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People in Marvel: I have many children and many blessings shocked Odin — Chapter 095

“I can fight you like this for a day!”

As soon as Steve Rogers finished shouting these words, he was punched in the back of the head by the punk who came around behind him.


He fell to the ground and wiped a lot of wounds on the cement floor, his jaw was bleeding, but his face was already staring at the gangsters in front of him unconvinced.

“Beat him to death for me! Let him dare to spoil our good deeds, fuck Steve! ”

The leading gangsters drank angrily, and led the younger brothers around Steve to punch and kick.

There was no fear in Steve’s eyes, first holding his head in defense, and while they were tired of fighting, he quickly rolled over, picking up the lid of the fallen trash can to cover left and right.

At this moment, his short, thin and thin figure was drilling around among the gangsters, and most of his fists and feet were either blocked by the lid of the trash can or grazed his edges.

Just as the gangsters at the head were furious, scolding their companions to disperse and want to single out Steve, a tall and burly man rushed up behind him.

Three or two smashed all the punks, and the gangster boss was kicked in the jaw, rolled backwards a few times and hit the wall, spitting bloody spit violently.

“Fucking dare to hit me David, are you dying? My uncle works in the Lin Science Laboratory, does he know about the Lin family? The president has to give face, how dare you hit me? ”

The burly strong man smiled strangely and took it out with one hand. The mobile phone took a picture of David and entered the database inside the blue bird to inquire.

One hand pinched his neck, like carrying a small chicken to the mouth of the alley.

“Sir, this is the guy who dares to smear our Lin family, I just checked his background, and he is the bottom gang of the Hell’s Kitchen Wild Wolf Gang.”

Lin Feng’s telepathy turned out all the information from David’s mind in the blink of an eye, waved his hand and said.

“Kill them, a bunch of tregash fish! This guy named David is for $10,000, obeying the orders of the mysterious Mr. Wilson, and acting in front of the people at the bottom under the banner of our Lin family. ”

“Eight nine seven” “It’s a pity that this David hasn’t seen the mysterious Wilson, Ka and you go to check the whereabouts of this Mr. Wilson, I will see this guy in 3 days!” ”

After instructing Lin Jiahe, he walked towards Steve.

There was a sound of bones breaking behind him, and David’s head twisted behind his back, while several Shenwu guards rushed towards the scattered gangsters, killing them on the spot.

“Hi bastard, don’t hurt my brother!”

Just as Lin Feng walked in front of Steve and leaned over to greet him with a smile, a blond young man with a height of one meter eight ran in at the mouth of the alley, and rushed over with a flying kick.

However, as soon as his foot kicked out, he was pinched by Shenwuwei’s neck and smashed to the ground.

Once this is smashed, the people who come are afraid that it will be more miserable than the death of the gangsters, and they will be smashed into a lump of meat mud.

“No, sir, please spare my friend Bucky!”

Steve Rogers shouted, his face white with fright.

As soon as Shenwuwei’s movements paused, Bucky’s head was 1cm away from the ground in mid-air.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, looked back and said.

“Let him go!”

Shenwuwei let go of Bucky’s feet and lowered him safely to the ground, who ran to Steve’s side as soon as he stood firm, looking at Lin Feng warily.

Lin Feng ignored him, pressed Steve’s shoulder, treated his injuries with healing power, and asked with a smile.

“Boy, I heard them call you Steve, and I call you that.” There are six people on the other side, all of them are much stronger than you, Steve, aren’t you afraid? ”

Steve Rogers only felt a warm current enter his body, and soon the abrasions on his cheeks and the bruises on his chin were healed, and the bruises on his torso and limbs were also swept away.

He looked up in surprise, but did not ask questions, and said with a firm face.

“Thank you sir, you and several eldest brothers for your help, I am not a child anymore, I will turn 16 years old this year 4.”

“David wants to disrespect a waitress, although I am also afraid to tremble, but someone must always administer justice!”

Lin Feng patted him on the shoulder, becoming more and more sure that this was Team America.

Only he will have a firm sense of justice, and at the same time his figure is as thin as a child, as if a gust of wind can blow away.

“You are right, child, someone must always uphold justice, but you must become stronger and don’t let justice be knocked to the ground again!”

Steve scratched his head awkwardly, pulled Bucky Haha and introduced with a smile.

“Ahaha, sir, you’re right. This is my good friend Bucky, who also advised me to do what I can. But every time I encounter something unfair, I still subconsciously rush up! ”

Bucky gave him a blank look, glanced at the Shenwu Wei who was skillfully handling the corpse, a look of adoration appeared in his eyes, and whispered enviously.

“Sir, your subordinates are really strong, and I don’t think even the special forces are their opponents. However, the power of the Wild Wolf Gang is very large, they all have guns in their hands, let’s run away quickly! ”

“You heard the words of this kid, old guys, do we want to run away now, after all, the Wild Wolf Gang has guns!”

His relaxed tone did not look like discussing a vicious gang, as if talking about stray cats and dogs on the side of the road, causing the Shenwu guards to laugh wantonly.

Bucky looked at the laughing Shenwu guards inexplicably, listening to their bold and unruly laughter, and the adoration in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

After knowing that the enemy has a gun, he can still laugh so cheerfully, how strong these people’s hearts should be, and the manly husband should be like this!

His heart was still sighing, and he heard Lin Feng say to Steve.

“Let’s go, kids, I’ll take you home, don’t go out today, the filth of New York needs to be cleaned up!”

Steve looked at the man who was determined to die in the middle of the conversation and laughter, he looked young, his handsome face smiled and showed his white and neat teeth to look sunny.

“No need sir, I’ll just go back with Bucky by ourselves! Our house is not far away, just 2 streets away, 20 minutes away. ”

Lin Feng rubbed his head, took him by the shoulders and walked to the luxury car at the mouth of the alley.

He is here today to date Ingrid Bergman and stop by to watch a movie starring this woman.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked out of the cinema, I heard someone smear the Lin family.

Walking into the alley, I saw this little Steve, facing several gangsters who were stronger than himself, fighting bravely without retreating.

With Lin Feng’s eyesight, he naturally understood that Steve was congenitally weak, coupled with malnutrition when he was growing his body, he would be short like a teenager at the age of 16.

Watching with interest Steve’s defensive action using the trash can lid as a shield, his spirituality that seems to merge with the trash can lid, and the familiar name of Steve Rogers, reminded him of Captain America of the Marvel world.

This made Lin Feng a little stunned for a moment, and the memories before crossing the crossing rippled, ignoring Steve’s refusal, and took him into the car.

Steve reluctantly reported the address, looking at the street scene passing quickly outside the window, a little puzzled by today’s encounter.

“Sir, I may ask, why are you helping me?”

“It seems that there will never be an intersection between a big man like you and me!”

Lin Feng rubbed his chin and chuckled when he heard this.

“Helping you is just by the way, it was that trash that offended me, you see?”

Steve thought about what had happened before and exclaimed loudly after realizing it.

“You are from the Lin family, no wonder you killed David and them!”

He was silent thoughtfully for a while, and looked out the window, where the car had arrived at his house.

“Mr. Lin, whether you help me by the way or not, I have to thank you very much!”

“The steak and pasta my mother taught me to make are very good, so if you don’t mind, just have a light meal at home.”

Lin Feng looked at the old single-family wooden house outside the window and nodded, opened the car door and got out of the car with him.

Steve looked at the Shenwu Guard who followed behind him in embarrassment and apologized to them politely.

“I’m sorry big brothers, the place at home is not big, I can’t invite you to go in together, I’ll make a pot of coffee for the big brothers to warm up later.”

The Shenwu guards smiled and shook their hands to reject his kindness.

His family’s house is indeed not big, and Lin Feng frowned as soon as he entered the door.

The strong smell of disinfectant water pricked him and he wanted to sneeze, it seemed that Steve’s family was sick to have such an uncomfortable smell

Old and broken furniture and yellowed wallpaper, there was no second appliance in the house except for an old-fashioned radio, but all the furniture was wiped clean and the items were neatly placed.

Hearing Steve’s closing of the door, a scrawny woman came out of the bedroom, her long blond hair was as yellow as artemisia grass, and her cheeks were sunken deep into the skin like a skeleton under her skin.

“Ahem! Steve, you’re back, and little Bucky is here! This gentleman is…? ”

She coughed fiercely as if she wanted to cough her lungs out, and her voice was mixed with the sound of purring breathing when she spoke, and she looked at Lin Feng in bewilderment and asked.

“Mom, this is Mr. Lin, today I stopped David from being indecent A girl was blocked by them, if he hadn’t saved me, it is estimated that at least 3 ribs would have been broken.”

Steve didn’t shy away from fighting with the gangsters, and frankly told what happened.

After saying hello to Martha, Bucky stood quietly to the side without making a sound.

After Steve explained Lin Feng’s identity, he walked to his mother, helped her to sit down, and continued.

“This is my mom, Martha Rogers.”

Martha supported the back of the chair and sighed with a complicated look on her face.

“Steve, you’re a good boy, but don’t bother others next time, don’t let others take risks for your actions.”

“Since Mr. Lin saved you, you must repay him in the future, understand?”

Steve nodded again and again and smiled at Martha.

“I understand Mom, you talk to Mr. Lin first. I’ll make coffee and send it to the big brothers outside, and I’ll treat Mr. Lin with the cooking skills you taught me later, and talk about expressing some thanks. ”

He said as he walked out into the kitchen, grinding the beans neatly, boiling the coffee and then taking out the ingredients, neatly chopping the carrots, tomatoes and onions.

After waiting for the coffee to be brewed, Bucky took the paper cup and went out the door to deliver coffee to the Shenwu Guards. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Martha looked at her busy son in the kitchen, and a reassuring smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

Lin Feng did not interrupt the warm communication between mother and son, at this time he walked in front of Martha, scanned her body with gravitational electromagnetism, and found several lumps in her lungs….

“Mrs. Rogers, I see that you seem to be seriously ill, and it is really admirable that you can educate Steve so well!”

Martha shook her head effortlessly and said somewhat listlessly.

“This kid, like his father, likes to help others and fight grievances, and I just told him about his father since I was a child, and I didn’t think about making him like Jack.”

Her words were full of longing and sadness, and her eyes unconsciously looked at a yellowed old photo.

Lin Feng followed his gaze, and the photo was a tall and handsome blond man and a beautiful woman with a handsome body and a charming figure, and it could be seen that the woman’s belly was slightly bulging and her face was full of happy smiles.

Apparently the blonde man in the photo is Jack, who may have died of helping others or fighting unevenly, no wonder Martha would say that she didn’t want Steve to be like his father.

After being silent for a while, Lin Feng came to the kitchen and looked at Steve with a serious face and said.

“Your mother has 4 malignant tumors in her lungs, if you don’t treat them right away, I’m afraid…”

The tomato in Steve’s hand fell to the ground, and just as he was about to rush to his mother to ask why she lied to herself, he then bowed his head in frustration.

He figured out his mother’s good intentions, and his mother didn’t want to drag himself down!

His heart ached like a needle knife, and Steve hated his incompetence.

Lin Feng shook his head, looked at the decadent Steve, and said seriously on his shoulder.

“I can save your mother, but there are conditions…”

Before he could finish his words, he heard a plop.

Steve got down on his knees and said categorically.

“Please Mr. Lin, you save my mother, as long as you can save her, my life can be sold to you!”

Lin Feng gently bowed his head towards Martha, raised his hand, and a green light shone down.

As if the mother and son saw the gods descending to the world, they were stunned and dazed.

The tumor in Martha’s lung quickly shrank and disappeared quickly under the healing ability, and even her skeleton-like body returned to normal.

Steve looked at his mother in surprise, choked up and unable to speak, and did not get up and kowtow in thanks.

“Thank you, Mr. Lin! Thank you, Mr. Lin! ”

Lin Feng didn’t stop him, and said to himself.

“Remember your words Steve, your life now belongs to me!”

At this time, Bucky just entered the door, saw this scene stunned, and eagerly ran over and asked.

“Steve, what’s wrong with this? Mr. Lin, if Steve annoys you, don’t worry about him, he has been a tendon since he was a child…”

Bucky kept begging, worried about his little brother.

Lin Feng smiled and did not respond, and instructed Steve.

“I won’t stay to eat, you eat with Martha and Bucky.” Take your mother to the hospital tomorrow for a check-up, and after settling down, you and Bucky will go to Long Island 789754 to find me. ”

The departure of the luxury convoy from this old single-family house caused many neighbors to talk about which big man came to this civilian community.



Sebastian Shaw stands in a tall building, overlooking the huge camp 0.5 of about 40 square kilometers, which is where the Yutai people are concentrated.

He recalled the scene when Mustache had sent him here and muttered.

“Over the years, I have searched all over Auschwitz, but I have never found the Ω-level mutant that the master said.”

“Thanks to John Schmidt’s discord, I was demoted to this place as a supervisor and was able to join the camp. The little guy named Marx is probably the person I’m looking for, but the power I saw that day was not enough to determine that it was level Ω. ”

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door, interrupting Sebastian Shaw’s memories.

“Come in!”

Two heavily armed German soldiers escorted a woman who described the withered lady and a teenager into the office, and shouted as soon as they entered the door.

“Hey! Banzai! ”

Sebastian Shaw also raised his hand and shouted.

“Hey! Hooray”

When the soldier was gone, he came to the woman and the child, looked at the boy and said.

“Max Eisenhart saw that yesterday, now do it again for me! See the tower outside the window, now twist it, if you can do it, I will release you and your mother. ”

Sebastian Shaw picked up the gun again and pressed the bullets one by one to continue.

“If you can’t do it, say goodbye to your mother!”

Saying that, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the woman and read the countdown grimly.

“3…… 2…… 1″

Marx’s brain oozed cold sweat, his small face twisted and roared viciously, and his hands reached out to the iron tower outside the window.


The iron tower, which weighs tens of meters and hundreds of tons, slowly twists and deforms, and soon twists into twisted patterns, and is still constantly curling and deforming.

“Hahaha, that’s it! That’s you, Marx, you’re Magneto! ”

Sebastian Shaw laughed, and in Marx’s puzzled gaze, took out the sci-fi mobile phone and sent a message.

“Target found, returning?”.


People in Marvel: I have many children and many blessings shocked Odin

People in Marvel: I have many children and many blessings shocked Odin

Status: Ongoing Author:


Lin Feng had just traveled through Marvel, boarded “Roland Dona” while fleeing and came to the western part of Ghana, and started a career in the local area with a pair of iron fists.

After accidentally activating the multi-child multi-blessing system, Lin Feng immediately started his great plan to invite beautiful women to give birth to children and create a family.

During the Civil War, the First World War, and the Second World War, Lin Feng was behind the scenes, and hundreds of his sons with extraordinary powers were deployed in the world.

More than a hundred years later, when the Marvel story officially unfolded…

When King Odin learned that Thor, the God of Thunder, was defeated by the heirs of the Lin family on Earth, he was shocked!

“The Lin family can be called the gods on earth, and Asgard cannot fight against it, and offenders will be punished severely!”

So far, there have been many major forces sending their daughters to their homes, as well as beauties from aliens and mutants visiting…

“Your Mrs. N Carol gave birth to a daughter! Bonus Space Jump!”

“Your N1 lady Hela gave birth to twins! Reward Chaos Godhead!”

Nick Fury: Thanos is coming, who can stop it!

Lin Feng: Get rid of incompetent people, the old man will take action to destroy them!

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Man in Marvel: I Shocked Odin with Many Sons and Many Blessings”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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