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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 137

Yamato’s sudden outburst of behavior directly caught Mitsuki Sukiyaki, the Frost Moon Yasuki family, and Asura Tongzi and others by surprise.

However, after the previous battle, they had all realized that if only a few of them were to deal with this woman, they would not be able to deal with this woman at all.

Even, if it hadn’t been for the sudden appearance of Mitsuki Momonosuke and Kinemon and the others just now, I’m afraid they would have died under Yamato’s mace at this time.

It’s just that through the conversation between Luo Xiu and Yamato just now, Mitsuki Sukiyaki has also figured out the situation, and already knows that this woman named Yamato is actually threatened by Luo Xiu, because the people who want to protect the country of Wano will choose to follow Luo Xiu’s order and move against them.

Doesn’t this mean that, if done properly, Yamato can be reversed?

Thinking of this, Mitsuki Sukiyaki no longer dared to hesitate in the slightest, and after being repelled by Yamato’s stick, he quickly looked at Yamato and said in a deep voice.

“Yamato, the old man already knows that the reason why you and Hiyori obey Luo Xiu’s orders is entirely because he, like Kaido back then, threatened you with the lives of the people of the country of Wa, and the old man has also recognized that you are the heir who inherited the will of Ota!”

“However, you should also know how Ota was teased by Kaido back then!”

“Even if Ota did those humiliating acts according to what Kaido said, didn’t Kaido still not let Kazunokoku go in the end? Even, even the guy from Ota eventually died in Kaido’s hands! ”

“If you continue like this, not only will you not be able to protect the country, but you will also be thoroughly calculated by Luo Xiu, and finally plunge the country of Wano into a real crisis!”

Mitsuki Sukiyaki paused, and after his eyes flashed, he continued to persuade Yamato with intensity.

“So, don’t accept that bastard’s threat anymore, you are now the general of Wano Country, you should take on the responsibility of Kazuno Country general, join us, and kill that bastard!”

In Mitsuki Sukiyaki’s opinion, although Yamato’s brain is not very good as his son Ota, it is because she is such a person that she is more likely to be rebelled against by herself.

Moreover, Mitsuki Sukiyaki has also realized how important the country of Wano is in Yamato’s mind.

If they can pull such a powerful combat power to their side, then there must be no problem against Luo Xiu, right?

Mitsuki Sukiyaki has already equated Yamato with Mitsuki Ota back then, and feels that even if Luo Xiu is very strong, he will definitely not surpass Yamato too much, and even, it may not be as good as Yamato!

After all, Mitsuki Ota back then, but when his strength was stronger than Kaido, he was also calculated by Kaido and eventually died!

However, what Mitsuki Sukiyaki didn’t expect was that after hearing his words, Yamato didn’t even hesitate the slightest, but waved the mace in his hand even harder, and slammed it towards Mitsuki Sukiyaki.

“Although you are a former and former general of Wano Country, in my opinion, you are not qualified to be a member of the Mitsuki family at all!”

“When the country of Wano was ruled by the black charcoal snake before, and the people of the country of Wano were experiencing pain and suffering, why didn’t you guy appear? Instead, he chose to hide incognito? ”

“In this case, what qualifications do you have to dictate my choices?!”

Yamato snorted coldly with disdain, his eyes filled with contempt for Mitsuki Sukiyaki.

Although Yamato has heard many people say that she is stupid, she feels that she is not stupid at all, and most of the time, she is still a witty batch!

Where did Mitsuki Sukiyaki come from to help him make a decision?

Yamato thinks that this guy Mitsuki Sukiyaki is a pure fool, Luo Xiu that guy, is it something they can deal with?

She knew that even if Kaido teamed up with Shanks and Charlotte Lingling, she would only choose to flee in front of Luo Xiu in the end!

Even if Yamato has never met Shanks and Charlotte Lingling, since the two of them can be on a par with Kaido, it means that the power they have will definitely not be inferior to Kaido!

Luo Xiu, who can easily defeat the four emperors of the three new worlds, if he wants to destroy the country of peace, it is really something that can be easily done!

A guy like Mitsuki Sukiyaki who is destined to be a disgrace is the best choice to die!

After hearing Yamato’s extremely straightforward words, Mitsuki Sukiyaki’s face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and Momonosuke, Kinemon on the other side, as well as Leizang and Kikunosuki and others, looked at him with very strange eyes.

They also finally understood completely why the former former general’s reaction was so strange when Kinsemon said that it was Mitsuki Sukiyaki who saved Wano Country.

Huh? Did I get something wrong? Former former general?

Momonosuke’s pupils contracted sharply, and he quickly looked at Mitsuki Sukiyaki and asked.

“Grandpa, you just said that she is the new general of Wano Country?”

Without waiting for Mitsuki Sukiyaki to respond, the Asura boy said directly.

“That’s right, Momonosuke-sama, this woman, with the help of that guy named Luo Xiu, has replaced the bastard of the Black Carbon Great Snake and become the new general of Wano Country.”

“It’s just that I feel that there must be an ulterior conspiracy between them, and this conspiracy will definitely plunge the country of Wano into a crisis of destruction!”


As soon as the Asura boy finished speaking, he was directly pumped in the face by Yamato’s stick, and while rolling in the air, he let out a scream, and his body hit the wall of this room fiercely.

After a few dry coughs, the Asura boy gasped and roared angrily at the location of Jinweimen and the others.

“Jinweimen! Thunder hide! Kikunosuke! What are you guys hesitating? Hurry up and get rid of this woman first! ”

Hearing this, Jinweimen, Leizang and the others, who had such plans, no longer had the slightest hesitation, and they all clenched their sabers and directly chose to join the battle.

However, there is an exception, that is, as an undercover Kanjuro, Kanjuro did not choose to fight alongside them, (Zhao Zhao Hao) but rushed towards Luo Xiu, he wanted to avenge the black carbon snake and kill Luo Xiu, the bastard!

However, unfortunately, before Kanjuro could even rush to Luo Xiu’s body, he was directly blocked by Black Maria and Runma.

After Black Maria punched Kanjuro to the ground, Runti directly added a stick, which instantly made Kanjuro deeply embedded on the ground.

“Kanjuro!! Goblin! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After seeing Kanjuro’s situation, Momonosuke suddenly shouted, just took two steps to rescue Kanjuro, but after thinking that even Kanjuro was directly beaten by those two women, he instantly stopped in place.

Luo Xiu glanced at Momonosuke playfully, and then pulled out the autumn water he was wearing on his waist and handed it to Mitsuki Riwa, and said slowly under Mitsuki Rihe’s puzzled gaze.

“Do it, Hiyori, use this national treasure of your Wano Country to personally solve these guys who will bring the country of Wano to its demise.”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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