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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 086

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is also a supernova, but he is so despised by Sun He, the strange monk Urki is furious.

“Then I’ll let you see how powerful Lao Tzu is.” Urki roared angrily and swept over with a stick, vowing to sweep Sun He away.

“Sengzheng, he is a natural department, he can’t beat it…”

“Let’s run.”

The people under his hands persuaded one after another.

However, it was already too late, Sun He reached out again to grab the iron pestle, and immediately chuckled: “Discharge · 100 million volts!” ”

The lightning passed through the iron pestle and instantly reached Urki’s body.

In Sun He’s opinion, this move is enough to kill Urki in seconds, even if he can’t kill him, he can seriously injure the strange monk.


The strange monk’s body was full of thunder and lightning, his face was full of sneering, his body was raised in vain, and his body was a little trembling and smoking from the lightning.

At the same time, Sun He actually felt that he was shocked by 100 million volts, if it were not for the fact that he himself was a thunderclap ability, I am afraid that this move would make him a little overwhelmed.

“Karma reincarnation, want to hurt me? Dream! ”

The strange monk Urki smiled viciously and continued to attack Sun He, but his iron pestle swept directly through Sun He’s body, but it could not hurt anyone.

Sun He smiled lightly: “I almost forgot that you are a causal fruit”

The karmic fruit is a relatively special superhuman line, and no matter how much damage the ability takes, it can bounce back to the enemy.

But the premise is that he also has to bear it himself, depending on whether he can withstand this injury.

However, because of this ability, the ability itself actually does not really bear as much as the caster.

“If you have some skills, I’ll spare your life.” Sun He smiled softly, kicked the iron pestle into the air, and immediately grabbed the strange Jekama who had already been dumbfounded and left.

When Sun He calmly left for a long time, the scene slowly became sound.

“He just left? Didn’t he come to kill the monster monk? ”

“Such a terrifying ability, it is simply invincible, who can kill him?”

“I’m afraid that only people in the new world can do it, it is said that there are people in it who will be domineering.”

“What is domineering?”

“Let’s go too, stay here…”

“Wow~~ Urki, what do you want to do?”

This shipyard suddenly turned into a hell on earth, and the strange monk who was humiliated by Sun He directly stormed away, and began to kill with his companions!

After Urki swept a person away, he looked in the direction Sun He left and muttered, “With this kind of domineering posture, is he going to become One Piece?” Hehe, that’s interesting. ”

He doesn’t think he’s going to lose, he’s going to be One Piece. When he learns to be domineering, he will not be afraid of Sun He at that time.

At least, that’s what he thought.


On the other side, Sun He grabbed the monster Jekama and went to a remote place and threw him on the ground.

“Your Excellency, let me go. Wrong, I’m really wrong… Kneeling on the ground and constantly kowtowing, his head is broken and he doesn’t care.

It’s better to shed some blood now than to be beaten to death when the time comes.

Sun He said, “Tell me, there is not an old man and a woman in her forties and fifties, but very beautiful?” They run a tavern, but they also do coating work. The hostess is called Xia Qi! ”

Sun He didn’t say Leily’s name, since this old man is incognito here, I’m afraid he won’t use his real name!

As for Xia Qi’s grade, he didn’t know it, he looked only forty or fifty years old, but in fact, he had been chased and killed by Karp forty years ago.

Karma was stunned, he didn’t expect that this person had done so many things and killed so many people, just to ask for directions?

Xia Qi? Who’s this?

Also old men and beautiful women?


Although Kama didn’t know who it was, seeing Sun He’s murderous gaze, he kowtowed again and again, “Your Excellency Heavenly God spares your life, I don’t know the specific location, but I will definitely help you find out.” ”

Sun He said indifferently: “So you don’t know? So what’s the use of keeping you? ”

Karma immediately said: “Don’t kill me, I have a lot of people, and it’s easy to find.” ”

“Okay, let your subordinates look for it immediately, and after they find it, they will all come here to report.” Just find a phone bug near here and call back. Sun He escorted Kama to the street to make a phone call.

Things were quickly ordered, and the traffickers were also moving quickly.

Karma did not dare to make small moves, mainly because he knew that Sun He was powerful, this is a natural system, they do not have sea lou stones, they will not be domineering, and they can’t kill people at all.

I have to say that these traffickers are the head snakes of the Chambord Islands, and they can know wherever there is wind and grass.

It couldn’t be easier for them to go find someone who also has a name and characteristics.

Two hours later, more than a hundred people immediately arrived under the No. 56 mangrove tree. This is the agreed place where Sun He asked them to come.

A group of people trembled and came to report: “Boss, we have found the person you want us to find, just within the 13th area, near the mangrove tree. ”

Sun He determined the place, and his face was suddenly full of smiles.

“That lady named Xia Qi is in Aunt Xia’s bamboo bar bar, and that old man is occasionally over there, but now the old man doesn’t know where to go.”

Sun He: This is the name of the bar that comes to mind.

Although he loves “One Piece”, he can’t remember everything in it. I don’t know where the bar is.

“Well, now that you know what I know, you can die next!”

Sun He smiled indifferently and used Falling Thunder to destroy these traffickers.

Karma said angrily, “You don’t keep your promises! ”

“I didn’t say I would release you, and now I kill you, why don’t I keep my promises?” Sun He said sarcastically.

Human traffickers must die!

After killing all these people, Sun He headed for Area 13.


Area 13.

Aunt Xia’s bamboo bar bar.

It was a small bar, and Sun He stepped into it with a smile.

Inside, he saw that many pirates were drinking, and the hostess was a big-breasted aunt with short black hair and wearing black tights.

Looking at the age, it is about forty years old, but Sun He estimates that this woman is already in her sixties.

“Have a glass of juice.” Sun He sat in front of the water bar and clapped his hands.

The proprietress Aunt Xia glanced at him, her eyes changed slightly, and she immediately quietly took a glass of juice and handed it to him.

Sun He drank casually, and didn’t say much.

The other pirates in the bar began to pay the bill, but they were severely blackmailed by Aunt Xia, and they started if they were not convinced, but they were not Aunt Xia’s opponents at all.

In the end, this group of pirates all drove Aunt Xia out.

Half an hour later, there were only two people left in the bar, Sun He and Aunt Xia.

Sun He drank the juice with an indifferent smile on his face.

“Is the lady planning to blackmail me? This glass of juice won’t cost a million Baileys, right? Sun He turned around and looked at Aunt Xia with a smile. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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