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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 40 Successful Job Change (15)

Two hours later, Mo Yu’s message was finally deleted. In order to delete Mo Yu’s top message, the God Killing Guild spent more than 50,000 gold coins.

And the exchange price of gold coins on the black market has inflated again, and one gold coin can be sold for 150 federal coins.

The Guild of Killing Gods was also affected to some extent, its reputation was affected, and some players of the Guild of Killing Gods also took out the few gold coins in their hands, and their development was also slightly affected.

The influence is not too great, after all, it is a world-renowned grand guild, and Mo Yu never thought that this little gold coin would have much influence on them.

The main purpose of Mo Yu is to let the God Killing Guild come to the city, and to disgust the God Killing Guild.

Now the news that the God Killing Guild is at the top is to ask Mo Yu to wait in Tianlincheng, not to be a coward.

“Hehe, do you really think you can deal with me if you have a lot of people?”

Mo Yu is really not afraid of crowds, because players at this stage can’t even break through his defense.

Magic damage is invalid, physical damage does not break the defense, now Mo Yu is invincible to the player.

At this time, Mo Yu has already come to the field, and the most important thing is to complete the job transfer task first. If you don’t complete the job transfer, Mo Yu can’t upgrade.

“I choose you.”

Mo Yu headed for the nearest monster location, anyway, as long as it was a monster above level ten, there were no monsters below level ten here.

[Rampaging Bull: Level 13, Health Points: 8500; Skills: Savage Charge, Rage]




The Raging Bull’s defense was pretty good, but it couldn’t last a few strikes in front of Mo Yu.

Not long after, ten wild bulls died in Mo Yu’s hands, and ten pairs of horns burst out, and these horns were the quest items.

As long as these horns are handed over to the job-changing instructor, you can change jobs.

After getting the task items, Mo Yu went back directly, the job change is the most important thing, there is no way to upgrade without changing jobs.

After renting another carriage, Mo Yu got tired of running, the main city was too big, and running was a waste of time and tiring.

Even playing games can be mentally exhausting.

“Yo, the little handsome guy is back so soon.” The assassin instructor saw Mo Yu coming back, and he came over directly.

“Are you really not considering changing your job to an assassin? I can give you a piece of gold-level equipment for free.”

The assassin mentor said seductively while holding a string of necklaces.

“I said Karina, please don’t rob me.” The rough warrior instructor hurried over and said.

“Gold level equipment is very tempting.”

Mo Yu glanced at the gold-level equipment, and then looked at the warrior mentor.

Although the Warrior Mentor looks rough, he is not stupid. When Mo Yu looked over at him, he knew what Mo Yu meant.

“Little brother, I see that you are most suitable for warriors, and it is not so easy to change your profession suddenly, and it may even affect your future. I have a rare skill set for warriors here for you.”

Although Mo Yu accepted the task of changing jobs, he didn’t really change jobs. Everything hasn’t been finalized yet, and it’s not impossible for Mo Yu to go back on his word.

“Deal, I’m sorry sister Assassin, I still prefer warriors.” Mo Yu smiled and took the skill book from the warrior instructor.

“Well, my sister respects your choice, but my sister thinks you are very pleasing to the eye, and I can come to chat with my sister when I have time.” Assassin mentor Karina winked at Mo Yu.

“Okay, I will definitely come when I have time.” Mo Yu glanced at Karina’s magnificent waves, nodded and said.

Seeing Karina showing kindness towards him, Mo Yu felt that it was necessary to establish a good relationship with her. Well, Mo Yu promised that he just wanted to improve his goodwill, and then take on some tasks. There was absolutely no other meaning, absolutely nothing.

He handed over the task items to the warrior mentor, who hurriedly dragged Mo Yu to change jobs, for fear that Mo Yu would run away.

The reason for this is that the first mentor who changed the job of an adventurer will be rewarded by the City Lord’s Mansion, so he will take out the skill book to please Mo Yu.

What’s more, he knows that Mo Yu is the one who passed the abyss trial, and the future will definitely not be easy. With the advantage of being able to resurrect after death, the future will definitely skyrocket.

This is equivalent to investing in advance. The wisdom of NPCs who changed jobs in “Eternal” is no different from that of real humans, and even smarter.

[Ding, you have changed your job to a fighter, and you will get 20 free attribute points for each level up]

[Ding, since you are the first player to change jobs, a global announcement will be made, do you want to hide your name? 】

“Not hidden.”

[Global Announcement: Player Mo Qianqiu is the first player to change profession, hereby announce]

[Global Announcement: Player Mo Qianqiu is the first player to change profession, hereby announce]

[Global Announcement: Player Mo Qianqiu is the first player to change profession, hereby announce]


Three announcements in a row, but unfortunately there was no reward, which made Mo Yu a little disappointed.

“Can’t the first player to change jobs be given a hidden job?”

I took a look at my occupation, and it was still a fighter, but there was already a sign of a turn in front.

In fact, only one-turn fighters can be called real fighters, and those who have not yet turned one-turn are called trainee fighters.

“Can I learn skills now?”

Mo Yu asked the warrior instructor, after changing jobs, he can learn warrior skills from the warrior instructor, but it will cost gold coins.

It is not free for you to learn, you must spend gold coins to learn.

“Of course, I can give you a 10% discount.” The warrior mentor said with a smile.

“You are really stingy, you only get a 10% discount? You are not kind, big guy.” Karina said.

“For my sake, how about a 10% discount? After all, he is my younger brother, otherwise I don’t mind talking to you.”

Karina fiddled with the dagger, and the small dagger fluttered in Karina’s hands.

The warrior instructor really wants to complain, before people just called you sister, you really think of yourself as the elder sister of others.

But he doesn’t want to offend Karina, it’s just some gold coins, it’s better to befriend this adventurer.


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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