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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 158

With a wave of the fiery red Flame Demon War Gun, Mo Yu nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s quite easy to use, but the attributes are a little weak.”

[Flame Demon War Gun (Level 20): Grade: Gold, Attribute: Attack +450, Strength +120, Incidental Ability: Armor Breaking: Attack comes with 20% armor-breaking effect]

This equipment was still obtained by Mo Yu a long time ago, gold-level equipment, barely making do with it.

The other equipment is basically gold-level, and Mo Yu has changed a set of gold-level equipment, which is barely enough to deal with players.

The headquarters of the Wind Guild is in MixC City, and after the last game update, each guild can already rent a place in the city as a guild station.

The guild station also has a role, first of all, the guild station is equivalent to a home, which can enhance cohesion.

Secondly, the guild station can be built and upgraded, and when the level of the guild station is higher in the future, there is a gain of experience, and even guild copies may appear in the future.

Came to the station of the Wind Guild, a very remote place, located in the outer city of Vientiane City, far from the inner city core.

A small guild like this can only choose here, and it is good to be close to the inner city, but the rent is too expensive to afford.

What’s more, there is no place for them over there, they are all occupied by the Grand Guild.

“This is it?”

Mo Yu looked at some ordinary guild stations, and then walked directly inside.

“You’re not from our guild, are you doing here?”

A player looked at Mo Yu suspiciously, and then immediately stopped Mo Yu, he felt that Mo Yu was looking for trouble.

I have to say that the intuition is good, Mo Yu is here to find trouble, the Yan Demon War Gun flicked, and then the player who stopped Mo Yu was killed in seconds.


Mo Yu shot towards the somewhat tattered guild station, which was destroyed by Mo Yu.

[Ding, members of the Wind Guild, please note that the guild station is being damaged, please rescue quickly, after the guild station is destroyed, all guild members level -1]

A prompt sounded in the ears of every player of the Wind Guild, they were all confused, who dared to attack their guild station?

This is not a station built outside the city, if it is built outside the city, it is not surprising that someone will attack, but if the guild station in the city is attacked, it will attract guards.

“Yes, let’s go back and see who is so bold.”

“Go, let’s go back and see, dare to attack our guild station, don’t want to live.”

“Could it be Mo Qianqiu? No, Mo Qianqiu should not do this, for him the gain is not worth the loss, is it the bastard of the Supreme Imperial Dynasty? The leader of the Wind Guild guessed.

“If it’s really a bastard of the Supreme Imperial Dynasty, even if I fight hard, I will make the Supreme Imperial Dynasty pay.” The leader of the Fierce Wind Guild, the Fierce Wind Sword Saint, roared angrily.

Then he hurried out, and yes, he was in the middle of the station.

After coming out, seeing that there was only one person, the Wind Sword Saint was stunned, and then angrily slashed towards Mo Yu with a knife.

He took a name called the Wind Sword Saint, but he is a sword warrior in the game, and this guy is also strange.


Mo Yu used the Flame Demon Battle Spear to block the attack of the Wind Sword Saint, and this skill could be used no matter what weapon was used.

“You’re the leader of this guild?” Mo Yu asked towards the other party.

Before, Mo Yu had seen him give orders to attack himself, and he could give orders even if he was not the guild leader, he was a member of the high-level.

“Who are you and why did you attack our station, don’t you know the cost?” The Wind Sword Saint angrily questioned Mo Yu.

“You don’t answer the question I asked you, but ask me.” Mo Yu was not polite next, and directly stabbed the Wind Sword Saint to death.

Even if Mo Yu changed his luxurious equipment, this attack power was still very terrifying, and a slight touch could kill the Wind Sword Saint.

The members of the Wind Guild located elsewhere rushed back, while Mo Yu turned on the Grass Mow Matchless Mode.

【Sweeping Thousand Troops】

The players who surrounded them in an instant were killed by one blow, and who could withstand up to 40,000 damage.

Counting the life players, the Wind Guild has about more than five thousand people, and these people are only slaughtered in front of Mo Yu.

“The escort army will not come over for a short time.” Mo Yu is not particularly worried about the escort army, anyway, the red name is also counted on Mo Yu’s vest.

When Mo Yu took off this vest, the red name disappeared instantly, and this Mo Yu had already tried.

Therefore, Mo Yu felt that Thousand Illusions belonged to the good thing of killing and plundering, and players of the thief class would definitely be ecstatic if they could get this special equipment.

I got it from the newbie village, but I haven’t used it anywhere.

Mo Yu, who turned on the unparalleled mowing grass, did not take long to slaughter more than half of the players of the Wind Guild, and directly killed the core of the station.

“Destroy it.” Mo Yu looked at the core of the station, which was also a brand, and the Yan Demon War Spear in his hand bombarded the past.

Unexpectedly, the durability of this brand was quite high, and Mo Yu attacked for half a minute before shattering the brand.

[Ding, the Wind Guild station has been destroyed, and the level of all players in the Wind Guild has dropped by 1 level]


After the resurrection, the Fierce Wind Sword Saint who had already arrived let out a desperate roar, and his own hard work actually collapsed like this.

Although the guild station was simple, counting the money rented and the money for construction, the Wind Sword Saint spent 100 million gold coins.

In order to establish a guild in the game, it costs 500 million gold to buy a gang building order, and 600 million gold coins before and after will be lost.

The gang building order obtained by the Wind Guild is not burst, but purchased, after the game update, the boss has not exploded the gang order, if you want to build a gang order, you must buy it, and you can buy one for 500 million gold coins in the mall of the major cities.

If you still rely on playing gold-level bosses to burst out, the Wind Sword Saint can’t establish a guild in the game.

Although the Wind Guild will not be disbanded because the station is destroyed, after this incident, it is estimated that many guild members will quit the guild, and the drop of level will also make them completely backward, which is no different from being abolished.

“Why, I have no grudge with you.”

The Fierce Wind Sword Saint stared at Mo Yu with hatred in his eyes.

“Oh, don’t you think there’s no vendetta? Do you think I will take the risk to destroy your station for no reason? Mo Yu asked lightly towards the Fierce Wind Sword Saint.

Listening to Mo Yu’s words, the expression of the Fierce Wind Sword Saint changed.

“You were sent by Mo Qianqiu?” The Fierce Wind Sword Saint immediately thought of Mo Qianqiu, but he did not suspect that this was Mo Qianqiu himself, because he already knew the nickname of the other party before, the matchless divine gun, a nickname that he had never heard of at all.

He also didn’t know why the names that were not on the rank list were so powerful, and they singled out their entire guild alone.

For the Wind Sword Saint’s question, Mo Yu did not refute it, he needed to hide his identity, so the Wind Sword Saint conjecture was not bad.

Mo Yu did not refute, it was a tacit acquiescence for the Wind Sword Saint, and suddenly the Wind Sword Saint gritted his teeth, with a look of regret on his face.

“I will go to deal with Mo Qianqiu because of the Supreme Dynasty Guild, they tempted me to go.” The Fierce Wind Sword Saint clenched his fists fiercely and said.

He knew that if he said this, there would definitely be no place for him in the future, but in order to take revenge on the Supreme Imperial Dynasty, he still said it.

I hope that the two sides will fight, and it is best if both sides lose.


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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