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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 120

“Brother Mo Yu’s words moved my sister so much, does my brother like me?”

Kalena suddenly reached out and hugged Mo Yu, and then leaned into Mo Yu’s ear and asked Mo Yu.

At this moment, Mo Yu was quite speechless, didn’t you consider the threat of the dragon corpse? It’s all this time, and it’s still teasing me.

“Kalena, it’s a matter of business, can you detect the information of this dragon corpse?”

Mo Yu asked Kalena, the exploration technique is not exclusive to the player, NPCs will also use the exploration technique, and even some NPCs have more advanced exploration techniques.

“This guy is called the Evil King Dragon Corpse, he is a level 60 saint-level boss, with 28 million health points, and his strength is still improving.” Kalena got serious.

“So can you fight?” Mo Yu asked towards Kalena.

“I’m now level 70, and I also belong to the holy level, but I’m not sure to defeat this dragon corpse.”

Although the level is higher, the level is not the standard for measuring combat effectiveness, and the dragon clan is notoriously powerful.

“In this way, then I will attract the monster, and you will find an opportunity to shoot.” If you really are not an opponent, you can leave, don’t worry about me, you should know that I can be resurrected. ”

Mo Yu said seriously to Kalena.

What is the biggest advantage of players over NPCs? Of course, it can be resurrected after death, so that players are largely less afraid of death.

In addition to being able to revive, it is really not as good as NPCs in other aspects, but resurrection is already the biggest plugin, ensuring that players can definitely grow.

Kalena smiled slightly, did not answer Mo Yu’s words, and then dived into the air and entered the stealth state.

Mo Yu didn’t continue to say anything, staring at the dragon corpse in front of him, although the dragon corpse had not moved, but Karina told him that the dragon corpse had been resurrected.

【Death Piercing】

Mo Yu shot out an arrow, and the arrow pierced through the dragon scales of the Evil King’s dragon corpse under the powerful force.


“The defense is so strong.”

The arrow shot by Mo Yu came with the power of light, causing twice as much damage to the evil camp, but it was twice the damage, and it was actually this damage that was caused when using the death pierc.

However, the strongest ability of death piercing is that the defense power is halved, and now the defense power of the Evil King Dragon Corpse is halved under Mo Yu’s death piercing, and it lasts for ten seconds.

【Bright Arrow Rain】




After Mo Yu launched two rounds of attacks, the Evil King Dragon Corpse lying motionless finally got up, and the huge dragon eyes stared at Mo Yu without the slightest look in his eyes.

【Light Shield】

A shield appeared on Mo Yu’s body, a shield with 20% of his own health and a 15% increase in agility, and now Mo Yu felt that his body was very light.

“It seems that Brother Mo Yu’s damage is not weak.”

Kalena, who was in a stealth state, also saw the damage played by Mo Yu, and thought that it would be difficult for Mo Yu to break the defense, but she didn’t expect to underestimate Mo Yu.

Kalena appeared behind the evil king dragon corpse in the sneak, and then the dagger in her hand stabbed out, but the small dagger burst out with amazing damage.




After three consecutive stabs, Kalena immediately opened the distance, the assassin relied on explosive damage, and it was impossible to play hand-to-hand combat with the evil king dragon corpse.

Mo Yu’s hand turned into a phantom, and the arrows shot out were connected.

There is no change of blood, because he does not attack, Mo Yu’s main goal is to pull the boss hatred, and the effect of using a bow and arrow is better.

“This little fool, don’t you know that the Evil King Dragon Corpse can kill him in seconds with one blow?” Kalena looked in Mo Yu’s direction a little worried.

Before Kalena attacked the Evil King Dragon Corpse to attract hatred, let the Evil King Dragon Corpse attack her, but the hatred was pulled away by Mo Yu again.


Attack +50%, agility +30%, defense -50% for 30 seconds.

Mo Yu didn’t care about the halving of defense, now Mo Yu doesn’t have high requirements for defense, and even doesn’t have high requirements for attack, what he needs is agility.

The movement speed and attack speed increased again, and Mo Yu frantically moved while attacking, making all the attacks of the Evil King Dragon Corpse fail.

Dodging the evil spirit ball released from the mouth of the Evil King Dragon Corpse, Mo Yu was a little excited at this time, as long as he was hit once, Mo Yu might be killed in seconds.

This feeling of walking on the tip of the knife made Mo Yu’s blood boil.

“I can’t waste the opportunity that Mo Yu gave me.” Kalena watched Mo Yu’s frantic pulling, and she began to attack in the back.

The assassin’s skills, interspersed with normal attacks, basically each hit can deal more than 200,000 damage.

【Space Jump】

When he really couldn’t dodge the attack of the dragon claw of the Evil King Dragon Corpse, Mo Yu used space jumping and used spatial teleportation to avoid the attack of the Evil King Dragon Corpse.

appeared in mid-air, and then Mo Yu used the flying ability of the Demon Dragon Wings to fly in mid-air, continuing to attack the Evil King Dragon Corpse, pulling the hatred of the Evil King Dragon Corpse.

“Huh, this guy can’t fly?”

Mo Yu watched with some surprise as he kept opening his mouth on the ground, releasing energy balls to attack his Evil King Dragon Corpse.

Western dragons have dragon wings and can fly, but the eastern dragon’s ability to ride the clouds is not innate? Why can’t it fly?

“It should be that after becoming a dragon corpse and resurrecting, I lost the ability to fly, which is a good thing for me.”

Mo Yu laughed, of course it was a good thing that the other party couldn’t fly, if he had known earlier, he wouldn’t have been chased by the Evil King Dragon Corpse so embarrassed before.

And Mo Yu also found a disadvantage of the Evil King Dragon Corpse, that is, it had no wisdom and was very strong, but it was like an iron bun.

“Come out, my meat shield.”

Mo Yu used the Demon Dragon Summoning, the skill attached to this Demon Dragon Wings, the Abyss Demon Dragon with ten times Mo Yu’s health value, came out of the summoning array and collided with the Evil King Dragon Corpse.

The Evil King Dragon Corpse can kill about 100,000 health points of the Abyss Demon Dragon with one blow, and the Abyss Demon Dragon summoned by Mo Yu as a meat shield can’t hold it for long.

“The Abyss Demon Dragon defense I summoned is the same as mine, which means that I can only resist at most.”

Mo Yu’s health value is more than 100,000, and he can only resist one blow at most and not die, but that will also become residual blood, but Mo Yu’s defense is now halved, and if he is beaten, he will definitely die.

“Everything depends on Kalena’s output.” Mo Yu looked at Kalena, who attacked the boss while he pulled hatred, and everything depended on Kalena.

Mo Yu could only rely on his kite tactics to attract hatred, and the damage he hit was not high in Mo Yu’s own opinion, but it was better than nothing.

【Dragon Soul Roar】

Dizziness, and reduce the attributes of the Evil King Dragon Corpse, at this time, the Evil King Dragon Corpse seems to be set on a weak set, whether it is speed or defense, it becomes weak.

【Arrow of Dawn】


Mo Yu’s attacks did not stop, and if he stopped, the Evil King Dragon Corpse would turn his head to attack Kalena, who may have strong attack power, but her defense is definitely weak.

In the case of singled out, Kalena’s level is higher than that of the Evil King Dragon Corpse, and she may not be the opponent of the Evil King Dragon Corpse, but with Mo Yu’s pull, it is only a matter of time to kill the Evil King Dragon Corpse.

As long as Mo Yu doesn’t have a problem, the final outcome of the Evil King Dragon Corpse is definitely certain death.

Mo Yu himself can still guarantee not to make mistakes, even if there are really attacks that cannot be avoided, Mo Yu has his own hole cards, such as the stealth of the void and the immune damage, six seconds of invincibility time.


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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