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One Piece’s strongest lottery system — Chapter 146

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The Warring States of the Buddha were furious, and then incarnated as the Great Buddha of Immeasurability.

This big Buddha itself was golden, but under his lilac domineering cover, it transformed into a golden purple.

Just looking at the momentum is very powerful, this is a person in the same position as Karp, if he goes alone, he is a powerful figure who can rival the four emperors.

The Warring States of the Buddha roared: “Sun He, you are a sinner of mankind!” ”

This roar, mixed with immeasurable Buddha sounds, filled his ears and made Sun He’s heart tremble.

At the same time, with endless wild domineering.

Sun He was shocked, “He actually overlords? And this terrifying oppression is probably not far from Hades Rayleigh. ”

When I read the original work, I had never seen the Warring States of Buddha use the overlord color, but now it suddenly came out, and it was still so powerful, Sun He was also shocked.

The potential of the king, the Warring States of Buddha, as the supreme commander of the naval headquarters, how to call it king!

Far away, the Warring States of Buddha is a shockwave, and the powerful fluctuations are even more terrifying than the lightspeed kick of the yellow ape!

Sun He was already ready, he planned to try the strength gap between himself and these top figures, and when the Buddha Warring States were angry, he had already begun to condense the body of the Thunder God.

Now that the Buddha’s Warring States raised his hand is a shockwave, he naturally immediately condensed his thunder body and came out with both fists!


The shock wave of the Buddha’s Warring States was too powerful, and it was he who emitted it with anger, and instantly broke Sun He’s Thunder God body.

Sun He was shocked, but after this shockwave broke his Thunder God body, it also lost its own power, giving him an easy dodge.

“So strong, more than one level stronger than Magellan. No wonder he was able to single-handedly destroy the Blackbeard Pirate Group with the ability to shock the fruit! ”

Sun He was secretly frightened, and at the same time he had a deeper understanding of the combat power of the Buddha’s Warring States and the Navy headquarters.

No wonder even if they were as powerful as the Four Emperors, they did not dare to attack easily.

The naval headquarters has such a powerful combat power, any four emperors to fight alone, it is also a dead end.

If it weren’t for the appearance of his Sun He, the top war that Whitebeard participated in, even the strongest man in the world like Whitebeard would have died!

Warring States and Kapu, both of them have the combat power of the four emperors, and the three generals are probably in the middle of the first person under the four emperors and the four emperors, and the three people are probably more than the upper than the bottom.

Even, the three of them may have the combat power of not losing to the four emperors.

Don’t look at the combination of Red Dog and Green Pheasant to be able to barely stop Whitebeard, then think that he does not have the combat power of the Four Emperors.

That’s also depending on who you compare with.

Whitebeard is the strongest of the four emperors, I am afraid that he is more than half a level higher than the other four emperors!

Such a character, no matter how many people go together, it is not an exaggeration.

In other words, Whitebeard brought his pirate group to attack here, which is actually equivalent to him coming to deal with five naval headquarters with the combat power of the Four Emperors.

Of course, Whitebeard also has a Marko who has the ability to fight the yellow ape.

Sun He blocked the rush of the Buddha’s Warring States, which immediately caused an uproar among everyone.

Countless people showed shock, and their eyes were full of stunned.

The people on the Chambordi Islands were also directly dumbfounded when they saw the curtain, and the Warring States of the strongest Buddha were actually blocked by someone to attack?

They immediately excitedly sent this information back to the headquarters, and all of a sudden, the news of Sun He’s rivalry against the Buddha’s Warring States spread.

The two warring sides were also very shocked that Sun He blocked the shock wave of the Warring States.

Seeing this, Lieutenant General Squirrel who was fighting with a captain turned pale, “Is he already strong to this extent?” I haven’t seen it for a few days, and there is such an amazing improvement! ”

Now that he is dealing with Sun He, he has no confidence in victory!

Whitebeard looked at Sun He and smiled indifferently: “What an interesting boy.” ”

At this time, the yellow ape asked the three lieutenant generals to stop Marko, and he came directly to Whitebeard, and the three major generals joined forces to deal with Whitebeard!

He raised his hand to make a laser move, but he was dodged by Whitebeard slightly sideways.

If Whitebeard is injured, such as the short distance made by the laser light of the yellow ape, I am afraid that it is difficult to dodge.

However, now Whitebeard is not injured and easily avoids it.

“Yellow Ape Boy, you also dare to come and fight with my Whitebeard?” Whitebeard smiled indifferently and slashed over.

The yellow ape didn’t say a word, his body moved, and he also dodged the attack of the white beard.

The other two generals did not look at it, and immediately rushed over, and the three major generals joined forces to deal with Whitebeard, and suppressed Whitebeard at once!

However, their abilities have little effect on Whitebeard, and they are shattered by a punch every time.

Ace saw that Whitebeard was in trouble here, and he immediately went to help, but was stopped by Doflamingo.

“Huh, the son of One Piece? Let me see what you are capable of. Doflamingo poked his paw out.

His thread fruit has awakened and its power has increased greatly, but it is useless to assimilate.

Ace’s face was gloomy, and the fire fist was punched out.

The two fight, and Ace suppresses Doflamingo’s ability on top of his ability by burning fruit.

This style of play made Doflamingo very speechless, and the fight was a little resentful.

Marko had already suppressed the three lieutenant generals and was about to help Whitebeard, but when he saw Ace make a move, he was pleasantly surprised.

“Ace, your strength has become much stronger!” Marko was pleasantly surprised.

Ace smiled and didn’t answer.

His combat power is indeed much stronger than when he separated from Marko before.

This is all his life-fighting practice these days, and at the same time fighting Blackbeard, although he was caught, he also improved some strength.

Especially in the deep sea prison, he was reduced by ten years by the healing hormonal effect of the Demon King, but his potential was also stimulated.

It is also because of this that he was able to use the overlord color.

And the strength has greatly increased!

The most eye-catching place in the battlefield is the Sun River side.

He blocked the blow of the Warring States, and he wanted to leave, at least to leave this square, and no one could catch up with him when he was out of the sea.

However, the Warring States of the Buddha did not give him a chance, but immediately jumped over and directly came to the shockwave at close range from high altitude!

Slap down with one palm, and the shock wave takes shape.

Sun He did not have time to condense the body of the God of Thunder, and was locked in all directions by seeing and hearing, unable to teleport in an instant, and could only resist with the strong and domineering coverage of the flesh.


An invincible shockwave instantly impacted Sun He’s body and crushed his body.

At this moment, almost the entire battlefield fell silent.

Everyone is looking at the past, the first person of this most evil generation, is he dead?

Before using the body of Thor, he could resist, but now, he only relied on the power of his flesh to resist, how could he withstand it?

PS: That’s it for today, recently the company received a new project, there is not much time, and the time to be able to code is particularly small. But I still try to keep at least 6 changes a day, and when the next week is done, it will start to explode. Sorry, please forgive me. _

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One Piece’s strongest lottery system

One Piece’s strongest lottery system

Status: Ongoing Author:


[Feilu A-level signing work: One Piece’s strongest lottery system] was originally a first-order ordinary body and crossed into the world of One Piece. Accidentally got the lottery system, and since then the serfs have turned over and sang.

The system is in hand, I have it in the world.

Anything you want can be lottery, all can be eaten, all can be used.

Fruit? Physical? Domineering? Have it all!

“Congratulations on getting the Sparkling Fruit, do you want to use it?”

“Congratulations on obtaining the Overlord Color Skill Book, do you want to use it?”

“Pumped the Naruto Uzumaki, the identity is the navy of the country of ninja…”

“Draw the three-hook jade writing wheel eye, do you use it?”

The lottery system is in hand, and from then on, the entire pirate world will run wild!

Feilu Novel Network exclusive signed novel: “One Piece’s Strongest Lottery System”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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