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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 005

After the Scar Pirates were destroyed by Sun He, the Kingdom of Gaia was much calmer.

The citizens also seem to know that a navy named Sun He defeated them and captured them.

For a while, they were very grateful to Sun He, which naturally made Sun He’s reputation value greatly improved.

Sun He’s prestige value suddenly increased by several thousand, reaching about thirteen thousand.

Governor Heinier naturally knew about this, but he didn’t say anything, and he didn’t even see Sun He, as if this matter was an inconspicuous thing.

But Sun He knew that Governor Heinil must be very angry, but he just didn’t want to provoke him, a natural fruit ability, for the time being.

At this time, Sun He was in a mountain forest in the Kingdom of Gaia, and he no longer needed to exercise with the naval soldiers, because Monka taught him the six-style exercise method.

In this mountain forest, few people enter on weekdays, mainly because there are too many beasts and monsters inside, even the people of the Scar Pirate Group do not dare to enter.

“Thunder Fist!”

Sun He punched out, and his fist turned into a cyan fist-shaped thunder blasted out, and the fist instantly hit a boulder thirty meters away.

The boulder was pierced through a fist-sized hole, but the hole was no deeper than a finger, and there were burnt marks on the fist print.

“The power is still too weak, this power is okay against ordinary people, and the more powerful pirates can’t do it at all.” Sun He shook his head, a little dissatisfied.

However, he also knew that it was not that this thunder fruit was weak, but that his own physical strength was too poor, otherwise the power exerted could be heaven-destroying.

Anilu is like this, able to make thunder usher and destroy the entire empty island. It was a mysterious killing move like Ace’s Yandi.

However, Sun He doesn’t say Lei Ying at present, and even the sanctions of God can’t be used.

He can only use the most basic discharge method of thunder fist, and he will be very tired after a few times.

Then, Sun He continued to use the thunder fist, still hitting the stone, basically not once in the same place.

“The power is not enough, the accurate head is not good, it seems that you still need to practice more.” Sun He is very demanding of himself.

“Anilu was basically able to hit every attack, and in addition to his many practice marks, it was mostly related to his mastery of sight.”

“It seems that you have to learn to be domineering, otherwise if you encounter a strong person, even if you have mastered the ability of the natural fruit, it is not enough to see.”

“However, the meal must be eaten bite by bite, and the strength must be increased step by step.”

Sun He continued to practice boxing until he was completely weak, and he took the physical strength recovery potion and instantly recovered with full blood.

“The body has really become a little stronger, this world is really wonderful, and every time I recover after exhaustion, my strength can increase. Only in this way can we continue to become stronger and stimulate the potential of the human body. ”

Sun He found that his body began to become stronger, and his heart was ecstatic.

“Okay, let’s try another move.”

Sun He raised his hand, stretched out his index finger, pointed to the stone in the distance, and said, “Thunder finger!” ”

His index finger instantly turned into thunder, turning into a bolt of lightning and shooting out, and a finger-thick hole instantly appeared on the stone in the distance, emitting black smoke, and the mouth of the hole was black.

“Sure enough, anywhere can be used to attack.” Sun He’s heart was ecstatic.

The natural fruit is really powerful, not only can it be naturalized anywhere in the body, but it can also be used to attack.

“However, the physical strength is still too weak, and it needs to be improved well, otherwise not to mention that the ability of the Thunder Fruit cannot be used, and even the Six Styles cannot be used.”

“No wonder Ace, even if they master the natural fruit, they are constantly refining their physical energy, and one is more terrifying than the other, it turns out that the activation of these abilities requires physical strength.”

Sun He thought that there is a physical measure in “One Piece”, which is the Dao power value. This is on the island of justice, and the big mouth is silent.

The Dao power value of an ordinary soldier holding a gun is 10 points, and most ordinary people’s Dao power value is this.

Only when the Dao power value reaches 500 can it be considered a superhuman and be eligible to use the Six Styles. The weakest in CP9 is Chief Spandam, with only 9 Dao power. And Kalifa has a Dao power of 630.

The most powerful Rob Luqi, under human form, has 4,000 power points, and after transforming into a leopard man, I am afraid that this strength will double.

Sun He probably estimated his Dao power value, which was about 20. That is, to be able to deal with two or three ordinary naval soldiers.

In contrast, Sun He felt that he still had a long way to go.

“Now you have to increase your Dao power value first, and when you increase it to 500 Dao power points, not only can you use the six forms, but even if you use the fruit ability, you can do whatever you want.”

Of course, not everyone who reaches 500 power points can use the Six Style. This is a special physical skill that requires special exercise.

Otherwise, Shangis would not have defeated Gabra, who had a Dao power value of 2180 in human form, but learned Moon Step and Arashi Foot when he went to Shemale Island.

However, Sun He is not worried about this problem, he already knows how to exercise, as long as he reaches 500 power points, he can use it.

Sun He thought secretly, and began to look for wild beasts in the back mountain to start exercising.

At first, he was looking for those wild boars and jackals and the like, and when he encountered them, he directly pounced on them and fought them, and he did not use the ability.

It was a direct physical fight, and it did not stop until these boars and jackals were beaten down.

Of course, when he encounters something that he can’t beat, he will directly turn thunder to stun the other party, or directly teleport to escape, and then come back when his strength is strong.

After each exhaustion, Sun He used the Stamina Recovery Potion, which was very cheap and could be obtained for 100 Renown.

Every time after recovering his physical strength, his strength can be significantly improved, which is also what makes Sun He excited.

In the beginning, it took dozens of punches to kill a wild boar, but now it can be done directly with a dozen punches.

“Haha, the feeling of strength constantly getting stronger is really cool.”

Sun He shouted excitedly, and began to select more powerful beasts to fight, tigers and leopards, and even he went to provoke some mutated monsters to fight.

When dealing with mutant monsters, Sun He was embarrassed a lot.

These monsters are the size of an elephant, and they are also very sensitive, and the destructive power they create is strong enough.

In the end, Sun He had to cooperate with his ability to fight. However, he did not directly solve the monster with his thunder fist, but used teleportation to dodge the monster’s attack, and then went around the back to give a punch.

In this way, Sun He’s physical energy consumption was even faster, and his physical strength recovery potion was also consumed.

However, the strength is growing faster and faster! After three days had passed, according to Sun He’s own estimation, his Dao power had reached fifty.

Although the growth is very fast, he is still not satisfied enough, in this way, I don’t know how long it will take to reach five hundred, let alone reach the level of Robluci, and it is far from going to sea.

However, this kind of strength improvement speed is actually very fast, but Sun He himself is not satisfied.

He began to open the lottery system, came to the mall interface, and stared at the physical strength limit potion.


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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