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Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning — Chapter 89: Five Billion Gold Coins Guild Establishment Order (55)

“The time is up, I know that everyone is here for the auction items, I don’t want to talk nonsense, the auction has officially started.

“The first auction item, a level 12 bronze battle armor, the warrior’s equipment, and its attributes have already been shown. I believe you all know it well. The base price is 50,000 gold coins, and each increase should not be less than 1,000 gold coins.”

“I offer sixty thousand gold coins.”

“I pay sixty-five thousand.”

In the end, the transaction price of the equipment reached 115,000 gold coins.

However, in an auction, a premium is a very normal thing.

“Is bronze-level equipment that valuable? Then I will ask Dad for gold coins.”

Luo Li thought of the few pieces of bronze equipment that she exploded, and because she didn’t like them, she gave them to Luo Wu. Now she regrets it a bit, and should let her father buy them.

Immediately afterwards, there were five pieces of bronze-level equipment in a row, each with a transaction price of more than 100,000 yuan, and one of the bronze daggers reached a price of more than 300,000 gold coins.

The main reason is that the attribute of the dagger is really top-notch. It has the attribute of increasing the critical strike rate by 10%. With the attribute of critical strike rate alone, the value of this dagger can be compared with that of silver-level equipment.

“The previous auction items were just appetizers, and now what we are going to auction is the main course. Prepare 633 gold coins, everyone.”

The auctioneer clapped his hands, and then a silver longbow was brought up.

“I believe that the professional archers present are already envious. The starting price of this silver longbow is 100,000, and the price increase should not be less than 10,000 each time.

The silver-ranked longbow and another silver-ranked staff were sold for 550,000 and 970,000 respectively.

The price of silver-level staves is higher, and it’s not that the attributes are much better than silver-level longbows. The main reason is that mage’s weapons are more important. Whether it’s fighting monsters in a team or fighting BO$S, mages have to bear a greater output.

“The eighth auction item is a skill book for a hidden profession. If you are interested, you can get it. Maybe you can get clues about the hidden profession.”

The auctioneer took out the necromancer’s skill book, this auction item was the most embarrassing.

Rare skills cannot be said to be bad, rare skills are even more precious than gold equipment, but only necromancers can learn them.

Fortunately, the auction did not pass in the end, and one million gold coins were auctioned off. Compared to the value of a rare skill, this price is not high, even a bit too low.

“This skill book came out together with my previous necromancer, right?” Luo Li asked Mo Yu.

“That’s right, they exploded together.”

It broke out from Novice Village, and it has been kept in Mo Yu’s backpack for so long. Although the selling price is not high, it is better than nothing.

“Ahem, the next auction item will be very powerful. Gold-level equipment. I believe that there are not many of you here who have gold-level equipment. Let me show you.”

The auctioneer took out the golden wolf tooth sword and showed its attributes.

【Gold Spike Sword (Level 15): Grade: Gold; Attributes: Attack +320 Strength +70″ comes with the ability to tear “Each attack causes 100 additional damage

“I believe you guys know better than me how terrifying this piece of equipment is. I am a professional auctioneer, but my understanding of equipment is not as good as yours.”

“Okay, don’t gossip, everyone should be impatient. I announce the start of the auction of the Golden Spike Sword. This time, there will be no reserve price.”

There is no reserve price, but it is impossible to get it at an extremely low price.

“My Longteng Guild bids one million, hoping to save face.”

A player of the Longteng guild stood up, not the president or cadre of the Longteng guild, because the Longteng guild did not develop in Lincheng at all.

He was only following orders to participate in the auction, but it was enough to represent the Dragon Association.

“I won’t give you the face of the Soaring Dragon Guild, one and a half million gold coins.” Di Tian stood up and said.

Although the conflict between the God Killing Guild and the Valkyrie Hall is already deep, those who should come to the auction will still come.

But as I said in advance, the Godslayer Guild can auction, but if you want to take something away, you need to pay a premium of 20% afterwards.

Although he was very angry at the Wushen Temple’s targeting, Slaughter God Di Tian finally agreed, and it would be good to let him participate in the auction.

For this golden spike sword, Di Tian is bound to get it.

“You are all too petty, 5 million gold coins, who else wants to follow?”

Quan Yutianxia stood up, and even took a special look at Killing God Di Tian.

Deliberately, he is a professional archer, but he deliberately shouted the price, making Di Tian’s expression more gloomy.

“Very good, ten million gold coins.” Lu Shen Di Tian stared at Quan Yutianxia.

Quan Yutianxia sat down and didn’t continue to follow, just cheat him, a good big brother, and if he continued, what would he do if he was caught in it.

He is different from God Killing Di Tian, ​​the funds in his hands are relatively tight, not so rich and powerful.

10 million gold coins, no one snatched from Di Tian, ​​because they all felt it was not worth it, and Di Tian didn’t say a word at this time, so he needed a 20% premium, and he needed 12 million gold coins to win it. to die.

“The next thing is the main event, and it is also the finale, the guild building order.”

A small token made the players on the scene breathe heavily, staring at the guild establishment order. Representatives of many forces came for this guild establishment order.

“Not much to say, the starting price is 1 billion, and each increase is no less than 100 million gold coins. Now the auction begins.”

“God Killing Guild, bid 1.5 billion.” Killing God Di Tian wanted to directly increase the price by 500 million, and smash the others to death all at once.

But if you think too much, the other people are very determined to win the guild building order and will not be easily shaken.

Now that there is no guild building order, now that there is an opportunity, we can only grab it quickly, even if we pay billions of gold coins.

“Longteng Guild, bid 1.6 billion.”

“Tianmeng, bid 1.7 billion.” Quan Yutianxia stood up and shouted.

“Just this little money?” Killing God Di Tian sneered at Quan Yutianxia. Although the two were half-brothers, they were more enemies than enemies at this moment.

“The little guild building order is too crazy. If I break out, I will get rich.” Luo Li seemed to have become a money fan.

“Supreme Dynasty, 2 billion gold coins.

“Jagged Gang, 2.3 billion gold coins.”

“God Killing Guild, 2.7 billion gold coins.”

“Supreme Dynasty, 4.5 billion gold coins.”

“God Killing Guild, 4.6 billion gold coins.”

Now only the Supreme Dynasty and the God Killing Guild are still competing. The price has soared to more than 4 billion, and Mo Yu is dumbfounded watching it.

Originally, Mo Yu thought it would be good to have 2 billion, but it turned out to be more than double what he expected.

“God Killing Guild, 4.8 billion gold coins.”

Killing the God Di Tian looked at the representative of the Supreme Dynasty, with a cold light in his eyes, wishing he could kill him now.

“Supreme Dynasty, 5 billion gold coins.” The representative of the Supreme Dynasty shouted out with all his strength, and the Supreme Dynasty had reached its limit.

“Very good, your Supreme Dynasty has won.”

Di Tian sat down gloomyly. He didn’t get the guild establishment order he wanted to get. After all, he still needs to pay a 20% premium to get it. It feels like a big loss to get it by force.

Although the Supreme Dynasty won, it didn’t look happy at all.

So what if you win, in fact, the real winner is the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce in the World. .


Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning

Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning



In 2105, the open beta of the mysterious online game “Eternity” jointly developed by the whole world was rumored to contain the secret to change the world.

Mo Yu entered the online game “Eternal”, and won the main god-level talent at the beginning.

[Mage Buster: Immune to any magic control and damage]

I will be the daddy of all mages from now on.

It was only after Mo Yu actually entered the game that he discovered that he also had a natal talent [Plunder]

Whether it is attributes, skills, equipment, talents, or even occupations, by killing enemies, you can plunder them for your own use.

This may be the strongest golden finger! ! !

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Online Games: God-Level Talent at the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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