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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 015

Since he said that he would help Gurita beat those pirates away, he had to do it.

Sun He also wants Gulita to be willing to join his Celestial God Pirate Group without worries.

Talita was a little flustered and said, “Big brother can’t do it, you are very powerful, but Menggda is a sea thief of 30 million Baileys, and there are hundreds of people under him.” Even if the big brother is powerful, he can’t beat them. ”

Sun He smiled and said, “How do you know if you haven’t tried it?” ”

Gulita looked at Sun He’s confident smile on her face, and she didn’t know why, her heart was beating wildly. Fang’s heart was confused, and he did not dare to look at Sun He’s face.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll lead the way for my big brother.” Gurita bowed her head and said.

Sun He patted her shoulder and said, “Don’t call me big brother in the future, you can call me captain or Sun He.” ”

Gurita quickly nodded and said, “Yes, Captain.” ”

Sun He smiled with satisfaction and followed Gulita into the Baili Kingdom.

Although the country of Bailey is a country, it is a small island country like Qioba’s hometown of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

There are not many people in the entire country, probably only a few thousand citizens plus soldiers.

Sun He is not only to help Gulita solve these pirates, but also for his prestige, when all the people will admire him, his reputation can be improved, and he can continue to draw prizes.

Just thinking about it, Sun He was a little excited.

Entering Bai Li Country, this is like a town, but there are few pedestrians on the street, and everyone is closed.

Gurita said sadly: “At the beginning, when these pirates came, they had no food and water, and they had no strength, and everyone was kind enough to provide them with food. Who knew they were still very talkative at first, but then they intensified and asked us to provide them with food frequently, and they refused to even leave here. ”

“A few days ago, they directly occupied several bar places, and asked everyone to pay them. If they didn’t agree, they beat people and killed several people. Even the king was slapped in public by them. ”

Sun He sneered: “They are really insatiable people, it seems that it is necessary to teach them the principles of being human.” ”

Gurita blinked her big eyes and said, “Is the captain going to reason with them?” ”

Sun He smiled and said, “Be reasonable? It should be, my fist is the truth! ”

Gurita: “…”

The two walked through the street, with wanted warrants pasted everywhere, which seemed to be wanted by this Mengdad pirate group.

“Gabriel 1 million Bailey.”

“Hammer 1.5 million Bailey.”

“Glee 5 million Bailey.”

Sun He looked at these wanted warrants, a mocking smile appeared on his face, and said, “Yohe, the bounty is much more real.” ”

But Gurita took it seriously and said, “Yes, their bounty is really large, and their captain has a reward of 30 million Baileys.” There is also a new pirate on board, who is said to offer a reward of 17 million Baileys. ”

Sun He smiled slightly and said, “It’s even less than that explosive head.” ”

“But I heard that the new one was stronger than the explosive head, and the two once fought on the street, and the explosive head was beaten by the new arrival and vomited blood. Some people even suggested that the new arrival be the first captain. Gurita explained with fear flashing in her eyes.

Sun He was unimpressed, even if he was strong, could he still be stronger than him? He didn’t even put that Mongdad in his eyes, let alone the newcomer.

“After walking for so long, where are those people you are talking about?”

“Right at the end of the bar street in front, they took over the bar and were in it basically every day.”

Sun He nodded, then strode forward, turned around, and said, “Gurita, don’t follow you in later, I’m worried that when the fight starts, I won’t have time to protect you.” ”

Gulita also knew that she was a burden, and quickly nodded, but she was worried: “Captain, if you can’t beat it, run quickly.” ”

Sun He didn’t say much, he never thought he couldn’t beat it.

Gurita did not continue to follow, watching Sun He push the bar into it, she turned to leave.

“Captain, I won’t let you have trouble.” Gurita ran, and she ran in the direction of the castle where the king lived.

Inside the bar.

At the bar, a young woman in an apron was wiping her wine glass, her eyes were full of haggardness, and there were several tall men sitting on the edge of the bar.

Below the dance floor were dozens of people, everyone cheering loudly, some playing cards, others playing Russian turntables with daggers. Others were dueling with swords, and the duel attracted almost everyone’s attention here.

“Come on Yamada, I crushed you 100,000 Baileys, if you lose, don’t say it’s our fifth team.”

“Lange don’t lose, as a member of our sixth team, if you lose, you know the consequences.”

The people who came down were shouting, and they all wanted to rush up.

The two pirates are dueling, both with real knives and real guns, and they seem to kill red eyes, and every move is a killing move.

It’s hard to imagine that these two people turned out to be partners in a boat.

Their companions are even more shouting, asking them to kill each other, it is simply incomprehensible, these people, are they really partners?

Sun He’s entry didn’t even attract any attention from them, or someone saw it, just glanced at it and didn’t pay much attention.

The people drinking at the bar also watched with interest, and Sun He came here and picked a seat to sit.

“Have a glass of Mary.” Sun He reached out and knocked on the bar and looked at the lady.

The proprietress glanced at him, slightly stunned, and seemed to feel that Sun He was a little strange, she had basically seen everyone in her own country, and everyone who had seen this Mengda pirate group, but she had never seen Sun He.

This is an outsider!

She poured Sun He a glass of wine and stepped forward and whispered: “Child, leave here after drinking, someone may trouble you later.” ”

Sun He smiled and ignored it.

Several big men at the same bar glanced at Sun He and found that Sun He was staring at them, and they couldn’t help but be angry.

Just as he was about to attack, the duel over there had already been divided.

“Haha, it’s still Yamada powerful, Lange was cut off an arm, it’s really inferior.”

“I knew Yamada won, haha, hurry up and give the money, I won.”

“Give money to give money, and I won too.”

“It’s a shame that I bet on Lange to win, and he turned out to be a waste.”

The pirates are all shouting.

The victorious pirate stood on the table and toasted, and the people below cheered for him. The person who lost came to the bar with his head down, and some dared not look at the man in the middle.

Sun He looked at it expressionlessly, and the duel between his companions was even over, and he gave such a ruthless hand. And it seems that the matter is not over.


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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