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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 136

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LV6 Infinite Hell.

Luffy and the others had already run to the fifth layer, and they went up directly through the scissor ability of the South Sea Revolutionary Lightning.

Blackbeard, on the other hand, came over here, opened all the prisons, and asked them all to duel in one duel, just picking the stronger ones to follow.

The guard Nagano Hiru, who should have left the customs in advance, was also in this battle, but although the people on this layer were all big people, it also made Yu no Kiryu kill a bloody way.

“Jiao, this person is so powerful, this ability is probably comparable to the general!” Blackbeard was overjoyed when he saw that Yu no Hiru was so powerful.

As a place with the same name as the headquarters of the navy, Magellan and Yu no Hirou in it are both known as people with the power of generals.

Although there may be moisture in it, it also shows the strength of the two.

Everyone else also decided, and suddenly several sea thieves with a bounty of hundreds of millions of dollars followed him, and others were also released by him to disrupt this new world.

The fourth layer of scorching hell.

Sun He is still here, and Hannibal has been knocked to the ground by him, completely unconscious.

He was about to go to the next floor, but he saw a group of people approaching in the distance. And there are many more people gathering behind him.

Behind him were Sarudeis and Sadie and the others who chased after the third layer, while the group in front were Magellan and Ghost Spider, as well as Ace, and several jailers.

Ace was curled by the long hair of the ghost spider, his body was scarred, his eyes were blank, and suddenly the ghost spider and the others did not leave, and he raised his head to look over.

Seeing a stranger standing in front of him, Ace’s eyes became sharp, and hope flashed in the depths of his eyes.

“It’s not Luffy, then it must be Sun He, can he save me?”

In the distance, Sun He, who was standing in the middle of the fourth layer, looked back and forth, his face indifferent. Although this hell was hot, at this time, in the face of the killing aura from all directions, he was also cold.

Thunderclouds had already begun to condense in the sky, covering almost the entire scorching hell.

Layers of thunderclouds, giving people a heavy sense of oppression.

In addition, Sun He’s body was already covered by the overlord color, and his eyes were fierce.

Facing Magellan, who was known as the same name as the general, and a lieutenant general Ghost Spider, Sun He had to be serious, and even if he was serious, he was not sure of victory.

There is no certainty of victory just by facing Magellan, this man who can kill the Blackbeard Pirates in seconds, and also almost completely destroy the escape gang participated in by the demon king.

This kind of character is absolutely powerful and terrifying, can only outwit and cannot be defeated.

He had already seen Ace, and this was the first time he had seen One Piece’s son up close. Such a character, at this time, is like a dog who has lost his family, and is treated like garbage by ghost spiders.

Seeing this, Sun He did not have anger in his heart, but only a faint sadness.

The strength is not strong, let alone Ace, even if it is, it must be treated as garbage!

“Sun He, it’s really you!” The ghost was a little excited to see Sun He.

Last time in the Chambord Islands, he did not meet Sun He because of the capture of other supernovae. If he can win Sun He now, then the position of future general will be his place.


Sun He lowered the falling thunder and directly knocked out the people behind him, this time, he didn’t have any hands left.

No way, some of these people will be domineering, some people have spears and sea lou stones, and their weapons are all sea lou stones, and it is not his turn not to be serious.

When he fights with Magellan and others, he doesn’t know if he can be safe, although these people are minions, but they may also capsize him in the gutter.

Sun He said, “I’m here to save people!” ”

The ghost spider said, “Save people? Save such a world-class wanted criminal? Do you think you’re a saint, or do you really think of yourself as a god of compassion? ”

His words were full of sarcasm, even with disdain.

Immediately, he said again: “Don’t forget, you killed the Draco, it is already a capital crime!” If you are smart, wait to be captured, otherwise I will catch you and torture you first and then execute!” ”

“But a lackey of the Draco, what qualifications do you have to say this to me?” Sun He sneered back.

His words immediately angered the ghost spider, and wearing a double dragon pattern helmet, he directly held eight swords and instantly slashed towards Sun He.

Sun He naturally did not dare to be careless, the strength of this ghost spider was definitely not under the squirrel.

It can be seen from some clues that the strength of the ghost spider is probably in the upper class among many lieutenant generals.

Naturally, it cannot be compared with monsters such as Karp.

The ghost spider dared to escort Ace alone, which shows the trust of the naval headquarters in his strength. Secondly, above the top war, he stood at the front of many lieutenant generals, and he was also confident in his strength.

“So fast!”

Sun He was secretly frightened, the speed of this ghost spider was extremely fast.

The two sides were originally hundreds of meters apart, but in just a split second, the ghost spider had already arrived in front of Sun He.

“Jingle Bell~~”

Sun He immediately raised his sword to resist, fortunately, he had obtained a lot of swordsmanship skill books in the lottery before, and now his swordsmanship is even above the Autumn Underworld.

In this way, with his terrifying physical strength, the Dao power value of 8,000 was suddenly exerted to the extreme, and he could resist the attack of the ghost spider at the beginning.

However, he was barely parried, unable to fight back at all, and even he was constantly repulsed.

“There are some skills.” The ghost spider obviously hasn’t used his full strength yet, and is in the mood to joke.

But Sun He is the same, he still has all kinds of abilities that are useless.

The thunder in the sky suddenly fell, and the ghost spider who forced it to dodge the thunder, and then counterattacked, so that Sun He was also a lot easier.

Having experienced a simple fight with Whitebeard, Sun He is no longer so unbearable to fight with people of the level of ghost spiders.


Sun He was able to use the laser light with his left hand to sneak up.

This made the ghost spider have to resist with a sword, or dodge sideways, which was very uncomfortable.

“It’s abhorrent to be as flexible as a monkey!” The ghost spider was furious and returned his life.

His hair instantly grew and elongated, like tentacles piercing Sun He, and it was also wrapped in armed color, which was extremely hard.

Sun He’s dead wood was only able to cut off a small section, and he didn’t have time to charge at all, after all, there were too many, and he couldn’t parry at all.

In desperation, Sun He had to retreat.

Hiding in the distance, the ghost spider’s hair was the same as in the past, as if Sun He was dealing with hundreds of people like a person.

Seeing the ghost spider go all out, the despair in Ace’s eyes was even worse, while Magellan looked at it indifferently.

Suddenly he frowned, feeling the floor shake a little, as if thousands of troops were galloping on the next floor.

Faced with the ghost spider’s life return move, Sun He was also angry and retreated to the group of jailers who were defeated by him.

“Do you think you control eight swords and these thousands of tentacles is a lot? Lao Tzu can instantly outperform you several times! “_

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One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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