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Pirate: I live next door to Robin — Chapter 24

“Flag of the World Government!”

Ian’s heart shook.

“So, those two people are people from the World Government!” Ian looked at the two men in black again, and gradually felt bad in his heart.

Sidney took the Bailey from the other party, and the thickness made him very satisfied.

He had dealt with these world government people seven or eight times, and the price offered by these world government people was twice as high as that he had sold to those auction houses.

Sidney was a human trafficker before he became a pirate, and he knows how lucrative this business is, no worse than robbing towns.

So even if his pirate group now has a lot of fame in the West Sea, he is not willing to give up the trade of human traffickers.

Pirates also need money, they can’t grab wherever they go, then they are looking for death, which is equivalent to provoking the Navy.

Generally speaking, the main way for pirates to make money is mostly to rob towns. However, Sidney preferred to be a human trafficker, because it was much safer and did not have to worry about being surrounded by the navy.

The white-haired man in black walked up to Ian and the others, pointed to their warship, and said, “Little ghosts, hurry up and get on board.” “

Ian’s gaze swept around, the island was not large, you could see the head at a glance, and the island was very barren, not even a tall tree.

This also means that he has no chance to escape.

“Wow! I’m not going with you, I’m going home. “

A little boy suddenly cried loudly and ran at the same time, but before he could run a few steps, a figure was already in front of him.

It was the white-haired man in black!

The little boy seemed to be frightened and stupid, and did not dare to move.

The man with white hair and black clothes stretched out his hand and poked a finger at the little boy.


That finger was as sharp as a javelin, and it directly pierced the little boy’s throat!

Looking at the little boy who fell to the ground and was silent, the other children all shivered, and some children who also wanted to run away quickly withdrew this thought in their hearts.

“Shaving and finger guns?”

Ian clenched his fists, the other party can use the Navy Six style, obviously the strength is very strong, so how is he going to escape?

Sidney swallowed slightly, and suddenly felt that trading with these guys was a little too dangerous. Just now the other party’s movement trajectory, his eyes did not keep up!

Not only Sidney, but also the other pirates of the Sawknife Pirates’ group all tensed up.

“Don’t worry, we are not the navy, and catching pirates is none of our business.” The red-haired man in black seemed to see the nervousness of Sidney and the others, and suddenly spoke up.

This gang of pirates can provide them with a lot of children every month, and he doesn’t want to scare the other party and dare not trade with them.

When Sidney and the others heard this, they were slightly relieved.

The white-haired man in black who had just killed a little boy wiped the blood on his fingers with a white handkerchief, then threw the red-stained handkerchief on the ground and spoke again: “Hurry up and get on the boat, I don’t want to say it a third time!” “

The children trembled in fright and quickly ran towards the warship, and Ian could only follow.

“Alas… Was she going to be sent to Mary Joa as a slave? Ian was depressed.

Once on the warship, Ian saw six more men in black suits.

However, the status of these six people is obviously lower than that of the red-haired man in black and the man in white-haired and black-clothed man, and after seeing the two on the boat, they all bowed their heads.

Ian and the others were locked up in a room again, but this time without a cage.

In addition to them, there were forty or fifty children in the room, several of whom stood out in height and looked to be fifteen or sixteen years old.

When it was time to eat in the evening, a slightly chubby man in black brought some bread and said, “Two for one person, not more.” “

The children were in good order and received their own dinner in turn.

But as soon as the man in black left, some of the older children extended their hands to those younger than them.

These two loaves of bread are small, and a seven- or eight-year-old child may still be full, but a teenager and a half-year-old teenager is simply not enough.

Unlike Ian, many children here have been caught by traffickers for a long time and have long been accustomed to competing with others for food. Either robbed, or robbed by others.

Some of the younger children quickly snatched the bread in their hands, especially the dozen or so children who came with Ian, and they were robbed without leakage.

“Boy, bring the bread.” A thirteen or fourteen-year-old brown-haired boy walked up to Ian and stretched out his hand.

His clothes were torn and dirty, and he had apparently been arrested for a long time.

Ian glanced at him, then walked towards a corner of the room.

“Didn’t you hear me when I told you to give me the bread?” The brown-haired boy said loudly, seemingly annoyed by Ian’s uncaring attitude, he walked behind Ian and smashed Ian’s head with a punch.

Ian easily dodged it, and then reflexively kicked the brown-haired boy in the stomach, kicking him to the ground.


The brown-haired boy screamed, feeling that his intestines seemed to be kicked off, and his pale face curled up on the ground, covering his stomach with his hands.

The surrounding children all looked at Ian in surprise, some children who always robbed other people’s food, and remembered Ian’s appearance, and the next time they grabbed food, they would avoid Ian.

The room was not very big, sixty or seventy children were crammed inside, so to speak, full of people.

Ian walked to a corner of the room and sat down on the floor.

Putting the bread in his mouth and munching, he remembered the notebook Robin had given him, which he hadn’t had had a chance to take when he had been captured by pirates on a merchant ship before.

Fortunately, he had already memorized the contents, otherwise he would really have failed Robin.

Ian, who was thinking about things, did not notice a little blonde girl next to him, staring at him, and swallowing spit from time to time.

The little blonde girl was only four years old, and she was the youngest of all the children in the room. Being young and a girl, her bread was snatched away by other children in the first place.

It has been more than ten days since she was taken away by traffickers, and she has hardly eaten anything, her originally fair and full cheeks have been shriveled with hunger, plus her face is stained with a lot of dust, her clothes are also very dirty, and she looks very ugly.

After eating a loaf of bread, Ian realized that someone next to him was watching him, and after he turned his gaze, he saw a little blonde girl looking at the bread in his hand with an extremely longing gaze.


Ian smiled slightly and handed the bread over.

He had breakfast on the merchant ship in the morning, and although he had not eaten at noon, he was not very hungry after eating a loaf of bread.

The point is that this bread is very dry, and there is no water to drink, and he is usually used to eating good things, and he really can’t eat it.


Pirate: I live next door to Robin

Pirate: I live next door to Robin



Story of: Pirate: I live next door to Robin

Traveling to O'Hara in the pirate world, Ian became Robin's neighbor.

After eating the 'Strength Fruit', he thought he would only gain the ability to increase his strength.


Gravity, magnetism, gravity...

When various abilities related to 'power' appeared one after another, he finally realized how terrifying this fruit was!


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