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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 050

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The Tenjin is heading for Gaya Island.

The Great Voyage was really when the weather was changeable and the wind was fine, and Sun He and the others were fishing or cultivating on the deck.

When the weather was bad, they had to sit idly in the cabin.

But basically Sun He sits idly, and others can also practice or read books in the cabin.

After all, others are weak in strength, and it is okay to toss in the cabin, he can’t do it, otherwise the Tenjin will be destroyed.

So when he was bored, Sun He could only play cards with Bartol and others.

When the sun is out, start exercising, which can be described as diligent.

But after seven days, only three days of sunshine, and he can only exercise for three days, which makes him depressed.

Sun He’s exercise is also different from before, after all, it is difficult for him to consume all his physical strength.

He could only continue to use the falling thunder discharge to temper his thunder fruit ability, and finally he could use 200 million volts.

How to say, it is also at the level of Anilu.

He believes that if he continues, he will definitely be able to make 300 million or even 400 million or 500 million volts, or even more.

However, by using the physical energy consumed by the Thunder Fruit, replenishing it, the increased Dao power value has little effect.

It’s just a strengthening of the ability to ring thunder.

It seems that if you want to increase your physical strength value, you can only do it through your own tempering.

For example, doing push-ups or running, these exercises that intuitively increase physical fitness can increase the basic Dao force value.

Otherwise, it consumes physical strength by using ability, and what increases the proficiency and power of the ability is increased, rather than its own basic physical ability.

This is also why Sun He did not constantly use the Thunder Fruit to consume his physical strength, then replenish it, and then increase his strength.

This is simply not possible!

And as Sun He’s strength became stronger and stronger, he wanted to consume all his physical strength, and it was difficult to do it in a short time just by running and push-ups.

You can only increase the intensity of exercise and do more and more intense exercise.

This is fine on land, but even more difficult on board.

Therefore, after three days, Sun He only increased his power by 100 points, which was simply slow compared to before.

But Sun He also knows that the stronger the strength, the harder it is to become stronger.

There is no way, the conditions are not allowed, and he can only take his time.

Finally, on the seventh day, the Tenjin saw Gaya Island in sight.

“After so many days, we finally see Gaya Island, and we need to replenish some food and water.” Gurita breathed a sigh of relief.

Carmen smiled and said, “I really have to buy some materials to put back, I also have to buy a refrigerator, and all kinds of kitchen utensils also need to be replaced.” ”

Yasiba said, “It is said that there are many pirates in this place, and I hope to exchange for something good and improve my sniper rifle.” ”

When Sun He heard this, his heart moved.

He actually cares about Asibah’s sniping, and the straw-hatted Usopp’s sniper slingshot can fire all kinds of bullets, and the range is so long.

As a sniper on his ship, Yasiba is simply not comparable to the range of the first one.

It seems that it is necessary to give Assiba some special bullets, such as the Sea Lou Stone Net Bullet that can capture those who can capture the ability of natural fruits, or the Sea Lou Stone Bullet.

For example, some smoke bombs, bombs and the like can be reduced as bullets.

Assiba also hopes to have these, and he also has the ability to make it, but there is no material.

“Everyone takes some money, and when the time comes, they will buy what they like in town.” Sun He let everyone take the money and use it casually.

The ship is about to land, and before that, Sun He intends to do some lotteries.

During this time, as his wanted warrant spread around the world, people who saw him admired or feared him, and they all developed more or less prestige.

Now his reputation has skyrocketed by more than 300,000, counting the previous one, it has suddenly reached as much as 380,000.


Sun He immediately opened the lottery and did not use the Lucky Ring.

In his opinion, landing on Gaya Island is one step closer to the empty island, and such a good day draw must have gained something.

However, after consuming 80,000 reputation points and drawing eighty times, what you got was a healing potion, a six-style skill book, and a stamina recovery potion.

The only consolation was that I got 9 bottles of the Stamina Limit Potion.

In this way, his Dao power value suddenly increased to 4000, and it was not so painful.

After all, it is difficult for him to increase his Dao power value by a hundred now, and it is indeed gratifying to increase 900 Dao power points at once.

If he buys it in the mall, he will consume at least 900,000 reputation points.

Speaking of which, it is also earned.

“Smoke again, if I haven’t obtained the Devil Fruit this time, I swear to chop my hands.” Sun He muttered viciously.

Or the gods are pitiful, not wanting him to deceive himself, this time the pointer finally stopped on the devil fruit class.

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

Sparkling fruit?

Sun He almost didn’t jump up when he heard this, isn’t this fruit the fruit of the Great General Yellow Ape?

“Haha, I didn’t expect to draw the natural fruit. And this is still the fruit of the yellow ape, and the power to use is absolutely extraordinary. ”

Sun He immediately ate this fruit.

Thinking of the yellow ape shining on the Chambord Land, and the war on the top is radiant, now he also wants this ability, and there are thunder fruits and other fruits, which can definitely be more dazzling than the yellow ape.

After eating the shining fruit, Sun He’s body seemed to have an electric current sliding by.

Instantly restored to its original state.

“In vain, I spent 80,000 reputation points to draw a lottery, got the physical strength limit potion, and also got this shining fruit.”

Sun He suppressed his excitement and stood on the edge of the boat, intending to try this ability.

Just at this time, a serpentine sea king appeared in the sea, opening its mouth to bite the Tenjin.

During this time, Sun He encountered a lot of sea kings, and it was also their only fun to pass the time.

This time, seeing the sea king class appear again, Yasiba and the others are about to strike again, but Sun He is faster than them.

“Laser rays!”

Sun He stretched out his index finger, and a yellow light shot out from his finger, instantly shooting through the body of this sea king.

This is not the end, the light explodes in the distance, and the light is dazzling.

Carmen and the others were stunned, when did the captain master this ability?

The sea king was pointed through the body, but not dead, but already afraid and wanted to get to the bottom of the sea.

“Hehe, deliberately don’t kill you with one hit, and still want to leave?”

Sun He chuckled, teleported into the air, and kicked out.

“Lightspeed kick!”

The photons on his feet accumulated, and a laser was instantly kicked.

The laser fell on the body of the sea king, directly blew it into a dry corpse, and was about to sink to the bottom of the sea.

“Tiancong Cloud Sword!”

Sun He wrapped his hands around him, condensed into a long sword, and cut out continuously, cutting this sea king into several segments.

ps: Please support the subscription, this book is officially on the shelf, if the results are good, it will be changed five times a day. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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