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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 131

After hearing Luo Xiu’s words, whether it was Mitsuki Ri and Yamato, or the Frost Moon Yasu family and Asura Tongzi and Kawamatsu and others, and even Mitsuki Sukiyaki who was the party concerned, they were directly stunned on the spot.

What is this guy named Luo Xiu talking about? If you want to keep Wano Country, you have to let Mitsuki Hikazu personally kill her own grandfather Mitsuki Sukiyaki? What is the situation with this horse?

Hasn’t Wano Country already emerged from the crisis and successfully recaptured it from Kaido and the Black Carbon Great Snake? Luo Xiu, this little ghost, where did he come from!

What made Mitsuki Sukiyaki the most, the Frost Moon Yasuki family, and the Asura boy and others unacceptable was that according to Mitsuki Riwa just now.

Whether it was Kaido, the Hundred Beast Pirates, or the Black Carbon Great Snake, it was not driven away or directly solved by Yamato as she said before.

It was Luo Xiu who really did this!

However, he had already saved Wano Country from the hands of Kaido and the Black Carbon Snake, and now why did 19 do such a thing?


After a brief period of stunned, whether it was the Frost Moon Yasukasu family, the Asura boy, or Kawamatsu and the others, they all clenched their fists or drew their sabers, looking ready.

Although some still didn’t understand the whole situation, they also almost realized the truth, that is, the situation in the country of Wano has not been completely lifted from the crisis!

Although there is no Kaido and the black charcoal snake, this guy named Luo Xiu is also a guy that should not be underestimated!

“What exactly are you trying to do? I will never allow anyone to destroy the country of Wano! ”

“Don’t think that we and the country are really so easy to bully!”

After seeing the reaction of the Frost Moon Kang family and the Asura boy and the others, Mitsuki Sukiyaki also frowned, staring at Luo Xiu with obscure eyes, and said in a deep voice.

“For the sake of you saving the country of Wa, the old man can give you a chance, as long as you leave the country of Wano now, the old man can treat it as if what happened just now did not happen.”

“But if you still want to be so obsessed, the old man doesn’t mind killing you!”

Mitsuki Sukiyaki didn’t take Luo Xiu’s words seriously at all, and even in his opinion, how Kaido was forced away, and how the Hundred Beast Pirate Group was destroyed by the group, are all two things!

Even a genius like his son Mitsuki Ota failed to defeat Kaido in the first place, let alone a little ghost like Luo Xiu who looked very young?

When facing Kaido and the black charcoal snake, he only promised and chose to remain incognito, but in the face of a little devil like Luo Xiu, if Luo Xiu still does not know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth, then Mitsuki Sukiyaki will have to strike hard!

My former former general Wano Country can’t deal with Kaido and the black charcoal snake, can’t I deal with you?

However, what Mitsuki Sukiyaki didn’t expect was that after hearing his words, without even waiting for Luo Xiu to respond, his own granddaughter Mitsuki Hikawa exclaimed anxiously.

Guangyue Suki was stunned, and the Frost Moon Kang family and the Asura Tongzi and others also looked confused, they really didn’t expect to be able to hear such words from Guangyue Rihe’s mouth.

Luo Xiudu has already threatened them with the country of Wa? Not only did Mitsuki Riwa not have the slightest intention of fighting, but he even turned around and asked his grandfather Mitsuki Sukiyaki not to fight?

What is this? Lead the way party?

Mitsuki Sukiyaki’s face was instantly filled with anger, and he reprimanded Mitsuki Hiyo with wide eyes.

“Hiyo! Do you know what you’re talking about? As a member of the Guangyue family, you actually said such a thing? ”

Mitsuki Rihe’s face changed, feeling the anger and dissatisfaction in his grandfather’s eyes, and unconsciously took two steps back.

Just when Mitsuki Sukiyaki still wanted to continue to teach his uncontested granddaughter, Luo Xiu couldn’t help laughing, and looked at Mitsuki Sukiyaki with a playful look and said.

“Mitsuki Sukiyaki, what face do you have to say such a thing?”

“In the country of Wa, which knows that there is a black charcoal snake rule, so that the people here have been subjected to oppression and torture, you, the man of the Mitsuki family, the former and former general of the country of Wano, not only did not think of fighting it, but also changed your appearance and hidden.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Now that Kaido has been forced to leave, and the black charcoal snake has been killed, you have jumped out and said these words justly Ling Ran, which is really eye-opening.”

As Luo Xiu’s words fell, Guangyue Sukiyaki’s breathing suddenly stopped, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy, and he could clearly feel that after hearing Luo Xiu’s words, even the Frost Moon Kang family and the Asura boy looked at him with a very bad change.

If this continues, I am afraid that he, the former and former general, will be completely disgraced!

Although Mitsuki Sukiyaki also felt that his behavior was very wrong, he would never allow Luo Xiu to expose it in front of everyone like this!

“Since you don’t plan to leave, stay in the country of Wano forever!”

“Frost Moon Kang family! Asura boy! River Pine! In the name of the former general of Wano Country, I order you to strike with me and solve this guy! ”

“I now suspect that the woman who said that she inherited the will of Ota is an accomplice with this guy named Luo Xiu!”

“100 These guys must have a huge conspiracy that will put the entire country of Wano into an extremely dangerous situation!”

Although they were also very dissatisfied with Mitsuki Sukiyaki’s behavior of hiding, as he said, since Kaido and the Black Carbon Great Snake were not solved by Yamato, she took this credit for herself, and even became the new general of Wano Country in this way.

That means that there is a very likely unknown deal between her and Luo Xiu!

First solve Luo Xiu, the guy who wants to destroy the country of peace, and then figure out the deal between them!

After seeing the imposing appearance of Mitsuki Sukiyaki and Frost Moon Kang’s family, Luo Xiu didn’t even have the interest to stand up, but after taking a sip of wine, he said with a smile.

“Yamato, Hiyori, I won’t be involved in the fight between you and these guys.”

“However, if they do something to me, then I promise that the country of Wano will be completely destroyed, and no one will be able to live again.”

“So, it’s up to you to kill these people for the sake of protecting and the people of the country, or because of the stupid behavior of these guys, so that the entire country of Wano becomes a funeral!”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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