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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 138

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In the face of the overwhelming venom, Luffy was already dumbfounded, and Ace instantly pounced and pressed him under him.

Ace wants to use his body to block him, if not, he will die first.

“Cropped cloth all over the sky!!”

The revolutionary lightning was already ready, and his hand turned into scissors, instantly cutting the ground into a piece of cloth, and then wrapped Ace and Luffy.

The venom had fallen at this time, and the ground hissed and eroded, but it was never completely corroded, and Ace and Luffy inside were considered safe.

Magellan was furious and summoned the poisonous dragon again, and this time he actually summoned a nine-headed poisonous dragon, and even his body was wrapped in poisonous armor, turning into a huge one like Thor.

Seeing that Magellan’s poisonous dragon had increased so much, Sun He was directly dumbfounded. One poisonous dragon, he is good to say, if he has two, he can also support, even three, he can resist, but nine, he doesn’t even have a chance to breathe!

At this time, the shemale king made a blink of an eye offensive and directly destroyed one of Magellan’s poisonous dragons, but he himself was also poisonous.

The others also began to fight, and the sand crocodile used the desert knife and slashed it directly. He is also worthy of being the Seven Martial Seas, although the strength may be a little different from other Seven Martial Seas, but now that a long time has passed, he has also mastered some domineering, and his power is not weak.

In fact, the sand crocodile should have been a little domineering before, or was on the way to mastery, but was defeated by Luffy.

In addition, his physical strength or basic Dao power value is far inferior to Luffy, even if he is domineering, he can’t beat it.

It was all because he was too confident in his natural abilities.

Now that he has struck, his power has increased a lot.

Sun He also immediately struck, with both hands out in unison, each grabbed two poisonous dragons and pinched them. However, his neck was also bitten by two other poisonous dragons.

His abdomen was also bitten by poisonous dragons, if not in the middle of Thor, these poisonous dragons had not yet come in, they were purified by his thunder fire and thunder power, perhaps, he would have died!

Now Sun He has entangled most of Magellan’s energy, and the pressure on others is much less. But they all intend to make a move.

“Get out of here immediately and don’t waste time here!” The Terran King roared angrily and let his men pass first.

However, in the distance, there were jailers from the third and even the second floor, who saw Magellan fighting, and they were accidentally injured and did not dare to go over.

But if the people of the revolutionary army want to rush out, they must also pass through their pass.

The sand crocodile also wanted to deal with Magellan, but Ivankov shouted: “Leave immediately, you won’t be able to leave if it’s late!” ”

He had just seen the ghost spider flying up from the other end, and if it weren’t for the fear of the poisonous gas here, he would have arrived.

If the ghost spider is allowed to rush over, he and others will not be able to deal with the ghost spider and Magellan.

In desperation, Sand Crocodile and the others had to leave, and if they didn’t go forward, they naturally released Luffy and Ace.

Luffy carries Ace on his back and wants to run to the face, he wants MR.3 to help Ace lock!

“Want to run?”

Magellan roared and directly controlled a poisonous dragon to attack the past.

And the poisonous dragon that he was pinched by Sun He also recovered, roaring and attacking others, and was able to outnumber the crowd, and even seemed to be crushing!

Sun He punched out, he is now incarnated as the God of Thor, each punch has the power of 10,000 shots, but also comes with 500 million volts of destructive power, and there is thunder and fire above the fist, which is terrifying!

As long as it is hit by his punch, the poisonous dragon will also explode, but hitting Magellan’s poisonous armor still has little effect.

Magellan’s poisonous armor was also covered with domineering, almost completely hiding his entire body under the armed color.

Because of Sun He’s intervention, Magellan’s poisonous dragon that killed Ace and Luffy was also ineffective, and several times he was either broken by the death eye-catcher of the demon king or exploded by Sun He’s thunder fist.

This style of play made Magellan very uncomfortable, but he had the same terrifying combat power as the general, and he was actually stopped by these flies!

He really couldn’t understand that the person named Sun He, he obviously every punch, his breath would wither, and as a result, it would recover in less than half a second.

Sun He and the Shemale King blocked Magellan.

On the other hand, the revolutionary army fought with jailers and others, but almost all of them crushed the past.

In the crowd were two former Qiwu Seas, Sea Hero Jinping and Sand Crocodile.

Both of them are powerful people, and dealing with these little minions is almost crushing!

Pushing all the way, I finally have to reach the third layer and leave this damn fourth layer. However, in front of them stood the ghost spider.

At this time, the ghost spider’s hair has grown, he holds eight swords to block the front, although his clothes have been burned by thunder and fire, but his body is covered with domineering, making him powerful.

“A lieutenant general is serious, it’s terrible!” Haixia Jinping stood up and said, “You all leave quickly, I’ll stop him!” ”

Others would not be polite to him, especially the clown Bucky and the others immediately ran away from the ghost spider, and everyone else followed.

The ghost spider’s eyes were gloomy, blocking the entrance, and the eight swords instantly killed several revolutionary soldiers and prisoners.

Many prisoners were released from the fifth floor, and those who were imprisoned on this floor, taking advantage of the chaos.

The purpose is to add interference to Magellan!

“If you want to pass, it’s impossible!” The ghost spider roared, his hair once again used a thousand hands and feet, and countless hairs turned into tentacles, stabbing everyone.

Haixia Jinping immediately rushed over, the fishman karate charged through the air, and the ghost spider had to turn around to resist.

This is one of the previous Seven Wuhai, and his strength is not weak, so he dare not be careless.

The sand crocodile smiled viciously and said, “Let me take off this guy’s head, when I saw him at the headquarters of the navy before, I was very upset.” ”

Haixia Jinping said angrily: “Leave immediately with someone, put the straw hat, huh?” What about straw hats? ”

Everyone suddenly looked left and right in amazement, but they didn’t see the straw hat, and when they turned around, they saw him kneeling on the ground, and in front of him lay Ace, and next to him was sitting an MR.3.

Ace’s handcuffs and leg shackles have been untied, but his poisonous spots have spread, and now his eyes are lying expressionless, and he does not know whether he is alive or dead.

“Ace, Ace, you can’t die, hurry up!” Luffy’s tears flowed out, in fact, he also had a trace of poison on his body, which was infected when he had just carried Ace.

However, because of the shemale king’s hormones, his resistance to poison has increased a lot, and this toxicity can’t hurt him!

“Ace, look at me!!” _

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One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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