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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 107

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Thousands of meters away, the Tenjin ran so far.

However, before Sun He and the others could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw the squirrel and Orochimaru chasing after them with pacifists.

This made Sun He frown slightly, but at the same time there was some joy in his heart.

What he is waiting to do, if these people are still there, I am afraid it will be difficult to do, no, it will be very difficult.

That squirrel is enough to contain him!

And those pacifists who free their hands and turn on the high-speed mode, from time to time they can punch him in the back.

However, although they caught up, Sun He was not worried that they would be able to cause harm to their own people again.

His gaze turned from the squirrel and the others, intending to see how the Straw Hats and the gang were doing, hoping that Bartholomew did not appear.

Looking over, Bartholomew did not appear, but the yellow ape and Renly stopped, and the yellow ape raised his foot to kick at the speed of light!

“Grass mud horse, in the face of Hades King Renly, you also dare to be distracted to attack Lao Tzu!” Sun He cursed and quickly controlled the Thor to dodge.

However, it was useless, if it was his own, he could easily avoid it from such a distance.

However, the Thor is flying in the air, just like drifting with the wind in the sea, the straight speed is fast, but the speed of soaring is as slow as a turtle crawling.


The lightspeed kick hit the barrier without any suspense.

Sun He has already stood at the forefront of the lightspeed kick and opened the strongest defense, that is, he is worried that the barrier cannot be blocked, and he can block it!

He knew that the yellow ape was powerful, and that was not at all comparable to a lieutenant general of the level of a squirrel.

The power of his own lightspeed kick is not weak, not to mention the yellow ape’s lightspeed kick, I am afraid that it is dozens of times more powerful than him, or even hundreds of times.

This is not an exaggeration, after all, people have been immersed in this way for decades, and they are more skilled than him!

Even if Sun He has a physical strength potion, he will not be able to catch up in a short time, and besides, when he improves his strength, his entire mind is on the shining fruit.

Fortunately, although this lightspeed kick is powerful, it has not completely destroyed the barrier.

However, Bartol’s face was livid, and the whole person seemed to have tried his best to support the barrier, insisting without saying a word.

Although the barrier is not broken, it is also crumbling and may rot at any time.

After the Thor flew out a few kilometers again, it also recovered!

On the battlefield over there of the Straw Hat gang, the yellow ape looked surprised, and said, “It’s really interesting, it was able to block my kick!” ”

Reilly stepped forward and swept over with a sword, unseen ease and casualness, and it could be seen that he did not use his full strength.

“Hehe, these people are all seedlings of the future, how can it be simple?” Renly was a little proud and smiled.

However, after speaking, he turned his head with some concern and glanced at the Straw Hats.

Compared with Sun He’s side, the straw hat is a little worse. Or that their average combat strength is good, but they are not as outstanding as Sun He’s ability.

A captain Sun He has several abilities and is young. Has mastered the tricolor domineering and talented!

Various abilities are frequent, even if they are powerful such as. I can’t take him down.

And then there was also a combatant . There is even the ability of Lieutenant General Fuji Hu to smile, which directly allows him to make up for his lack of combat strength.

Dozens of times the gravity down, for these supernovae, it is really a lot of pressure.

It can even be said that the young man named Qiu Hao, if he uses gravity ability, he can even deal with the straw hat.

However, what Straw Hat is best at is explosiveness, and his explosive power is extremely powerful. If you really fight, that Qiu Hao may not have much chance of winning!

Retracting his gaze, Reilly sighed, hoping that the Straw Hats would escape from the pacifists.

He was able to help solve the pacifist, and even stopped the yellow ape again.

However, he did not do this, he stopped the yellow apes that were not at all the level of the Straw Hats, and it was enough.

If the Straw Hats can’t escape at the hands of pacifists, it’s a flower in a greenhouse, and such seedlings don’t need to be protected.

However, if the Straw Hats in their heyday and went all out, they might still crush the pacifists.

However, their three giants were all seriously injured by the yellow ape, and each of them had more or less many injuries.

To deal with pacifists in this state is simply looking for death!

At this moment, a big bear that was similar to the pacifist reminder, but with some more bear paw prints around his waist and a book in his hand, appeared.

The appearance of this person gives people a sense of oppression.

Renly’s eyes were slightly condensed, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

The coming person naturally exudes a momentum, this is a living person, and it is also a powerful person.

Although about the same size as a pacifist, for Renly, any blow can be destroyed.

But feeling the momentum of the person who suddenly appeared, Renly knew that within a hundred moves, I was afraid that I would not be able to take it, and I didn’t know what ability the person was, and if it was a strange ability, I was afraid it would cost a flip.

As for whether you can fight or not, this is simply a question that you don’t need to think about.

For him, except for Whitebeard and the Iron Fist Karp of the Navy Headquarters and the Marshal of the Warring States, as well as the limited number of people in the Draco, the others really did not pay much attention to it.

Oh, and the five old men of the world government and the commander-in-chief, which can be regarded as having some ability.

Even if the yellow ape in front of him, he fought without using his full strength.

It’s not that the yellow ape is not strong, but Renly is stronger!

“This, this is…”

After Straw Hat and the others saw Bartholomew appear, they immediately recognized that this was the Bartholomew Big Bear they knew, the powerful and outrageous Qiwu Sea who appeared after Moonlight Moriah.

After Bartholomew appeared, he came to Joba without saying a word, and slapped it out.

Just a palm shot, the flesh above his palm formed a powerful air pressure, instantly bouncing the gigantic Qioba away!

“Bastard, what did you do to Joba?” Luffy instantly stormed away, roaring and rushing over.

However, don’t say that he was seriously injured, even in his heyday, he couldn’t hurt Bassolomiew, who had the intention to dodge.

Then, Big Bear began to shoot Usopp again, just like that, in the eyes of Luffy and the other partners, he slapped people one by one.

The remaining partners on Luffy’s side were directly desperate, their eyes full of regret and despair.

They regret that they are not competent enough, desperate, but that they have never met such a strange and unmatched person.

On the other side, Sun He has already broken away from the Thor and is rushing back to Chambord!

And in a certain sea area, above the Thor, Qiu Hao used his gravity ability with a solemn face, and he let the Thor float here weightlessly!

And the squirrel and the others have already been thrown away by them, and they don’t know where they are at this time.

PS: Let’s have an automatic subscription. Today I replied to some questions from book friends, including questions about the weakness of the protagonist, which I need to say. The protagonist’s strength has actually been strong, but it is not directly strong enough to defeat the general, which is not logical; There is also about the combat power of the lieutenant general mentioned earlier, not that the lieutenant general and the ghost spider will compete with the yellow ape and others, but that they have the combat power of the general. This can be regarded as a polite remark, but also a recognition of their strength, and distance themselves from some lieutenant generals of the branch. It’s like saying that the golden lion Shiji is on a par with One Piece, can he really beat One Piece? It seems that Nanqiao Feng and Northern Murong in martial arts, even if they are equally famous, there is a gap in strength. In addition, everyone is welcome to continue to leave a message, the author of this chapter has said a little more, sorry. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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