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Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin — Chapter 148

In fact, after hearing Luo Xiu’s words, Mitsuki Sukiyaki had also completely understood, and what he said in his mouth was that as long as Momonosuke killed the Yasuke family of Frost Moon and the Asura boy and others, the conditions under which he and Momonosuke could survive were just his deliberate desire to see this good show!

Luo Xiu deliberately waited until Momonosuke killed Jinweimon, so that the hearts of the Frost Moon Yasuke family and the Asura boy were full of grief and anger, and they wanted to kill Momonosuke at all costs, before deliberately supplementing this condition.

This evil bastard just wants to see rivers of blood flowing and see these high-level people of the country of peace, killing each other! The Frost Moon Kang family and their retainers!

Mitsuki Sukiyaki didn’t want to die, otherwise, he wouldn’t have chosen to hide incognito all these years, turning a blind eye to the pain and suffering of the people of Wano Country!

However, his words made the Frost Moon Kang family and Asura Tongzi and others instantly become furious.

Frost Moon Kang’s body trembled with anger, his clenched fists constantly made a squeaking sound, his face became extremely vicious and twisted, and he gritted his teeth and roared low at Mitsuki Sukiyaki.

“Mitsuki Sukiyaki! You 123 this bastard! How did you guy brazenly say such things? ”

“As the former general of the Wano Country and the head of the Mitsuki family, you bastard, have you forgotten that under this situation, you should make such a choice?”

“Momonosuke that damn imp did this kind of thing, anyway, that guy is just a ghost, but you, unforgivable, damn it!”

The Asura boy, who has always had the most violent temper, waved his hand to interrupt the words of the Frost Moon Yasuki family denouncing Mitsuki Sukiyaki, clenched the saber in his hand, and roared with a hideous face.

“Stop talking nonsense! Either way, these two damn bastards must be killed! ”

“It is clear that Lord Ota is the hero of Wano Country, but why, his father and son, they are such goods!”

Mitsuki Sukiyaki’s eyes became gloomy, and his face instantly became distorted, word by word.

“Since you are not willing to take the initiative to make sacrifices for the future of the country of Wazhi, then next, the old man will personally help you!”

When the words fell, Mitsuki Sukiyaki no longer had the slightest hesitation, and he stepped on his feet sharply, and instantly blocked in front of Momonosuke, facing the Frost Moon Yasuke family and Asura Tongzi and others.

Feeling the killing intent and anger emanating from the Frost Moon Kang family and the Asura boy and the others on the other side, Mitsuki Suki said directly without looking back.

“Momonosuke, now I can’t solve these guys on my own, so I need your help in the next battle!”

“You have to be clear, this battle determines whether we can survive or not, so even if we are hit hard, we must not have the slightest hesitation!” As a man of the Guangyue family, you must be decisive! ”

After hearing this, Momonosuke did not hesitate at all, nodded vigorously, and clenched the saber in his hand that originally belonged to Jinweimon, and said in an extremely solemn tone.

“Grandpa! I understand! ”

Mitsuki Suki stared at the Frost Moon Kang family and the others with dead eyes, and said in a cold voice.

“Be ready to support your husband at any time!”

The words fell, and without waiting for Momonosuke to respond, Mitsuki Sukiyaki directly carried the saber and rushed towards the counterpart.

In the face of this offensive of Mitsuki Sukiyaki, the Frost Moon Kang family and the Asura Tongzi and others did not have the slightest intention of retreating, but took the initiative to meet the past.

In an instant, the civil war belonging to these high-ranking people of the country of peace began in an instant.

Watching his grandfather fight with the Frost Moon Yasuke family and the Asura boy and others, Momonosuke held the saber and his face was already full of worry and solemnity.

In the face of this situation, he did not have the slightest way, and with the power possessed by this waste, he was simply not qualified to participate in this battle.

While Mitsuki Sukiyaki, Frost Moon Yasuki, and Asura Tongzi and others were fighting fiercely, Luo Xuan watched this scene with great interest.

However, at this time, Luo Xiu Ke did not have the slightest nervousness, but took Guangyue Rihe in his arms and returned to his original position.

Guangyue Rihe in Luo Xiu’s arms, feeling Lord Luo Xiu’s warm embrace, his face couldn’t help but turn slightly red. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For the current Mitsuki Hiyo, whether Mitsuki Sukiyaki and Momonosuke can survive in the end, she doesn’t care at all, is it not good to enjoy Lord Luo Xiu’s arms at that time?

Robin glanced at Hiyori Mitsuki, who had snatched his place originally, and after chuckling, shook his head.

“You really are, full of bad fun all the time.”

Seeing that the two men of the Guangyue family were desperately trying to survive, Luo Xiu, this guy, actually held the woman of the Guangyue family, while enjoying this battle, while tasting the wine produced by the country of Wano.

This kind of behavior is really weird to the extreme.

In the face of Robin’s ridicule, Luo Xiu only smiled.

“Don’t you think that’s interesting?”

Robin shrugged slightly when she heard this, and she could clearly see that Guangyue Rihe was already ruddy lying in Luo Xiu’s arms, and she was not affected by the outside world in the slightest.

“So who do you think will survive in the end?”

Robin no longer looked at Hiyori Mitsuki, but turned his gaze to the fierce battle on the opposite side, Mitsuki Sukiyaki, the Frost Moon Yasuyasu, as well as the Asura Boy and Kikunosuki and others.

As a former general of Wano Country, Mitsuki Sukiyaki’s strength is definitely not to be underestimated, and although he has been hidden incognito over the years, he has never slackened off.

After all, Mitsuki Sukiyaki once had the idea of saving Wano Country, but it was because he was afraid of the powerful power of Kaido and the Hundred Beast Pirates, so he did not implement it.

Otherwise, with the black charcoal snake that only knows how to bully the soft and fear the hard, let alone others, just Mitsuki Suki burns a person, he can easily slaughter it.

On the other hand, Leizang and Kikuno-chan, the two retainers of the Mitsuki family, were teleported here by Tengetsu with their time ability together with Momonosuke and Jinweimon from more than ten years ago, resulting in their strength not increasing in the slightest compared to that year.

That is, there are two guys present, the Frost Moon Kang family and the Asura boy, otherwise, at this time, Mitsuki Sukiyaki is afraid that he has already killed the two of them!

Faced with Robin’s question, Luo Xiu looked at Mitsuki Sukiyaki and Frost Moon Yasujia and the others with a playful and playful look, and said slowly.

“Who survives in the end, does it matter? Or do you really think I’m going to let them live? ”

“This so-called battle just makes the game more interesting!”


Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Nautical: The Heinous Villain! Robin Nami Robin

Status: Ongoing


Travel to the world of pirates, activate the destiny villain system, and get rewards for doing evil.

Luo Xiu looked at the hat group with a smile and started a crazy trip!

Nami Robin? Empress Uta? bring it you!

【Luffy: Let go of Nami and Robin! Please, please take your hands off! woo woo woo…]

[Red-haired: Bastard! Give me Uta back! Don’t do that to Uta! Don’t push me! Don’t make me kneel and beg you! 】

[Kaido: Hand over my daughter! Damn it! Lao Tzu’s daughter doesn’t use it that way! 】

[Five Old Stars: Go to the Holy Land to invite Master Im! What? Lord Im also kneeling? That’s hopeless, wait to die! 】

Luo Xiu sat on the Void Throne, overlooking the whole world from a high position.

“Let me give you a little villain shock!”


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