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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 145

Mo Yu glanced at the aggrieved Luo Li and walked towards those King Kong Violent Ape with his sword.

Just now, Luo Li was taught a lesson by Luo Qingying because of his complaints, and now he is looking aggrieved.

“You guys go back first, I’ll empty them.”

Mo Yu said to Leng Shuangyue, Xuewu, and Xueji, who were fighting monsters.

As a priest, Xue Ji is mainly responsible for adding blood to Leng Shuangyue and Xue Wu, and she has no harm at all.

After hearing Mo Yu’s words, Leng Shuangyue and Xuewu put down the King Kong Violent Ape who was about to be killed, and then quickly retreated with Xue Ji.

“Then I’ll leave it to you.” Leng Shuangyue said to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu nodded, the most suitable skill for Qing Wei is of course bloody battle, kill at least one monster, then the skill will instantly refresh the cooldown.

Moreover, this is a god-level skill, and the damage is also very terrifying, and in the face of these elite-level monsters, King Kong Violent Ape, it can also be killed in an instant.

The attack range of the bloody battle eight sides was within five hundred meters, and Mo Yu used three bloody battle eight sides in a row to clean up all the surrounding King Kong violent apes.

“Did the mission hint at the location of the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape?” Mo Yu asked towards Leng Shuangyue.

“No, you need to find it yourself.” Leng Shuangyue shook her head.

“I killed all the King Kong Violent Ape here, and as a result, the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape has not yet appeared, so it should not be here.”

As the leader of a race, it is impossible not to come out when all his subordinates are dead.

“Mo Yu, I see that there seems to be movement over there.” Xue Ji saw a black shadow in her eyes and immediately shouted towards Mo Yu.

Following where Xue Ji used his finger, Mo Yu successfully saw a pitch-black shadow running in the opposite direction to Mo Yu.

“Shouldn’t this be the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape.”

Mo Yu stared at the black shadow, almost exactly the same as the King Kong Violent Ape who was killed by Mo Yu before, only slightly larger, but not much bigger.

After seeing it, Mo Yu directly chased after him, whether he caught up and took a look.

With Mo Yu’s speed, of course, the other party couldn’t run away, and was stopped by Mo Yu, and then used the exploration technique towards this giant ape more than three meters tall.

[King Kong Tyrannosaurus Boss (Diamond Level BOSS): Level: Level 35, Health Points: 1.2 million;

Introduction: The leader of the King Kong Violent Ape clan, with a timid and cautious personality, will choose to flee when encountering a powerful enemy, thirty-six plans, go for the best plan.

Skills: King Kong Fist, Berserk Strike, Violent Walk, Mountain Collapse Fist]

Seeing the introduction of the other party in the exploration technique, Mo Yu became a little strange, no wonder he didn’t show up and fled, it turned out that he was scared when he saw it.

That’s right, when Mo Yu dealt with its clansmen, it had already seen it, and when it was about to tear Mo Yu apart in anger, it suddenly found that Mo Yu had easily killed its clansmen.

At a glance, he knew that this was not something he could deal with, so between avenging his own people and protecting himself, the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape finally chose to protect himself.

On the surface, he looks like a, but in fact he is very smart, and if it wasn’t for the fact that Yukihime saw it, he might have really let it run away.

“Human, I don’t care if you kill my people, why do you have to catch up?” The leader of the King Kong Violent Ape questioned Mo Yu.

“Because the target was you from the beginning.”

Mo Yu looked at this talking King Kong Violent Ape leader, among the diamond-level beast-type bosses, there were not many who could spit out words.

Only bosses with no low intelligence can spit out words, and such bosses are also very difficult to deal with.

【King Kong Fist】

The leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, who knew that he could not escape, chose to strike first, and his fist wrapped in pitch-black hair suddenly appeared a golden light and bombarded towards Mo Yu.

This punch feels very strong just by looking at it, and it is estimated that it can shake the mountains.

“If it weren’t for Cold Frost Moon’s mission to solve you, I could consider accepting you.” Mo Yu looked at the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape.

This King Kong Violent Ape leader is so timid, in a life and death crisis, he will definitely choose to submit to Mo Yu and sign a master-servant contract with Mo Yu.

Jumping back, Mo Yu dodged the fist of the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, and the fist landed on the ground, blasting out a huge crater.

【Sword Qi Slash】

-400,000 (crit)

A sword qi killed the 400,000 health points of the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, so that the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, who plucked up the courage to strike at Mo Yu, turned around and fled again.

“You’re the most intimidating boss I’ve ever seen, and there’s no one.”

It’s too intimidating, Mo Yu wants to complain, what else will you do besides escape?

The leader of the King Kong Violent Ape ran back, and then happened to meet Luo Qingying and them, looking at the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape who ran over, Luo Li began to bombard his skills wildly.

Although Luo Li’s skill level is not high, relying on his own talent, the damage he has done is very considerable.

It is already very good to be able to hit 10,000 damage, and the defense of the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape is also super strong, and this damage is not low.

But for the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, it is not too much of a threat, after all, except for Luo Li, the damage caused by others is really limited.

And if they are hit by the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, even if they have eaten blood beads and have more than 10,000 health points, they will still only be killed in seconds.

“If I kill the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, it shouldn’t affect your mission completion, right?” Mo Yu asked towards Leng Shuangyue.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as my mission items are exposed.” Leng Shuangyue heard Mo Yu’s inquiry and replied to Mo Yu.

Her mission is not to let her kill the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape with her own hands, others kill the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, and she can also get the task items.

“Then I don’t need to keep my hand.”

Mo Yu switched to the Divine Bow, and then used the Divine Arrow skill, and the sharp Holy Light Arrow tore through everything, hitting the body of the leader of the Vajra Violent Ape.

-1.98 million (weakness + critical hit)

One blow hit a critical hit, and also concentrated the eye weakness of the King Kong Violent Ape Leader, instantly killed the King Kong Violent Ape Leader, and emptied all the health points of the King Kong Violent Ape Leader.

“Seconds to kill?”

After Luo Li saw this injury, she said that everyone was stupid, and the two sisters Xuewu and Xueji were dumbfounded with wide eyes.

This injury is a little too terrifying, and it is directly killed in seconds, which is really terrifying.

“What’s so surprising about this, it’s normal.”

Mo Yu is not surprised to look at this damage, with his current attack power, coupled with the god-level skill of the Divine Arrow, it is very easy to kill a level 35 diamond-level boss in seconds when triggering a critical attack and hitting a weak point.

“Only you feel normal.” Luo Li couldn’t help but complain.

It has only been a long time since Mo Yu’s damage has become so exaggerated, Luo Qingying can’t keep calm.

How many of them can be killed in seconds with this blow? Luo Qingying’s current health points have not exceeded 14,000, of which 10,000 health points are still because Mo Yu gave her blood beads to increase.

“I’m used to my own injuries anyway.” Mo Yu shrugged, and then took out what the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape burst out.

One of them is the head of the leader of the King Kong Violent Ape, which is the task item that Leng Shuangyue needs, and the equipment that burst out, Mo Yu also handed it to Luo Qingying and them, because he couldn’t use it.


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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