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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 111

The sword qi was submerged into the pool of blood, without causing the slightest wave, but only a ripple and completely disappeared.

“Doesn’t it work.”

Mo Yu frowned slightly when he looked at this scene, but this Mo Yu had already expected it.

He put away the blood, and then took out the Flaming Sun Bow.

【Bright Arrow Rain】

Countless arrows carrying the power of light fell, and after touching the blood water in the blood pool, the arrows formed by the power of light melted, and the blood water of the blood pool was also smiling.

“The light power to restrain evil really works.”

A smile appeared on Mo Yu’s face, and then the main light arrow rain cooled down, and Mo Yu used the light arrow rain.

“If you don’t come out, then I will purify your blood pool.”

Mo Yu was forcing the hidden blood demon in the blood pool to come out.


The blood pool suddenly exploded, and a blood-colored figure rose up into the sky, wearing blood-colored armor, and his face was hidden in a ghost mask to see clearly.

“Human, I didn’t want to kill you, but you look for death yourself.”

The blood demon’s icy gaze stared at Mo Yu, and the sense of oppression made Mo Yu slightly startled, feeling that the oppressive force of the other party was more terrifying than when he faced the Abyss Demon Dragon Projection.


[Blood Demon (Demigod-level BOSS): Level: Level 25; Health: 30 million; Introduce:??? Skill:??? 】

“I lean, this time it really provoked hard stubble.”

A level 25 demigod-level boss has a terrifying health value of 30 million, and its origin is not clear, and its skills cannot be detected.

“Ahem, misunderstanding, actually, I just wanted to ask how to get out of this place.” Mo Yu said to the blood demon with an embarrassed expression.

Don’t look at the blood demon is only level 25, which is the same level as him, but Mo Yu can be sure that he will definitely not be able to beat the other party.

The demigod also occupies a divine word, one foot has stepped into the realm of the god, it is estimated that the body of the demon king Ferog may not be the opponent of the level 25 demigod-level boss in front of him.

“If you interrupt me to regain my strength, I will die.”

The blood demon stared at Mo Yu with endless anger, not because he was afraid of Mo Yu before, but because he was recovering his strength.

The original level 100 demigod-level boss lost most of his strength due to his injury, and now he has just recovered a little strength, and as a result, the place he arranged to recover his strength has been destroyed.

“Is there really no negotiation?” Mo Yu tried to ask the blood demon.


The blood demon made a move, he just wanted to kill Mo Yu and continue to recover his strength.

A blood arrow instantly pierced through Mo Yu’s body, so fast that Mo Yu didn’t have time to dodge.


The casual blow killed Mo Yu in seconds, and Mo Yu’s health and defense were actually unable to withstand the blood demon’s casual blow.

Life was resurrected, Mo Yu was resurrected under the skill of the life ring, and the resurrected Mo Yu stared at the blood demon deadly.

“You’re not dead, do you have resurrection equipment on you?” The tone of the blood demon has not changed, and what about resurrection, at most, it will kill you one more time.

“I admit, I’m not your opponent now, but at least try how many pounds you have.”

Mo Yu put away the Flaming Sun Bow, and then took the Blood Spirit, really fight depends on the Blood Spirit, the use of bows and arrows may have a damage bonus to the Blood Demon, but Mo Yu’s archer skills are not much.

Mo Yu, who still holds a sword, is more powerful.

“You… How can you possibly have this piece of equipment, isn’t it already destroyed? ”

After the blood demon saw the blood in Mo Yu’s hand, his eyes suddenly showed horror.

Mo Yu raised his eyebrows, did the other party know the blood in his hand? Bloody is a reward given to the Novice Village by the village chief after completing a nightmare-level hidden mission.

Of course, simply looking at the attributes of blood is not ordinary, is there any origin of blood?

Suddenly, the blood in Mo Yu’s hand shook and began to heat up, originally it was just a blood-colored long sword, at this time, strange patterns suddenly appeared on the sword, the power of this secret realm, as well as the power on the blood demon, seemed to be surging towards the blood.

[Ding, Bloody triggers the awakening state for unknown reasons, Bloody Master has × attack power 10, agility ×10, Bloody Hero deals damage ×10]

Mo Yu felt a terrifying force pouring into his body, and in an instant Mo Yu felt as if he could breathe air every second.

“Not good.”

The blood demon looked at Mo Yu in horror, turned around and was about to flee.

【Dragon Soul Roar】

This move is powerful, even the blood demon is stunned, the dragon soul roar can be stunned for five seconds, but for the blood demon definitely cannot be stunned for five seconds.

Mo Yu didn’t know how long he could stun the blood demon, and at this moment, he used a space jump to instantly appear in front of the blood demon.

【Killing four consecutive stabs】

-16.49 million

-8.24 million

-16.5 million

As soon as the three swords were stabbed, Mo Yu killed the demigod-level BOSS Blood Demon in front of him in seconds.

The string of damage numbers that came out was dazzling to Mo Yu when he saw it, and even Mo Yu himself was shocked by the terrifying damage.

“Is this really the damage I hit?”

In fact, such damage is normal, after the awakening of the blood, Mo Yu’s attack power increased tenfold, and the damage caused by the bloody increased by ten times again, which is equivalent to a hundred times increase in Mo Yu’s damage, plus the use of god-level skills to kill four consecutive stabs, naturally can hit such terrifying damage.

[Ding, you kill the demigod-level boss blood demon and get rewards: experience points +50 million, gold +10 million, reputation +5 million, skill points +5000]

[Since you are the first player to kill a demigod-level boss, a global announcement will be made, do you want to hide your name?] 】

“I’m invincible, and I hide a fart, don’t hide.”

The invincibility that Mo Yu said is invincible among players, which player is Mo Yu’s opponent at this stage?

[Global Announcement: Player Mo Qianqiu first kills a demigod-level boss and rewards special treasure chests ×1]

[Global Announcement: Player Mo Qianqiu first kills a demigod-level boss and rewards special treasure chests ×1]

[Global Announcement: Player Mo Qianqiu first kills a demigod-level boss and rewards special treasure chests ×1]


This announcement made all players completely shocked, what the hell, they have to rely on the tactics of the sea of people to kill the silver-level BOSS here, and Mo Qianqiu can kill the demigod-level BOSS.

“Spit it out, is Mo Qianqiu playing a game with us?”

“This is definitely an open hanging, not an open hanging, I live broadcast eating.”

“It won’t be luck to meet a bloody demigod-level boss, right?”


How the players talk about Mo Yu is not clear now, now Mo Yu is very weak, and a feeling of weakness came, as if only a gust of wind could blow Mo Yu down.

“Is it because of the blood?”

Mo Yu’s gaze looked at Blood, if it weren’t for Bloody awakening for unknown reasons, Mo Yu wouldn’t have killed the Blood Demon, it would definitely be the end of being killed by the Blood Demon.

Why did the blood suddenly awaken, Mo Yu did not know, suspecting that it might have something to do with this secret realm and the blood demon.

In fact, Mo Yu could feel that the bloody aura of this small world, as well as the power on the blood demon’s body, were surging towards the blood.

Mo Yu probed the blood at this time to see if there was any change in the blood.

[Blood]: Grade: Saint Grade; Attributes: Attack +3000, Strength +500, Agility +200

Skill: Blood Eater: Each attack comes with 35% of the physical blood sucking.

Blood Soul Burst: Deals five times the health consumption to all enemies within 10 meters of itself at the cost of its own health, this ability ignores defense, cooldown: 180 seconds.

Blood Flash: Transforms into blood light through enemies, deals 800% damage, and is invincible when transformed into blood light, immune to any damage. Consumption: None, Cooldown: 15 seconds.

Soul Harvesting: Harvest the souls that die under the blood, and increase the grade of the blood, 120,000/1 million.

Blood Awakening: Attack power × 10 when turned on, agility × 10, blood damage × 10, lasts for ten seconds, falls into a weak state after ten seconds, full stats -99%, lasts 24 hours. Skill cost: None, cooldown: 30 days.

Note: The player killed by the blood drops three levels, and the full attribute is -50% within five hours, and this equipment cannot be dropped, traded, or stolen.


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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