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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 099

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The furious Zhan Taomaru suddenly came to the front of Sun He, and was about to split out with an axe.

“Do you think that if you are a capable person, you are really invincible?” Orochimaru sneered.

Sun He’s eyes were full of ridicule, and he didn’t know when, within a radius of three thousand meters, he was already shrouded in his surgical space.

“ROOM Control!”

I saw Sun He snap his fingers, and Zhan Taomaru felt that his body was being pulled, and the axe was about to fall.

When it fell, the outlook suddenly changed dramatically.

Unexpectedly, he came thousands of meters away, and his axe suddenly fell into the air, slashed on a tree, and directly cut off the tree at the waist.

He hurriedly looked up and saw that Sun He had completely absorbed the pacifist into his body, and was standing with his hands in his hands at this time.

Zhan Taomaru was shocked, hurriedly took out a controller, and pressed it several times, but there was no reaction.

When Sun He saw it, he was also shocked, it won’t be an explosion system installed on the M1, right? If it exploded directly in his body, he would not be able to eat it even if it was a natural department.

“Damn, there is no signal.” Orochimaru threw the controller to the ground and stomped on it.

“Damn, dare to snatch my pacifist and kill you!” Zhan Taomaru was furious, and directly carried the axe and rushed over again.

At the same time, he also shouted: “Turn on the high-speed battle mode all and kill him!” ”

The five pacifists all received the order, immediately switched the battle mode, and suddenly disappeared in place, more than ten times faster.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the four sides and above Sun He, directly blocking the direction in which Sun He could retreat.

At the same time, they punched continuously, and the fists were naturally inlaid with sea lou stones.

Sun He cursed, “Your sister, there are so many models of pacifists? ”

Scolding and scolding, he still has to dodge.

These pacifists are powerful, and every force they hit is afraid to have a damage of 10,000 power points!

Sun He’s Dao power value has now reached 6,000, and with it, it has just reached the 2nd grade armed color domineering, I am afraid that the strongest explosive power and defense power are also more than this.

However, combat power is not divided by this, and many factors determine the level of combat power.

These pacifists are not afraid of pain, and they use steel to make it, even Shangis’s kind of kick. Solon’s kind of slash that can cut off all the steel only leaves some traces.

In this way, it can be seen how terrible the defense of these pacifists is, and the explosive power of the fist cannot be underestimated.

On top of that, their fists are inlaid with sea lou stones.

If he is touched by the sea lou stone, even if Sun He’s defense is strong, his physical fitness will decline rapidly, and he will not be able to stop it at all.


Sun He instantly used the space to retreat, removing all five righteous people.

Again, these pacifists got too close and attacked and did not show up. Otherwise, Sun He wanted five to control the transmission together, but he was still very sleepy

However, after sending these five thousands of meters away, he gasped slightly and secretly said, “The use of this surgical fruit is actually more physically demanding than other abilities?” If pacifists are armed, I am afraid it will be more physically exhausting. ”

He immediately closed the surgical space, and even if he only used two natural abilities, he could calmly dodge and fight back.

Zhan Taomaru killed in front of him, and Sun He kicked out.

“Lightspeed kick!”


Orochimaru snorted coldly, and actually dodged this attack very easily.

“Uncle Yellow Ape is a Shining Fruit ability, and I don’t know how many times I have been taught by him with his ability. Your lightspeed kick is dozens of times worse than him. Orochimaru said sarcastically.

Sun He also undeniably said that the gap between him and the yellow ape was indeed very large.

It was as if Aunt Xia had said that Renly’s strength was more than a hundred times stronger than Luffy.

The yellow ape who has a fight with Renly, that combat power is definitely not comparable to Sun He at this stage. There are not a hundred times, dozens of times too.

But Sun He will not be arrogant, let alone discouraged. How long has he only been debuting? How long has it been since Yellow Ape debuted?

The ages of the two sides are there, if Sun He is given decades of hard work, he is confident, not to mention the yellow ape, the entire One Piece world is on it together, he can punch out!

“Hehe, although I have some differences with the yellow ape, do you still want to ride on Lao Tzu’s head?” Sun He also smiled.

“Have the ability to fight Lao Tzu closely!” Orochimaru roared, and every time he tried to attack, he would be dodged by Sun He, and then used thunder or laser light to stop him from approaching.

This kind of playing style is too humiliating for him.

If it weren’t for his claim to be the strongest defense in the world, in addition to his own super defense, I am afraid that he would have fallen.

Sun He said, “As you wish!” ”

He did not hide anymore, but took out the dead wood, and the armed color domineering was wrapped around his body and sword.

“Huh?” Zhan Taomaru’s eyes widened all of a sudden, “You actually mastered domineering? ”

In his opinion, these pirates in the first half of the great voyage, let alone master domineering, even if they know the existence of domineering, it is already very remarkable.

Who knows, the man in front of him has actually mastered the domineering, and looking at the momentum, it is obviously not the appearance that he has mastered recently.

“Less nonsense, one knife flow Juhe!”

Sun He had drawn a lot of Solon’s move skill books before, some of which he gave to Qiu Xi, and some of which he ate himself.

And with those dozens of sword skill books as the foundation, his current sword art is also presentable, plank and eye-catching.

His whole body rushed over, and the cold light flashed.


The sword slashed at Zhan Momomaru’s body, but it emitted the sound of gold and iron clashing.

When Sun He stopped, he turned around and glanced at Zhan Taomaru, and couldn’t help but frown.

“Haha, Lao Tzu is the strongest man in the world, and the six-type iron block he masters is the strongest in the navy, and you also want to break Lao Tzu’s defense?” Orochimaru laughed proudly.

Sun He was shocked for a while, this battle peach pill ability is really big. Although claiming to be the strongest in the world is definitely bragging, but defense is really not to say.

This ability to resist blows is still really strong.

Next, the two began to engage in hand-to-hand combat, and the five pacifists also wanted to step forward to help, but were stopped by Zhan Momomaru.

Proud as a war peach pill, how could he let others help, he wanted to defeat Sun He himself.

However, after the two fought close to each other for a long time, Zhan Taomaru was a little shocked to find that Sun He’s basic combat ability was not weaker than him.

Even, faintly, he was suppressed!

This discovery made Orochimaru a little unacceptable! _

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One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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