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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 103

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Qiu Hao’s side killed all sides, which suddenly reduced the pressure on Gulita and the others.

He even directly began to rush into the navy soldiers, constantly slashing, and with his ability, hundreds of people were defeated in an instant.

In this way, the lethality caused by Qiu Hao was only lower than that of Sun He.

But soon, a major general and three colonels rushed to surround him. These four people seem to have some skills, although they are also a little busy by the gravity of the autumn underworld, but they seem to have some coping methods.

In general, the number of people solved is still too small for this mountainous navy.

“Luffy, you can’t fight, we have to run quickly.” Nami, as a relatively clear mind in the straw hat, naturally found that something was wrong.

Nicole Robin did the same, and immediately shouted: “Everyone run quickly, the navy is more and more, and it can’t be dragged.” ”

“Can you run away?” Orochimaru immediately joined the battle group, and his appearance was simply destructive.

The domineering Battle Peach Pill was terrifying for Luffy and them.

Luffy, the rubber man, who originally had a certain rebound effect on boxing, directly withstood the attack of Battle Peach Pill under the armed color.

“It hurts…” Luffy screamed strangely as he was ejected.

Nami shouted, “How so? You’re a rubber man. ”

Sun He didn’t have time to explain too much, he now controlled the continuous blows of the thunder, tried to destroy all the soldiers, and took people away early.

But at this time, a voice flashed in his head.

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

Sun He was stunned and immediately entered the lottery interface.

“Congratulations on getting the Stamina Recovery Potion, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the sword skill book, do you use it?”

“Congratulations on getting the Invisibility Charm, do you use it?”


In just one second, three draws were swiped, and at the same time, all the things obtained were saved.

Even if he obtained the sword skill book, Sun He didn’t have time to pay attention to it, he just remembered that he seemed to have obtained the overlord color skill book just now.

Immediately open the mall backpack and look through it from the front.

Invisibility charms.

Sword skill book.

Stamina recovery potion.

Stamina cap potion.

Agility potions.


It wasn’t until the bottom, a few spaces, that Sun He discovered that there was really a red and purple skill book.

Overlord Color Skill Book!

Sun He was ecstatic, and immediately took it out, and there was a steady stream of new items coming in behind, and even the physical strength ceiling potion, and he didn’t take another look.

Now there is no time, Lao Tzu wants to overlord color!

Sun He almost shouted out in his heart, and ate the overlord color skill book.

Just for a moment, Sun He’s heart had a feeling of domination and loneliness. Pointing directly to a thought, he felt a breath in his heart, a momentum that defied everything.

Looking at the endless stream of navies surrounding him, he had a sense of pride in his heart.

It feels like coming and going fast.

But with just a thought, Sun He knew how to use the overlord color.


With a cold snort, Sun He’s body exuded a dominating momentum, directly sweeping the entire battlefield.

At this moment, everyone’s hearts beat a little faster, and then some people began to lose their eyes and fell down.




The entire battlefield was originally full of people, inside and out.

They desperately rushed inside, even if they wanted to use the tactics of the sea of people, they also wanted to arrest the Straw Hat gang and the Celestial God gang.

However, this sudden domineering swept away directly cast a shadow on their hearts.

Everyone fell like dumplings, and in the end, there were less than a hundred people standing on the entire battlefield.

The rest of the people are not people from the two sea pirate groups, or general-level figures in the navy, as well as war peach pills and human weapons.

These are powerful people, or they are also people who have experienced those battles of blood and fire.

Even Hades Rayleigh’s overlord color didn’t let them fall, let alone Sun He’s overlord color.

However, although none of these people fell, they all looked at Sun He with a shocked expression.

They looked at Sun He like a monster, as if Sun He had turned into a real god at this moment.

Qiu Yu and the others were pleasantly surprised: “This is the overlord color? Is this what the captain calls the overlord color? He really got it. ”

Luffy and they looked shocked, “This is Uncle Reilly’s…”

For some reason, they have a desire to master this ability, and this thought takes root in their heads like a seed.

Sun He stood there like an overlord peerless and independent, and all the originally dense people fell, which made him have a thirst for power in his heart.

It took ten thousand thunder to solve everyone, and as a result, a bully color was done, which made Sun He’s heart ecstatic.

In the future, to deal with the slag, you don’t have to use ten thousand thunder at every turn, directly a tyrant color passed, all seconds off.

The range is wide and the effect is good.

And it is also more domineering, giving people the appearance of invincibility.

The most important thing is handsome!

Zhan Taomaru abandoned Luffy and came to Sun He, “I can’t imagine that you have such potential.” ”

Sun He said indifferently: “Hehe, it’s not just potential, I’ve mastered the overlord color!” ”

Orochimaru frowned and muttered, “It’s impossible, this must be something you can only use occasionally.” ”

Sun He smiled indifferently, looked at the remaining three majors who were still standing, his eyes were slightly condensed, and the momentum of the world swept out again.

But this time he was not targeting everyone, but the three majors.


One major could not withstand the pressure and simply collapsed.

The other two majors also felt as if they were being stared at by a peerless overlord, their hearts suddenly beat fast, their blood flow accelerated, and although they did not faint, their bodies began to soften.

“This, really mastered?” Orochimaru’s eyes widened, his eyes full of disbelief.

The other rear admirals all had the same expression, apparently somewhat unacceptable.

Sun He converged his overlord color, shook his head and sighed in his heart, still not satisfied with his performance.

Originally, there were quite a few majors, but there were still three who were not defeated, and the strength was passable. But unexpectedly, Sun He condensed domineering energy specifically targeting the three of them, and it was just a shock to knock down one.

And he now feels that he can no longer use the overlord color in a short period of time, and it doesn’t have much effect when he uses it.

It seems that this thing is just like a magic skill, after using it, it needs a cooldown.

“What are you doing stunned? Hurry up and run! ”

After Sun He saw that he had made an overlord color, he seemed to shock everyone. The Straw Hats and the Autumn Hats were still in place, and they forgot to run!

ps: Finally wrote about the overlord color, if you think it is good, you can give an automatic subscription. Also, about the direction of the plot of this book, if you have any good suggestions, go directly to the comment area to leave a message, I will read it. Previously, I discussed with a reader whether One Piece is the strongest. Everyone’s brain hole is sometimes bigger than the author, I hope you will actively leave a message. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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