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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 017

The atmosphere inside the bar suddenly became dignified.

But more is that the people of the Mengdad Pirate Group plan to watch Klick torture and kill Sun He, this unknown pirate group, a pirate group with only two people, even dares to call Heavenly God!

Klick’s eyes are gloomy, holding a big war gun is smashing over, although his big war gun is a gun, but if it is hit, it will explode, which is very insidious.


Sun He dodged instantly, and he did not use the teleportation of the Thunder Fruit. Demon abilities are very physically draining.

Although Sun He really wants to improve his strength by consuming physical strength and then recovering it, it is best to keep his physical strength full when fighting people.

“Damn, I actually avoided it.” Klick turned his head sharply and looked to the right.

“Wow, it’s really responsive.” Sun He sneered, and he had already appeared on the bar on Klick’s right.

“Give me death!” Klick smashed the big war gun with his backhand.

Sun He disappeared again, and his big war gun destroyed the bar, bursting open, and wood chips flew around.

“Damn, do you just hide? Didn’t you say you were going to kill me? Klick roared and stabbed his backhand into the position behind him as he sensed a wave of danger coming behind him.



He stabbed his backhand and exploded violently, emitting puffs of black smoke.

Klick turned back with a sneer, watched the black smoke clear, and said sarcastically: “Isn’t it very capable of hiding?” Why don’t you hide? ”

The pirates also laughed and cheered for Klick.

The black smoke gradually dispersed, Sun He reached out and grabbed the tip of the big war gun, and a burst of blue smoke came out of his body, but the whole person was like a nobody.

“Hmph, a little skill, it’s not dead!” Klick sneered and jerked his hand.

However, he couldn’t get the big war gun back when he pulled his hand, and his arm strength was one ton, but he was held by Sun He with his fingers and couldn’t take it back.

This shows that Sun He’s strength is greater than his.

Sun He’s eyes were full of teasing, “Overlord of the East Sea? Just by virtue of a clown like you, you can also say that you are the overlord of the East China Sea? ”

Klick’s eyes were red, and with a spin of his hand, the golden shield above the large war gun was erected, and then a round of muzzles appeared.

“Machine gun!”


Countless bullets erupted from the muzzle of that round and hit Sun He’s body.

“Hahaha… Didn’t expect that, right? Klick laughed, but when he saw that Sun He had bullet holes in his body but did not bleed, his eyes widened suddenly.

“Huh, are you happy? Didn’t expect anything? Sun He’s face was full of ridicule, “Isn’t it still poisonous?” Why don’t you have to come out? ”

“Who the hell are you?” Klick was shocked, he felt that all his cards had been seen through by this man.

There was poisonous gas on his golden shield, and those who knew about this were basically dead. Not dead yet, only the people of the sea restaurant and the Straw Hat Pirates.

It is impossible for the people of the Sea Restaurant to tell anyone about him Klick, and the Straw Hat Pirates are now nearing the second half of the Great Voyage.

In other words, basically no one knows about it. However, the mysterious man in front of him knew so much.

Sun He smiled and said, “Hehe, it seems that your head has become stupid when you were beaten by Luffy, I just finished saying that my name is Sun He, the captain of the Celestial God Pirates, you actually forgot.” ”

Klick was immediately furious, and when he changed his hand again, the golden shield stretched out a black hole.

Seeing that hole appear, Sun He’s face changed slightly, those people from the Mengdad Pirate Group were inexplicable, and they thought it was some kind of shelling.

But Sun He knew that it was MH5, a gas attack by Klick.

Originally, this poisonous gas, Sun He is not afraid, he can leave at any time, but there is also a boss lady here, if it sprays out, the people here basically can’t live.

And although he is a natural fruit, he does not dare to guarantee that he will be fine if he inhales the poisonous gas.

Those with natural abilities can only be immune to physical strikes without domineering blessings, and attribute damage cannot be avoided.

“Hmph, give me death!” Klick reached into his arms and felt out a gas mask.

“Hey, hey, Dust Chop!”

Sun He moved his hands in unison and slashed at the big war gun.


But he doesn’t have Sauron’s ability now, he can’t cut off the gold and iron, just leave traces on the big war gun.

“Invincible, can also send out slashes, what is this ability?” Klick’s eyes widened, a little incredulous.


Sun He instantly let go of the big war gun, came behind Klick, and before he could turn around, he stabbed it out sharply.

“Finger guns, machine guns!”


Sun He’s fingers pierced Klick’s armor, his finger gun was originally like a bullet, plus his fast chopping fruit, making the fingers extremely sharp, and instantly pierced the armor.


More than a dozen blood holes appeared behind Klick, and the big war gun in his hand could no longer be gripped, fell to the ground, and a trace of poisonous gas began to leak out.

He quickly put on the gas mask, but before he could get close to his face, he was snatched over.

“Give it back to me!”

Klick was about to spurt blood when he spoke, and glared at Sun He fiercely.

The poisonous gas has begun to spread, and if there is no gas mask, even he will die!

“God’s sanction!”

Sun He stepped over, stepped on the lightning thunder on his foot, and directly electrocuted Klick’s whole person.

At least three million volts at this foot, the seriously injured Klick could not withstand it at all.

“Ah, he killed Captain Klick!”

“How is it possible, how did he kill Captain Klick?”

“He is an ability, a natural Devil Fruit ability.”

“Run! Go to the back mountain to find Captain Menghada to deal with him. ”

“Arashi Foot Thousand People Kill!”

Sun He kicked out hundreds of feet, hundreds of Lan feet flew out, and the entire bar became unrecognizable, and those people were hit by his Lan feet, basically either broken hands or feet, or died directly.

“Hostess, let’s go!”

The gambling spread, Sun He teleported to the side of the hostess, put a gas mask on her, and then carried her away from the bar instantly.

Outside the bar, there was still no one outside, but Sun He felt a loud noise in the direction of the back mountain.


Someone didn’t die and rushed out of the bar.

“Arashi, get me back!”

Sun He kicked out and kicked back the escaped person again.

Then a few more escaped inside, all of them were kicked back by Sun He. Finally, three minutes later, no one escaped.

Sun He knew that the people inside were dead. Either killed by his lan foot or poisoned by Klick’s poisonous gas!

He put down the hostess and said apologetically: “Lady, I’m really sorry to ruin your shop.” ”

The proprietress shook her head and said, “It’s okay, now while Mengdad hasn’t killed, you should quickly escape!” ”

Sun He’s face was full of teasing, “Escape? I wish he came. He’s in the back mountain, right? I’ll meet him. ”

With that, he instantly disappeared in place.


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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