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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 3 Birth Talent? (35)

After the global announcement, Mo Yu clicked on the title out of curiosity to check the title of the first player in the game.

No matter which online game the title is in, it is not so easy to get it. Some titles have abilities that are equivalent to an extra piece of equipment.

[The first player in the game: the first person to enter the game is bound to the title, reputation +10000, free attribute points +10 after each upgrade, and the title can take effect even without wearing it]

“Hiss, this title is a bit strong.”

Leaving aside the usefulness of prestige, after each upgrade, the free attribute points will get an extra +10. You must know that from level 1 to level 10, you can only get ten free attribute points each time you upgrade.

With this title, each upgrade to the first ten levels is equivalent to two upgrades for others. As for the tenth-level job change, the free attribute points obtained by each upgrade will also increase.

The key is that this title can take effect even if it is not worn. You must know that you can only wear one title at most. This title has an effect even if it is not worn, and it can take effect together with other titles.

Then Mo Yu opened the properties panel, ready to look at his own properties.

The game “Eternal” is a bit special. The initial attribute of the character is generated by scanning the physical fitness in reality, but the maximum of each attribute will not exceed ten points.

[ID: Mo Qianqiu]

Level: Lv1

Race: Human race (only human race can be selected initially, there is a chance to change the race in the game)

Occupation: Warrior

Talent: Mage Buster (Lord God Level)

Natal Talent: Looting (???)

HP: 150

Mana: 125

Attack: 20

Defense: 10

Attributes: Strength 10, Intelligence 10, Dexterity 10, Constitution 10

Hidden Attributes: Luck 100, Charm 97

Free attribute points: 20

The initial four-dimensional attributes are all full values. Mo Yu is very strong in reality. If it is not the initial maximum of ten points, the four-dimensional attributes will definitely be higher.

“What is this natal talent?”

Mo Yu suddenly discovered that he was born with talent, and the grade was actually three question marks, Mo Yu couldn’t help but click to check.

[Plunder: Grade:? ? ?

You can randomly plunder the attributes, equipment, occupations, talents, and skills of the killed enemy, only three times a day, this talent can evolve, and the evolution condition is to reach level 50]

“Suddenly discovered that this natal talent is the most perverted.”

Mo Yu was silent for a long time after checking this natal talent. If you read correctly, all occupations can be plundered.

Wouldn’t it be possible for him to have dual careers, triple careers, or even all careers in the future? Hidden careers should also be plundered, right?

It can also plunder attributes, and the four-dimensional attribute is the foundation of everything.

“If there is no limit to three times a day, I can directly declare invincibility.”

Even if there is a limit of three times a day, it is still invincible, and this talent can evolve, so it must be stronger after evolution.

“It’s definitely a talent beyond the main god level, maybe even the main god level talent can be plundered.” Mo Yu took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart.

However, Mo Yu was a little puzzled by this so-called natal talent. When looking at the game data, there was no introduction about natal talent at all.

“Maybe it has something to do with myself.” Mo Yu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes were slightly complicated.

In fact, Mo Yu has a secret, that is, in reality, he has a special ability, which is very similar to this predatory ability, and Mo Yu has only used it once, and this is where his power beyond ordinary people comes from.

I don’t want to think about this for now, maybe I will know everything in the future, the most important thing now is to seize the opportunity.

He entered the game earlier than the others, so naturally he had to seize the opportunity.

Twenty free attribute points are all added to strength, and these twenty free attribute points are given by the first level plus the title.

Strength increases physical attack, intelligence increases mana and spell attack, agility increases attack speed and movement speed, constitution increases health and defense.

One point of strength adds two points of attack, Mo Yu adds twenty points of strength, and the attack increases by forty points, plus the original twenty points, the novice long sword adds three points of attack, and the attack reaches sixty-three points.

Warriors mainly add strength and physique. If you play a sensitive warrior, you can add a little agility.

Before the other players arrived, Mo Yu hurriedly went to the village chief to accept the novice task.

“It’s really true.”

While looking for the village chief, Mo Yu looked at the scenery, but he couldn’t see the difference from the reality. He could even smell the smell in the air, which was absolutely real.

Just relying on this sense of reality, it can kill all the virtual online games in the past.

After finding the village chief, Mo Yu directly accepted the novice task, the task of killing ten roosters, the reward was not high, but it was not bad, 500 experience points and ten silver coins.

“Strange, why did this adventurer come before the time was up?” The NPC village head looked at Mo Yu’s back with deep thought in his eyes.

Absolutely real in eternity, there is no difference between NPC and real people, they all have their own thinking.

When he came outside the village, Mo Yu also saw those big cocks. This size is really not small, and there is absolutely no such big cock in reality.

Wearing novice cloth, trousers and shoes, and holding a novice long sword, Mo Yu charged towards these big cocks.

[Ferocious big rooster]: Level 1, life: 100, ferocious and belligerent big rooster, be careful to be pecked by it.

After Mo Yu approached, one of the big roosters charged towards Mo Yu, and Mo Yu quickly slashed at him with his sword.



“A mere first-level novice monster has a hundred health points.” Mo Yu felt a little speechless after killing a big rooster with two swords.

He needs two swords to attack Gao. If it were other novice players, it would probably take a lot of effort to hit a chicken.

This should be the weakest monster, which shows the difficulty of this game.

Killing a rooster gives you ten experience points, which means you can level up by killing ten roosters.

With Mo Yu’s high attack, it is very easy to deal with such a first-level mob. If the attack hits the vital point, one sword can instantly kill a big rooster, kill ten big roosters in a short time, and get ten chicken heads as the quest item .

However, not even a single piece of equipment was revealed, and only dozens of copper coins were obtained, which left Mo Yu speechless. The success rate was too low, and his lucky value was off the charts.

It is said that the highest lucky value is ten points, and Mo Yu’s lucky value is one hundred points.

After reaching the second level, the life value will increase by 50 points, and the mana value will increase by 25 points. Every time you upgrade to the first ten levels, your life value will increase by 50 points and your mana value will increase by 25 points.

The 20 points of free attribute obtained by upgrading, 10 points plus strength, and then 10 points plus constitution.

Be able to fight and resist first, and then Mo Yu will consider the issue of agility.

It takes 100 experience points to upgrade from the first level to the second level, and 500 experience points to upgrade from the second level to the third level. After submitting the task, you can just go up to the third level.

Quickly returning to Novice Village, after Mo Yu was ready to hand in the task, he went to level up and find a way to get a skill by the way.

His only skill now is probing, a skill that can detect a small amount of information about wild monsters.

As for the lack of combat skills, this game has no initial skills. If you want skills, you can either go to monster hunting or buy them in the shop in Novice Village.

What can be purchased are some very common skills, and the price is still high.

Now there is no recharge function, and the money can only be obtained by killing monsters, and the current coins can’t afford it at all.

After finding the village chief, Mo Yu directly submitted the task and gained 500 experience points and 10 silver coins.

A white light flashed, and Mo Yu’s level was raised to level three, this time adding ten points to strength and another ten points to agility.

“Young people are very efficient, are you interested in accepting a more difficult task?” the village chief asked Mo Yu with a smile.


PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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