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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 116

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Alumei’s body, which was wrapped up in Sun He, curled up, and the entire snake became numb.

At the same time, Sun He’s invisibility talisman time also arrived, revealing his appearance. He just took a few steps backwards and ran without turning around.

Since you are here to pick up a girl, how can you run, see you take a bath, it’s a big deal to be responsible for you!

Hancock glanced at Alumei, frowned slightly, and said, “Who the hell are you, who can sneak in here and be invisible!” ”

Before Sun He could speak, the female emperor showed her imperial contempt, directly with her eyes above the top and her chest up.

This made Sun He feel that this position was a little difficult…

“Hurry up and tell the Wei family, or you will die.” Hancock said haughtily.

Sun He was speechless for a while, but still said: “If I tell you that I am just passing through here, you will definitely not believe it.” ”

Well, I don’t believe it myself.

Sure enough, Hancock immediately became furious, shouting, “Where have Mary Gorud and Santasonia gone?” ”

Her outside should have been guarded by her two younger sisters, but at this time, neither of them was there, and Sun He took advantage of the void.

“Hiss~~” Alumie spat out the snake letter, as if to tell her the information.

“So there is an intruder from the shore, is that you?” Hancock frowned slightly.

Sun He said: “I’m not an intruder, I just want to be friends with you and the people of Daughter’s Island, and I came here.” ”

“You see things you shouldn’t see, so you’re not our friend, you’re just dead!” Hancock’s eyes were slightly cold, and his breath became cold.

Sun He knew what she was talking about, not to see her body, but the slave pattern on Xiu’s back.

“I won’t say it!” Sun He assured word by word.

“Only the dead won’t say it!”

After saying this, Hancock immediately compared his hands to love and shouted: “Sweet and sweet! ”

Sun He immediately dodged away, he was not as simple as Luffy, he originally came here with the idea of non-division, if he won this trick, even if he was a natural department, he had to petrify!

“Hehe, some skills.”

Hancock sneered, put his fingers on his plump lips, kissed it, and conjured a big heart.

“Loss of the Tiger!”

Countless arrows were ejected from this heart, all of which carried the function of petrification.

Sun He was shocked, this trick is not sweet and sweet, even single-celled organisms will be petrified.

He immediately teleported, escaped the bathhouse, and came to float in mid-air outside.

The female emperor has chased out, and Alumei seems to have recovered somewhat, chased out, and opened her mouth to bite Sun He.

Because he originally came with the heart of the captured female emperor, the river naturally could not fight back casually, otherwise it would definitely make things more complicated.

“It’s abominable, if you can talk about it head-on, borrow my understanding of the original work, show a domineering, mention the relationship between Fisher and Reilly, Lala, maybe you can be in love for a long time.”

Sun He secretly regretted it, and now he could provoke the other party.

However, you can also take risks, and the way to capture the heart of Lufei is just a little bit of luck.

“Enemy attack!!”

The Mary Gorud sisters returned with people, and they did not actually go to the beach, but they were patrolling the vicinity.

However, they did not expect that not long after they left, they saw strangers breaking into the bathhouse.

At this moment, they suddenly panicked, and rushed back in a hurry, all of them were transformed to crush Sun He’s corpse.

Both sisters are capable of eating snake fruit, the second Santasonia eats the python-type fruit, and the third eats the king cobra fruit.

Among them, the second will meet and smell the color, and the third will be armed.

However, they are all the most ordinary domineering.

Without saying a word, both of them directly attacked Sun He, vowing to capture him.

Sun He ran to the deep mountains and old forests, and the female emperor rode on Alumei and chased him directly.

Her two younger sisters also meandered past, looking fierce and vicious.

The others were a little slower, after all, these three people were the giant powerhouses of the Nine Snake Pirates, and the others were just ordinary crew members who couldn’t keep up.

“Sister, he spied on you?” Mary Gerud only had time to ask at this time.

Hancock looked cold, his brows furrowed, and said, “He saw my back!” ”

The two sisters changed color instantly, and their momentum changed in an instant. If they just wanted to spy on Hancock bathing, they probably wouldn’t kill him.

However, now the nature is different.

Sun He saw the slave symbol on Hancock’s back, which was absolute prohibition.

If the people of the country know that their emperor is a slave, even if he has been a slave, it will definitely cause chaos in the country, and there will be no place for their three sisters in the world.

Even how many friends know that they were once slaves, they will have a mustard in their hearts, and it is very possible to turn their faces.

“Lord Fisher rescued us, how can we let the others know?” The second eldest Santa Sonyasen said coldly: “Only by killing him.” ”

Alumee spat out the snake letter and seemed to be saying something.

Hancock listened to understand, his face changed slightly, and said: “He is a natural ability, he can use thunder and lightning, I am afraid that he is a thunder fruit ability!” ”

When the two sisters heard this, they were shocked, and the natural department was very terrifying.

In particular, the Thunder Fruit is a near-invincible existence, and if used well, it can definitely cause great damage.

“There is no need to be afraid, even if it is nature, we will be domineering.” The third man said proudly.

In fact, they are in the new world, and they have not seen the natural ability, and they are a little afraid just now, because the natural ability in the new world is also domineering and outrageous.

And the person who fled in front was stunned in the first half of the great voyage, and he had never seen the world.

The three of them picked up speed and suddenly came to a jungle full of rubble and broken wood.

Ahead, Sun He had stopped.

Mary Gorud said, “Why didn’t you run?” Or get lost, this is not the sea, you are running to the deep mountains and old forests. ”

Sun He said, “I didn’t want to run at all, I just wanted a place where we could talk properly!” ”

Hancock snorted coldly: “No one wants to talk to you, you must die!” ”

She turned around and saw smoke billowing from behind, but it was still far away, and she knew that her army would need some time to catch up.

“Quick fix, don’t let others know!” Hancock didn’t want anyone else to know the secrets of the three sisters.

Sun He shook his head and sighed, he still wanted to fight, it seemed that if he didn’t beat them down, he really couldn’t talk properly!

PS: The previous chapter was crabed by the river, but it has been revised and mentioned to the editor, and I will probably be able to see it tomorrow. The main thing is that the protagonist sees the slave pattern on the back of the female emperor, and then is asked by the female emperor to be executed. I told you here, if you want to see the specifics, subscribe tomorrow, if you don’t subscribe, it’s okay. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,


One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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