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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 8 Two Pieces Of Silver-Level Equipment Exploded (35)

“He… actually killed the boss.”

After a long time, the player came back to his senses and stared at Mo Yu with wide eyes.

It took less than half a minute from Mo Yu’s attack on the boss to the time the boss was killed, and the players around who were reluctant to part with the boss didn’t react.


Mo Yu used Looting on the dead BOSS demonized rooster leader.

[Ding, you activate the plundering ability and gain HP +5000]

This time, the life value was plundered, and the life value plundered was a bit outrageous, 5,000 points of life, and 500 points of physique were needed to have 5,000 points of life.

“Is that silver-level equipment?”

Mo Yu looked at the two pieces of equipment that were shining with silver light, and picked them up directly. There was also a skill book and five golden coins.

These are all things released by the demonized rooster leader. I don’t know if it’s because of the first boss to be killed, or because of Mo Yu’s high luck, two pieces of silver-level equipment unexpectedly exploded.




“I knew someone would have an idea of ​​me.” Mo Yu dodged sharply, looking at a few archers not far away.

“He exploded silver-level equipment, kill him, and explode his equipment.”

“That’s right, kill him, this boss is the hard work of all of us, why should he enjoy the results alone.”

“The sword in his hand must be a very powerful piece of equipment, it burst out together.”

Looking at the players coming over, if it was before, Mo Yu would still need to avoid the edge of the enemy, but now he doesn’t need it at all.

With 5,000 points of health plundered, Mo Yu is now no different from the previous demonized rooster leader, even more like a BOSS than him.

“Since you are looking for death, I will send you back to the village for free, no need to thank me.”

Mo Yu is like a tiger in a pack of wolves, a child with one sword, even a specially equipped meat shield, can’t hold Mo Yu’s sword.

“Damn, why is he so fast, what level is he?”

“I specialize in agile archers, but I can’t outrun a warrior.”

Soon more than 30 players died in Mo Yu’s hands, turning into a white light and returning to the resurrection point of Xinshou Village.

The rest of the players didn’t dare to do anything, they couldn’t even touch Mo Yu.

“It’s broken, the boss’s corpse is about to be refreshed.” Mo Yu glanced back at the boss’s strength, went over immediately, and used the gathering technique on the boss’s corpse.

[Ding, you have collected high-quality chicken × 10, harvesting skill proficiency +30]

[Ding, you have collected beautiful feathers x 15, proficiency in gathering +30]

Before the BOSS’s corpse spawned, Mo Yu collected it twice, and then nothing was collected.

The corpses of bosses can be collected, as can the corpses of ordinary monsters, but the corpses of ordinary monsters refresh faster.

Both chicken and feathers can be sold to the owner of the grocery store, and they can make some money.

Glancing at the shivering mage in the distance, Mo Yu turned and left.

Most of the previous kills were fighters, assassins, and archers, and the mages were all watching from a distance.

Mages are the least threatening these days, even if you don’t count Mo Yu’s magic damage immunity, mages are not much of a threat these days, mages and priests have the same combat power now.

The game “Eternal” does not give combat skills in the early stage, and mages without skills can only smash people with staffs. Now it is difficult to fight monsters.

In the beginning, it was the most difficult time for the mage. If there is no one to bring it, it may take a lot of time to get up.

At least one attack skill is required to survive the weak period.

Now I don’t know how many mage players are complaining about “Eternal” cheating. Other online games have initial combat skills.

As a result, “Eternity” only has an auxiliary exploration technique. Although all professions are treated equally, it is extremely unfriendly to mages.

Of course, the stupid mages are scolding, and the smart mage players first add some strength, take the staff to fight monsters and do tasks, and try to get skills.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, Mo Yu headed towards the higher level training area.

As he headed to the higher-level leveling area, Mo Yu also began to check his loot.

[Leader’s Crown (Level 5): Grade: Silver; Attributes: Life +500, Strength +15, Dexterity +10, Damage Increase by 10%]

This is a helmet equipment, it looks like a cockscomb head, to be honest, it doesn’t look good.

Although it doesn’t look good, its attributes are indeed strong, and it is definitely the best among silver-level equipment, so Mo Yu took off the wild wolf hat and equipped it with the leader’s crown.

Mo Yu then checks out another piece of equipment.

[Sensitive Boots (Level 5): Grade: Silver; Attributes: Agility +25, Movement Speed ​​Increased by 15%, Movement Speed ​​Increased by 100% after leaving the battle]

Good equipment for traveling, the agility increase is very high, the two pieces of equipment can increase Mo Yu’s agility by 35, and now Mo Yu’s agility must catch up with the strength attribute.

“It seems that there is no need to increase agility for the time being, and the next step is to increase strength.”

Mo Yu wants to be an attacking fighter, not an agile fighter, but judging from the current attributes of Mo Yu, he is definitely a hexagonal fighter.

In other words, mana is weak. Now Mo Yu’s mana is less than 300, and the deadly quadruple stab consumes 100 mana each time, and can only be used twice at most.

“By the way, there is also a skill book.”

Mo Yu took out the skill book, and was slightly disappointed after seeing the skill book.

[Fireball Skill Book]: After using it, you can learn Fireball. Requirements: Mage.

He can’t learn the skills of a mage, unless Mo Yu’s natal talent is strong enough to plunder a mage career template.

Afterwards, Mo Yu took out another scroll, the reward for killing the boss first, and after using it, he could get a piece of bronze-level equipment.

Use it directly, and then a bronze ring appeared in Mo Yu’s hand.

“It’s actually a ring.” Mo Yu showed joy on his face. Jewelry equipment such as rings and necklaces are hard to come by.

[Power Ring (Level 5): Grade: Bronze; Attribute: Strength +30]

Mo Yu’s eyes widened. Although this ring has no additional attributes, the increase in strength attributes is too high, surpassing silver-level equipment.

Although it is bronze-level equipment, in Mo Yu’s eyes, the value of this power ring is definitely not weaker than silver-level equipment.


PS: Asking for collection, flowers, nothing, uncomfortable


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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