wano, such as the general of the Black Carbon Great Snake, and his guards, who have been paying attention to the movements of the new world.

Naturally, he also knows very well what a huge movement was made in the top war at the headquarters of the Navy some time ago, and what terrifying power Luo Xiu, who replaced Whitebeard and became the strongest man in the new world!

For the Black Carbon Great Snake, he just wants to be his own general of the country of Wano and continue to enjoy the wonderful feeling brought by this power and status.

Even though he knew that snatching Qiushui back from Luo Xiu’s hands would give him greater prestige, the Black Carbon Great Snake never thought of doing such a thing.

Just when the black carbon snake wanted to continue to enjoy the dance of the light moon and the sun, a figure directly blasted the gate open, and the decorations along the way were shattered and smashed in front of the black carbon snake.

This sudden situation made the black charcoal snake shocked, and his guards stood up directly, pulled out the weapon worn on their waist and held it in their hands, staring at the gate.

After seeing Denjiro’s eyes on her, Hiyomi Mitsuki quickly stopped dancing and retreated to the side to hide, 3.5 for fear that one would accidentally be involved.

Although, Hiyori Mitsuki couldn’t understand why someone was bold enough to come to the General’s Mansion to find trouble with the black charcoal snake in this flower capital.

Under the gaze of everyone present, Luo Xiu walked into their room with a smile on his face and a relaxed expression.

The moment they saw Luo Xiu, whether it was the Black Carbon Great Snake, or Denjiro, or the other guards of the Black Carbon Great Snake, they were all directly stunned on the spot, and everyone had already recognized that this guy in front of them was Luo Xiu, the strongest man in the new world they had just mentioned!

“Lo… Lo… Luo Xiu?! ”

The black charcoal snake jumped up excitedly, his forehead was instantly covered with bean-sized cold sweat, his eyes were full of fear, and his face was already full of fear.

“How is that possible? How could you appear in the country of Wano? What about Kaido? What about the Hundred Beast Pirates? What are you here for? What exactly is your purpose? ”

The black carbon snake people were all stupid, and their mouths had begun to be incoherent, and they frantically questioned Luo Xiu, wanting to find out what kind of purpose Luo Xiu had in appearing in the country of Wazhi.

For the Black Carbon Great Snake, Kaido and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group are his biggest reliance, even if the Black Carbon Big Snake has no brains, he can guess that Luo Xiu is now appearing in the General’s Mansion in the Flower Capital, which means that Kaido and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group must have happened something he didn’t know!

Moreover, the black carbon big snake didn’t think that the sudden arrival of this guy Luo Xiu was any good thing!

On the contrary, this guy, who has always acted extremely viciously, definitely wants to make trouble in the country of Wazhi!

In the face of the black carbon big snake’s repeated inquiries, Luo Xiu glanced at the light moon Rihe hiding in the corner, and then turned his head to look at the black carbon big snake with a playful face.

“Kaido ran away, the Hundred Beast Pirates are gone, as for my purpose, of course, after slaughtering you, enjoy the dance of Hua Kui, and listen to the music by the way.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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