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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 63 The Powerful Demon Commander (415)

The blood volume of the red-eyed corpse king dropped like an avalanche, and when the red-eyed corpse king had less than 100,000 health points left, an arrow flew towards Mo Yu.

Mo Yu’s sword cutting towards the Red-Eyed Corpse King stopped suddenly, then turned around and slashed towards the arrow.

This is probably Mo Yu’s instinct, the instinct to predict danger, the ability he has in reality.



Although Mo Yu turned around to block the arrow, he was still repelled by the arrow and lost more than 3,000 HP.

“This is the waste you have created, and even a small adventurer can’t get rid of it.

A tall, hideous creature with two strange horns on its head came.

Behind him followed hundreds of similar-looking creatures.

【Elite Demon (Elite Monster): Level: 25; HP: 30,000; Skills: Claw, Bloodthirsty]

[Dark Demon Sorcerer (Gold Level BOSS): Level: Level 30; HP: 200,000; Skills: Death Magic, Dark Spirit Ball, Dead Corpse Transformation]

[Devil Leader (Diamond Boss): Level: 30; HP: 1 million;

Introduction: The leader of the demon vanguard team who came from the abyss demon world and tried to invade the eternal continent.

Skills: Overlord Body, Death Piercing, Sword Crazy Slash, Demon Overlord Sword]

The arrow shot at Mo Yu just now came from the 30th level diamond boss, the leader of the Demon Race. At this time, he was holding a dark golden longbow in his hand and a sword behind his back.

The only thing that poses a threat to Mo Yu here is the leader of the demon clan. The elite monsters of the demon clan and the dark magician are not considered by Suan Yu.

As for the red-eyed corpse king, he could be killed at any time.

He slashed the red-eyed corpse king, and then Mo Yu used the rush skill towards the demon leader.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the side of the leader of the Demon Race, and luckily triggered the stun, which caused damage to the leader of the Demon Race and stunned him at the same time.

At this time, the Red-Eyed Corpse King had already killed him, approaching Mo Yu with a roar.

Ignore the attack of the dark magic wizard next to him, anyway, the magic attack cannot cause damage to Cao Yu.

【Blood Soul Explosion】




After equipping the Ring of Life, Mo Yu’s health increased by more than 30,000, and now he has more than 58,000 health.

Consuming 50,000 life points to use the blood soul explosion, directly causing 250,000 damage to any enemy within ten meters around.

The Red-Eyed Corpse King’s residual blood and the Dark Magician were killed instantly, and the Dark Magician was instantly killed before he had time to perform.

Of course, facing Mo Yu who has magic immunity, the dark wizard has no room to play. Rather than doubting life for a while, it would be better to be instantly killed now.

Mo Xi didn’t have time to look at the equipment dropped by the two bosses.

【Tiger King Roar】

The control skill attached to this diamond-level equipment is really easy to use. The demon leader who had just recovered from the stun was stunned again.

【Deadly Quadruple Stabs】





It only hit less than 80,000 damage, and the blood volume was sucked back to more than 23,000 points. This time it was unlucky, and the defense of the demon leader was too strong.

“Death to this leader”. “

The ugly-faced demon leader put away his bow and arrow, then unsheathed the sword behind his back, and used the sword to slash towards Mo Yu continuously.



【Space Jump】

If Mo Yu hadn’t used the space jump in time, if he was slashed twice, he would have been hacked to death.

Use the space jump to appear in the group of elite demon monsters, and start to slaughter monsters crazily, and also recover blood by the way.

The defense of the Mozu elite is not strong, and the damage caused by Mo Yu is very high, so the blood volume is restored to full quickly.

【Death Piercing】

The leader of the demon clan put away his sword, took out his longbow again, and shot an arrow at Mo Yu.


While causing damage, it also has the effect of armor piercing, and the defense of the armor is cut in half.

“This guy’s injury is terrible.”

Mo Yu continued to suck blood, and then he was still avoiding the battle, not planning to confront the leader of the demon clan head-on.

Obviously, Mo Yu is definitely not the opponent of the leader of the Mozu if he is to slash.

Looking at the situation of the demon leader before, the agility of the demon leader will not be weaker than Mo Yu. Now Mo Yu can only wait for the cooldown of the skill to end.

The deadly quadruple stab has a fifteen-second cooldown, and now ten seconds have passed, and there are still five seconds left before Mo Yu starts to counterattack.

Cooldown is finally over. “

【Space Jump】

Mo Yu used the space jump again, and he could use the space jump three times within 60 seconds. This time the space jump appeared behind the leader of the Mozu.





The four deadly stabs hit three times, and the demon leader actually dodged the last time. This is the first time that Mo Yu has been dodged by the four deadly stabs.

Although he had been dodged once, the damage caused by the deadly four consecutive stabs this time was even higher than the last time. Because of his good luck, he dealt nearly 100,000 damage.

【Space Jump】

Don’t give the demon leader a chance to fight back, use the last space jump to avoid, and then the space jump enters the cooling state.

The cooling time is 180 seconds, which is three minutes.

Appeared again among the group of demon elite monsters, while killing monsters, while being cautious of the attack of the demon leader.

“You have angered me successfully, I will cut your body into ten thousand pieces, and let the people of the demons eat you.” The leader of the demons roared angrily, and rushed towards Mo Yu.

The leader of the Demon Race did not spare any of his own people who were blocking the road, and directly killed them all with one blow.

【Monster Sword】

The big sword in the hands of the leader of the demon clan raised the big sword to the sky, and the magic energy coiled around the big sword, and then the 60-meter long big sword slashed towards Mo Yu.

– Damn, you can still play like this.

Unexpectedly, Mo Yu couldn’t escape, and was chopped on the body by a 60-meter-long sword.


One blow cut off nearly half of Mo Yu’s blood, and the damage was a bit exaggerated. In fact, if it was a pure Demon Sword skill, it would not have such terrible damage.

But before Mo Yu was shot by the death puncture, his own defense -50%, lasted for 60 seconds.

Now Mo Yu is only an advanced probing technique, and he can’t detect the specific skill effects of the boss. Now he can only lament the high damage of the boss.

【jump cut】


【Up pick】






Many of Mo Yu’s skills are common skills, but one advantage of common skills is that after reaching level 10, the skill cooldown time is only 2 or 3 seconds.

So when using skills without stopping, Mo Yu and the Mozu leader’s HP are dropping.

Even if Mo Yu drinks medicine, uses the healing technique attached to the Ring of Life, and adds physical blood sucking to Zhao’s), it can’t stop the crazy loss of health.

However, the blood volume of the demon leader is not slow. With Mo Yu’s technique and agility, he can often counterattack the demon leader three times with one blow.


The leader of the demon clan suddenly used the Super Body skill, and he was shrouded in golden light.

Overlord Body can halve the damage, and is immune to any control effects during the duration of the Overlord Body.

【Deadly Quadruple Stabs】





“This hurts the body.”

Mo Yu’s expression is not very good-looking. Although he doesn’t know the specific effect of the super body, Mo Yu can be sure that the demon leader has activated the defensive skills, and he must have calculated the cooling time of his ultimate move.

Being tricked by the leader of the Demon Race, Mo Yu quickly opened the distance, his current blood volume is less than one-third.

Because the damage caused by the deadly four consecutive stabs was too low, the life value was not absorbed at all.

This leader of the demon clan is even more difficult to deal with than the lord of the flame demon.

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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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